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Wolfowitz Moves Girlfriend to Drive-Up Window

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 53 Comments

(2007-05-08) — In what may be one of his final official actions as World Bank president, Paul Wolfowitz today arranged for his girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza, to get a “steady job” after his expected resignation.

If the board approves the transfer, Ms. Riza, formerly the bank’s senior communications officer, will work the drive-up window at a neighborhood branch, receiving a “competitive” wage of $249 per hour, plus incentives for opening new accounts.

Since 1946, the World Bank has provided financing and advice to countries to promote economic development and to eliminate poverty.

An unnamed associate defended Mr. Wolfowitz’s leadership, noting that, “After 61 years of World Bank advice and billions in invested donations, much of the planet’s population remains impoverished.”

“At least Paul Wolfowitz has a plan to eliminate poverty,” the source said, “and he was actually getting it done, one girlfriend at a time.”

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Tags: Global News

53 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // May 8, 2007 at 6:59 am

    If the board approves the transfer, Ms. Riza, formerly the bank’s senior communications officer, will work the drive-up window at a neighborhood branch, receiving a “competitive” wage of $249 per hour, plus incentives for opening new accounts.

    Man, I could use a competitive wage like that!!!

  • 2 JamesonLewis3rd // May 8, 2007 at 7:02 am

    God Bless America

  • 3 Mack // May 8, 2007 at 7:02 am

    Good morning all.

  • 4 Libby Gone // May 8, 2007 at 7:40 am

    Morning all,
    Camo that sounds to me like a “pay-cut” for you!

  • 5 Rock Slatestone // May 8, 2007 at 7:43 am

    It is a great sunny day. God Bless You And Yours.

  • 6 Rock Slatestone // May 8, 2007 at 7:44 am

    “…one girlfriend at a time.” This is funny stuff. Great job Scott!

  • 7 MargeinMI // May 8, 2007 at 7:48 am

    All that, and banker’s hours too!

    Morning all!

  • 8 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 8, 2007 at 8:02 am

    I would “check” up on that story but my check from The Goodyear Bank just bounced

  • 9 RedPepper // May 8, 2007 at 8:02 am

    Wolfowitz needs to stop dragging his feet and resign already. And then, maybe, go home and commit seppuku (also referred to as hara-kiri).

    There are hundreds more Bushies waiting to be destroyed. We can’t afford to waste any more time on Paul Wolfowitz!

  • 10 camojack // May 8, 2007 at 8:04 am

    Camo that sounds to me like a “pay-cut” for you!
    Comment by Libby Gone — May 8, 2007 @ 7:40 am

    $249 per day would be a pay cut…but not per hour.

  • 11 Just Ranting // May 8, 2007 at 8:23 am

    Clinton set the precedent. You no longer need to resign over sex scandals, lying to a grand jury, or corrupt real estate deals. Those standards only apply to Republicans in office. It’s because the Constitution is a living, breathing (with heaving bosoms) document; an expensive call girl for her Democratic party pimps and madams. Pay enough money to these whoremongers and you can get the Constitution to turn all kinds of tricks.

  • 12 Maggie // May 8, 2007 at 8:37 am

    Happy ‘Ocho de Mayo!’

    Red Pepper re #9,
    You are right on the mark.The Dems #1 person of interest is Carl Rove.He is the OBL of North America.
    So far he is protected in the green zone.

    Just Ranting re #eleventeen,
    Well said as per usual.

  • 13 boberinyetagain // May 8, 2007 at 9:48 am

    Scott, you are “the man” as always, very funny!

    Libby, it’s only a cut for Camo when he is on overtime. His regular rate is slightly lower but not by much

  • 14 mig // May 8, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    There was a soldier who was talking to Chelsea Clinton.
    She asked him about fear.
    He said he was afraid of only 3 things -
    “Osama, Obama, and Yo Mama”

  • 15 The Great Santini // May 8, 2007 at 12:21 pm

    How gratifying to learn that these cynical World Bank hypocrites have a moral compass, after all: J’accuse Wolfowitz Le Gauche de la cherchez la femme! Which, loosely translated, means, “Down with the Jew-boy neocon clone of Cowboy Boosh, at all costs!”

