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Rudy Giuliani's Defective Campaign Aborted Early

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 27 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-01-30) — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani plans to abort his presidential campaign today after a preliminary test in Florida showed significant defects.

The former Republican front runner said his decision was “personal”, and asked reporters to respect his “Constitutional right to privacy.”

“It was completely my choice to end it early in the primary cycle, the first trimester of 2008,” said Mr. Giuliani, “because at this point it’s just a cluster of cells with potential, and not yet recognizably organized.”

The former candidate said he’ll leave it to others to dissect his aborted effort and “to try to harvest something of value…you know, post-mortem…at least for research purposes.”

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27 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Kibi // Jan 30, 2008 at 7:56 am

    Giuliani gone?
    It feels to me as if he
    Never really came

  • 2 gafisher // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:09 am

    Giulianetic Testing takes another victim.

    Kibi Re#1: Nice Bye-Ku!

  • 3 Hawkeye // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:39 am

    Abort! Abort! Abort!

  • 4 conserve-a-tips // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Well, there’s one liberal down and now two more to go. (McCain and Huckabee)

    Camojack - if you are out there, I am reposting a comment that I left you on the last thread. I emailed the author with my comment and added a couple of things:

    Camojack: re #22 - I read your link and nope, I’m not buying it. I can’t, in good conscience, put my mark on a paper beside the name of a man who contemplated leaving conservatives to the other side, who contemplated making Lieberman his running mate and most of all, who wants to open our borders on both sides and just make us one big happy North American continent. Instead of “Doctors without Borders” it’ll be “Citizens without Borders”. The man is a flippin’ globalist just like Bush, with liberal tendancies. How does that make us safer?

    Nope, not gonna do it - I don’t believe in enabling and if this country is going to go to you-know-where-in-a-handbasket, we might as well go down by the party who is proud to be liberal rather than sucker-punched by a president who pretends to be conservative. If this is what this country has come to, then we deserve a Hillary. Sometimes you have to hit bottom in order to look up.

    Voting for McCain would be like choosing a preacher, who’s out drinking and chasing women, as the leadership for Christ in your church. That kind of leadership only hurts the cause for Christ and makes the rest of the membership look like hypocrites.

    There’s a quotation in AlAnon from “Just for Today” that states, “Today, I won’t create a crisis, but I will not keep one from happening.” It means that while we don’t try to bring the alcoholic to his knees ourselves, we don’t keep him from crashing and burning because that is the only way he can hit bottom and acknowledge his problem. In this case, ‘creating a crisis’ would be casting a vote for Hillary or McCain, but ‘not keeping one from happening’ would entail sitting this one out.

    wv end hire: Oklahoma’ new law regarding illegal aliens.

  • 5 conserve-a-tips // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:43 am

    That should be Oklahoma’s

    wv: be clearance ebonics for ‘on sale’

  • 6 camojack // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:52 am

    As I said in t’other thread, I understand how you feel…and you know I was rooting for Thompson, but I guess that his campaign was too little because it was too late. Of the remaining contenders I’m with you (apparently) in preferring Romney, although I’d still hold my nose and vote for John McCain over Hillary Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama; at least RINO McCain “gets it” regarding national defense.

    As for the topic of this thread, Giuliani “gets it” regarding national defense too, although he has other problematic characteristics, all of which are moot now in this election.

    Whew! That was a LOT of typing for one busy li’l digit… :-)

  • 7 Fred Sinclair // Jan 30, 2008 at 9:13 am

    c.a.t. #4: You make some highly valid points and with one exception, I agree with you.

    My exception is - If any Democrat becomes President, he/she will hold a very, very high probability of Nominating and Appointing replacements to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court.

    A Democrat will most certainly nominate Liberals and at least with a Republican President there is a higher possibility that he will nominate Conservatives to fill vacancies on the court.

    A Liberal court of Supremes will ensure the continuation of Roe vs Wade and just might rule unfavorably on 2nd Amendment cases.

    With that in mind, I will vote for whoever the RNC choose. I must vote since if I don’t (for ANY reason) vote, that will be one more vote the Liberals won’t have to cover, making my non vote, in effect a vote for the Democrat contender.

    I will vote for Mickey Mouse should he be nominated, but I will not stay home.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 8 Fred Sinclair // Jan 30, 2008 at 9:16 am

    Officially confirmed by Fox News - Edwards will announce @ 1:30 PM that he is dropping out. He most probably will lend his support to Obama.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 9 conserve-a-tips // Jan 30, 2008 at 9:20 am

    Fred: Here is how I look at that - McCain and liberals appointing judges are one and the same. He does not believe in strict constructionist ideology. He believes that the Constitution is a living, changing document. Just look at the judge (Stevens) put in by Ford - another nonconservative. He has been the bane of our existence, often voting with the most liberal judges. Nope, I can’t operate on fear here. God is in control and I don’t have to try to manipulate anything because I am afraid. I’ll just sit this one out instead of setting aside principle just to get an “R” in the White House.

    wv: Diamond dis: today, gold is a girl’s best friend!

