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2nd Bin Laden Tape Claims First Tape Was Fake

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-11-13) — A second audiotape surfaced today on which a voice claiming to be Usama bin Laden denies he recorded a tape released by al Jazeera TV earlier this week.
“It’s a fake. That was not me on the tape,” says the voice. “How could I have released that tape? I was killed in the bombing of the Tora Bora region. The maker of the earlier tape is an impostor. This is really me, and I tell you that I am no longer alive. Wait, let me get one of my 70 virgins over here to confirm my testimony.”
The audio breaks up and is unintelligible after that point.
U.S. military experts who have studied the second tape agree that the voice is Mr. bin Laden’s.
“I guess we were just wrong about the first tape,” said one unnamed expert. “This time it’s really him, and he must be dead. You gotta take the man’s word for it.”

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