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June 10, 2007

Poll: Majority Says Paris Hilton’s Plight Good for America

(2007-06-10) — An overwhelming majority of Americans say they’ve never felt better about themselves than during the past several weeks as they follow the story of Paris’ Hilton’s conviction and incarceration.

“It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” said one poll respondent, a resident of suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Just knowing that rich, famous, beautiful people can be miserable, pathetic losers gives me hope that my own troubled existence may have meaning. I can’t get enough of this story on TV. Every moment is like a multivitamin for my ego.”

Indeed, some 87 percent of those polled said they relished feeling superior to someone who, according to cultural norms, should be considered superior to them. In brief, researchers say their findings show: “What’s bad for Paris Hilton is good for America.”

“The lower she sinks, the higher I soar,” said a unnamed dental hygienist from Eugene, Oregon. “You know, I just don’t feel so bad anymore about the stupid things I’ve done, or about my failure to achieve my dreams. It’s a comfort just knowing that despite all of her money, I’m a better person than Paris Hilton.”

The CBS News/New York Times survey also showed that, 58 percent of Americans were willing to see Ms. Hilton suffer further disgrace, prolonged imprisonment or even death for the good of the nation.

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  1. Poll: Majority Say Paris Hilton’s Plight Good for America…

    by Scott Ott

    (2007-06-10) — An overwhelming majority of Americans say they’ve never
    felt better about themselves than during the past several weeks as they
    follow the story of Paris’ Hilton’s conviction and incarceration.
    “It’s the be…

    Trackback by Scott Ott — June 10, 2007 @ 5:26 am

  2. […] Original post by Scott Ott […]

    Pingback by Poll: Majority Says Paris Hilton’s Plight Good for America | Paris Hilton Jail Blog — June 10, 2007 @ 5:43 am

  3. God Bless America

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 10, 2007 @ 6:39 am

  4. Poll: Majority Says Paris Hilton’s Plight Good for America…

    Trackback by University Update — June 10, 2007 @ 7:19 am

  5. On “The View” awhile back the comment was made, “One thing I have to admire about Paris Hilton, is the extreme lengths she has taken, to prove that you fon’t have to be poor, to be white trash.”

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 10, 2007 @ 7:34 am

  6. I derive great satisfaction from knowing I’m a better mom than Britney Spears too! O.K., I set the bar pretty low-the easier to achieve greatness!!!

    Comment by MargeinMI — June 10, 2007 @ 7:44 am

  7. Off topic: Gotta go watch my boy (that’s right ladies, he’s MINE, ALL MINE-’cause I said so!) take his fourth French Open. Roger Federer will put up a good fight, no doubt, but Rafa will take the day!

    GO RAFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {swoooooooon}

    Comment by MargeinMI — June 10, 2007 @ 7:58 am

  8. My bad, no clue as to how that “fon’t” got in there s/b “don’t”.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 10, 2007 @ 9:40 am

  9. Roughly translated from Haitian (Creole) is the following from Philippians 4:11-12. I chose that as to compare the deplorable living conditions to the Ivory towers Paris Hilton lives in.

    Si nou wè m’ap pale konsa, se pa paske koulye a mwen nan nesesite. Paske nan lavi, m’ aprann kontante tèt mwen ak sa m’ genyen. Mwen konnen sa ki rele viv nan mizè, mwen konnen sa ki rele viv nan richès. Kit mwen pa gen ase, kit mwen gen plis pase sa m’ bezwen, nan tout sikonstans m’ aprann kontante tèt mwen toupatou ak sa mwen genyen.

    Money never breeds contentment, though a wee little bit can make one giggly and somewhat happy

    Philippians 4:11-12
    “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.”

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 10, 2007 @ 10:20 am

  10. His honor can now return to his position at the animal shelter putting to sleep unwanted pets.

    Comment by Tonys Balony — June 10, 2007 @ 10:37 am

  11. Rats. I lost my whole post. Sometimes when I go to edit what I just wrote. Kapow, the whole enchilada disappears. sigh, I may rewrite it later.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 10, 2007 @ 10:54 am

  12. Paris Hilton is a genius. Too bad she’s not my type.

    Comment by Effeminem — June 10, 2007 @ 11:46 am

  13. The world loves a train wreck, I guess. I certainly believe the sentence handed down to Ms. Hilton was severe (primarily because of her celebrity status), but do find some satisfaction in seeing the “high and mighty” engaged in struggles more familiar to the regular folks.

    Let’s all hope some good comes of this. Perhaps Paris will see the commonality of existence and alter her ways but my guess is that she has a new prison-based reality show in mind…

    Comment by Beerme — June 10, 2007 @ 11:58 am

  14. I find myself feeling twinges of empathy for Paris Hilton.
    I find myself praying she finds the Lord.
    I find myself hoping this is her rock-bottom.

    Matthew 14:30

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 10, 2007 @ 1:21 pm

  15. I’ve seen the idea of closing Gitmo (today-right now-immediately) being mentioned here and there; absorbing the inmates into the Constitutionally-protected prison system. I consider the notion, first of all, to be psychopathological and-running a close second-quite unconstitutional.

    It needs to stop raining on the raceway at Pocono.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 10, 2007 @ 2:45 pm

  16. It is suggested that Paris Hilton is being punished more severely than she otherwise would be because she is a celebrity.

    Well, of course!

    Cable news has gone wall-to-wall with this story since it began, & it’s still going.

    Paris Hilton in prison is the biggest Public Service Announcement in our history!

    Comment by DrivebyMeteor — June 10, 2007 @ 2:57 pm

  17. JamesonLewis3rd

    5:00 pm-The race is on. Eeeyhooow

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 10, 2007 @ 4:15 pm

  18. O, for the days when I thought Paris Hilton was a hotel in France

    Comment by camojack — June 10, 2007 @ 6:05 pm

  19. Based upon name recognition and demonstrated support of The Liberal Party (formerly The Democrat Party), Paris Hilton is a serious threat to Hillary for the nomination!

    Might be a good thing; as President-for-Life, if Ms. Hilton continue her present course, it likely would be a very short presidency. Thereby hangs a tale of woe over who might be VP!

    I hear Michael Moore is salivating to pair with Ms. Hilton….as a running mate….nothing more. Or…….