    Vive le whispering campaign!

  • 16 Fred Sinclair // May 8, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    The World Bank is a major plank in the overthrow of America.

    Fascism can be a really great, wonderful form of government but only if you make sure that you are the Head Number one dude (or dudette) what’s in charge. [H#1DWIC] of course it’s the pits of hell for the people. But if you’re Benito Musollini in Italy or Francisco Franco in Spain or Hitler in Germany it’s hard to beat. Benito Musollini and Francisco Franco would have been quick to define Fascism as Democracy in it’s last stages of decay.

    That’s pretty much where the liberals have brought us today. They see themselves as that small group if “ins” who know how to run the lives of the great mass of “outs”. Musollini and Franco have nothing on Harry ‘Benedict Arnold’ Reid; Nancy ‘Tuna Fish’ Pelosi; Teddy ‘Swimmer’ Kennedy; Mrs. Bill Clinton; Barbie Boxer; Carl Levin; Debbie Stabenough; Mikey Moore; Jane Fonda; Cindy Sheehan; etc.,etc., Ad Infinitium, Ad Nauseum.

    Without a Conservative Republican win in ‘08 America will have become a Fascist country. I see Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson as our best hope. It will take a lot of prayer - a whole lot of prayer.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 17 Fred Sinclair // May 8, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    TGS:”loosly translated” - right. I thought the “cherchez la femme” meant “Look (search) for the woman.”….. Mrs. Bill Clinton? - Nancy Pelosi?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 18 Hawkeye // May 8, 2007 at 1:45 pm

    And to think that this all started because the bureaucrats at the World Bank didn’t like the fact that Wolfowitz wanted to prevent aid money from going to countries with corrupt governments.

    Hmmm. Perhaps there may be some corruption in the governance of the World Bank. Ya think?

  • 19 Hawkeye // May 8, 2007 at 1:46 pm

    The World Bank ate my post!

  • 20 Hawkeye // May 8, 2007 at 1:50 pm

    Oh. There it is.

  • 21 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 8, 2007 at 2:15 pm

    Umm, which line do I stand in for a new car loan, plus a little more for home (apartment) improvement would help.

    I’m a nation within myself so I should qualify for a loan with no intention of paying it back. After all, if I default like Mexico did numerous years ago, my whole economy will send all the surrounding nations into a tailspin.

  • 22 The Great Santini // May 8, 2007 at 2:28 pm


    Your translation’s accurate, and my French is rusty. But you got the idea….

    Sacre bleu!

  • 23 conserve-a-tips // May 8, 2007 at 3:58 pm

    Does the World Bank also stamp out flooding across the world? If so, sign me up for a few of those greenbacks. Boy, when we prayed for rain here, because of the drought, I think that we might have begged a little too hard. 6″ so far with 4″ more due in tonight. Just pulled the future son-in-law out of the front yard (his car sank up to the frame) after using the whole family and the neighbor across the road to dig out from under the car so there would be a place to hook a chain from the tractor. It is so wet, that water just replaced the mud that we were digging out. Everyone looked like mud monsters. Poor guy. I’m sure he was just mortified. We just saw it as another normal day for us!! I haven’t been out of the house since Sunday night and won’t be able to for another day at least. I hate squishy shoes.

    Funny Scott.

  • 24 Darthmeister // May 8, 2007 at 4:52 pm

    Total non-story but I do want to know one thing, if Ms. Riza is moved to the drive-up will the World Bank still be handing out those suckers?

  • 25 Darthmeister // May 8, 2007 at 5:06 pm

    ¥Mañana, tenga un feliz Noveno de Mayo!

