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Tancredo to Keep Running, Violate Election Laws

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 25 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-12-20) — While widely expected to end his White House bid today, legal-immigration champion Rep. Tom Tancredo reportedly has an alternative plan that calls for staying in the race for the Republican nomination by violating the restrictive campaign funding laws that have thus far relegated him to also ran status.

According to an aide, instead of dropping out, the advocate of tough border enforcement may decide to accept individual contributions of more than $2,400, and even to sell corporate sponsorships for campaign events, airplanes and automobiles.

“Who’s to say it’s wrong?” the unnamed campaign insider said. “Tancredo figures the so-called ‘rule of law’ is a nice bumper sticker, but it doesn’t apply to everyone. After all, even the Mexican government says that two thirds of those escaping Mexico into the U.S. come without legal documents, all with the tacit permission of the U.S. government that refuses to build the border fence, enforce existing immigration law or crack down on employers who hire illegals.”

Rep. Tancredo’s campaign will continue as before, but he’ll fire the attorneys and consultants who were hired to ensure compliance with campaign finance laws, thus saving many thousands of dollars.

“Tom’s campaign has new hope,” the aide said. “Not even the wrought iron fence, the security cameras, the police and the military snipers around the White House can keep him out now.”

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Tags: Politics

25 responses so far ↓

  • 1 danimal // Dec 20, 2007 at 7:58 am

    Soon to appear with Alan Keyes in “Debate Crashers”.

  • 2 Hawkeye // Dec 20, 2007 at 8:15 am

    Where’s the Fence?

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 20, 2007 at 8:33 am

    Merry Christmas

  • 4 camojack // Dec 20, 2007 at 8:33 am

    Tired of running? Walk awhile…

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 20, 2007 at 8:43 am

    The Awe-Inspiring, Mass-Hypnotic Sleight of Hand that promised a wall and stricter security is now but a faded, fragmented, distant whisp of a memory-to the extent that some claim the incident never even took place.

    “Wall? Wall. Hm. I seem to remember something but…..”

  • 6 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:15 am

    no comprehend

  • 7 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:16 am

    el pusho

  • 8 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:21 am


    There is a really cool movie playing now on TurnerMovieChannel called The Next Voice You Hear. Made in mid 50’s, it is rather, well, mid 50’s like-but has a good message.

    Not doing anything? Well walk to the TV abnd enjoy

    Back to Tancredo

  • 9 Fred Sinclair // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:39 am

    A so called “Country Without Borders” is not a Country.

    Perhaps America (for enough money) could hire some Russians to come to America and teach us what a border is and how to maintain it’s integrity.

    Additionally they could teach us how to rid ourselves of 10 - 12 million illegals.

    And just possibly (for enough money) they could teach us how to staff our Congress with ‘real’ Americans.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 10 Fred Sinclair // Dec 20, 2007 at 10:11 am

    If we hire those Russians, perhaps we can con them into taking our anti-American segment back home with them.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 11 Maggie // Dec 20, 2007 at 10:49 am

    Was Tancredo running for President????

    Fred, I see you’ve mastered the knack of logging in :>).

    Ms Righty,
    Speak English please.I don’t understand you when you lapse into your native tongue.

  • 12 da Bunny // Dec 20, 2007 at 11:09 am

    Love it, Scott!! Yeah, why does Rep. Tancredo, true R-CO, have to follow the law? It’s perfectly OK for a bunch of non-English speaking, “undocumented immigrants” to violate our laws…these people are actually rewarded for it!! You go, Tom…maybe by flouting the election laws, you can actually “jump the fence,” and get into the WH!

    On a serious note, I am sad to see Tancredo leave the Presidential race, but I understand his decision. He is a decent man, with good common-sense conservative values, and he has been fighting the good fight to try to fix the broken immigration system in this country for years. He will be leaving the House when his term is up next year. Guess he’s just sick and tired of trying to break through that “wall” of denial and incompetence that exists in D.C.

  • 13 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 20, 2007 at 11:24 am

    I’m afraid I have forgotten my native tongue. Everything is Pigeon English. I have forgotten a lot of things these days. Time, I guess, to pack my bags and find out just who I am and where I belong.

    To much jibber jabber going on now-a-days and very little Peace on Earth

    Rather cold to go hitchhiking, but they say somewhere the highways are beautiful this time of year with Christmas everywhere.