  • 10 diamond jim // Jan 30, 2008 at 9:50 am

    How useless are pollsters and primaries.
    (In Florida) It’s funny how Romney was up 2 pts when the sample consisted of registered Republicans, but loses by 4 when all the independents and cross voting Dems actually voted.

  • 11 Maggie // Jan 30, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Gone,but not fo…….
    Now who was it I wanted to say….???

  • 12 Fred Sinclair // Jan 30, 2008 at 10:42 am

    From the 7 degree temp outside (was 47 at 9pm last night - dropped 40 deg in only 2 hrs.) I’m wondering if there is anyone with at least two remaining brain cells rattling around in their boxcar (skull) who’s still buying into Algore’s religion of Manmade Global Warming?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 13 da Bunny // Jan 30, 2008 at 10:58 am

    c-a-t and camo, I added my two cents on the previous thread, as well. :-)

    As far as the possibility of a McPain presidency…it’s virtually non-existent. Old Man McShame wouldn’t have a prayer of winning against either Billary or Osama Obama, imho. Useless to even consider it…

    diamond jim re: 10, according to Rush, “independents” weren’t supposed to be
    voting in the Dem/Rep primaries, since they had declared no party affiliation, but idiotic poll workers were giving them ballots based upon “declarations” when they showed up at the polls. That sounds illegal to me, not to mention the fact that I’m sure many of these “independents” were voting for people like McShamnesty or RuPaul in order to screw up the Republican results. Can anyone else here say “voter fraud?”

  • 14 da Bunny // Jan 30, 2008 at 11:01 am

    re: 13…last paragraph is referring to yesterday’s FL primary.

  • 15 debass // Jan 30, 2008 at 11:18 am

    He did abort in the first trimester before his campaign was viable.

  • 16 RichMedia // Jan 30, 2008 at 11:21 am

    Fred was a big disappointment for me, he could have been much more forceful with his message, and might have pulled that old red pick-up out of the barn again, but sadly, he didn’t.

    Now we are faced with McCain, who has the mainstream media’s support, including the NY Times, and we are faced with his suddenly becoming the front-runner after the FL primaries. And while I applaud McCain’s national defense posture, there is very little else that I find redeeming in his known positions. I felt the exact same way in 2000. On second thought, his performance since 2000 has been even worse today.

    RINO is probably too charitable a description for John McCain. He’s a liberal plain and simple who believes in a strong national defense, which is his one redeeming quality.

    McCain is the perfect nominee who will keep the conservative base home on election day, ensuring a Democratic win this next election, which is why the MSM has been blowing his horn for the last ten years or so.

    I also like Mike, doesn’t everybody? Yet, I feel beneath it all, he’s also way too liberal on many issues. Populist doesn’t equal grass-roots. Mike isn’t ready for prime-time, and has many questionable statements and actions while Gov of AR, which I needn’t list here.

    Okay, Scott, I appreciate the theme of aborted concerning Rudy and all that, yet he certainly is much more conservative than either McCain or Huckabee.

    I’d like to point out that Romney, Rudy, and Huckabee all hail from very solid Democratic states, and were all elected as Republicans. We should all be proud of their (admittedly somewhat limited on social issues) accomplishments.

    AZ is starting to lean Dem, and I wonder how much McCain has contributed to that trend. Phoenix has the most famous Sheriff in the country, whose Senator is at the same time the “Maverick” that the media loves.

    Count me out, John.

    Since Rudy and Fred are now history, I guess I’ll be throwing my support to Mitt.

    Extra credit (if you haven’t seen this yet)

    Democrat or Republican? The question is shockingly easy
    Theo Caldwell, National Post
    Published: Wednesday, December 26, 2007

  • 17 everthink // Jan 30, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    “I will vote for Mickey Mouse should he be nominated.” My beloved father in law used to say that! But, of course he was a Democrat, and I was a conservative back then. RIP dad, I’ve come home!