    Comment by EXT — June 10, 2007 @ 7:51 pm

  20. At least Paris Hilton gives us a break from Anna Nicole Smith and Larry Berkhead.

    Comment by Maggie — June 10, 2007 @ 9:15 pm

  21. Michael Moore is going to portray Paris Hilton in the upcoming blockbuster portrayal of her behind-bars life called, “Prison Stint-’Ew, it smells in here’”.
    Al-Goracle produces it and stars as Michael Moore.
    I did not write the script.
    Early reviews were vile diatribes of hate-filled derision. The very first test audience began to go mad within ten minutes.
    There were no investigations.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 10, 2007 @ 9:17 pm

  22. This whole episode almost makes me a believer in de-evolution.

    If they do a bio-pic of the life and trials of Paris Hilton, I’d vote for a blonde version of Naomi Campbell to reprise Hilton’s role. Birds of feather and all that.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 10, 2007 @ 9:48 pm

  23. Images from outer space are one of the wonders of the current age.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 10, 2007 @ 11:08 pm

  24. I find it disturbing that the media have chosen to focus on the mundane travails of Paris Hilton when just last night Lindsay Lohan ate an entire pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream…all by herself.

    Let’s put things in perspective here.

    Comment by Godfrey — June 11, 2007 @ 2:31 am

  25. Speaking of perspective, God has been creating again, while scientists take credit.,2933,277835,00.html

    Comment by tomg — June 11, 2007 @ 7:16 am

  26. Isn’t Paris a city in France?

    This woman named after the capital of the cheese-eating surrender monkeys is certainly a role model for my daughters!

    Hey, even O’Reilly has lightened up on the French since they elected someone with two brain cells to rub together and a smattering of gratitude for all those American graves the Parisian punks are so fond of desecrating. My “Boycott France” bumpersticker is still posted on the fridge in the kitchen, though.

    There is one first, last, and only comment about the effusive Ms. Hilton over at United Possums International.

    Forget a boycott of France. I’m for boycotting Paris. Orange jumpsuits make a lousy fashion statement.

    Comment by Possumtrot — June 11, 2007 @ 7:31 am

  27. Monday Monday can’t trust that day
    Monday Monday sometimes it just turns out that way
    Oh Monday mornin’ you gave me no warnin’ of what was to be
    Oh Monday Monday how could you leave and not take me

    sigh, where did my weekend go? A pulled muscle laid me flat-but today, well I am a new woman and ready to roll, er crawl again.

    Week two and no parts for my powerchair yet.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 11, 2007 @ 7:59 am

  28. Ms Right Wing…

    I’m certainly glad that you didn’t need parts for an ‘iron lung’ or respirator……:>)

    Comment by Maggie — June 11, 2007 @ 9:01 am

  29. I saw The Mamas and Papas sing “Monday, Monday” among other songs back in the day in Columbus; at the Ohio Theatre, I believe-the same place I saw “Hair”.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 11, 2007 @ 10:25 am

  30. I’m pretty sure I saw Black Sabbath during their “Paranoid” tour at the gilded Ohio Theatre. I do remember that Jethro Tull was the opening band-their album “Benefit” had just come out. My brother and I went to that concert, he was annoyed by all the massive, smoke-belching joints being passed around. We were unanimous in that Jethro Tull stole the show. We did a lot of grinning.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — June 11, 2007 @ 10:44 am

  31. Poor Paris Hilton, still crying for her “Mommy” to get her out of trouble at the age of 26. Those photos of her sobbing in the back of that police cruiser on her way back to the slammer were just priceless! It’s about your choices, Paris…not your wealth, or your beauty, or your name.

    camojack re: #18…amen to that, my friend! :lol:

    Comment by da Bunny — June 11, 2007 @ 11:40 am

  32. I’m still trying to figure out how race hustler Al Sharlaton got involved in the Paris hubbub. Could it possibly have something to do with…

    … TV cameras?

    Comment by GnuCarSmell — June 11, 2007 @ 12:11 pm

  33. Up in the top right, Scott still has the handy PayPal button. Today’s a good day to use it.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 11, 2007 @ 12:34 pm

  34. Ms. RW,

    it’s MONDAY?? AH! I better get dressed! Alfred, fetch my cape!

    Comment by Effeminem — June 11, 2007 @ 2:08 pm

  35. #24 Godfrey,

    I agree. The news coverage of Lohan has been so non-existent that I wasn’t even aware she had an ice cream fetish … or is she bulimic? I’m outrage, outraged I tell ya!

    I’m also outraged not even the Rev Jesse Jackson has peformed a sit-in on Ms. Hilton’s behalf. The injustice of it all!

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 11, 2007 @ 2:50 pm

  36. I heard a cute remark the other day that Lohan celebrated Earth Day by crashing a hybrid car into another tree.

    Oh, the humanity! What wonderful role models for the youth of America!

    Remember when the President of the United States was regarded as a role model? I think that one went by the board about 1992, when America had its last attack of national dementia.

    I have blue jeans, sneakers and underwear older than these children. No more comments on the kidlets; I’d rather watch one of those true-crime police-dash-cam programs where DUI suspects run over stop sticks, flee on three sparking rims, and ultimately flip their cars. At least the hard-core idiots don’t cry when the cuffs go on.

    Comment by Possumtrot — June 11, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

  37. Camo,
    The Paris Hilton isn’t a hotel in France? …man, am I out of touch. :smile:

    Comment by Hawkeye — June 11, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

  38. camojack re: #18…amen to that, my friend!
    Comment by da Bunny — June 11, 2007 @ 11:40 am

    I think I’ll change my Screen Actors Guild name to “Motel 6″.


    Comment by camojack — June 11, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

  39. […] Related: ScrappleFace […]

    Pingback by Public Eye » Paris Hilton Claims Enemy Combatant Status, Released — June 11, 2007 @ 3:31 pm

  40. Camo,
    The Paris Hilton isn’t a hotel in France? …man, am I out of touch.
    Comment by Hawkeye — June 11, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

    It probably is that, too.

    Comment by camojack — June 11, 2007 @ 3:32 pm

  41. The next thing you’ll be telling me is that “Johnny Cash” isn’t the loose change you need to use a pay toilet… or that “Kofi Anon” isn’t Java supplied by an unknown source… Sheesh!

    Comment by Hawkeye — June 11, 2007 @ 3:36 pm

  42. GnuCarSmell - #32

    Psa. 111:9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.