  • 14 JQ // Dec 20, 2007 at 11:49 am

    Ms. Rightwing, they say Vermont’s wonderful this time of year…all that snow…

    On topic, I’d never heard of Tancredo prior to this article. After reading a bit more about him, I’m certainly not surprised that he’s not a serious contender for the Presidency. Considering a retaliatory strike on Mecca if terrorists ever detonated a nuke in the U.S.? That’s just crazy talk for someone trying to become the leader of the superpower of the world. Kinda reminds me of a certain Iranian…

  • 15 da Bunny // Dec 20, 2007 at 12:24 pm

    The only “crazy talk” I hear is that if islamofascist terrorists detonated a nuclear weapon here in the United States, killing and maiming many of our civilians, it wouldn’t be OK for us to fight back against islamofascism.

  • 16 Maggie // Dec 20, 2007 at 12:36 pm

    da Bunny re#12

    Great tribute to a very courageous man.You should have headed up his” Collyfornia” campaign.
    He has been warning America for 20 years about the border problems.

    Remember the Alamo!!!

  • 17 JQ // Dec 20, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    Re: 15: That’s akin to saying that it would be okay to bomb the Vatican or Jerusalem because a radical “Christian” organization detonated a nuclear bomb.

    Yes, I believe that Islam is a fundamentally violent religion based on violence and a mish-mash of Judaism, Christianity, and Middle Eastern voodoo. Yes, I believe that Islamic terrorists are fulfilling Mohammed’s true vision for Islam. No, I don’t believe that all Moslems (or even the majority, for that matter) want to kill all the infidels; most Moslems I’ve met know nothing of Islam’s roots and are quick to ignore references to violence and jihad.

    I would like nothing more than for Islam to be erased from the face of the earth. That being said, you don’t do that by killing as many Moslems as you can, or by destroying the symbols they hold most dear. That just makes more Moslems feel persecuted; as we see from our own Christian history, persecution brings growth. You can’t crush a religion; you have to show it’s followers that there’s a better way.

  • 18 da Bunny // Dec 20, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    Radical islamists congregate at Mecca. Christian organizations don’t detonate nuclear bombs in the name of Jesus Christ, nor do they threaten to. The islamists have been “shown a better way” through the love and salvation of Jesus Christ for centuries, and they don’t care to know that better way or follow it. It’s there for the choosing, and they choose it not…nor do they spend their time acting or speaking out against the radical elements within their midst. That makes them a part of the problem.

  • 19 JQ // Dec 20, 2007 at 5:11 pm

    Re 18: I’m no less frustrated by the Islamic religion and its adherents than yourself. I just don’t believe that the answer is to “kill them all and let God sort them out.” Non-military targets are still mon-military targets. You can argue that a mosque is a military training ground, or at the least an indoctrination point; however, are you really willing to kill all of the non-combatants (women, children, elderly) who are simply attending their culture’s equivalent of Sunday School? Many of them may have never heard of Jesus Christ before, and now they never will. What does that tell them about the “loving” God worshipped by Americans?

    If alQaeda attacks us, the U.S. should use military force against alQaeda. If Iran attacks us, the U.S. should use military force against Iran. The religion of Islam itself can’t be destroyed with guns and bombs; retaliating in such a way would only provoke a hundred times more terrorist activities.

    In the first centuries of the Church, Christians went to the stake, the cross, or the lions rather than raise their hands against those who would do them harm. While I understand the difference between individual meekness and governmental authority to deliver justice, I still have to wonder sometimes where that spirit has gone. What’s happened when the loudest vengeful cries for blood are from Christian lips?

    I’m the last to talk, as I’ve held more than my share of bitterness in my heart against the Moslems. It’s just a thought for those of us who take our Bibles seriously.

  • 20 Just Ranting // Dec 20, 2007 at 5:57 pm


    You raise some interesting points. I take the Bible seriously, as well as my God given freedom. I would not want anyone to deprive me of my right to worship God as I have been blessed to understand Him. I would not deprive that right to anyone else either. Al Qaeda attacked America on 9/11/01 because they view us as an infidel nation. America did not retaliate against Al Qaeda for the number of times Americans were attacked prior to 9/11/01 because the attacks were overseas and on military or embassy facilities. Most agree we should have acted sooner and fewer American lives would have been lost.

    Iran has been attacking Americans since (the absolute worst president in my lifetime) Jimmy Carter took office. Iran has supllied funding and training to insurgents in Iraq, has harbored terrorist within their borders. All evidence points to a sophisticated endeavor to develop nuclear weapons by Irans leadership. They have developed and continue to expand their development of long range ballistic missles capable of delivering nuclear warheads against Israel and central Europe.

