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TSA Mandates New Airline Ticket Counter Questions

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-08-30) — A day after ordering airline ticket agents to stop asking customers about their luggage, the Transportation Security Administration has mandated a new set of questions each potential passenger must answer before boarding a flight.
For the past 16 years, ticket agents have asked each customer:
1) “Have any of the items you are traveling with been out of your immediate control since the time you packed them?” and,

2) “Has anyone unknown to you asked you to carry an item on this flight?”
In an effort to make airport security procedures more effective, the TSA has borrowed some questions from one of America’s most popular television shows, The Sopranos (HBO). From now on, perky ticket agents in bright vests will ask each customer:

  1. “What’s the matter with you?”
  2. “What are you looking at me for?”
  3. “You got some kinda problem?”
  4. “Who do you think you are?”
  5. “Do you know who you’re talkin’ to?”

Related Link: TSA Drops Luggage Questions

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