    I’ve often wondered about mere mortal men (and I’ve heard tell of even some women) who like satan, when he boasted about being as God, they usurp the name of God, taking it for their own, also in the manner of Matt 23:9 with the injunction to “call no man father…”

    The self appointed “Reverend” Al and the “Reverend” Jessie and all the rest of the so called “Reverends” like the so called “Reverend” Bennie Hill will one day answer as Lucifer was forced to do. I show and give them the same spiritual respect I give a pebble caught in the tread of my tire - merely an annoyance

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 11, 2007 @ 3:44 pm

  43. Hank: …not even the Rev Jesse Jackson has peformed a sit-in on Ms. Hilton’s behalf.

    If Hilton were black he’d be front and center…especially if she’d murdered a cop or two.

    Comment by Godfrey — June 11, 2007 @ 4:57 pm

  44. Fred - I find your attitude toward the Justice Brothers™ less than reverential, yet fitting.

    As for Paris Hilton, I don’t have an opinion either way. I can say that the Dallas Motel 6 is very nice.

    Comment by GnuCarSmell — June 11, 2007 @ 5:01 pm

  45. GnuCarSmell……I wonder if they keep the light on in jail?

    Comment by Maggie — June 11, 2007 @ 6:23 pm

  46. I think I’ll change my Screen Actors Guild name to “Motel 6″.


    Comment by camojack — June 11, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

    Why not “Super 8?” Or, “Sleep Inn?” Silly boy!!! :lol:

    Comment by da Bunny — June 11, 2007 @ 6:26 pm

  47. da bunnys funny :>)

    Comment by Maggie — June 11, 2007 @ 6:36 pm

  48. WASHINGTON — Republicans have blocked a no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in the Senate.

    The move rejects a symbolic Democratic effort to prod him from office despite blistering criticism from lawmakers in both parties.

    Duh, does the Democratic party ever do anything that is not symbolic. Zeech, what a bunch of (holding the “L” finger symbol to my forehead) LOSERS!!!

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 11, 2007 @ 8:30 pm

  49. Maggie re:28

    My iron lung, purchased with 38,000 empty cigarette packages, works fine, but my, oh my, what a bummer waiting for a plastic 8 inch Chinese made wheel for such a long time. I am confined to my apartment building without it. si

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 11, 2007 @ 8:34 pm

  50. Ms. RW…

    Cough! Cough! Hack, spit, and gag!

    A flick of the Zippo for today’s best giggle.

    Them Asian folks do enjoy their smoking quite fearlessly, don’t they?

    Comment by Possumtrot — June 11, 2007 @ 10:10 pm

  51. Maybe Ms. Hilton should accuse some Asian Duke athletes of not tipping moremaking rude commentsharassing … raping her. That would surely bring the good Reverend to her rescue.

    On our vacation several weeks ago, my wife and I saw an interesting hotel name … the C’mon Inn! It was about as nice and big as a Howard Johnson. No flea bag motel there.

    And I’ll never understand why the makers of OFF! didn’t name it BUG OFF!.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 11, 2007 @ 10:18 pm

  52. Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
    Who could hang a name on you?
    When you change with every new day
    Still I’m gonna miss you…

    Well, I can’t change the song but I can change the Lyrics to Hello Ruby Tuesday

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 7:15 am

  53. […] An overwhelming majority of Americans say they’ve never felt better about themselves than during the past several weeks as they follow the story of Paris’ Hilton’s conviction and incarceration. “It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” said one poll respondent, a resident of suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Just knowing that rich, famous, beautiful people can be miserable, pathetic losers gives me hope that my own troubled existence may have meaning. I can’t get enough of this story on TV. Every moment is like a multivitamin for my ego.” […]

    Pingback by The Daily Dirt » burn paris burn … americans love to see hilton’s troubles — June 12, 2007 @ 7:32 am

  54. I hear Whoopi “Moonbat” Goldberg will replace Rose O’Donut on The View. Buwahahahaha. If we thought it was a freak show before …

    It will bring new meaning to “conspiracy chic” as well as real legitimacy to a group of “progressive” female magpies who couldn’t win a debate against the forensics club of Bellevue Sanitarium.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 8:19 am

  55. Darth, Brings new meaning to the term “Hollywood Squares”, eh? :smile:

    Comment by Hawkeye — June 12, 2007 @ 9:01 am

  56. Good morning all. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Spent mine moving the boy into his new digs up in the northwestern part of the state. We introduced a whole new facet of “moving with morons”.

    Darthmeister, regarding hotels, I remember a place where we stayed when I was in high school, on one of our family vacations, in Carlisle, PA called “Slug’s Roost”. We were desperate for a place to stay as it was getting late and this was all we could find. If I remember right, it was one of those along-the-road rooms and cabins that were popular back then. It was a lovely place with very nice rooms, but we kids thought that the menu for dining was a hoot. “Fried Mosquito Wings” and etc.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — June 12, 2007 @ 9:35 am

  57. Better “Fried Mosquito Wings” than “Green Fried Tomatoes”, c.a.t.

    Hawkeye, yes it does. But Hollywood Squares was never the same after Paul Lynde died in 1982 and Charles Nelson Reilly overstayed his welcome. Who would have thought they were “gay”. Oh, cold cruel world. Actually, I liked Paul Lynde … he was a very funny, self-effacing man.

    And why was it called “Hollywood Squares” given the Hollyweird personas in regular attendance, including Whoopi Goldberg?

    BTW, here’s the Roadkill Cafe Menu.

    I remember the first time I saw the Roadkill menu. It was about fifteen years ago and fax machines were becoming a big hit in the electronic imaging industry. A customer came in and wanted to fax a copy to a friend. I made a copy of it and brought it home for the wife. She tried not to laugh since she is such an animal lover, but she couldn’t help herself.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 10:43 am

  58. … make that “Fried Green Tomatoes” … doh!

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 10:44 am

  59. Darthmeister

    Doesn’t quite sound like the menu from my old cafe-but makes me want to go run over sumptin’, anythin’, just as long as it has essence of pavement for a spice.

    Besides ain’t that sposed ta be fried green ‘maters

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 11:25 am

  60. Remember Ms RightWing, it must be freshly smooshed. And stay away from the totally smooshed. Black asphalt with a hint of fresh burnout rubber always makes a nice seasoning for the Interstate crowd. But I’m a little disappointed in the menu since I didn’t see any bug splat soup or “grilled” moth and small bird entrees.

