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May 10, 2007

Moderate Republicans to Bush: Push for Victory

(2007-05-10) — A group of moderate Republican House members, led by Rep. Charlie Dent, R-PA, met privately with President George Bush in the White House yesterday to urge him to “press on to victory, no matter the cost.”

According to Rep. Dent, the lawmakers encouraged the president to “put aside concerns about his own plunging personal popularity and do the right thing by getting out of Iraq so that we can get re-elected in our home districts.”

The 11 progressive Republicans, in a remarkably blunt conversation, told the president that “some things are worth fighting for, and that history will judge whether Mr. Bush stood up for the innocent and defenseless whose very Congressional seats hang in the balance.”

“It takes courage to walk away from a quagmire in order to protect the letter ‘R’ that appears next each of our names,” said Rep. Dent. “But great men must set aside their personal desires to serve the greater good.”

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58 Comments | Post Your Comment

  1. Sorry Scott, but it’s hard to find the humor here. May God have mercy on our souls if we sell out to defeatism and allow the terrorists in their Mickey Mouse outfits to rule the world. May God bring peace to Iraq quickly and may he vindicate the liberation of the Iraqi people.

    Comment by Hawkeye — May 10, 2007 @ 8:06 am

  2. Sen Pelosi is making up the Mission Accomplished banner for this.

    Comment by tomg — May 10, 2007 @ 8:10 am

  3. Capitol Hill is a bigger “quagmire” than Iraq.

    Comment by Hawkeye — May 10, 2007 @ 8:17 am

  4. Scott has been busy.

    Good morning all and welcome to the new home front where the real war on terror is being fought. Even though by all military standards it is being won over there the left insists it is not and there for cause us to fight them over here.

    This war is more than guns and bombs but rather a national resolve not to back down in the face of terrorists. It owuld seem the Democrats and now some RINO Republicans have already surrendered out of political cowardice.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 8:35 am

  5. I saw an interesting take on Fred Thompson last night. The commentator said that in all of his speeches and interviews, Thompson pits the Republican candidate against Congress. Don’t know if he will be that candidate, but he is setting up the scenario that whoever that candidate with be has to show that he is running against Congress, not President Bush. Polls show that Congress has an even lower rating then Bush and so people are fed up with these political blowhards. It’s gonna get interesting.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — May 10, 2007 @ 8:36 am

  6. Democrats want funding until July. Then, after the 4th they can get a discount on bottle rockets, cherry bombs, M-80’s and Roman candles, of which, as they see things, is the firepower needed to fight the war.

    Stupid idiots.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — May 10, 2007 @ 8:50 am

  7. sigh, Kucinich stole my firepower

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — May 10, 2007 @ 8:50 am

  8. [deleted]
    [Editor’s Note: If this commenter restricts himself/herself to the issues and avoids personal attacks, he may be permitted to continue posting here.]

    You gotta ask yourself, are we safer now than we were 6 years ago?

    I love to see the repubs eating their own. Its almost like mountain lions in Iowa. Poor bush. I almost feel sorry for him. That is, if he didn’t have the blood of 3,500 american soldiers on his hands…

    Love always,


    Comment by Liger — May 10, 2007 @ 8:57 am

  9. Many years ago, during the Vietnam conflict, Senator George Aiken (R,Vt) said the U.S. should declare victory and bring the troops home.

    Now we are being urged to declare defeat and leave Iraq.

    My, how we have evolved …

    Comment by RedPepper — May 10, 2007 @ 9:25 am

  10. God Bless America

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 10, 2007 @ 9:37 am

  11. Safer? Yes.

    Safe enough? No.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 10, 2007 @ 9:41 am

  12. In the good old days before hippies, war protestors, Jane Fonda, and John Kerry, people took it for granted that it was grim but necessary to defend their country and honor our commitments to our allies. It was just plain common sense that when attacked you fought back. When threatened you placed yourself in a defensive posture that would minimize the damage when and if the attack actually came.

