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Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to 'Rebate All of It'

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 10 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-01-24) — The White House, racing against the clock to make a deal with Congress on an economic stimulus package before the U.S. economy rebounds on its own, has reportedly offered to “up the ante” on its proposed $800 per capita tax rebate.

Under the terms of the revised measure, the Bush administration will ask Congress to “rebate all of it” and introduce legislation to repeal the 16th amendment to the Constitution, which instituted the federal income tax in 1913.

“It just makes sense,” said White House spokesman Dana Perino, “that if $800 per person would stimulate the economy, then giving back all the money to the people would spark a capitalist revival and a golden age of prosperity.”

To mollify members of Congress concerned that any new tax legislation include a “pay as you go” provision, the president offered to eliminate Congressional earmarks, the IRS, the Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Medicare prescription drug benefit, as well as federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Amtrak and all pork barrel projects.

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10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Hawkeye // Jan 24, 2008 at 8:24 am

    Now THERE is some stimulus I could agree to… :smile:

    in bureaus — not if Scott’s plan is approved!

  • 2 gafisher // Jan 24, 2008 at 9:53 am

    Not exactly satire — the heart of that proposal is embodied in the Fair Tax. Read up on it and you’ll discover it really would restore the economy, drastically reduce illegal imigration, and vastly improve the future we hand to the next generation of Americans.

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 24, 2008 at 10:58 am

    I have to laugh at the whole stimulus package and the presentation it will offer “fellow Americans.” In the past few legislative days a number of packages have been presented, including food stamps.

    Now as someone who lives way below the national poverty level by chance, not choice, I have to look at this debacle with certain question marks.

    Now, remember their are several classes of poor, those who are lazy and made a decision to educate themselves at an 8th grade and below level and those who have acquired a non-curable disease, perhaps by genetic makeup. (curse that Swedish blood!)

    So we know that money is best spent by giving middle class and above, free money, and to that I agree, though it makes no sense what-so-ever economically. But being a defender of the underdog for a moment, not the lazy, slothful crackhead jerk, I do believe our government should equally help those with disabilities.

    Does the woman protest to much. Eh, perhaps, but my economy needs stimulated just as much as the middle class and the $11 a month food stamps we receive is a joke.

    Is it okay for a hard line conservative to talk like this? Why not, I guarantee the democraps don’t care, because I already challenged them several times by giving them a line by line expense report on which it cost to survive every month and folks you just can’t do it and have a life.

    I appreciate the perks one can receive, like the reduced membership to join our new “Y”. Perhaps I can’t sweat to shed, but I am working on a new me. You all seen the last of the embarrassing fat photos from our Scrappleface gathering. Well, you will not see them anymore.

    Col Shovel:
    A famous civil war hero who returned home to Georgia and became famous by shoveling tons of live chickens into burning fat and serving them with unlimited glasses of sweet tea.

  • 4 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 24, 2008 at 11:27 am

    Allow me to footnote the above. I do not believe in stimulus packages, though I believe in leprechauns and fairies, which do not have packages. Though leprechauns do have gold and to catch one would increase my stimulus package.

    I did not want you to believe Ms RightWing approves of the fairies of government leaving a $500 bill under your pillow. Sorry

    Do they even print $500 bills anymore?

  • 5 MF in FL // Jan 24, 2008 at 11:50 am

    To dream, the impossible dream…

    Sounds like a return to The Contract with America.

  • 6 Hawkeye // Jan 24, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    It figures… I’m rarely #1 and as soon as I am. Scott comes up with another article 15 minutes later. Oh well, I’m sure it’s a good one. :wink:

  • 7 gafisher // Jan 24, 2008 at 8:43 pm

    Ms. RW Re#4: “I did not want you to believe Ms RightWing approves of the fairies of government leaving a $500 bill under your pillow.

    ‘twould be an easy mistake to make; getting REAL economic leadership (especially by example!) out of D.C. is like pulling teeth.

  • 8 prettyold // Jan 24, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    It would be extra special nice if we could put some REAL economic leadership into Washington DC. But that would be like putting a tooth back that had already been pulled out.

    I think it would be fun to donate our rebate to the Republican Candidate of our choice,and to send a nice Thank You note t0 the Democrats.

    cent boss The guy that pays you.

  • 9 camojack // Jan 25, 2008 at 1:23 am

    Show me the money!

    Ms RightWing, Ink:
    Do they even print $500 bills anymore?


    “CAPTCHA”: the dumped - what I was when my wife left…

  • 10 Connecting News, Commentaries and Blogs at - // Feb 6, 2008 at 3:02 am

    [...] plan that … informed voters - Last Updated - Monday February 4  Request a Trackback Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to 'Rebate All of It' (2008-01-24) — The White House, racing against the clock to make a deal with Congress on an [...]

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