    You site 1st century Christians as examples we should emulate. While I am awe struck by their willingness to sacrifice their lives for their faith, I see the role of free governments differently. Free nations are required to defend that freedom or lose that gift which God gave them. As Mordecai would not bow before Haman, we should not bow before the lying and bloodthirsty leaders of radical Islam who find their sustinence and succor in Iran. Mordecai and his fellow Hebrews were given weapons to defend themselves against Haman’s attacks. God has given America the weapons to defend her freedom. I pray that we will always have wise leadership to negotiate differences when possible, and the courage to defend our freedom when all other options are at an end.

  • 21 Fred Sinclair // Dec 20, 2007 at 8:35 pm

    I got a real laugh reading about Tancredo.

    It’s really unfortunate, but President Bush isn’t perfect.

    His utterly horrible support for his recent attempt at amnesty.
    His even worse neglect of using his veto on the majority of the spending bills that his administration has allowed to pass.
    His failure to come out and say, “I fired those lawyers, who only serve at my discretion.
    His failure to vacate the convictions of three Border Patrol Guards.
    His failure to finish the 700 mile border fence.
    His failure to veto the so called “energy bill” he just signed.
    His failure to denounce and condemn Pastor Algore and his Church of “Manmade” Global Warming for the hoax it is.

    But with all those faults he’s still done most of what he was hired to do. We haven’t had a repeat of the atrocity we suffered on 9/11/01 mainly due to his policies.

    All in all, I would give him a B- grade. Not a great president like Harry S. Truman or Ronald Reagan, but on the overall, a good president. He’s smart enough to realize that William Jefferson Clinton was only kidding about teaming up with #41 to travel the world dissing #43.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:09 pm

    I would have to say that I would be willing to live and let live, but the radical Islamofascists are not willing to do the same, for centuries they have been at war with anyone who will not convert by to rule the planet choice or by force. Thetrefore I cannot sit bsack and say as ea Christian I am going to continually turn the other cheek and allow these Barbarians to continue in their quest to rule the planet and to force their religion onto everyone. If it came down to it, yes I would be proactive in overthrowing their unholy plans. These guys are not reasonable, rational, peaceable human beings to think we can engage them as such is not only futile, but the path of ignorance.
    But Y’all just wait until Jesus gets back, it isn’t going to be pretty, but it will be magnificent to those that love righteousness.
    It is awesome to watch as the day draws nearer and nearer, the lines are drawn and the ways of man are maneuvering as a wrestler trying to take down the Holy One.
    Oh how foolish to plan to war with the great Creator!!

  • 23 mindknumbed kid // Dec 20, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    Farewell Tom ! I wish you were still “in the hunt”. He and I see just about eye to eye on the issues facing America today.

  • 24 Fred Sinclair // Dec 20, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    Num. 21:1 ¶ When the Canaanite, the king of Arad, who lived in the Negev, heard that Israel was coming by the way of Atharim, then he fought against Israel and took some of them captive.
    Num. 21:2 So Israel made a vow to the LORD and said, “If You will indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities.”
    Num. 21:3 The LORD heard the voice of Israel and delivered up the Canaanites; then they utterly destroyed them and their cities. Thus the name of the place was called Hormah.

    Well Iran took Americans captive during the Carter era and in the might of our own strength we managed to crash a couple of helicopters for them to laugh about.

    When Joshua took Jericho, every man, woman and child was slain at the Lord’s orders, (excepting Rehab and her family) so it seems that God doesn’t have a problem with using mankind to eliminate His enemies. In fact there were several cities nearby that experienced the same destruction.

  • 25 JQ // Dec 21, 2007 at 10:08 am

    It may be too late to continue on this topic, but I’d like to clarify again that I believe our government has the God-given right to protect our nation. That being said, we need to make sure that we wage the physical war against terrorism (alQaeda and Co.), not Islam itself. We CANNOT stop Islamic terrorism (or Islam itself) by bombing Mecca; anyone who thinks we can is deluded.

    The Apostle Paul didn’t convert the Greeks and the Romans by marching into town and destroying their idols; he found a way to use their religion to explain his. Basically, he said, “You’ve got part of the story, but you got a few of the key details wrong. Let me fill you in…”

    I’m not going to win this argument; I can see that. I’m just tossing in my 2 cents for consideration.

    (By the way, when God specifically tells you to destroy Mecca, as he did with Jericho, go for it. Until then, you don’t have the same assurance that it’s “God’s Will.”)

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