    I imagine snowchains would make a good tenderizer … but that roadkill cuisine would only be available during the winter months so it would be considered “seasonal fare” only, thus limiting ones access to such “delicacies”.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

  61. Darthmeister

    You need to contact your local motorcycle group for bug splat soup. I’m sure they would allow you to pick the bugs off their teeth and face after an evening’s ride. Grilled moth takes a delicate hand but I found my pastry torch works rather well.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 1:04 pm

  62. MsRightwing, Ink and Darthmeister: I was discussed one time, by my brother-in-law, with their new minister, a young man with a family who seemed a little nervous about his new appointment. My b-i-l gushed out my name and said, “And you will have to go to their home for dinner…she cooks a mean skunk. I found one on the road and I have to say that she absolutely did wonders with it.” The minister got very quiet and looked totally perplexed. He didn’t know what to say and my darned b-i-l never told the minister any different!

    As to those fried green t’maters, Darthmeister, you don’t know what you are missing!! Sliced green tomatoes dipped in an egg/milk mixture, rolled in a mixture of flour and fine breadcrumbs seasoned with salt and pepper and fried in oil mixed with bacon drippings if you don’t care about your cholesterol or in Canola oil if you do. Put those crispy critters alongside some fresh sliced ripe tomatoes, pinto beans, smokey bbq and a big slice of homemade bread slathered with butter. Can we say, “Yum?”

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — June 12, 2007 @ 1:40 pm

  63. c.a.t., I think I’ll stick with bovine liver and onions, but a “big slice of homemade bread slathered with butter” sounds positively deeelicous with possum head soup, collard greens and navy beans. And did you know slow baked chicken tastes just like good ol’ Texas rattlesnake?

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 2:25 pm

  64. Up Minnesota way we used to put snow snakes on the skewers and gently turn them over a Coleman camp stove for an early winters treat. But first ya got to marinade them in Peach Schnapps.

    By great Uncle Nels (not related to Finneous) went blind trying to trap snow snakes. White against white has to be hard on one’s eyes.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 3:27 pm

  65. Come here little snake. What did you do with my post

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 3:28 pm

  66. My great uncle, not by great uncle-although by would work

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

  67. Watching a History film about D-Day and am amazed at how much better Hitler and his Nazi’s were in the early 1940’s than we are today with out newer and better technology and materials. They built a 1200 mile wall along the seacoast of Normandy - all along the “Atlantic Wall”, as it was called, were machine gun emplacements, anti-aircraft guns etc.

    In 1944 it was one of the most awsome walls ever erected and America can’t even get a little 700 mile wall built today. We should build a simliar wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico 50 yards inside our border, clear the 50 yards of every bush, tree, rock and blade of grass with signs posted (in English only) that it is a “free fire” zone and that anything moving will be shot and killed.

    I would man the wall with the National Guard from rotating states, since Michigan and Montana would benefit as well as Arizona and California.

    But then, I’m a conservative - somewhat to the right of Attila-the Hun. Though most liberals would get their feelings hurt, the height of my indifference would be found to be absolute, complete, and profound.

    If any other countries objected I would answer as one WWII General did with one word - “Nuts!”

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 12, 2007 @ 3:58 pm

  68. Ms Righty……#61and 64,

    After being on a clear liquid diet for two days in preparation for the big “SCOPE”, bug splat soup and roasted snake sound mighty good.
    The test went well ,but I wasn’t worried.I just knew that everything would come out in the end.

    Comment by Maggie — June 12, 2007 @ 4:23 pm

  69. But Fred, the liberals would argue it was precisely because of that 1200 mile Nazi fence that they lost … never mind Allied forces were shooting back.

    The fact is a significant number of Americans simply don’t have the will to do what it takes to secure our borders. They feel guilty about their blessings and their prosperity. It’s only right we allow illegal aliens to have unfettered access to free market capitalism (which liberals hate) to make their lives better, as well as whatever government entitlements our nanny state can handout to this new constituency. Besides, to hear liberals tell it if we don’t allow this new class of “illegal Americans” to take the jobs no self-respecting American nativist would work for slave wages, the American republic would fall tomorrow … wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    Just like when Europeans violated the Native American immigration laws when they flooded into this New World. It’s self-evident real estate prices really took a beating. C’mon, Manhattan for $24 worth of trinkets? The Louisiana Purchase for $40 million? And California, Arizona, New Mexico, parts of Colorado, Utah and Nevada bought for $15 million thanks to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago?

    And now we’re told by Mexicans that us gringos “stole” the Southwest and they now want it back by birthright - forgetting of course the Mexicans themselves often stole the land from Spanish landowners who in turn stole it from Native Americans who in turn stole it from the Kennewick people! And with the Kennewick find scientists are suddenly getting fuzzy about what constitutes a “race” and what race of people was actually in North America first. Maybe it was space aliens who were here first. I mean, there’s a lesson in there somewhere for sensitive progressives, I just haven’t figured it all out! I’M SO CONFUSED!

    Senator Harry Reid is such a real estate genius, maybe he can straighten this out, eh? Maybe not, he couldn’t get a cloture vote if his life depended on it.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 4:28 pm

  70. BTW Ms Right Wing
    My youngest son and his family flew to Minnesota today .He has been called by a church there to candidate as pastor.I have forgotten which city but do know that it is a Baptist church.
    Hugh Hewitt calls the state Minnesocold.Needless to say ,I have mixed emotions.

    Comment by Maggie — June 12, 2007 @ 4:34 pm

  71. Just listen to Al Goracle ripping the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush in 1992 for not taking Saddam’s clear association with terrorist groups and his WMD programs seriously enough!

    So typically liberal. The DemDonks will take any side of an issue which is contrary to a Republican administration whether the facts support them or not. His statements about Saddam’s multiple despotisms are very similar to those made by Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Daschle, Joe Biden, and the rest of the Donks who railed against Saddam’s regime under the Clinton administration and claimed that his was a dangerous regime that needed to be “dealt with”.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 12, 2007 @ 6:56 pm

  72. Darthmeister - NUTZ! I guess it really belongs to the Siberians who crossed over the Aleutian Islands and over a few centuries worked their way down through Alaska (- The Inuits -) through Canada, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Northern California. More centuries passed as their descendents moved further south to become the Incas, Aztecs, on further south through central America and the western coast of South America.

