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Media Won't Drop Out, In Race for Long Haul

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 32 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-01-09) — Despite embarrassing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, the mainstream media (MSM) today dismissed talk of an early withdrawal from the presidential race, saying political correspondents and pollsters are “in it for the long haul.”

The unnamed MSM spokesperson blinked back tears as she described the difficulty of predicting election outcomes, not to mention the hardship of life on the road and the stress of waiting for the next gaffe or personal attack from a candidate.

“It’s hard,” the MSM source said, “because we passionately want to take the country back to the days when we controlled the message and the distribution channels.”

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Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

32 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 9, 2008 at 1:26 pm

    How about a U-Haulâ„¢ for the long haul. Pack up your cares and woes, bye bye, blackbird.

    Take McCain with ya also. What a pain, that McCain

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 9, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    Oh yes, God bless planet earth and the Milky Way also

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 9, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    Hooray, that edit thingy-ma-jig is gone. So am I. I hear my bed calling me to return. See you all in a day or two

  • 4 woodnwheel // Jan 9, 2008 at 2:00 pm

    “It’s hard,” the MSM source said, “because we passionately want to take the country back to the days when we controlled the message and the distribution channels.”

    A thinly veiled reference to the (un)Fairness Doctrine, perhaps?

    (For those who are counting, the “reCaptcha” thing says “stockholder surf”)

  • 5 Libby Gone // Jan 9, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    Its hard and I see where the country is going. We don’t want to return there. No.
    Hannity, Limbaugh, Ott and others have questioned my credibility. Well I say,
    We have the right to be dishonest about this and any Administration (ear splitting shrieks)
    Besides you’ all (sudden southern accent) buy into my prevarications (imitating smartest woman)
    Ha ha ha ha ha (cackle)

  • 6 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Libby Gone - are you channeling again? :-)

    I am really tired of all the analysis of Hillary’s “See? I can cry too,” moment. Everybody is so focused on whether the tears and the cracking voice were for real that they have totally avoided the message that was:
    “I just don’t want to see us fall backward as a nation,” Clinton began, her voice strained, her eyes welling. “I mean, this is very personal for me. Not just political. I see what’s happening. We have to reverse it.”

    She takes it personally??? My life - she takes personally???? She has no business taking my life or yours or anyone else’s in this nation, personally. The presidency is soley about protecting the Constitution in this country so that you and I can take our own lives personally. She doesn’t want to see us fall backward as a nation? Does she really think that she has the power to keep it from falling backward? She is a complete control freak if she does.

    Where is Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity on this? Forget whether the tears were sincere or not and pay attention to a very scary ‘ala Chavez’ message!!!

  • 7 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    C.A.T. Hill also had a line ,”I have so many opportunities for this country,…” then she went to almost a sob and not wanting to see “us” fall backward.
    I, I, have so many opportunitiues for the country?She has nothingfor this country except destruction.

  • 8 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:22 pm

    Pretty Old..exactly. It wouldn’t even matter if she intended good for the country, it isn’t her call. The only thing that she has in her power is to be a champion for the Constitution and to understand that she can only fix herself. I am just amazed at the codependency in our government today. Politicians like her are addicted to power over us “rabble”.

  • 9 Libby Gone // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Falling backward for The Hillary means resurgence in Free Market, adherence to written word of the Constitution, Small Government, Personal Responsibility, etc. WE CAN NOT HAVE THAT! It would lessen the need for libs!

  • 10 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    If The Clintons should win (retch,gagchill) expect a gigantic White House Wedding for Chelsea,followed by an instant pregnancy. That way even if Hillary can’t manage to get the law changed about term limits,Chelsea will be ready to take over for her ,and the child would be next in line. There would be a few years gap,but maybe Stephy could sit in .

