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ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control Pills

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 79 Comments

(2007-10-18) — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) today filed suit against King Middle School in Portland, Maine, over a new policy to distribute birth control pills to 12-to-14 year-old girls without parental notification.

“Like all Americans, the ACLU is shocked,” said an unnamed spokesman for the civil rights group. “Birth control pills have no place in our government-run, taxpayer-funded schools, because they’re only useful for girls engaged in heterosexual activity. Distribution of the pill is inherently discriminatory, favoring one sex and one particular sexual preference.”

An unnamed school spokesman said an out-of-court settlement may be in the works.

“The ACLU has told us they would drop the suit,” the source said, “if each prescription of birth control pills included a label instructing students that heterosexual activity is just one of many options available to young teens and pre-teens, and directing them to visit the school library to investigate the full range of sexual opportunities.”

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Tags: Education

79 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:06 am

    God Bless America

  • 2 ACHefty // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:17 am

    Sad, but possibly prophetic. Anyone up for reading my take on Birth Control On Campus?

  • 3 camojack // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:24 am

    The ACLU needs to get A CLU(E).

  • 4 Moonage Political Webdream » Blog Archive » Birth Control for pre-teens? // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:10 am

    [...] Scrappleface of course skewers the topic appropriately by pointing out another angle I hadn’t thought of. By handing out birth control at taxpayer’s expense, the school is showing preference of heterosexual activity over any other form of sexual activity. How does this make the gay 12 year olds feel? I see a sexual orientation discrimination lawsuit over this. In order to counter that, what will the school hand out to the 12 year old lesbians and gays? [...]

  • 5 gafisher // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:17 am

    The Death Lobby continues to expand its control over our children. In much of the U.S. abortion is the only medical procedure which can be performed without parental consent. Medications, “even aspirin” in this typical school handbook, can be administered to students only under rigorous conditions and specific school-related need, always subject to parental authority and involvement — unless, of course, the medication serves the Death Lobby’s constituents.

    A good piece, Scott, and points well taken, but how sad it is that this issue can lead us to black humor when outrage is called for.

  • 6 MargeinMI // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:28 am

    And then they can go to their local public library for quick and easy internet access for graphic ‘how to’ sites and videos!

  • 7 Beerme // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:28 am

    I am continuously amazed at Scott’s ability to see things from the absurdly awkward positions required for such satire! It’s so funny because it’s entirely possible.
    Kudos, Sir!


    Nice article. I am a bit confused about your inclusion of libertarians in the critique, though. No libertarian (big or little ‘L’) would argue for public monies to furnish birth control to anyone.
    And, what’s wrong with privacy?

    Otherwise, I agree wholeheartedly!

  • 8 camojack // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:29 am


  • 9 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:38 am

    Scott, your take on things is incredible. I’m hearing the theme from the Twilight Zone right now.

    Put this beside the story from Great Britain of the psycos who want to encourage sex play among preschoolers and Aldous Huxley would be cannonized as a great prophet.

  • 10 Just Ranting // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:46 am

    Slightly OT,

    Sorry for the length of this post, but it is very important that you are aware of this and act on it.

    American Family Association reports the San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair was held on Sept 30 this year. Part of this gathering included an event called “Leather Pride”. There is no mention about PETA showing up for this event. As a matter of fact 400k people attended this street fair, and no major news media covered it. The event celebrates S&M sexual practices, and the level of depravity can not be overstated. This link from AFA will try to explain the event verbally.

    This link is found on the Catholic League website, and contains photos of the event. These photos are graphic and disgusting. And Scott, if you decide to edit this out I’ll understand. It is not easy to look at. I hesitated to add this link for fear that kids might view this material. But I feel it is important for responsible adults to know and act upon what they learn.

    I would ask you all to email, call or write to Miller Brewing Company to voice your outrage at their sponsorship of this event.
    For those of you who live in California, please write your legislators to voice your opposition to events like this. At the very least this event poses a high public health hazard through the spread of disease, not to mention the mental health issues that would stem from this.

    Beerme, and any other partakers, please boycott Miller products.

    Pray for a religious awakening in our country, and may God have mercy on America for allowing such abuse of His gifts of life and liberty.

  • 11 Libby Gone // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:51 am

    “directing them to visit the school library to investigate the full range of sexual opportunities.”
    Or just show up in class, Now-a-days the teachers seem more interested in extra-curricular activities WITH the students as opposed to BY the students…….

  • 12 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:56 am

    What is wrong with birth control? Nothing worse than changing diapers and trying to feed an irritated baby while you are getting ready for school, hoping to pass your big 5th grade spelling test.

