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Bill: Hillary Not As Unlikable As Everyone Says

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 25 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-12-17) — Former President Bill Clinton mounted the campaign stump again today as part of his wife’s new charm offensive, telling Iowa voters that “Hillary Clinton is not as unlikable as everyone says.”

“A lot of people who have met her, worked with her and even seen her on TV believe that she’s cold and mean-spirited,” said Mr. Clinton. “But they don’t know how kind, generous and warm Hillary can be when she’s behind in the polls.”

“I’m not just saying this because she’s my wife, and I’d like to go with her when she moves back into the White House,” the former president said. “Shoot, when a woman’s husband cheats on her in her own home, and disgraces the family name in front of the whole world … and she sticks with him … that’s likable right there.”

Drawing a contrast with his wife’s top rival, Mr. Clinton said, “Barack Obama is a likable guy, but do you really want to roll the dice and bet that he’s going to be likable in four years or eight years? Obama just doesn’t have the experience under his belt that I had when I sat down at that Oval Office desk.”

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25 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:45 am

    Merry Christmas!

  • 2 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:46 am

    “Charm Offensive”
    Yep, it sure is.

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 17, 2007 at 9:35 am

    Memories sure are scary. I would like to forget the Clinton years. Owww. Though I did have a great time making them look like baboons when I worked for the newspaper.

    But, I still remember the phone call I got from the IRS one afternoon because I was audited (for real).

    Sheer coincidence? You tell me.

  • 4 gafisher // Dec 17, 2007 at 9:36 am

    “She don’t sweat so much for a fat girl.”

  • 5 JQ // Dec 17, 2007 at 10:28 am

    It really is sad when popularity takes precedence over steadfast leadership and solid values.

    On a side note (but speaking of American elections), have you noticed that most of these TV competitions (American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, etc) seem to be channeling the most deserving contestants toward the prize until they open the phones and “Let America Vote”? The moment “America” starts voting for things, qualifications are no longer considered. The only things that are important are name recognition, personality, and looks. Sad.

  • 6 mig // Dec 17, 2007 at 10:48 am

    Well, uh-huh, she sure has a sense of humour. Just look at the way she teased Obama about his kindergarten years, now that was a fun joke wasn’t it. Sure. Yep, she was just joking. She’s a funny girl, that Hill.

  • 7 mig // Dec 17, 2007 at 10:50 am

    Oh and the way she played hide and seek with those FBI agents when they wanted the computers, she was so funny. She just snatched them right out of the office and in that childlike voice of hers yelled, ‘catch me if you can!’
    Fun. She is just plain fun.

  • 8 mig // Dec 17, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Fun. Just plain fun.

  • 9 boberinyetagain // Dec 17, 2007 at 11:15 am

    If we should vote for qualified leaders then some had better get in the game real soon.

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 17, 2007 at 11:21 am

    Official Climatological Reportage:
    Well, it is officially Leaf-Less, now, here at our Centrally-Located D/FW Metroplex Outpost.

    The sky is awe-inspiring and majestic in its flawlessness (except, of course, for the incessant take-offs/landings at DFW [about 20 miles NNE of this locale]).
    That is all.

  • 11 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 17, 2007 at 11:23 am

    Amen to #9.

  • 12 Maggie // Dec 17, 2007 at 1:02 pm

    Gafisher re#4…….Thanks…. :>)

  • 13 upnorthlurkin // Dec 17, 2007 at 2:28 pm

    In case y’all skipped ahead to this post and missed our multi-talented editor’s confession that he and his lovely bride are in fact the vocalists singing Silent Night in the previous thread, I invite you to go back and listen again! You are so blessed sir, and again I thank you for being so generous in sharing your gifts with us!! Merry Christmas!!

  • 14 gafisher // Dec 17, 2007 at 3:24 pm

    Bober Re#9: Well said!

    JQ Re#5: “The only things that are important are …” the voting numbers the producers can show potential advertisers. Remember, you are the “product” your favorite show is selling.

  • 15 woodnwheel // Dec 17, 2007 at 3:33 pm

    “A lot of people who have met her, worked with her and even seen her on TV believe that she’s cold and mean-spirited,” said Mr. Clinton. “But they don’t know how kind, generous and warm Hillary can be when she’s behind in the polls.”

    Pure gold!

  • 16 mig // Dec 17, 2007 at 4:14 pm

    Aw shucks huck:

    Huckabee’s theology degree? Now says ain’t necessarily so. Campaign admits candidate doesn’t have claimed religious credential.
    Those Arkees sure have a great sense of humor, he was just joshing. Another knee slapper.