    After the left infiltrated and neutered the MSM and made surrender fashionable things are different. At Gettysburg the combined loss of life was over 53,000 men in three days of fighting. We lost almost as many troops on June 6th 1944 during the D-Day invasion at Normandy as we did at Pearl Harbor. As most people know, Germany did not bomb us at Pearl Harbor.

    We have been fighting this war since September of 2001 and lost around 3,500 troops. Contrary to the MSN assertion we are fighting one war, the war on terrorism, and more correctly it is being fought on two major fronts, Afghanistan and Iraq. I value human life as precious. We are burying two soldiers from Iowa this week alone. But considering the facts, compared with historical record, we are indeed winning. The only difference here is the way the battle is perceived and reported.

    In war people die. Good people are killed, wounded, maimed, and scarred. Frankly people get killed in training every year because the work is dangerous. The left would have us all believe that because we take losses we are losing. That means they are either stupid or liars if not both. The real battle in the war on terror is with American resolve to win. On the ground they are already winning and would have been done a long time ago if they didn’t have to contend with the lefties in the media cheering on and supporting the enemy.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 9:43 am

  13. Mack #4 Re: “This war is [about] a national resolve …”


    “Pray for courage; peace will follow.”

    Comment by gafisher — May 10, 2007 @ 9:50 am

  14. Moderate Republicans: Thank you for having us, Mr. President.

    Bush: You’re welcome, strangers. What can I do for you?

    MR: We need political cover.

    Bush: How’s that?

    MR: We really don’t want failure in Iraq by way of a premature withdrawal, however we come from districts where the average voter is a sheer lunatic whose passions are governed by the likes of KOS and We’re afraid of offending them and losing their votes in the next election if we don’t appear to be kowtowing to them on this singular issue.

    Bush: I understand. But what can I do, pardners?

    MR: Stay the course, even though it appears we’re trashing you we’ll continue supporting you by not overriding your vetos but we don’t want you offended as we posture for our nutroots constituents.

    Bush: I’m a big boy. I understand. Thank you for coming here and explaining yourselves plainly to a country boy like me. I have a certain appreciation for Republicans who are always trying to cover their backsides instead of standing up for conservative principles during difficult times.

    Moderate Republicans leave and then go before the press: “We spoke plainly to President Bush about the need to find some resolution on the war. He listened soberly and agreed with some of our points about the war in Iraq. He expressed his appreciation for our views. We made progress today.”

    This is probably what happened and this is why fair-weather patriots like RINOS have always disgusted me. When the going gets tough, the RINOs get going.

    Comment by Darthmeister — May 10, 2007 @ 10:18 am

  15. The ModeRATS have spoken.We must win the 2008 Nov.elections but not in Iraq.Makes one proud,doesn’t it?

    Comment by Maggie — May 10, 2007 @ 10:31 am

  16. If Moses had followed the opinion polls, the Israelites would have turned around and opted to remain in slavery in Egypt.

    Comment by seneuba — May 10, 2007 @ 10:32 am

  17. It’s not impossible that President Bush may actually be setting them up and my former speculation (repeated here) isn’t a fanntasy after all! It would certainly jerk the rug out from under the feet of Liberals and RINOS alike.

    Speculation: One way to possibly guarantee a Conservative Republican victory in 2008 would be for President Bush to follow the lead of his friend, Tony Blair and resign. Vice President Richard B Cheney, about three hours after being officially sworn in as the new President, could opt to also resign. Thereby elevating Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi into office as the new President.
    The Media would go nuts! Mrs. Bill Clinton would have a total breakdown. President Pelosi, caught totally off guard would be walking around, sucking her thumb, muttering, “Duh, er, I mean, er, What do I do now?” her aides would be staggering around, pulling their thumb out of their mouth, mumbling, “Gee, uh, I dunno, what do we do next?” She would then be tasked with the responsibility of issuing the “cut and run” directive, that the liberals have so forcefully demanded. Cooler heads would point out to her that “cut and run” was not an option.
    During the following months remaining in her “Presidency, there would be little she could do, other than display to all America just who and what the liberals really are. - that alone should be more than enough to ensure a Conservative victory in ‘08. Quite possibly bring about the imploding and total meltdown of the Democrat Party. It could take another 50 - 60 years for them to recover.
    A fantasy? Of course! But it’s my fantasy and I would love to live long enough to witness its becoming reality. Bush isn’t up for re-election and would have nothing to lose.