    But turn over title/deed for the USA to the Siberians? Nutz! Like your wallet on the streets of NYC -it belongs to whoever can hold it or take it.

    btw I figure that video on You Tube flushes away any future political dreams Algore might have harbored. His wax is becoming more obvious and blatently apparent.

    btow The illegal aliens seem to want to relive “The Alamo” as they take to the streets, but all they will find is another “San Jacinto”.

    Without wax
    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 12, 2007 @ 7:55 pm

  73. I don’t know about The Paris Hilton, but Hampton Inn is building a new hotel here. Last 2 times I stayed in Paris, it was at the Best Western though.

    Comment by kajun — June 12, 2007 @ 8:02 pm

  74. Maggie

    Alls well that ends well! Let me know when you find out the name of the city. Minnesota is a great place to live-if you live in the right place. I would give anything to return but I have to many specialists to try and find new Drs again, plus subsidized housing in the middle of good fishing regions, uh, I don’t think so.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 8:13 pm

  75. Now if the justice(?) system would jail even one of the 12+ million who broke our laws by coming here illegally, I might think there was some hope for the American justice system.

    Funny how ALL the amnesty crowd say, “WE cannot deport 12 million people!”, yet at the same time the government is doing a NATIONWIDE seat belt enforcement campaign, and they plan on enforcing that!

    Grandma and Grandpa not being “buckled up” is not as threatening as illegal aliens I guess, plus they get bucks from the tickets, while illegals cost them money and paperwork.

    Comment by Harry Daschle — June 12, 2007 @ 8:54 pm

  76. Harry, what absolutely tears me up is that they say that they can’t possibly deport 12 million, but that this bill assures us that they will do a background check on all 12 million PLUS all of their family members that they might bring. Pray tell how are they gonna do that????? I don’t believe anything they say anymore.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — June 12, 2007 @ 9:46 pm

  77. Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying to you ?

    A: His lips are moving !

    c.a.t. #36: I don’t believe anything they say anymore.

    Of course, you don’t, c.a.t.! They have spent the last 21+ years lying to you about this issue! You’d have to be nuts to believe any promises they made to you now! And that is the whole problem in a nutshell! They have earned your distrust! Did anyone ever tell these fools the story of the boy who cried wolf?!?

    Comment by RedPepper — June 12, 2007 @ 10:33 pm

  78. Oops! I meant, c.a.t. #76 … but of course, you knew that …

    Comment by RedPepper — June 12, 2007 @ 10:35 pm

  79. If that 700 mile wall is ever built and armed let us hope that somebody figures out where the froggies went wrong with their “Maginot” Line.

    Not bloody likely….Liberals would do their best to prevent the guns being rotatable figuring they might someday be used by Americans trying to regain lost freedoms.

    Comment by EXT — June 12, 2007 @ 10:36 pm

  80. Heh, for any of you parents, especially moms, out there, you have to see this! Cute, cute. It comes in on the middle but it is still funny.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — June 12, 2007 @ 11:12 pm

  81. c-a-t

    She’s a hoot. I went to see her about a year ago. Good stuff, even bought her DVD

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 12, 2007 @ 11:54 pm

  82. I’m catching bits and pieces about Paris Hilton and have to laugh because it makes me recall the bit on “The View” back around the time of the Rosie/Donald feud. One of them said, “There’s one thing I really have to admire about Paris.” The other three were like - “duh, er, WHAT?”

    “Yes, I really admire the extreme effort she has made to prove that one doesn’t have to be poor, to be white trash.”

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — June 13, 2007 @ 5:46 am

  83. To continue our daily search of song lyrics (whew, Wednesday was tough)

    Wednesday morning at five o’clock as the day begins
    Silently closing her bedroom door
    Leaving the note that she hoped would say more
    She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her handkerchief
    Quietly turning the back door key
    Stepping outside she is free

    She (We gave her most of our lives)
    Is leaving (Sacrificed most of our lives)
    Home (We gave her everything money could buy)
    She’s leaving home after living alone
    For so many years
    Bye bye

    Oh, oh, that is when Paul died, donchya know

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 13, 2007 @ 7:27 am

  84. Kinda wish her familys last name was Schtyncks. The city does.

    Comment by Libby Gone — June 13, 2007 @ 11:24 am

  85. Dang, here we go with another weather blowout. Please help me Mr Gore!

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 13, 2007 @ 2:58 pm

  86. pooosh

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 13, 2007 @ 3:00 pm

  87. All this flap about The Donald and The Rosie!

    Why bother? He could buy her and sell her a dozen times over. Question is, why would he?

    Or even rent her for an afternoon….to do what??

    Money wasted!

    Comment by EXT — June 13, 2007 @ 3:14 pm

  88. The most amazing bowling shot I’ve ever seen … a 7-7-10 shot across two lanes. The 7-10 spare pickup is amazing enough, I have to think that the pin taken out on the other lane was a total fluke. Still amazing, though.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 13, 2007 @ 5:57 pm

  89. Upon further review, it looks like a 3-10 pickup with the 3 pin taking out the 7 pin on the left-hand lane. My bad. Still amazing.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 13, 2007 @ 6:01 pm

  90. Today just isn’t my day. Bad angle and bad memory of pin layout. It’s more than likely a 4-10 split (see the angle of ball deflection) with the 4 pin spinning across the lanes to take out the 7 pin.

    And while I’m posting, here’s an absolutely amazing operatic peformance by a British Idol contestant. Apparently the guy is a phone salesman who loves singing opera despite the fact he’s not a trained singer. The awed reaction of the judges is simply priceless and I have to admit I got emotional witnessing such a raw talent and gift from God.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 13, 2007 @ 6:26 pm

  91. … pushing on through.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 13, 2007 @ 6:27 pm

  92. CAT #76, I am 55 years old, and this border issue is “-the straw—”, if you catch my drift! I have been a Republican since my first vote at 18, before I was drafted, but I REFUSE to support ANYONE who refuses to represent my values, or even LISTEN to the people that put them there!

    If Democrats had any sense, they would feel the same way about their party. While I don’t agree with them, their party leaders are NOT doing what they said they would either, (stop funding the Iraq war, bring down gas prices, stop the “Culture of Corruption”{Wm Jefferson}, etc)!

    The Republicans have bought into the Democrat lie, that they lost in 2006 because of the war, when, (in my opinion), they lost because they stopped being Conservatives, AND stopped listening to their core voters. Now they continue to do the same and maybe worse.