  • 17 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 17, 2007 at 5:18 pm

    Huck-What an extraordinary, yet often overlooked, talent. His rendition of “Oh My Darling, Clementine” showcases a true vocal genius.
    Merry Christmas!

  • 18 camojack // Dec 17, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    [Disclaimer: The following is technically "hearsay", inadmissible in a court of law...but I choose to believe it. -"Camo"]

    “Had a college roommate who worked as an intern at the White House in Hillary’s office, the stories I heard, nope, could never vote for her…he got pretty chummy with some of the ladies who worked under her. What I remember is that everyone in the office for the most part were constantly afraid of her. She is always right, at least, in her mind. If she was having a bad day, everyone was going to have a bad day. The last that has stuck with me is that she is very vindictive and holds grudges forever. Some of this was seen first hand, and some was simply office gossip and rules to live by while working there that he got from his lady friends. However, he went in loving the Clintons and left still loving Bill, but having a very negative impression of Hillary, for him to take a 180 on her made me decide back then that I could never vote for her.”

  • 19 upnorthlurkin // Dec 17, 2007 at 7:28 pm

    Is this some new security feature? Fred cannot post anymore….I wonder if this is why?!

    [Editor's Note: We have attempted to contact Fred and help, but have not heard back. We suspect that the problem has to do with the new "captcha" feature which is a slight annoyance, but helps prevent comment spam from bolixing up the site.]

  • 20 gafisher // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    Camo Re#18: all confirmed in Ed Klein’s book and elsewhere but it’s unlikely to sway more than a handful of her supporters, who see such reports as untrue, or the actions as commendable.

  • 21 da Bunny // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    Nope, Hillary is not as unlikeable as everyone says she is…she’s more unlikeable than everyone says she is!

  • 22 Fred Sinclair // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    I’d not known of the new method for posting and thought I had been shut out for some unknown reason.

    A whole slew of my ScrappleFriends wrote to answer my query and square me away. Thanks.

    And Scott: Sorry - I should have known better - there’s always 10% who somehow never get the word - I proffer my unwaxed apology.

    Heirborn Ranger

    [Editor's Note: Welcome back, Fred. It wouldn't be ScrappleFace without you. Merry Christmas.]

  • 23 gafisher // Dec 17, 2007 at 8:34 pm

    Here is how Mitt Romney proposes to pull the nation together.

  • 24 Fred Sinclair // Dec 17, 2007 at 9:04 pm

    This is off topic, but was on topic when I tried to post without knowing about the new code. They (2 of them ) still apply:

    Interestingly enough. When studying the “Church Of Jesus Christ Of Later Day Saints” in 1988; I was taught that long, long ago in Heaven, God was trying to decide which one of His boys He was going to send to earth to carry out His long range plans for humanity. A great quarrel broke out between the brothers as to which one was better suited to fulfill this part of their fathers plan.

    To make a longer story shorter, God chose Jesus to be the “Christ”. Having been passed over for the honor that went with the “assignment” Lucifer threw a fit. In a real snit, Lucifer rebelled.

    Garnering up to one third of the angels in heaven that sided with him began a war of rebellion, which of course, as we know from Scripture, he lost and was booted out of heaven.

    Not being content with his defeat, he continues warring, even to this day. He is sly, cunning and determined to take as many human souls with him as he can. That’s why he caused a bad, mis-translation of Eph. 2:8,9 to occur - since he knows it’s only by good works that humans can earn a place for their souls in heaven.

    It was around then that I burned the rubber tread patterns off of my tennis shoes getting outa there!!! I have not been back since.

    So my question is - Why on earth would Mike Huckabee apologize for telling the truth?

    Nonetheless, if Mitt Romney is chosen to head up the Republican ticket, I will vote for him, because he is not a Democrat. He is however a man of integrity. (Integrity: A man still making monthly payments to a jewelry store for a diamond engagement ring his ex-fiancee flushed down the toilet a year earlier)

    Should Mrs. Bill Clinton be elected, she will move heaven and hell, calling in all of her markers, to appoint her husband William Jefferson Clinton to a seat on the Supreme Court! I would prefer to die, rather than live to witness that action.

    You can bet the farm that, as President, she will get it for him!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 25 onlineanalyst // Dec 18, 2007 at 11:15 pm

    I guess Bill bought into that truism to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    And here we now have Madame Hillary on the stump at a cattle auction, claiming that she knows a little about cattle buying (Heh! Cattle futures, anyone?) and inviting potential voters similarly to look her in the mouth since she knows scrutiny is important.

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