    Where is daddy? Guess he had to go wash cars to pay for cigarettes. Tough way to start a family when the 6th grade teacher wallops daddy for being late for school

  • 13 Boink Blogs // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:07 am

    [...] Sues Middle School Over Birth Control Pills Scott Ott placed an observative post today on ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control PillsHere’s a [...]

  • 14 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:18 am

    Birth control pills? I assume that means the more permissive (i.e. liberal) girls are wanting them. If it means less potential liberals being born I guess I should be for it, eh?

    Next thing you know our centers of mass government education will be teaching kindergartners about the joys of gay sex and having two daddies/mommies … oh wait, they’re already doing that! I just know there’s going to be a special place for people who are foisting their radical promiscuous agenda on children.

  • 15 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:23 am

    Birth control pills: Another example of the hetero-centric, hetero-normative, self-absorbed hegemony which excludes the most sensitive and creative, adults in our liberal society … homosexuals.

    And I bet the pill works better for white 12 year olds than they do for black 12 year olds. Just another example of Euro-centric racism found in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • 16 Maggie // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:52 am

    Ms Righty…re#12
    Most excellent post :>).

    Scott,it has been said numerous times here on SF but here goes again……I thought this blog was for satire only”.

    Some of you may remember ‘Red Satellites’ ……well, His blog is cleverly entitled
    “Condemnation for a Condom Nation”

  • 17 Maggie // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:59 am

    My Daddy’s wise instruction after telling him that I was expecting my 4th child was:
    “God said to populate the earth, not pollute it, sleep with both feet in one sock.”

  • 18 random // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:25 am

    So many pills, so little time.

  • 19 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:31 am

    JR, 400,000 people attended? W/o looking at a single link I venture a guess that if 400,000 people were interested, perhaps it’s those opposed that are the minority. This is a democracy, isn’t it?
    Kudos as always Mr. Ott. I once again assume that all opposed to such things have each adopted at least 1 unwanted child, hopefully more. And, by and large these are not cute pink white babies we are discussing. Some folks are actually not white and quite poor. They would make lousy parents (no, not all non-white poor folks are lousy parents and no, not all rich white folks are good parents) and they know it so, they opt for birth control. Deny them that and they seek abortions. Deny them that and they get them anyway and some die trying. Lousy choices abound but I really don’t want a world full of orphans and/or unwanted children. That’s not a recipe for success by any stretch.
    And, if those kids are born, heaven forbid that we supply them with healthcare. Unwanted sick kids are so much more fun to be around.

  • 20 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:34 am


    Thanks for the kudos :-)

  • 21 antodav // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:48 am

    Every time I think there’s hope for boberin, he manages to disappoint me yet again…*sigh*

  • 22 Fred Sinclair // Oct 18, 2007 at 12:33 pm

    Democrats of America = D.O.A.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 23 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    How are thousands and thousands of unwanted/unloved children going to improve anyone’s lot in life?
    It’s simple question begging for an answer.
    It’s not my fault that the situation exists or that the best available solution is also undesirable. It’s a matter of the lesser of 2 evils, plain and simple. It’s an imperfect world full of imperfect people many of whom make bad choices. Those are exactly the people I don’t want to have children. Give me a better (viable) choice and I’m there with you.
    Shooting the messenger seems to be a pretty regular idea here. Starry eyed dreaming is fun but unproductive in real life. Sorry!

  • 24 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    Boberin, surely you aren’t this dense. The issue isn’t unwanted babies, but children who are not being taught to make healthy choices. You want to talk about children? How about children who are being given birth control and told that “since you’re gonna do it anyway, here’s how” so that they can go out and keep from getting pregnant, but still contract a serious STD that either kills them or sterilizes them. Instead of teaching children that there is a different way to live life, the left thinks that we just need to appeal to the lowest common denominator. There is no seeking of excellence. There is no seeking of a higher way of life.

    You want to talk about poor, black children? How is enabling a poor child to participate in a life choice that is only going to keep them in the poor mindset a good thing? Have you heard Bill Cosby lately? Have you ever read Brave New World? I reread it a few months back and it gave me chills. We are there and we are reaping what we have sewn.

  • 25 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 1:04 pm

    c-a-t, if preaching abstinence were a viable option I would indeed agree. And, I surely have no objection to teaching good things, rather it’s a wonderful idea and has my full support.
    That being said, back to reality, to planet earth if you will. Preach/teach until you are blue and many folks will procreate anyway. They will produce underloved/undercared for children. Some of those kids will still turn out great but the reality is that many/most will not only be “not great” but actual, living, breathing drags on the rest of us.
    Please, tell me that isn’t true (and include your reasoning please) To show how good a guy I am I’ll give you a head start. Those kids would probably make decent soldiers and, the way things are going we are gonna need bunches of those…
    Consider the messenger shot…it really is all good.