  • 18 upnorthlurkin // Jan 30, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    Funny you “white flag” wavers are now in agreement with the troll… embarrassing for you. I refuse to contribute to the demise of our country which is what you’re doing by staying home. Principals be darned….you’re all buying into the LSM’s whole MO….they wanted to depress conservative turn-out and they’ve done it even before November. Congratulations! I would remind you we are fighting a serious war…there are still a lot of terrorists out there who want to kill us!! I will not turn our military over to a traitorous dhimmi! That’s what you are advocating!! Our military still hasn’t recovered from 8 years of Clinton!! Look, my guy isn’t in it anymore either, but I’m not gonna just take my bat and ball and go home!! I too trust God, but I don’t believe He wants us to just give up! We need to start taking our country back little by little like the libs are content to do!! If our ideal candidate for president isn’t on the ballot, then make sure he doesn’t do much damage by giving him a conservative congress!! We (conservatives) still haven’t had the congress and the WH at the same time. We have to crawl before we can walk!! We have to learn to take baby steps too….we can’t just sit back and hope Americans wake up if it gets bad enough!! Some lessons are just too dangerous to learn!

  • 19 EXT // Jan 30, 2008 at 2:06 pm

    Investment tip:

    BUY stock in microwave popcorn-making companies (if there is any corn left to pop - ethanol being what it is)!

    Big boom in popcorn sales coming in late October as conservatives, realizing we have no horse in this race, stock up to stay at home and watch a good DVD election night.

    America DESERVES Hillary; if only as object lesson.

  • 20 everthink // Jan 30, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    “President George Bush began the cuts, pushing Congress to authorize a 25 percent cut in the military and those cuts have continued through the Clinton administration.”

    Troll? Who, me? I prefer Ogre, if you please.


  • 21 nylecoj // Jan 30, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Here here! Upnorth, we should be fighting harder than ever.

  • 22 Pages tagged "rudy giuliani" // Jan 30, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    [...] bookmarks tagged rudy giuliani Rudy Giuliani's Defective Campaign Aborted Ear… saved by 5 others     monahsa bookmarked on 01/30/08 | [...]

  • 23 conserve-a-tips // Jan 30, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Upnorthlurkin: whoo! Did I make you mad?

    Please don’t take my wish to sit this one out as giving up. On the contrary. It is taking a stand. Let me give you an analogy: Our family has a certain standard of right and wrong that we think is important. We taught our children those standards and let them know that we expected them to uphold them while under our authority. Many years ago, the oldest decided to rebel and began going out with a couple of drug users and drinkers and partied right along with them. We had such a hard decision to make. Did we just accept it and risk watering down what we knew to be right, or did we tell her that she had to make her own way without us if she chose to do what we all knew was wrong? (she was old enough) We decided on the latter because we knew that we would only be enabling her if we allowed it to continue in our home. Hard as it was and scary as it was, we let her go and turned her over to God. Today, she is working on a post graduate degree, has an awesome job and is marrying a fine, Christian young man who is a wonderful provider, fiscally and socially conservative and totally supportive. We are thrilled and praise God.

    You see, I voted for Bush the first and I got conservatism watered down a little. And then I voted GWBush and got it watered down even more. Today I say, “Enough!” John McCain has been anything but conservative no matter how much he tries to convince us otherwise. It is time that the Republican party get a picture of what they have done to conservatism and the only way to give them that picture is to vote with our feet. I hope that you can understand that observation.

    wv:biggest West: California?

  • 24 gafisher // Jan 30, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    Fred Re#7: “… with a Republican President there is a higher possibility that he will nominate Conservatives to fill vacancies on the court.

    Not if either of the frontrunners are elected. Remember who it was that brought gay marriage and state-funded on-demand abortion to Massachusetts.

    I’m still with Hunter.

  • 25 Beerme // Jan 30, 2008 at 5:40 pm


    I must agree with you here. The way I see it, is that if truly conservative people continue supporting the likes of John McCain, the lesson taught the politicians will be that these ignorant conservatives will support anything we wrap in a Republican wrapper.

    I want my vote-and I will vote-to show them that I support conservative candidates. If it means that a liberal wins, then that liberal’ actions might just motivate other conservatives to vote conservative the next time…I hope!

  • 26 upnorthlurkin // Jan 30, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    Before 9-11 I agreed with all of you….I was living in blissful ignorance just content an adult had finally been elected to the White House. I respect your principles, convictions and the strength of your faith. I believe everything changed with the towers falling and the Pentagon exploding. We are at war. We cannot trust our national defense to a dhimmi!! If I sound angry it’s because November is still 9 months away! I don’t believe in surrendering to the Lame Stream Media and the rest of the libs. With the radical liberals teaching our children and the constant din of the news media, we have a large segment of our society to educate. You can’t educate them if we lose.

  • 27 Effeminem // Jan 30, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    If you stay home, the RNC will learn that we need to nominate someone even more liberal next time.

    Vote 3rd party if you absolutely must. I think McCain will be about as good as Bush, possibly luckier.

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