    btw - I know there are a number of Scrapplers who have good intentions but…..good intentions don’t get the cows milked. Scott has thoughtfully provided a PayPal icon in the uppr right corner of the page. I suspect that he didn’t put it there because the page needed more decorations. He probably was hoping that some would feel led to use it,
    Coffee is $1.17 at Dennys - that’s only $35.00 per month. I squeeze it out of my Social Security check and I know there are many of you who can do much better. don’t let your good intentions remain pipe dreams - today is a great day to do something.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — May 10, 2007 @ 10:33 am

  18. I have a bet going with a friend here. It involves the response of the neighborhood troll or trolls to a logic and fact based posting. So far the only one to rise to the bait was “edited.”

    Here is the bet. One of us thought that the troll would address prior statements on fact. The other said that the troll would find no basis in that and would first disregard the fact entirely and would instead attack the writer. So far that would appear to be the case.

    In that this is the only time I am likely to read troll writing I suggest troll make it a good one. Remember, money is at stake and this is for scientific research, so please, be yourself and hold nothing back.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 11:15 am

  19. Hey Mack,

    Good to hear from ya. Good luck with that experiment thingy.

    (:D) Regards…

    Comment by Hawkeye — May 10, 2007 @ 11:30 am

  20. Finally, a true leader has arisen, Lord help us all!

    Go get’em Mack, just beat the boogers out of Liger, will you?

    Then would you mind doing the same for Generals Batiste and Eaton?

    While yer at it big guy, could you do something about the eighty percent of Americans you think of as unpatriotic? They still believe sovereignty is their own!

    I’ll just be a


    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 11:51 am

  21. Fight nice children (who would have predicted I would be the one saying that?)

    Meanwhile, here in NJ we are building our bunkers and arming ourselves heavily against the “invasion of the pizza delivery guy”, pretty scary stuff that…
    It’s important to tip well people, you would do well to bear that in mind next time you order takeout.

    Good article Scott

    Comment by boberinyetagain — May 10, 2007 @ 12:09 pm

  22. That’s it, just keep on bobing!


    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 12:16 pm

  23. Mack, asking a troll to act like a rational human being is like asking pigs to fly. Besides, when the lithium starts running low you know troll infestations are just around the corner.

    Comment by Darthmeister — May 10, 2007 @ 12:27 pm

  24. “One way to possibly guarantee a Conservative Republican victory in 2008 would be for President Bush to follow the lead of his friend, Tony Blair and resign. Vice President Richard B Cheney, about three hours after being officially sworn in as the new President, could opt to also resign. Thereby elevating Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi into office as the new President.”

    That could work! Then you would have the dims right where you want them!

    You could make that happen! I will support you!

    When can you half-wits start putting the plan into action?


    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 1:17 pm

  25. You really want a traitor like Madam Ahmed Pelousy to run the Country? Maybe ala Schlik Vilhelm she will import some terrorists. Is that what you want when you order your veggie pizza?

    Comment by Libby Gone — May 10, 2007 @ 2:03 pm

  26. I have a question for you scrapplers who have way more knowledge of the way of government than I do. How would you get a referendum on the ballot that would limit the terms of senators and representatives to two consecutive terms? Would this be done at the state level or national level. I ask because I can’t deal with the rhino’s anymore and this may be a way to get statesmen back into government instead of career politicians. By the way did anyone else hear that the comments of the Kansas governor were engineered by the DNC?

    Comment by wildhowd — May 10, 2007 @ 2:10 pm

  27. Re# 12
    Not to mention the over 10,000 POW killed in NYC prison boats during the Revolutionary War

    Comment by wildhowd — May 10, 2007 @ 2:21 pm

  28. RE: #26~~

    In 1995, SCOTUS ruled that the only way to limit congressional terms is to amend the Constitution.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 10, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

  29. Schlik Vilhelm could be re-elected by an a 75% majority this afternoon, with that percentage rising daily!

    Can you hear me? Open your eyes; can you hear me?