    æ˜Žć€©, æœ‰äž€æ„‰ćż«5æœˆçŹŹäč

  • 26 camojack // May 8, 2007 at 7:05 pm

    Libby, it’s only a cut for Camo when he is on overtime. His regular rate is slightly lower but not by much
    Comment by boberinyetagain — May 8, 2007 @ 9:48 am

    I wish!

  • 27 RedPepper // May 8, 2007 at 7:52 pm

    Darthmeister #24: IMHO, the suckers are the people who provide funds for the World Bank - like, f’rinstance, the long-suffering American taxpayer …

  • 28 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 9, 2007 at 12:00 am

    I opened an account at the World Bank and all I got was this two-bit toaster

  • 29 Fred Sinclair // May 9, 2007 at 6:47 am

    Fruitcakes in New Jersey (nothing new there) but these paticular fruitcakes had a plan to go to Ft. Dix and kill as many soldiers as possible.

    So they have been arrested. Now with help from the ACLU they will probably tie up the courts for who knows how long? The names and whereabouts of these men were well known. The military used to know how to set up an ambush.

    A well planned ambush could have been in place so that when they showed up to carry out their plan, they and their plan could have been erased. Expenses could have been limited to the cost of a backhoe to dig a hole for them. I wonder if I’m right or am I missing something here? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 30 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 7:04 am

    Notice how law enforcement and government authorities are AGAIN quick to point out how these Muslim jihadists aren’t “terrorists” because they aren’t card carrying members of al Qaeda. They must think we’re morons. The danger of terrorist threats and activities will only get worse if America goes on the defense instead of taking the war to Islamofascists on foreign battlefields which seem to attract the more competent and lunatic in the terrorist global community.

    The jihadist front organization CAIR has pre-emptively pled with the American public not to associate Islam or the Koran with the six jihadist wannabees, but even the words of the jihadists themselves make a mockery of this ideological compartmentalization:

    “It doesn’t matter to me whether I get locked up, arrested or get taken away,” a suspect identified as Serdar Tatar said in another recorded conversation. “Or I die, it doesn’t matter. I’m doing it in the name of Allah.”

    Invariably these jihadists make claims such as this while the Islamic community go through the motions AGAIN of denying there’s a link which needs to be emphatically and consistently condemned.

  • 31 DrivebyMeteor // May 9, 2007 at 7:13 am

    “It’s a wonderful day in my neighborhood . . . ”

    You hear it all the time: If only the Israelis and Palestinians would make peace, the rest of the world would follow. The next time you hear it, remember that the Palestinian version of Mickey Mouse preaches death to Jews and Americans.

  • 32 Hawkeye // May 9, 2007 at 8:01 am

    Ms RW #28,

    Funny! :lol:

  • 33 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 9, 2007 at 8:27 am

    Morning all. Thanks Hawkeye

    If the weather got any nicer here in the dirty old factory town, I wouldn’t be any happier. Matter of fact, it would slay me dead. Keep up the good work God, our creator and the only master of our global climate

  • 34 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 9, 2007 at 8:28 am

    er, could not be any happier. That typo made me sound like a sour puss:-)

  • 35 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 9:14 am

    Liberal political opportuntists and left-wing media are trying to politicize the recent Kansas tornado natural disaster. However:

    Sen. Sam Brownback said Tuesday that local officials and the Kansas National Guard commander all told him they have the resources needed to respond.

    “I asked, privately and publicly, the adjutant general, do you have the equipment you need?” he said. “Because if you don’t, we’re going to hit Fort Riley and McConnell (Air Force Base) and other places to make sure we have all the equipment we need to respond to disasters. Everybody there said no, we have the equipment we needed.”

    He added: “I think what we need to do is to focus on what we need here now, and not draw a broader political question in. We’ve got a disaster, and we need to all pull together to get everything we need from the state and the federal for the local need.”

    Like I said before, with liberals enough is never enough if there is some political hay to be made. Filthy political opportunists.