    I am beggining to think ALL politicans are pretty much the same, it is just some hide their crimes better. Then thgere are some who don’t even try, (Wm Jefferson, Marion Berry, Cynthia McKinney, Ray Nagin)!

    P.S. I have also done something I have never done before on the border issue. Spent $80 to “blast fax” ALL the Senators, President, and others through

    Money well spent!

    Comment by Harry Daschle — June 13, 2007 @ 6:40 pm

  93. Well, “Dingy Harry” has done it again…”The surge has failed” according to His Dinginess. Did anyone else here see Dennis Miller’s complete dissection of Reid on Sean Hannity’s America [FNC] this past Sunday night? It was the most accurate analysis of the dismal failure that is Reid that has ever been done. Brilliant!

    Comment by da Bunny — June 13, 2007 @ 9:51 pm

  94. It’s oddly appropriate that Harry Reid and Paris Hilton should be competing for face time in the mass media, but there seems to be a rivalry over who gets to costar with him in his upcoming film, “Duh and Duhmer“.

    Comment by gafisher — June 14, 2007 @ 5:27 am

  95. Here’s is a high-quality videoclip of Paul Potts singing opera on the Britain Has Talent show. I hadn’t realized it the first time I saw the videoclip but the show’s format means he will continue singing the operatic genre against marginal comedians, jugglers, musicians, animal tricks, etc. I look forward to seeing more of Mr. Pott’s talent.

    BTW, an online YouTube bio reveals he honed his singing skills starting at the age of ten to deal with the bullying he received in grade school as an overweight kid with crooked teeth. He truly has a gift from God.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 14, 2007 @ 7:11 am

  96. ola, LOVED the Name Game at Captains’ Quarters. I must say that your first entry was a little risque (tsk tsk).

    How typical though, just change the name, not the bad practice. sigh.

    Anyone out there this morning?

    BTW, I’m sure we can come up with better receipes than roadkill folks!

    Comment by MargeinMI — June 14, 2007 @ 9:51 am

  97. push?

    Comment by MargeinMI — June 14, 2007 @ 9:54 am

  98. On my ongoing trip through the week, naming songs of the day, I find that the later the day of the week the harder it is to find a song composed naming it directly. Thursday is a toughy and the best I could do is the second verse of a song I hated by the J Geils Band.

    I could see it was a rough-cut Tuesday
    Slow-motion weekdays stare me down
    Her lipstick reflex got me wound
    There were no defects to be found
    Snapshot image froze without a sound

    Thursday morning was a hot flash-factor
    Her face still focused in my mind
    Test-strip proof-sheet love is hard to find
    Friday night we’ll dance the spotlight grind
    Stop-time heart for me if she’s not mine

    Freeze-Frame! (Freeze-Frame!)
    Freeze-Frame! (Freeze-Frame!)
    Freeze-Frame! (Freeze-Frame!)
    Freeze-Frame! Now Freeze!

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — June 14, 2007 @ 10:56 am

  99. Ms RW #98: Surely you recall a group named The Easybeats?

    Monday morning feels so bad,
    Ev’rybody seems to nag me
    Coming Tuesday I feel better,
    Even my old man looks good
    Wednesday just don’t go,
    Thursday goes too slow,
    I’ve got Friday on my mind …

    Comment by RedPepper — June 14, 2007 @ 11:44 am

  100. See what happens when you withhold, or forget information, or perjure yourself when being questioned by federal agents!

    The Scooter is lucky he didn’t get sent to Guantanamo, but then he did get “his day in court”, unlike most there.

    Think, maybe, Scooter can still cut a deal?

    Gonzo’s next, then Cheney, then …

    Comment by Laughing@You — June 14, 2007 @ 12:47 pm

  101. Gee, L@Y, I always thought that if you perjure yourself and there’s no underlying crime, then it’s no big deal and you can continue to be President of the United States for 3 more years.

    Comment by Effeminem — June 14, 2007 @ 1:22 pm

  102. No-kill sauce…..

    Got this recipe from an Inuit lady in Western Alaska years ago:

    Milk one reindeer.
    Collect the eggs of a puffin.
    Gather a handful of seaweed.
    Blend together in a wooden bowl, adding
    just a pinch of sea water for the salt.
    Whip to a smooth consistency.
    Thoroughly clean one medium seal bladder.
    Pour the blend into the bladder.
    Squeeze out excess air.
    Tie the bladder shut with braided sinew.
    Dig a 2-foot deep hole in moist tundra.
    Line the hole with leaves from low-bush blueberries.
    Place the filled bladder in the hole.
    Cover with more blueberry leaves and then pack with moist earth.
    Mark the spot carefully so you can return to it in 30 days when the mixture has matured.

    Caution: This recipe will only work within 3 miles of Nome, Alaska!

    After all, “There’s No Place Like Nome For The Hollandaise!”

    BTW….based on style and unique spellings I can make a pretty good guess at where L@Y hangs out with others of The Looney Left. Would it be considered unkind to post a link here so some of our more adventurous might return certain favors?

    Comment by EXT — June 14, 2007 @ 3:56 pm

  103. Effeminem:

    I guess you were wrong!

    Cheney or Gonzo, Gonzo or Cheney; it’s a toss up; but just you wait and see.

    Now only did Bill serve 3 more years, but, his wife may serve at least another 4 years.

    They’re going to need the time to bring some honor back to the office.

    Comment by Laughing@You — June 14, 2007 @ 4:37 pm

  104. More Democratic lies and corruption on full display as they attempt to ramrod rules would would “airdrop” earmarks into legislation that has already been voted upon while lying to the American people about such legislation being “earmark free.”


    Comment by Darthmeister — June 14, 2007 @ 6:39 pm

  105. Sheesh … that’s “WHICH would “airdrop” earmarks …”

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 14, 2007 @ 6:40 pm

  106. EXT,

    Remember, you’re certainly no ET!

    Where I hang out the people were far too smart to bite on what you all here took “hook, line, and sinker”!

    See if your mullahs can ever sell another phoney to America; if we survive this one!

    Please, post a link! Good grief, please post a link!

    Comment by Laughing@You — June 14, 2007 @ 11:19 pm

  107. ABBAS DISSOLVES GOV’T… DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY… Hamas executing Fatah brethren one-by-one in front of families
    It’s Bush’s fault! No wait … it’s the Jooooooos fault because Islam is the religion of peace! Muslims only murderl one another because of Great Satan America.