    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 2:52 pm

  30. How sad that people don’t know history. I don’t think the Dems would be smirking so much if they remembered back to one of their own - Harry Truman - who suffered the bleating and mewling of congressional members of his party. He almost didn’t get nominated for his second term and literally hated those in his party who were political sell-outs. Solomon had it right ~ there is nothing new under the sun.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — May 10, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

  31. Harry Truman didn’t ask the people to do what he wouldn’t do, Harry was a combat veteran, not a member of the Texas Air National Guard, Champaign Squadron.

    Harry, or his friends didn’t profit from warfare, like Halliburton. When he left office he was a man of very modest means.

    Harry had what many called common sense. He was a Democrat, not a Republican. Harry was strong and smart, not stubborn and stupid.

    Believe me, George W. Bush is no Harry Truman!


    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 3:22 pm

  32. Russia’s Putin Likens U.S. Policy to ‘Third Reich’
    Hey, American moonbats and that little closet commie Putin are on the same page. Imagine that. When left meets left. And this coming from a leader of a country that slaughtered over 62 million innocent civilians in less than a 100 years in the name of secular socialism.

    Comment by Darthmeister — May 10, 2007 @ 3:27 pm

  33. Sadly the only way to get that or anything on the ballet is to convince the very elected people who benefit from it to introduce legislation. The other way is to go liberal and file a law suit and hope that appointed judges will legislate it into law from the bench.

    As we saw with Roe vs Wade, they can define the constitution any way they want to.

    In regards to L@Y’s comments, making up facts fits the category I described earlier in the area of ignoring. Besides, you are unpatriotic in that your opposition to the war on terrorism supports and gives aid and comfort to people who would joyfully decapitate you.

    This makes you not only unpatriotic, but brings to question your intelligence. I personally could care less about poll numbers. As with almost all Democrat positions they are not driven by reality. Reality can be defined by the image of falling sky scrapers and helpless people being bound and decapitated on internet video. Or defined by people who plant road side bombs or better yet people who blow up school children. Those are our enemies who your actions give support to. That is reality.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 3:42 pm

  34. Harry Truman would be booed out of the Dhimmiecratic Party today and roundly condemned as a mass murdering warmonger for dropping the atom bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima and later getting militarily involved in South Korea.

    Ol’ Harry wouldn’t recognize the Dhimmiecrat Party today since it has become a pit of quasi-Marxist vipers vested in the defeat of this country when fighting an enemy abroad. If Harry Truman were alive today and ran on the exact same party platform he did in in 1948, he’d have to do it in the Republican Party and I’d vote for him in a heartbeat just on his stand on issues regarding communism and defending this country against all enemies.

    Harry was precisely the kind of Democrat that my family embraced all the way up to John Kennedy. The Democratic Party has become a sad caricature of its former self which is why I stopped being a Democrat when left-wing lunatics in the early 1970s began moving the party toward “democratic socialism”. I’m now an independent voter. The biggest regret I have in the intervening years is voting for the incompetent boob Jimmah Carter. C’mon, the embarassment of the Iranian hostage impotence, double-digit inflation, double-digit mortage rates, double-digit loan rates and nearly 8% unemployment … and Carter’s still a Dhimmiecrat icon!

    Comment by Darthmeister — May 10, 2007 @ 3:46 pm

  35. “Besides, you are unpatriotic in that your opposition to the war on terrorism supports and gives aid and comfort to people who would joyfully decapitate you.” The one who was behind the falling sky scrapers was Osama bin Laden not Saddam Hussein. I remember well, it is you, and your leader who have forgotten.

    “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

    You here, have repeatedly said: “The world is a better place without Saddam Hussein”. That depends on whom, or what replaces his dictatorship;

    “The enemy you know is better than the one you do not know.” Kenyian Proverb

    “Besides, you are unpatriotic in that your opposition to the war on terrorism supports and gives aid and comfort to people who would joyfully decapitate you.”