  • 26 da Bunny // Oct 18, 2007 at 1:34 pm

    You go, ACLU…how dare the gov’t promote heterosexuality over “alternative” forms of sexual expression! Such blatant discrimination is unthinkable!! :-( [**sigh**]

  • 27 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 18, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    “…..the lesser of 2 evils…..” eh?

    I take it you consider the other lesser of two evils to be abstinence.

    Snap out of it.

  • 28 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:07 pm

    Ah, abstinence. No that is not one of the “evils” of which i speak. It is also not among the viable solutions that I was hoping might enlighten me. It is indeed a fine idea but one which “6000″ years of human existance has shown to be unreliable at best.

  • 29 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:10 pm


  • 30 Fred Sinclair // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:15 pm

    China, N. Korea and Iran are matters of concern to America - (not to mention the specter of “Manmade” Global Warming) yet we have greater concerns that are being given a mere shrugging of the shoulders. i,e. - Insanities

    insanity |inˈsanitē| |1nˌsþnədi|
    the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness : he suffered from bouts of insanity | [as complement ] he attempted to plead insanity.
    ‱ extreme foolishness or irrationality : it might be pure insanity to take this loan | the insanities of our time.
    ORIGIN late 16th cent. : from Latin insanitas, from insanus (see insane ).

    I’ve heard as most have, that the proper definition of insanity was “Continuing to repeat the same action over and over again, expecting a different result.”

    For over six decades people have been voting the Democrat ticket because they were promised “Pie in the sky, the moon and all the Daisies in the field” - Yet today they are actually in worse circumstances than their grandparents who first bought into that lie.

    “Insanity” is the only word in the English language to describe this hoax.

    If Mrs. Bill Clinton wins the Presidency in ‘08 - “Hell on Earth” will cease to be just a ‘catch phrase’ - The only recourse is for Conservatives to shake off their mantle of complacency and get off their duffs and vote.

    Otherwise America (with all of it’s scars and warts) as we know it; will cease to exist!!! Failure to do so, as Will Rogers stated: “People generally get the kind of Government they deserve”.

    I can only pray to God that He will not bring on America the judgement we so richly deserve, as He did when He gave over His people to the Egyptian Pharoah and later to the Nazism of Adolph Hitler.

    Our complacency in not voting as a protest or simply being too lazy may result in that woman gaining office.

    Now if it were Judge Janice Rogers Brown and Lynn Cheney - I’d be at the head of the line to vote for them, so I have zero problem with a woman being President - Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher are prime examples of what women can do.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 31 Effeminem // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:34 pm

    I don’t particularly want the public schools teaching abstinence, either. Maybe they could focus on, oh, math for example. Just throwing a crazy idea out there.

  • 32 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:35 pm

    Being a rather curious and studious person of ancient culture and world history I was directed to this site of old maps showing how many were fictitious. I found this map of the mid-east and to kill time I visited there.

    I found the map very interesting as I kept hitting control + to magnify the parchment. but….the egghead who created the website said the following about the map:

    “This may appear to be a straightforward map of the Middle East. However, closer inspection will reveal some extraordinary details. The picture in the top right hand corner shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, while a number of descriptions on the map refer to other stories from the Bible.

    The map was made in 1675, and appeared at a time when Protestants in England believed, very literally, in the truth of the Bible. Adam and Eve, Noah’s flood, Joseph and his coat of many colours: all these stories were believed to be actual historical events. As a result, Paradise (or Eden) was often shown on maps, as if these stories had really happened. The following references to biblical stories also appear on the map:

    ‘Ninevah where Jonas preached’

    ‘Jonas flies from the land’

    ‘The way that Jacob with his family and cattle traveled when he fled from his father-in-law Laban to his own countrie (sic)’

    ‘That is the Kingdom of Sheba from whence the Queen of Sheba came to hear the wisdom of Salomon (sic) and presented him with gold, jewels etc.’

    ‘The mountains of Ararvat where the Ark of Noah rested (with a small picture of the Ark alongside)’”

    Gee, willackers, can you imagine actually believing all that. Why, whatever makes a person so gullible as to believe the Bible! Hmm, must correct my faulty thinking.

    Now back to our social dilemma caused by parents who actually try to teach their children morals.