    Bush plunges in poll…
    Nyah, nyah, nyah … (loud raspberry). Impeachment is around the corner just as we said Karl Rove would be frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs for outting Valerie Plame … er what? It was Dick Armitage that outted Plame? Never mind.

    …’approval rating for Congress stands lower than Bush’
    Oh, oh, this is Bush’s fault, too. The American people just love Democrats being in control of Congress. So what if the Donkn’s haven’t gotten anything done since taking over in January, they’re about to pass a Shamnesty Bill which only 20% of Americans want. This is true liberal democracy in action!

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 15, 2007 @ 6:17 am

  108. Some excellent points made about the sham trial of Scooter Libby that liberals have not addressed except to mindless intone a mantra they really don’t believe in - the rule of law.

    If this kind of judicial travesty had been perpetrated on a Democrat, you can bet the liberals would be howling and venting their spleen. I do hold this against President Bush, though he demands loyalty from his followers when his followers are being unjustly railroaded by liberal judges and prosecutors, he seems unwilling to reciprocate by exercising the power of pardon granted to him under the U.S. Constitution. Does he think by not availing himself of such an option that he will ingratiate himself with a bunch of left-wing jackals who have hated his very being since he took the oath of office? If not a pardon, then commuting Libby’s sentence in such a politically-charged case would the least President Bush could do. The fact remains, Sandy Berger engaged in far more criminal activity by first stealing and then destroying national security documents and then lying about what he did.

    From Democrat hack Prosecutor Michael Nifong to Democrat hack Prosecutor Ronnie Earle who shopped grandjuries until he could find one to indict Tom DeLay, Democrats are corrupting the legal system in order to advance their political agenda against Republicans and conservatives. No man or woman is safe in a country where politicizing the judicial system is allow to happen on such a scale. If the radical left keeps this up and those American people who are potentially in the crosshairs of the Democrats’ politics of personal destruction wake up to this reality, the liberals will only have themselves to blame when there is a backlash against this kind of evil. Revolutions have been started for far less reasons than this.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 15, 2007 @ 6:52 am

  109. Russians Suspect Americans Damaged
    Space Station Computers…

    See, it’s Bush’s and America’s fault that cheap Russian computers crash. Won’t be long before the leftards start whispering the same thing.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 15, 2007 @ 8:16 am

  110. […] The first is from Scott Ott at ScrappleFace (it’s satire): An overwhelming majority of Americans say they’ve never felt better about themselves than during the past several weeks as they follow the story of Paris’ Hilton’s conviction and incarceration. […]

    Pingback by More on Paris Hilton « Falling Awake — June 15, 2007 @ 9:05 am

  111. Open letter to Right Wing Nut Jobs on this posting

    To “Ms RightWing, Ink”…

    You wrote…”Just think, in less than two years the Democrats could possibly own all the bombs, missiles and jets.”

    Actually, in two years the Democrats WILL have all the bombs, missiles and jets under our control. And unlike the current administration…Democrats would actually THINK, before using them and putting American lives in harms way which means the use their brain for logical thought, something you don’t seem very good at. But then that is because Democrats can form rational thoughts unlike 99% of all Republican foreign policy experts.

    Oh…and “Ms RightWing, Ink”….you really SHOULD have someone proof read your blog before posting. There are so many misspellings and typos, one wonders if you graduated from middle school.

    To “Darthmeister”…..

    You wrote… “No party has ever emboldened the enemy with its political divisiveness and lies more than the modern Dhimmiecrat Party.”

    Your arm chair analysis was so in-depth and profound that you qualify as the “Idiot of the Month!” Congratulations, your certificate will arrive in the mail shortly. Not only has it been proven in the academic world and foreign affairs circles that the war in Iraq has not only STRENGTHEN terrorist organizations, it has also given them the inspiration to fight harder which in turn has embolden them in their fight. You don’t “embolden” an enemy by lying to you, you idiot! Lying to an enemy is called propaganda and it’s used to DISEMBOLDEN and enemy. You embolden an enemy by give them a reason to fight…inspiration to carry on by preemptively invading their country, ignoring ALL of their social and religious sensibilities, and make a complete mess out of the reconstruction of their country. Welcome to Republican foreign policy. Ah duh!

    To “da Bunny”….

    Your wrote…”A known adversary will tell you straight out what their intentions are toward you. A liberal will lie, hide their true intentions, equivocate, etc. and then betray you when your back is turned. Never trust a liberal.”

    Oppps. You meant to say “Never trust a conservative” as you don’t see “liberals” being hauled off to jail for corruption (Jack Abramoff), embezzlement (Duke Cunningham), lying (Scooter Libby) or being exposed as a hypocrite that lies about their beliefs like Rev. Ted Haggard. Liberals not need to lie about getting massages from gay prostitutes while high on crystal meth. Conservatives do.

    So in recap, I have reworded your comments “da Bunny” to more align with reality, something you should o with your point of view..

    “A conservative will lie (Scooter Libby), hide their true intentions (Rev. Ted Haggard), equivocate (Jack Abramoff), etc. and then betray you when your back is turned (Duke Cunningham).”

    To “Shelly”…..

    You wrote…”The President can’t attack Putin because of his threats to drop nukes on Europe. The Dems adore crazy leaders who threaten to nuke other countries and wouldn’t let him get away with it. Look at their lovefest with Ahminitforjihad and the NoKo pompadour. Castro tried to have nukes in Cuba aimed at us, and they think he’s peachy.”

    Ok, Shelly darling, you need to go back to 10th grade History class! Not only do you have a minimal grasp on current world events, but you seem to also have failed History class along the way. Um…POP QUIZ…Who was the President during the Cuban Missile Crisis when “Castro tried to have nukes in Cuba aimed at us”??? Do you even know?? Actually, it was JFK…who, by the way as it’s clear you don’t know, was a Democrat. So not only do Democrats “adore crazy leaders who threaten to nuke other countries” we have also forced Russia to withdrawal it’s missiles from Cuba. Likewise, all Democratic presidents were anti-Soviet Union, which if you happen to remember a thing called the Cold War, was the country that “threaten to nuke other countries.”