  • 36 upnorthlurkin // May 9, 2007 at 9:48 am

    Looks like Obama was educated in public schools….seems at his latest fundraiser he counted the dead in Greensboro KS (twelve) as 10,000. Hmmmm..maybe he’s the genius who did the counting in N’awlins too!! And of course, the governor couldn’t resist the Bush bashing about the National Guard….we all know the real reason we have a National Guard is for social programs….oh and scholarships….never for fighting in wars!

  • 37 GnuCarSmell // May 9, 2007 at 10:50 am

    Before Wolfowitz leaves, my country has applied for an emergency loan at the World Bank . The Peoples Republic of Gnufoundland will use the handouts — I mean loans — will use the LOANS to buy social justice and other cool stuff.

  • 38 mig // May 9, 2007 at 11:42 am

    Widespread use of birth control pills harming the environment

  • 39 Shelly // May 9, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    The ACRU has a few definitions up for their new Politically Incorrect Dictionary. These two are great:

    Judgmentalism - The capacity to form moral judgments, this being the principal quality that gives human beings an advantage over orangutans, who after all are a good deal stronger. Nonetheless, judgmentalism is a bad thing, because the formation of judgments implies that one might correctly conclude that some ways of behaving are better than others. See “tolerance.” The upshot is that only “non-judgmentalism” is an acceptable outlook on life — with the caveat that non-judgmentalism is subject to cancellation without notice when the subject is Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Alberto Gonzales, anyone invovled with the imprisonment of terrorists at Guantanamo, and of course the Duke lacrosse team.

    Torture - Asking a terrorist what his next plan for mass murder consists of, and doing it in conditions where there is at least some chance he’ll think you’d like an answer. Such conditions might include, for example, being held in an uncomfortably cold (or hot) cell, having to stand for long periods of time, being exposed to loud and unpleasant sounds, or having to sit in stress positions. None of this very closely resembles what used to be thought of as “torture,” e.g., having your fingernails ripped out, being fed feet-first into the woodchipper, or being held in a dog cage while your captors ready their swords to cut your head off. But this latter collection of techniques apparently no longer qualifies as “torture,” being the province of the terrorists rather than those who seek to stop them.

  • 40 JamesonLewis3rd // May 9, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    Here’s the realbottom line” on illegal “immigration”.

  • 41 JamesonLewis3rd // May 9, 2007 at 1:31 pm

    Actually, that should be illegal migration, now that I think about it.

  • 42 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 1:46 pm

    Obama’s Kansas Gaffe: ‘Ten Thousand People Died’ in Kansas twister…

    I guess those “ten thousand” go along with the ten thousand bloated corpses in New Orleans who were secretly buried in the hole blown in the levee by the Army Corps of Engineers by executive order of Bu$Hitler.

    Obama is such a political pimp. Lousy liberal opportunist. He spoke what he thought, I wonder what other looney tune garbage this guy believes in his bizarro world. Of course he’ll say he misspoke which is the excuse liberals give all the time when caught padding numbers, but notice how the moonbat audience members murmured their agreement! I wish someone would have shouted, “Hey you moron, it was only TEN not ten thousand. Get your facts straight ’cause you’re embarassing us you political whore!”

  • 43 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    Ooops, my bad, upnorth. Ya beat me to it! This probably is the perception of millions of people, Obama is such a lite-weight empty-suit who will say anything to get a vote.

  • 44 Libby Gone // May 9, 2007 at 1:49 pm

    I am the Benevolent Leader of a small impoverished Country that needs funds for its Railroad. It’s so small and poor it fits in my basement! I woner if I can get a loan?

  • 45 its-just-me // May 9, 2007 at 3:19 pm

    Well, at least the libs can’t say that we allowed the people in Kansas (12 or 10,000) to die because of their race….
    On the other hand, they may make an issue (if they ever get the numbers right) that whoever’s in charge of natural disasters (bushitler) would have caused more casualties, had the population in Kansas not been 98% white.