    I don’t think you even know what patriotism is! I truly believe you have betrayed the duties of citizenship, by giving unqualified endorsement of your rights, and mine, to the grossly unqualified, and morally unfit!

    “… people who would joyfully decapitate you.”

    Would that be an Islamist extremist, or you?

    Comment by Laughing@You — May 10, 2007 @ 4:27 pm

  36. Puerile nonsensical babbling.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 10, 2007 @ 4:44 pm

  37. Kenyian Proverbs are the reason that Kenya is a Major World Power today.

    I still like Bush’s plan for him and Cheney to both resign dumping everything in Nancy’s lap. She can’t do any real harm but watching Mrs. Bill Clinton being interviewed - “Just how do you feel about this turn of events, Mrs. Clinton?” - PRICELESS!!!

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — May 10, 2007 @ 6:01 pm

  38. Would y’all begrudge me a laugh at L@Y?

    First, Truman’s predecessor, FDR, in 1913 was made Assistant Secretary of the Navy without ever having been in any branch of the military. It was a reward for supporting Wilson and he did such a bang-up job that he was nominated for vice president in 1920. He caught Polio in 1921 and was debilitated and so was not able to serve. However, Mr. Laughing-at-the-wrong-people, FDR went on to become nearly a three term president who presided over the most costly war in our history.

    Enter, Harry Truman. with comments like this: “Held Cabinet Meeting - explained to Cabinet members that in my opinion the Cabinet members were simply a Board of Directors appointed by the President, to help him carry out policies of the Government; in many instances the Cabinet could be of trememdous help to the President by offering advice wheterh he liked it or not but when President [gave] an order they should carry it out.” 5/16/1945 or “Discussed proposed message to Congress on asking for the restoration of Presidential powers to consolidate and eliminate Bureaus..” or this about a fellow Democrat: “The meanest partisan Republican has been no more anti-Truman than has Slaughter.” And to James Pendergast, of the moguls with whom anti-Trumanites accused Truman of having an illicit financial relationship: “Of course I don’t intend to rehash history with which you and everyone in the United States is familiar. Nor did I suppose that it would ever be necessary for me to ask a Pendergast to make a choice between an upstart little Rabbit and the President of the United States. It seems that that is what confronts me - much to my regret. Slaughter is obnoxious to me and you must make your choice.”

    If George Bush had said one of these statements, L@Y would have bust a gut and started screaming, “Nazi! Nazi.”

    Can we ALL laugh at Laughing-at-His-Own-Reflection?

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — May 10, 2007 @ 6:35 pm

  39. “Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”~~The Art of War by Sun Tzu, circa 500 BC

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 10, 2007 @ 6:40 pm

  40. ♪ ♪ ♪ RINO BRIGADE ♪ ♪ ♪

    [Tune: “Ballad of the Green Berets”, music, lyrics, and performed by SSG Barry Sadler; © 2007, Santini Parody Serenades]

    • Daubers down, they wail and sigh
    Gutless schlubs who quail and cry
    Men who welsh on what they say
    Girlie-men, RINO Brigade

    • Chicken wings upon their chests
    Mauve Pampers™ with yellow crests
    Weasel words, their stock-in-trade
    Crack French troops, RINO Brigade

    • RINOs freak out at war polls
    For life terms, they sell their souls
    Wave white flags, drink Dem Kool-Aid™
    De rigueur for RINO brigade

    • They lust for the D.C. scene
    Posh soirees et haute cuisine
    Escargot en remoulade
    Bon vivants
    , the RINO Brigade

    • Regaled Bush with pull-out wish
    Strained to hear, due to their squish
    “Cowboy Boosh, gauche, declasse!”
    Say pompous twits of RINO Brigade

    • Said that Bush, like them, should quake
    Iraqis? Let them eat cake!
    Sellouts for D.C. charade
    Les gallants, RINO Brigade

    • Sounded off, like they had a pair
    CYA, their Croix de Guerre
    Sans courage et gravite

    Jacques Clouseau, the RINO brigade

    • RINOs ape Dems’ bug-out wheeze
    Sturdy spines, made of crème cheese
    All beau geste et faux cachet
    Les Miserables, des
    RINO Brigade

    • Say bye-bye, you pompadours
    Principled, just like street whores
    Bugger off down the esplanade
    Scram on home, RINO Brigade

    [Tag, to fade]
    Where you’ll live in indignite
    Flim-flam men, sans veracite
    Shove off, chumps, of RINO Brigade….