  • 33 prettyold // Oct 18, 2007 at 2:57 pm

    Does Scrappleface say ,anywhere ,”written by boberin or bober,or boberinyotagain,or
    bobupandkiss”? Is bober paying for this blog?
    Once again bober,you are NOT the messenger ,here. You are not the reason any of us read Scrappleface. This blog has nothing to do with you. sorry ,you are just not important.
    There are way more than 2 evils here. School are supposed to teach our children.Educate them to read ,write and use a calculator Period.
    It is not their place to sexually corrupt our children. It is not their job to teach our children sexual techniques. Most of all it is not the job of the schools to prescribe medicine for our children .With or without the consent of the parents.
    I have a hard time believing you actually raised children ,if you think girls of 12 to 14 know nothing about sex,or how babies are made.

  • 34 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 3:46 pm

    You can give a properly raised child the pill, some condoms, a machete, a gun, a hand grenade and a bottle of whiskey and still have no worries.
    There are precious few properly raised children

  • 35 Just Ranting // Oct 18, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    Boberwhataever re:19

    Check out the links on post 10. If schools continue to provide birth control and “sex education” without values and ethics, the links show you where the USA is headed. It certainly is not the kind of country I would want to live in which is why I asked other Scrapplers to take action.

    As for your views on abortion, you could not be more far off from reality. Most of the over 45 million babies aborted in this country are not black or other minorities. They are mostly white children from middle class women.

  • 36 nylecoj // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    Most of these posts are right on target ‘health’ care does not belong in the schools and the schools should actually be attempting to educate children in the basics but something that is bothering me that I have not heard yet, and I may have missed it along the way, is what will the effect of these pills be on their future health? And not just sexual health concerns, altering their hormones, cancer concerns, changes in puberty, growth issues. I would be surprised to find that there have been any studies done on the effect to young people.

  • 37 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:25 pm

    So, dispensing condoms and birth control to 12 year olds is going to make for a better world, eh?

    I seem to remember we were told back in 1972 if we would just let those 20,000 women a year have a legal abortion the birds would sing (though the stork population would experience higher unemployment), poverty and unwanted children would disappear, and there wouldn’t be a cloud in the sky of our new world order of liberalism. They said, don’t worry, more women won’t seek abortions, that’s just a scare tactic by fearmongering conservative Neanderthals.

    Within three years those 20,000 women (95% of whom were already getting illegal but “safe abortions” in clinics) turned into a tsunami of 1.2 MILLION women. And somehow that’s conservatives fault because we weren’t making plans to adopt 1.2 million “unwanted babies” a year from irresponsible women who probably would be doing society a bigger favor by being sterilized instead? Let’s face it, 98% of all abortions are for the convenience of the sexually promiscuous. It’s simply become a more deadly form of birth control.

    To this day the multi-billion dollar abortion industry and the culture of death on the left has yet provided definitive proof that unwanted pregnancies invariably result in unwanted children. And how many unwanted children arise out of wanted pregnancies? Millions I would say, so maybe there should be a call for retro-active abortions.

    Why does the radical left always insist on institutionalizing promiscuity and stupidity?

    The Serpent: Come, come dear child, take this pill and all your problems will go away. And if you make the same mistake again, I’m always here to help you. Your parents don’t understand you like I do. And remember, if you ever do get pregnant, I’ll make your life better by poisoning your unborn baby with a saline solution and then lovingly cutting that cancer-like growth apart so it will better fit into the trash can. God made you this way, so live your life to the fullest and remember, I’m always here to help you with the the unfair consequences of just having fun in life!

    So, what’s next. Creating a special room where junior high students can safely snort coke? Or maybe the school administrators can start handing out clean needles. Lord knows how many kids are already doing the needle. And maybe the school board can convert one of the D-Hall rooms into a bedroom, replete with a spinning red light. Gotta accomodate those eleven year olds who want to safely hook up in their spare time. Remember: IT’S ALL FOR THE CHILDREN!

    Liberals have always had a sinister and warped sense of what true compassion is. If this kind of crap had been suggested just twenty years ago, those doing the suggesting would have been put into a rubber room. Says a lot about how far liberals have slouched toward Gomorrah.

  • 38 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:31 pm

    Having restrained myself for as long as possible, I must say this:

    Only the vilest of depraved lunatics could possibly consider the promotion of promiscuity among prepubescent, preteenage and, even, teenage Human Beings a good thing. Despicable and loathsome beyond words.

    I pray today for those sad, lonely Children everywhere who perceive that nobody loves them-because the Father does; the Lord does; the Holy Spirit does. My heart goes out to them with empathy and sympathy and Hope.

  • 39 Just Ranting // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:33 pm


    Well said.

  • 40 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:45 pm

    BTW, prettyold, I knew bober was touched enough in the head to buy into this garbage. The man can rationalize anything … except for people exercising self-control and embracing traditional values in hopes of a better life. And the really scary thing is people like that vote for more of this incremental narcissism!