  • 46 tomg // May 9, 2007 at 3:25 pm

    Libby Gone Re: 44-
    Only if you scrap that nasty old coal burning Shay you run up the mountain for a shiney DB commuter rail running on biodiesel or solar-electric. :(

  • 47 DrivebyMeteor // May 9, 2007 at 6:36 pm

    Re #38: How fascinating! So the environment is being harmed by the wide-spread use of birth-control pills!

    Has anyone told Al Gore about this? Or Sheryl Crow?

    And it’s affecting the fish? Has Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a denunciation yet? How about his pet group, Klamath Riverkeeper? (See the linked story :,4670,KlamathDams,00.html )

    Surely they have the funds to file another lawsuit?

    Greenpeace, maybe?


  • 48 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    Harlem preacher says Obama “gotta a white momma”

  • 49 Darthmeister // May 9, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    Democratic political opportunists bald-face lie again. From PowerLineblog:

    Kathleen Sebelius, the Democratic Governor of Kansas, claimed that Kansas is missing 60 percent of its National Guard equipment because of the war, and has thus been hampered in dealing with the damage caused by the tornado. Barack Obama made the same claim, while somehow managing to state that the death toll was 10,000, not 12. And of course lefty bloggers tried to hammer the point home.

    In fact, it’s not true that Kansas was missing 60 percent of its National Guard equipment, or that the National Guard was ill-prepared to deal with the aftermath of the tornado. The Democrats’ claim is pure invention. According to Randal Noller, public affairs officer for the National Guard Bureau, the Kansas National Guard has 88 percent of its forces available, and 60 percent of its Army Guard dual-use equipment on hand, along with more than 85 percent of its Air Guard equipment. If the Kansas National Guard were short-handed in any way, it could have asked for assistance from other states under a national sharing agreement. It did not do so.

    Lying filth.

  • 50 Harry Daschle // May 9, 2007 at 11:27 pm

    mig, re#14—-VERY CUTE! :lol:

    Right now though, our troops should be afraid of this Congress also!

  • 51 Fred Sinclair // May 10, 2007 at 4:34 am

    Speculation: One way to possibly guarantee a Conservative Republican victory in 2008 would be for President Bush to follow the lead of his friend, Tony Blair and resign. Vice President Richard B Cheney, about three hours after being officially sworn in as the new President, could opt to also resign. Thereby elevating Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi into office as the new President.

    The Media would go nuts! Mrs. Bill Clinton would have a total breakdown. President Pelosi, caught totally off guard would be walking around, sucking her thumb, muttering, “Duh, er, I mean, er, What do I do now?” her aides would be staggering around, pulling their thumb out of their mouth, mumbling, “Gee, uh, I dunno, what do we do next?” She would then be tasked with the responsibility of issuing the “cut and run” directive, that the liberals have so forcefully demanded. Cooler heads would point out to her that “cut and run” was not an option.

    During the following months remaining in her “Presidency, there would be little she could do, other than display to all America just who and what the liberals really are. - that alone should be more than enough to ensure a Conservative victory in ‘08. Quite possibly bring about the imploding and total meltdown of the Democrat Party. It could take another 50 - 60 years for them to recover.

    A fantasy? Of course! But it’s my fantasy and I would love to live long enough to witness its becoming reality.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 52 Fred Sinclair // May 10, 2007 at 4:51 am

    btw - I know there are a number of Scrapplers who have good intentions but…..good intentions don’t get the cows milked. Scott has thoughtfully provided a PayPal icon in the uppr right corner of the page. I suspect that he didn’t put it there because the page needed more decorations. He probably was hoping that some would feel led to use it,

    Coffee is $1.17 at Dennys - that’s only $35.00 per month. I squeeze it out of my Social Security check and I know there are many of you who can do much better. don’t let your good intentions remain pipe dreams - today is a great day to do something.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 53 Fred Sinclair // May 10, 2007 at 6:26 am

    Kansas Gov. STILL on TV this A.M. - NBC spouting her lies about Bush has her Guard in Iraq and not in Kansas where they are needed. Her tornado problem - his fault…… btw - she’s a (D).

    Heirborn Ranger

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