    Comment by The Great Santini — May 10, 2007 @ 7:30 pm

  41. Santini:
    To quote Gomez Addams…I love it when you speak French.

    Ne c’est pas?

    Comment by camojack — May 10, 2007 @ 9:04 pm

  42. Thanks to L@Y I am now $20.00 dollars richer and have successfully converted a former Democrat. I debate whether to spend the $20.00 or frame it. I do appreciate you making my point for me.

    I have bled for my country. I say my country because frankly I don’t think people like L@Y deserve the privilege of calling it theirs in that they have chosen to support our enemies in time of war. Even hard core union Democrats see that now that people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have dropped all pretense of anything resembling patriotism. Nancy cavorting with the terrorists nations was the breaking point there.

    I suppose I could have just gone back to old posts and let that be my proof, but it was more fun to prove it first hand.

    I posted something that a Union Democrat and I agreed with. L@Y attacked it without any form or real rebuttal. I always have said that the biggest threat to Democrat victory in 2008 would be their taking the house and senate in 2006. Now they are really alienating the working class of their party and drawing further to the left.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 9:24 pm

  43. The Great One

    I like it, I like it.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — May 10, 2007 @ 9:35 pm

  44. Thanks to L@Y I am now $20.00 dollars richer and have successfully converted a former Democrat. I now debate whether to spend the $20.00 or frame it. I do appreciate you making my point for me.

    I have bled for my country. I say my country because frankly I don’t think people like L@Y deserve the privilege of calling it theirs in that they have chosen to support our enemies in time of war. Even hard core union Democrats see that now that people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have dropped all pretense of anything resembling patriotism. Nancy cavorting with the terrorists nations was the breaking point there.

    I suppose I could have just gone back to old posts and let that be my proof, but it was more fun to prove it first hand.

    I posted something that a Union Democrat and I agreed with. L@Y attacked it without any form or real rebuttal. I always have said that the biggest threat to Democrat victory in 2008 would be their taking the house and senate in 2006. Now they are really alienating the working class of their party and drawing further to the left.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 9:40 pm

  45. Good evening, Mack! Pleasure to see you here.

    Mack, you must be blessed with generous friends if one is willing to give you $20 for demonstrating the obvious! The left is no longer interested in debates - perhaps because they kept losing them! Small loss … to quote Mattie Ross (from True Grit - the book, not the movie),
    “What have you achieved when you have bested a fool?”

    Comment by RedPepper — May 10, 2007 @ 9:55 pm

  46. RedPepper, don’t debate to convert them, only to expose them to others for what they are. The best way to do that is by showing those on the fence what they actually say.

    Their own words convict them. The jury of the masses shall hand down the verdict and God almighty will pass judgement.

    Comment by Mack — May 10, 2007 @ 10:04 pm

  47. Dont let them get to you - Liger and his ilk have a lifelong vested interest in ticking you off - they feel it is their “mission” in life. To call ice cream horse manure and flowers noxious weeds. A painting or music by a historically acknowledged “Old Master” is just another handful of snot. The Bible says they will call evil good and good evil. I treat them as any other mentally deranged idiot. They may deserve better but not from me. “By their fruits shall ye know them” fruits like them are fruitless. And as tares amid the wheat will deserve their final end.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — May 10, 2007 @ 10:55 pm

  48. Ms Righty:

    Thanks, and you are most kind.


    Tres chic, buddy. I donned my bonnet rouge to pen that ditty and to commemorate Le Revolution Francais. Toujours l’audace, mon ami!