    I can’t even imagine the social and cultural nightmare which await our children’s children, all compliments of the depraved secular “progressives”. And to add insult to injury, instead of a growing shame in their own intellectual debauchery the last twenty or thirty years they actual revel in it! After all, they’re so sophisticated, cosmopolitan and progressive! I fear good Americans will eventually rebel against being forced to financially support such cultural indignities with their taxes, therefore hastening the coming revolution which draws ever closer with such undisguised attempts to undermine the remaining moral pillars of western civilization. These decisions belong in the home not in institutions of government-funded mass education. Arrogant twits.

    “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson.

  • 41 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 4:53 pm


    You forget to add “disgusting pieces of ratfilth.” Think about it, these people are actually advocating giving birth control and condoms (which they are already doing) to eleven and twelve year olds!!! These miscreants would have been tarred and feathered just a decade ago.

    I’m surprised we haven’t heard the rationalization that in times past men used to marry twelve year olds so what’s so wrong … blah, blah, blah, thus unwittingly justifying pedophilia in the process of their argument. Maybe they’ve thought it but had the good sense not to reveal too much of their debauchery.

    Just because some backward culture use to marry off twelve (and younger) year-olds to other twelve year olds or older men doesn’t make it right, and such despicable practices certainly shouldn’t set a precedence for modern civil society.

  • 42 boberinyetagain // Oct 18, 2007 at 5:05 pm

    “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson.

    Yep, Jefferson was a certain of our impending demise as you are. Old age is not for the weak, obviously. It makes you believe that the end is near. Because, how could the world go on w/o you? Obviously it couldn’t shouldn’t so, by default if your end is near, so must it be for mankind.
    Woe is us…

  • 43 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 6:37 pm

    Effiminem re # 31 - Amen!!!!!!! It is NOT the schools’ job to teach children about sex one way or the other. That is the parents’ job. Let’s get back to filling these minds full of mush with a love of learning and a desire for excellence based on plain ol’ readin’ and writin’ and ‘rithmetic. Sheesh.

    Boberin, your attitude reminds me of someone who goes to the doctor because he has a nosebleed and the doctor says, “Oh no. Our tests show that you have cancer. We HAVE to stop that nosebleed.” And so he gives you a coagulant and a big bandaid to put over your nose and sends you home because he stopped the nosebleed. Well what about the cancer? You see, you and those like you are all about fixing a symptom, but you have no desire and no idea how to attack the problem. Sometimes, the attack on the problem may be unpleasant and severe, like surgery and chemotherapy, but it has to be done in order for the patient to survive. Well, here, the problem is that parents have abdicated the reponsibility of raising their children to the schools and the school is just a machine invented by and run by men. The machine has no feelings, no moral compass, no nothing, just unemotional input by humans. Yep, we’ve turned the care of our kids over to a robot. Aren’t we special?

    So it’s time for surgery by human hands and chemo. My suggestion to all parents is to finally face up to reality and if this bothers you at all, remove your kids from the public school system. There are things that you can’t change, but you sure can change what you can, and if that means taking responsibility for what goes on around your child and what is put into that child’s head, then take it and infuse it with pride. Home schooling is an option you know!!

  • 44 everthink // Oct 18, 2007 at 6:42 pm

    Re: 42

    Nice post, but I used to have trouble imagining the events of The Revelation, before the election of 2000; not so much now. Also, Numerology (occult?) says Dumbyah’s name equals 666.

  • 45 everthink // Oct 18, 2007 at 6:44 pm

    “Effiminem re # 31 - Amen!!!!!!! It is NOT the schools’ job to teach children about sex one way or the other. That is the parents’ job. Let’s get back to filling these minds full of mush with a love of learning and a desire for excellence based on plain ol’ readin’ and writin’ and ‘rithmetic. Sheesh”.

    And, AMEN!!!!!

  • 46 ACLU: Birth Control Pills Don’t Belong in Schools | ZardozZ News and Satire // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:06 pm

    [...] directing them to visit the school library to investigate the full range of sexual opportunities.”ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control Pills — as reported by satirist Scott [...]

  • 47 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:15 pm

    Ohhhhh noooooooo. Neverthink agreed with me. The world really is coming to a speedy end….. Scott, put on that Twilight Zone music. :-)

  • 48 Darthmeister // Oct 18, 2007 at 8:17 pm

    That’s it bober, avoid the real issue here with your irrelevant blah, blah, blah. And I bet you probably feel if Thomas Jefferson were alive today he would think like you … you know, gay marriage is protected under the Constitution, institutionalizing promiscuity among twelve year olds is a positive if not noble cause, and murdering unborn babies in the womb builds a healthy civil society.