  • 11 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    How are the Pollsters and the Networks going to explain the numbers being so far off? They certainly aren’tgoing to come out and say ,”Oh, It was because of all the out-of -State voters.” May they will say it because the pollees lied , but they didn’t even say that when Bush beat Algore. They are going to have to have a reason ,or no one will believe the Polls from now on!!!(Gasp)

  • 12 Fred Sinclair // Jan 9, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    prettyold #11 - ” They are going to have to have a reason ,or no one will believe the Polls from now on!!!(Gasp)” - “…from now on…” ha-ha that’s funny. Even those precious folks in Rio Linda don’t believe them, and they, dear souls, will believe almost anything. (well I did say, “almost”)

    That leaves the 3 or 4 leftwing screwballs who still are watching NBC/MSNBC, so they’re the only ones they’re in danger of losing.

    btw - here in MI, the Unions are spending a lot of $$$$ in attack ads condemning the upcoming “Right to Work” law.

    The MSM is treating Fred Thompson as if he had already dropped out. Ha! I may be wrong but I believe the only reason they are seemingly promoting Huckabee is that they see Fred as the only who can win against the Democrat slate this year.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 13 gafisher // Jan 9, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Prettyold Re#11, the story now is that people of pallor in New Hampshire were unwilling to admit they wouldn’t vote for someone who didn’t share their ethnicity. As it were …

    (Captcha says “next Maddox.” This is fun. :-)

  • 14 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Actually, there is already a rumble that the voting machines need to be checked because they think that there was hanky in da panky. Of course, there probably wasn’t, but that never stopped ‘em before. The funny part is, that if the Dems start crying foul, they are admitting that they cheat.

    Gafisher: That would be calls derground, whatever in the world that means!

  • 15 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    To anyone out there: I have a serious question that I would really, really like answered because I really, really want to try and understand the liberal mindset.

    I just heard on the news Hillary is bragging that she raised $750,000 last night, via the internet, and that at times they were getting 500 hits per minute. $750,000…in one night. And so, I went to OpenSecrets.Org, the website where you can follow donations and who gives what, and found that so far, Hillary has raised 91 million dollars, and has already spent 40.4 million dollars. The Democrats altogether have raised roughly $233,000,000 and that doesn’t include what the DNC has raised. The Republican candidates, all total, have raised $177,336,000, not counting the RNC. Candidates of both parties, together, have now raised roughly $411,000,000.

    First question: How do these figures prove the Republican party to be the party of the rich AND the party of special interest donations?
    and 2nd question: With donations nearly a half a billion dollars and this just the beginning of the election cycle, with people opening their pocketbooks wide, how can anyone say that our economy is on the ropes when people are spending this much money that they will never see again and isn’t tax deductible?

    There is evidently a lot of money out there in the hands of a lot of people. So please enlighten me. (Oh, and to add more to the mix, 56% of Hillary’s donations are from business - I thought that Republicans were the evil capitalists who had business in their back pockets.)

  • 16 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 7:44 pm


  • 17 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    I wish I could answer your question,but all I can say is it must be for the tremendously high salary the President gets. I mean that is why all thoses poor Democrats go without food or a place to sleep ,so they can donate to the party that is going to save them . Surely it will really happen this time . The poor Union guys ,teachers,people of color,and all the other starving masses ,have been shelling out to the Democrats since Roosevelt was President,and they haven’t gotten the pay-off yet ,but with someone who cares as much as Hillary does, it has to be coming in this next 4 years.

    I hear that salary for President is so high at the end of 8 years one can end up with $20 million or even $80 millionand a really nice house.

  • 18 conserve-a-tips // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    Pretty Old…riiiiiggggghhhhttttt. :-)

  • 19 mindknumbed kid // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    I tell you the MSM is still behind Hillary, they want her bad. When she cried, they were crying too. So, if she doesn’t want to see us fall back, is that an admission that things have been going the right direction for the past seven years?Is she saying that she will continue what Bush has been doing and that if her party goes for the “change” Omommamia is talking about it will be the wrong direction?

  • 20 mindknumbed kid // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:26 pm

    What does a President do with a salary anyhow ? Do they pay rent on the White House? Free room and board, free grub, free travel….who needs a salary ? And in Hillary’s case, free dishes to fling at the “first gentleman”.

  • 21 Darthmeister // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    From independent embed reporter Michael Yon:
    A Moment of Truth in Iraq

    Gee, haven’t you heard? The reason the lamestream media misread the tea leaves in New Hampshire was because of the vast reichwing conspiracy! Not even the millions being ponied up by leftist billionare George Soros can overcome the Bu$Hitler/RoveHimmler/Cheney/Haliburton/Exxon axis of evil. Even Bill Clinton says it’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault sHrillary lost in Iowa. I didn’t know that many Donks listened to Rush!