    Comment by The Great Santini — May 11, 2007 @ 12:30 am

  49. Now that will be a classic for the ages, Gr8888 Santini. I can’t tell you which stanza I like the most because they’re all so dern dead-on.

    Sometimes I don’t know who is worst about putting their fingers to the political winds, Dhimmiecrats or RINOs. It seems like they’re both stumbling over each other to pull defeat from the jaws of victory. And isn’t it sad that there are Americans like Laughing Gasbag and Liger whose only validation will come when America cuts-and-runs and Iraq falls into a very real civil war?

    The left’s Orwellian “logic”: I’m not hoping for America’s defeat, I’m just cheering for America’s defeat because then my four years of do-nothing-but-complaining will be validated.


    Comment by Darthmeister — May 11, 2007 @ 5:08 am

    The liberal Marxist socialists in America are probably throwing parties over this news. Their anti-capitalist campaign is working.

    Baltimore City official cheers defacing of Rush Limbaugh billboard…
    Which proves cosmopolitan liberals really do respect people of differing opinions, open debate, the free market place of ideas, giving people a free forum without fear of retribution or censorship, private property … unless you happen to be a conservative. Freakin’ anarchistic lunatic hypocrites!

    Push to oust Gonzales loses momentum…
    Imagine that. The gall of Gonzales not to resign simply because a crime hasn’t been committed. Citing the U.S. Constitution for firing those U.S. Attorney’s who serve at the President’s pleasure was a cheap trick.

    Comment by Darthmeister — May 11, 2007 @ 5:25 am

  51. Good Morning all,
    God Bless ALL of us in the glorious USA!

    Comment by Libby Gone — May 11, 2007 @ 6:42 am

  52. Amen.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 11, 2007 @ 7:11 am

  53. What is it about the UN that strips people of their conscience?

    I truly wish it (the UN) would go away-seems to me that would free up a few bucks that could go toward our budget.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — May 11, 2007 @ 7:19 am

  54. JL3 Re: #53, it’s the fact that the UN is an illegitimate substitute for properly empowered national government that makes it so deadly to the conscience of both those who control it and those who depend on it. An unelected authority with no responsibility and extraordinary power is the perfect example of that which “corrupts absolutely.”

    An unrestrained court system has the same effect.

    Comment by gafisher — May 11, 2007 @ 7:42 am

  55. “Thanks to L@Y I am now $20.00 dollars richer and have successfully converted a former Democrat. I now debate whether to spend the $20.00 or frame it. I do appreciate you making my point for me.”

    Dang it! I just hate it when that happens.

    “I have bled for my country. I say my country because frankly I don’t think people like L@Y deserve the privilege of calling it theirs in that they have chosen to support our enemies in time of war.”

    Sorry Charlie, you guys taught us Purple Hearts, or even the Silver Star don’t count to “Chickenhawks”.

    Can you prove how, and to what degree you were injured (or allegedly wounded), how are we to know it was not self-inflicted? Do you have witness statements?

    It didn’t matter with John Fn Kerry, and it surely doesn’t matter with you either. Henry, and this group understand the military better than you, or even me.

    So far as this being MY country; you folks fixed two elections to put, and keep the “War President” in office. And just look what he has done to MY America!

    Comment by Laughing@You — May 11, 2007 @ 9:34 am

  56. Darth-

    Thanks a lot. Of course, like RINOs, I feel very strongly both ways that surrender = victory.

    Life’s too short to waste precious time considering the malignant Liger or his Sybilline alter ego, Gasbag. They’ve proved they have nothing to say and can’t be taken seriously. Enda story. If they’re typical of the, um, opposition, we’re cruisin’.

    Comment by The Great Santini — May 11, 2007 @ 12:54 pm

  57. May God bless President Bush with the strength and knowledge to lead our great country.

    Comment by Rock Slatestone — May 15, 2007 @ 8:43 am

  58. GREAT Santini re: 40,

    You are amazing. Another classic.

    Comment by Just Ranting — May 15, 2007 @ 4:15 pm

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