    If Jefferson had heard such filthy spew in the name of freedom he would take a dueling pistol and shoot the scoundrel dead on the spot. And I venture to guess that every other American founder would do the same.

    The average American has become inured to the absolute outrages liberal humanists have foisted upon the American people because we’ve had to swim in their utter filth for most of our lives. Instead of engaging in a just cause against the ratfilth who would institutionalize promiscuity among eleven and twelve year olds, we’ve become like so many fatted cattle merely switching our tails at the blowflies and dung beetles hoping they would go bother someone else.

    I wish, no I pray, that God will one day raise up ten million principled revolutionaries like our founding ancestors, men and women of action who engage in more than words of outrage. Even I am a coward when compared to our ancestors four generations ago who had the moral courage to take public action against debauched reprobates who pollute the public discourse with their immoral lies and the tin-plated despots who revel in the vanity of their narcissistic humanism.

    The secular progressives/liberals believe they evolved from slime mold which oozed its way out of a primoridal soup. Well, maybe they did since they seem quite predisposed to slime their way back into a cesspool of swill to acquaint themselves with their true ancestry. I guess that’s the new recapitulation theory for our day and decent Americans would do well to remember this sordid chapter in American liberalism.

  • 49 egospeak // Oct 18, 2007 at 9:19 pm

    Bober, you can’t possibly be as obtuse as your comments indicate can you? You mock the idea of God’s judgement (#42) and abstinence (#25 & #28), which, BTW, works everytime it’s tried.

    Would you advocate repealing laws against murder, theft and the like because 6000 years of human existance have proved them less than 100% effective?

    It is absolutely true that promiscuity and bastard children have been around seemingly forever, but what has changed in the last 50 years that has caused the HUGE rise in both? (I have more than a few ideas of my own but for now I’ll keep them to myself.) And if that change is demonstrably not good, why propose solutions that will only exacerbate the problem?

    One thing is certain, accomodating bad/wrong/sinful/immoral behavior will not lead to less of it.


  • 50 Fred Sinclair // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:07 pm

    neverthink - #44 I recall that the Numerologist said exactly the same thing about Ronald Reagan. I don’t know or care how they manuver their numbers but I guess George is in pretty good company.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 51 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:14 pm

    You know, one thing that is being left out of this whole argument is the medical/physical effects on these children. If the liberals are so concerned for children’s health issues and so concerned about toxic toys, lead paint and the likes, where is the outcry over the heightened risk of cancer for these girls due to hormones so early. Where is the study on risk of stroke in ones so young? How about changes in the body that lead to sterility? Never mind. Give ‘em a pill and society doesn’t have to deal with unwanted children - either babies or 11 year olds.

  • 52 conserve-a-tips // Oct 18, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    Fred, I did a little numerology myself. Everthink has 9 letters in his name which goes into 666 exactly 74 times and 7 + 4 = 11 and 11 is the corresponding number to the very last letter in Everthink’s name - the K. I’m just sayin’…….. :-)

  • 53 RedPepper // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:03 pm

    Fred & c-a-t: Turning various people’s names into “the Number of the Beast” is a game that has been played since Revelation was written. For example, scholars have argued that the number represents the Roman Emperor Nero. Here is a link for those who are curious: Number of the Beast .

  • 54 everthink // Oct 18, 2007 at 11:37 pm

    Red, so you think it was Nero? That does fit the “end times” rap. Should this number be laughed off then? If not, which is it 616, or 666? Which is literal?

    Fred, you gotta good memory to remember THIS guy said exactly the same thing about your old idol Ronald Reagan. That was before Gore gave us the internet, you know?

  • 55 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 19, 2007 at 12:37 am

    You have to read this. Another Democrat shoots off his mouth. Will he be asked to resign? Ha! Not on your life

  • 56 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 19, 2007 at 12:37 am

    aggghhh! I can’t push no more

  • 57 Darthmeister // Oct 19, 2007 at 3:42 am

    The Limbaugh censure letter, signed by 41 anti-First Amendment Democrat twits in the Senate, is now up to $2.2 million! What a PR bonanza for Rush. The censure letter was the first time in American history that a group of Senate despots tried to shut up a private citizen by cheap intimidation - and it didn’t help that it was full of lies and calculated misrepresentations, compliments of the Hillary founded, “indirectly” funded George Soros hate blog, MediaMatters.

    BTW, has anyone else noticed that listening to sHrillary’s cackle almost makes a person pine for fingernails on a blackboard?

  • 58 Darthmeister // Oct 19, 2007 at 3:51 am

    Ms RightWing, the guy is a total moonbat. He’s been that way for a long time. Of course the double-standard Democrats who are his colleagues will go into their see-no-evil-hear-no-evil mode and the liberal media will in all likelihood let this nutbag’s pernicious lies die on the vine. The lamestream media isn’t going to carry the water against one of their own.