    Oh, and for the record, again if you spent more time reading history instead of spewing [deleted] interpretations of other’s [deleted] understanding of history you might be able to make a logical argument for a change. Stay in school next time will you?!

    And last but not least, I have to come back to the resident Village Idiot “Darthmeister,” who wrote…

    “We’ve been lied to by the right-wing media which every knowledgeable progressive knows has been controlled by neo-con Jooooooooos for the last fifty years. That’s why news headlines at progressive sites like DailyKos and never find their way into the MSM.

    Clearly FDR was little more than a reich-wing, pro-war, pro-death Rethuglikkkan in Democrat clothes. Just like this chickenhawk to also violate the separation of church and state clause in the U.S. Constitution, a clause that was specifically put there by the atheist founding fathers to prevent such a despicable thing from happening. IS THERE NO JUSTICE?”

    Once again “Darthmeister,” we can count on you to belch out complete and utter lunatic-ish gibberish that has no foundation in logic, rational thought or history. And the fact that you lay your arguments out without using valid grammatical structures? Priceless! What you write is SOOO [deleted] stupid and incorrect, I can only laugh at it! But since I know you believe what you write, a simple statistic is all that is needed to show what an Idiot you are.

    Here goes…

    In FACT, not ONE of the Founding Fathers were Atheist. Don’t believe me? Try this: RESEARCH IT instead of making up stupid, incorrect lies. Since you seem to lazy to do so, or else you would have done so before your last moronic passage, I’ve done the hard work for you: typing in “founding fathers religions” into Google, it took a WHOOPING 0.16 seconds to disprove one of your arguments in your last rant. So, based on that benchmark, I think in less then 30 seconds of research I can basically show that you are a blubbering Idiot that doesn’t know what he/she is talking about. “Darthmeister”…you can hold your “Idiot of the Month” trophy up high and proud! Smile for the camera!

    So in recap, most of the posts on this blog by the Conservative members of this community are factually wrong, use asinine and incorrect logic, grammatically incorrect, lack a basic understanding of history, don’t stay up to spend on current events, and talk [deleted] about 99.99% of the time.

    Eat your heart out, you Right Wing Nut Job [deleted].

    Comment by ultrageekguy — June 15, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

  112. Dear ultrageekguy/neverthink/bloviating gasbag guy,

    Far be it from me to deny you the right to be a total ignoramus and jerk, but do you have to abuse the privilege in the manner you have?

    You apparently have little concept of what constitutes sarcasm/satire. Of course the founding fathers weren’t atheists … but secular leftists and left-wing atheists believe do believe the founders weren’t really Christian. So as a matter of satire someone arguing as a leftist/atheist would make the claim the founders were atheists, that FDR was a chickenhawk who sent 275,,000 American soldiers to their deaths in an European war, etc. Doh! Of course you’re too involved in your own moronic convergences to get it, troll.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 15, 2007 @ 12:52 pm

  113. Absent any requests for a link to L@Y’s Looney Left Playground from responsible, legitimate correspondents, I shall refrain.

    I guess we all have better things to do than rub their pointy little noses in reality. If we could even find those noses, being where they are….

    Comment by EXT — June 15, 2007 @ 1:18 pm

  114. More leftist humanist insanity about the founding fathers here and here.

    Here and here are good debunkings of these outrageous, ahistorical views shared by those liberal religionists, secular humanists and atheists hyper-separationists who are little more than shameless revisionists who apparently think Americans are too lazy to Google actual founding texts and documents and come to an honest understanding of the pervasive Christian milieu which existed during the founding period. We’ve gone over and over and over this issue multiple times here to clarify our real views about the founding period. So I don’t understand the self-righteous vehemence of your idiotic rant which conveniently misrepresents our real views on the founding period, ultrageekgoon.

    Here’s a portion of a letter (which I’ve posted at Scrappleface before … sigh) John Adams wrote by way of reminder to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813:

    “Who composed that army of fine young fellows that was then before my eyes (at the signing)? There were among them Roman Catholics, English Episcopalians, Scotch and American Presbyterians, Methodists, Moravians, Anabaptists, German Lutherans, German Calvinists, Universalists, Arians, Priestleyans, Socianians, Independents, Congregationalists, Horse Protestants and House Protestants, Deists and Atheists and Protestants who believe nothing. Very few, however of several of these latter species; [editor’s note: few “Deists and Atheists and Protestants who believe nothing”] nevertheless, all educated in the general principles of Christianity, and the general principles of English and American liberty … And what were these general principles? I answer, the general principles of Christianity in which all those sects were united … in majorities sufficient to assert and maintain her independence. Now I will avow, that I then believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of liberty are as unalterable as human nature and our terrestrial, mundane system … I believed they would never make discoveries in contradiction to these general principles.”

    … that is until left-wing know-it-all humanist dogmatists come along, sir, and lie about American history.

    Comment by Darthmeister — June 15, 2007 @ 1:23 pm

  115. Dear Darthberry,

    You call me:”bloviating gasbag guy”, “total ignoramus” and “jerk”.

    Then you say “but do you have to abuse the privilege in the manner you have?”

    EXCUSE ME – Hypocrite!

    You seem to think you have the right to define and label everything; like, “secular leftists”, “left-wing atheists”.

    ARROGANT - Hypocrite!

    Then you start piling and shaping you straw, when you say; “So as a matter of satire someone arguing as a leftist/atheist would make the claim the founders were atheists”, and another when you say; that FDR was a chickenhawk who sent 275,,000 American soldiers to their deaths in an European war, etc.”


    Further my dangling little pen pal; Dumbyah is NO FDR!

    LYING -Hypocrite!

    About my “moronic convergences”, you need to get out a little if they will let you, the nation has made the same “moronic convergences”.

    Thou fusty bat-fowling popinjay!

    Comment by Laughing@You — June 16, 2007 @ 12:12 pm

  116. FDR a chickenhawk?


    “Fellow traveller”?


    “Communist sympathizer”?

    Maybe a little strong but think hard about Yalta.

    “Inspiration to a new generation of the Cut, Run, Appease Party”….now there’s one with which to agree!

    Comment by EXT — June 18, 2007 @ 9:07 pm

  117. Possumtrot re:27

    Your fridge has a bumper? Hoe cool is that?

    Comment by Just Ranting — June 19, 2007 @ 8:33 am

  118. Err… Possum, make that re: 26

    Comment by Just Ranting — June 19, 2007 @ 8:34 am

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