  • 22 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 9, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    Less than 100 years ago-for the elitist, philosophizing Obsequious Narcissists-both Communism and the Bolsheviks were quite the chic, avant-garde pseudo-intellectual Craze du jour.

    B. Hussein O’Bama, through Masterful Use of his Overwhelming Oratorial skills (accompanied by the ever-increasing tempo of his fist pounding the podium and his throbbing forehead veins), Mesmerizes the Masses with the Mantra, “Change. Change. Change. Change. Change…..”

    Social Anthropologists must love this kind of stuff.

  • 23 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 9:01 pm

    Is there any way to contact Fred Thompson to ask him ,nay,beg him not to drop out of the race until more of us have a chance to vote? I really would like it if all of them would stay in the race. Iowa and New Hampshire shouldn’t get to make the decision for all of us. You wouldn’t exactly call them representative of all the States in the Nation, and certainly not of all the voters.
    And only 10% of the Democrat voters turned out for the caucusses, so it is not even a fair sample of Iowa voters.

  • 24 camojack // Jan 9, 2008 at 9:12 pm

    “It’s hard,” the MSM source said, “because we passionately want to take the country back to the days when we controlled the message and the distribution channels.”

    Ah well. ‘Tis said that “you can’t go home again.”

    Thank God!!!

  • 25 prettyold // Jan 9, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    I heard the speech Obama gave last night ,and all I could thing of was,
    “Gimme that old time religion” except his message is wrong.
    All the DemocratsI have heard so far ,seem to think God is “Me,Me, Me ,I ,I ,I” Not even what WE as a nation can do ,but just Me,Me, Me. I will do, Let Me do, I’m all you need, Just join ME”

  • 26 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 10, 2008 at 9:00 am

    I hope you don’t mind if I share this little tidbit from The Doctrine of Repentance by Thomas Watson (1668):

    Christ is never loved—until sin is loathed.
    Heaven is never longed for—until sin is loathed.

    “Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices!”~~Ezekiel 36:31

    Thank you.

  • 27 Fred Sinclair // Jan 10, 2008 at 9:20 am

    prettyold #25 - And so Mrs. Bill Clinton chants her mantra. “I” will be President, it belongs to “ME”, “I AM entitled”, “I earned the Presidency”, “It’s mine, mine, mine!”, I say” I AM she who will ascend up into the Oval Office.”, I AM she who will rule”,”I”, “I”, “I”, “I”, “I”, “I”, “I”, in her delusional state of mind, she, as with Obama, Edwards, etc. insist on repeating Lucifer’s great sin “A proud look” most of these Liberal wannabee ‘Masters of the Universe’ have a stilted vocabulary - I,me, mine, I AM (and that’s all you need to know) etc. self appointed gods in their own eyes. Clinton, Obama, Edwards all chanting the same mantra - they need take heed!

    Ex. 3:13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
    Ex. 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 28 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 10, 2008 at 9:21 am

    My guess is that those speedboats involved in that so-called “confrontation” the other day were loaded with Dope or some other Contraband and the Navy happened to be blocking their route.
    I further submit that the pilots of those speedboats were simply Stoned and having some very dangerous Fun by giving the USN a Raspberry.
    In conclusion, whatever those imbeciles thought they were doing, they came within inches of being obliterated by Rockets, Bombs, Lasers, Androids, Drones and, last but not least, a hideous, buzz-saw curtain of Trillions of Bullets. There would have been nothing but Molecules to remember them by.

  • 29 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 10, 2008 at 12:45 pm


  • 30 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 10, 2008 at 12:46 pm


  • 31 prettyold // Jan 11, 2008 at 9:49 pm

    Isn’t it against Islamic law to use drugs or booze?Of course ,I always figured they give their “suicide ” bombers a few drugs ,just to get them in the mood.

    What would molecules do with 72 virgins?

  • 32 prettyold // Jan 11, 2008 at 9:52 pm

    I want a molecule ,just like the molecule ,
    That married Dear old Dad.

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