    But then again some DimDonks may be willing to throw this depraved kook under the bus since he’s really a no-body - you know, the sacrificial lamb - but I wouldn’t hold my breath

    I’m still remembering Cynthia McKinney and how the Democrats didn’t dare criticize her since she was a three-fer … she was black, she was female and she was a Demoncrapper. She said some pretty outrageous things but it was her lie about not hitting the Capital Hill security officer which eventually did her in. At least the Georgia Democrats aren’t as big of morons as those in New Orleans who re-elected the certifiably incompetent Ray Nagin as their mayor.

  • 59 gafisher // Oct 19, 2007 at 6:08 am

    Darth Re#57: I signed up right away to “prequalify” and got a nice note back hours later asking if I still wanted to do so since the letter had gone over $5,000. I wrote back to say “thanks, but that’s out of my league.” Now I wish I’d gone ahead and could at least have briefly had a hand in this historic event.

    It’s a little late now; my card limit’s below that $2.2 million mark. (-:

  • 60 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 19, 2007 at 7:20 am

    This issue, disgusting as the perverse aspects of it are, has another side wherein these people have made yet another foray in the battle to make the children of their community Wards of the State by declaring Parental Authority is a myth.

    “I’m going to an orgy, Mommy” says the 11-year old, “and you can’t stop me. The school you send me to says you have no authority.”

    “Have fun, my precious little one. And don’t forget there’s a test on fractions tomorrow,” says the doting Mom. “Oh, need a ride?”

  • 61 everthink // Oct 19, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    More Straw Sculptures by Jasper,

    “I’m going to an orgy, Mommy” says the 11-year old, “and you can’t stop me. The school you send me to says you have no authority.”

    Think about an 11-year old going to an orgy, an 11 year old who calls her mother “Mommy”; and think too about the poor “Mommy” who is afraid of the school.

    Dang Hillary! Dang Bill! Dang the godless Dimicretins!

  • 62 its-just-me // Oct 19, 2007 at 12:48 pm

    Re: #54 -

    “That was before Gore gave us the internet, you know?”

    Is this telling of your age?

    People actually obtained information before the internet came along, believe it or not.

  • 63 conserve-a-tips // Oct 19, 2007 at 1:08 pm

    Well, the auction is over and the Declaration of Ignorance has just sold for $2,100, 100. AND Harry Reid just took credit for it on the Senate Floor in the most outrageous speech I’ve ever heard. But so what else is new?

  • 64 Fred Sinclair // Oct 19, 2007 at 1:38 pm

    On Haliburton’s Titainum Attache Case today: Their ad - -

    “GAME, SET, MATCH: Another Win for Rush Limbaugh

    4 days ago on Pardon My English: Conservative News & Opinion
    off the letter on e-bay, an announcement he repeated on-air the following day. The winning bidder will receive the letter, the “Halliburton titanium briefcase” in which he carried it, a personally signed letter of thanks from Rush, and a photo of Rush onstage… ”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 65 conserve-a-tips // Oct 19, 2007 at 1:57 pm

    Fred, and as usual, Harry was waving the white flag?

  • 66 everthink // Oct 19, 2007 at 2:43 pm


    Well, not exactly my age; but I heard here Gore invented the internet, and I believe everything posted here by my elders.

    However, I can see clearly that age doesn’t necessarily correlate with wisdom. Some of you here have hit your peak, and it seems to have been more like a bump in the downhill decline of life.

    About post 55,

    Dang, those godless commie mouth shooters!

  • 67 everthink // Oct 19, 2007 at 4:52 pm


    I meant to say IJM!

    It was just careless, no insult was intended …, well not that kind anyway.

    I apologize,


  • 68 its-just-me // Oct 19, 2007 at 6:29 pm

    You heard here that Gore invented the internet?
    I thought that was something that he said…
    (Sometimes the truth actually IS stranger than fiction.)

  • 69 Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Friday Free For All // Oct 19, 2007 at 7:06 pm

    [...] Hot Air: Harry Ried eats his own words over Rush letter and more Hillary scandals See-Dubya: What Did The Founding Fathers Say on Immigration? Radio Equalizer: Randi Rhodes Speaks About Non-Mugging QandO: The Ron Paul Voter The Nose On Your Face: The NY Times Employee Entrance Exam Scrappleface: ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control Pills [...]

  • 70 prettyold // Oct 19, 2007 at 8:06 pm


  • 71 everthink // Oct 20, 2007 at 1:01 am


    You said: “You heard here that Gore invented the internet? I thought that was something that he said
(Sometimes the truth actually IS stranger than fiction.)


    I SAID “That was before Gore gave us the internet, you know? “

    “I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” March 9, 1999 Web posted at: 5:06 p.m. EST (2206 GMT) Al Gore on CNN’S WOLF BLITZER

    This seems a credible and even modest statement that Republican Dirty tricksters, and you of “high values” people of the morally superior right insist on lying about.

    In support of his statement consider this:

    Al Gore On March 19, 1979, Gore became the first person to appear on C-SPAN, making a speech in the House chambers. In the late 1980s, Gore introduced the Gore Bill, which was later passed as the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991. The bill was one of the most important pieces of legislation directly affecting the expansion of the Internet.

    Are you pulling my leg? Try my finger instead!


  • 72 everthink // Oct 20, 2007 at 1:14 am


    Well I never liked girls that age, when I was that young; but, don’t you be making a play for me either.

    I’ve am long married, and you shouldn’t be flirting with your “betters”.

    ET (formerly known as Bravo 39)

  • 73 mig // Oct 20, 2007 at 6:42 am

    Wouldn’t it have been easier to just give two asprins and call in the morning?

  • 74 EXT // Oct 20, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    Today the schools teach kids with “problems” to take two abortion pills without waiting to call in the morning. Aspirin, of course, are banned.

  • 75 Darthmeister // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:10 am

    BATON ROUGE, La. - U.S. Rep. Bobby Jindal became the nation’s youngest governor and the first nonwhite to hold post in Louisiana since Reconstruction when he carried more than half the vote to defeat 11 opponents.

    Jindal, the Republican 36-year-old son of Indian immigrants, had 53 percent with 625,036 votes with about 92 percent of the vote tallied. It was more than enough to win Saturday’s election outright and avoid a Nov. 17 runoff.

    Looks like most of the people in Louisiana, including a good number of Dimmocrats, got beat enough with a clue stick. Enough of Democrat graft and corruption in a state owned by the Donks since Reconstruction. Maybe the good people of Louisiana can stop whining for more handouts and start getting on with putting their lives back together, especially in New Orleans … starting with voting out the incompetent Mayor Ray Nagin (D-Moon) the next time around.

  • 76 Darthmeister // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:11 am

    … pushin’

  • 77 Darthmeister // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:41 am

    neverthink spins the truth again.

    I’ve understood Al Gore never actually said he “invented” the Internet, but he did say HE took the initiative to CREATE the Internet. It’s pretty clear he was trying to give the impression he was far more involved in delivering the Internet to us common folk than what he really was. And once again he tries to give Big Government credit for what the free market itself accomplished and would have accomplished without a stupid Al Gore bill.

    But once again we have a DimDonk, Al Goracle, who embellishes his resumé just like the phony soldier Jessie Macbeth embellished his military exploits when he never finished boot camp.

    Gore apologists are shameless in that they refuse to see the hyperbolic boastfulness and elitist arrogance of one of their own. Of course it turned into a big joke, even among the liberal media elites, that Gore “invented the Internet.”

    However, more importantly here, notice how nuanced neverthink gets when defending one of his own sacred cows yet as a liberal/progressive he does not extend the same courtesty to his political enemies (which is what makes them his enemies, btw).

    “Create” vs “invent”? Coming from a politician there is no difference. Gore was essentially claiming he single-handedly created/invented the Internet and for that, particularly as a bloviating politician, he was rightly excoriated by us common folk.

    The bulk of what makes up the Internet - a collection of computers, the protocols, application programs, networks, and uniform standards - already existed well before Goracle’s first term in 1977 and certainly well before the much ballyhooed “Gore bill” in 1988. Gore was full of himself when he made the satement to Wolf Blitzer … and we already know neverthink is full of himself but he had to prove it once again by trying to be “technically” correct in defending his own, despite the fact he’s a total bull in a china shop when condemning Republicans and conservatives with claims which are typically outright lies. But this is the kind of double-standards we can come to expect from a “progressive” people who pride themselves on their “understanding”, “cooperation with those who don’t agree with them”, and the need for “diveristy of thought” to make the world a better place.

    The idea that Gore, the politician, was an arrogant twit for publicly claiming to have “created the Internet” in the manner that he did is a pretty diverse thought, don’t ya think?

  • 78 everthink // Oct 21, 2007 at 10:37 pm

    “I took the initiative …”. He took the initiative! He led the way with legislation!

    What part of that confuses you dipstick?

  • 79 Drainmake.Com » ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control Pills // Oct 29, 2007 at 12:44 am

    [...] wrote an interesting post today on ACLU Sues Middle School Over Birth Control PillsHere’s a quick [...]

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