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April 17, 2007

Pelosi, Reid Call for Arming All College Students

(2007-04-17) — The day after an unidentified man killed 32 people, and wounded many others at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recanted years of support for gun control laws and called on Congress to initiate a national weapons training program at schools that receive federal funding.

“Since it’s clearly impossible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,” Rep. Pelosi said, “the only way to hamper the evil plans of the deranged and wicked is to assure that their potential victims are not helpless.”

“As we have seen once again,” said Sen. Reid, “our gun-free school zones should really be called free-fire zones for terrorists and killers. Gun control laws only restrict the sale of weapons of self-defense.”

Under the Pelosi-Reid Personal Protection Act of 2007, all federally-funded colleges, universities and secondary schools would provide at least 40 hours of mandatory weapons safety and target shooting instruction.

Meanwhile, President George Bush continued to call on all Americans to pray for the wounded survivors and for the families of the dead, and he hailed the Pelosi-Reid Act as “an important step in making sure that no child is left behind.”

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  1. Pelosi, Reid Call For Arming of All Students

    That would be the sensible and responsible thing to do, Scott. Pelosi and Reid aren’t sensible and responsible. Ergo … same ol’, same ol’ …

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 8:22 am

  2. In related news, Senator Schumer called for issuing body armor to all students. The money to cover the costs of said body armor would become available when Democrats in Congress successfully de-fund the war in Iraq.

    Comment by Hawkeye — April 17, 2007 @ 8:28 am

  3. That’ll be the day. Maybe Santini can do a parody of the Buddy Holly classic.

    Wasn’t it Heinlein who said “an armed society is a polite society”?

    Oh, and if I may, before a certain (predictable) party:
    God Bless America!

    Comment by camojack — April 17, 2007 @ 8:32 am

  4. Defend to the death the right to arm bears!

    Think of the money we could save an trials alone! Easily worth the effort.

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 8:38 am

  5. How dare we sent students to college unprepared!

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 8:39 am

  6. camojack #3: speaking of predictable

    Comment by RedPepper — April 17, 2007 @ 8:49 am

  7. I guess you go to college with the students you have…not the students you wish you had

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 8:53 am

  8. Scott, this is funny, but the sad reality is that this “No war for oil!” crowd would just be yelling, “No war for education!” They would be demanding that our students be redeployed to, say, Cuba?

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — April 17, 2007 @ 8:55 am

  9. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.~~Ephesians 6:12

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — April 17, 2007 @ 9:13 am

  10. I’m very curious about why the name of the suicide shooter at Virginia Tech has not been released? I wonder if his name will ever be released? Or will he be listed in the history books as an “unknown shooter”?

    Will the “gun grabbers” own up to the very real possibility that they may be responsible for many of the 32 deaths? That their anti-gun laws guaranteed the shooter the fact that he would face no opposition as he wandered around, shooting at will. One armed student might have been able to stop him early in his shooting spree.

    I recall reading Robert A. Heinlin writing that “an armed society is a polite society.” However, instead of owning up to their part in the shootings, it figures that the liberals will start screaming for yet even more gun control laws. Totally blind to the fact that of all the anti-gun laws in effect, not one of them could have had any bearing on this horror.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — April 17, 2007 @ 9:36 am

  11. FRONT PAGE (as it ought to read).

    This morning, between the hours of 03:00 and 04:00 hrs, 374 persons were taken into custody around the US and some various locations around the world. All are considered major figures in the entertainment business, major news media (The NY Times, The Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC), the congress of the US, various universities, and certain internationally infamous individuals such as Michel Moore and Cindy Sheehan.

    All 374 are known to be leading members of the Liberal conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States. The President - George W. Bush, promises that there will be no “Show Pony” trials as is often found in other countries. “All 374 conspirators will be tried en-masse, and given the most open and fairest trial since the OJ Simpson trial. Being from Texas, President Bush feels it’s only right that in the interests of total fairness to the accused that the trial will be located in Abilene, Texas and overseen by Federal Judge Janice Rogers Brown. Judge Roy L. Bean (Ind. TX) will be the alternate judge. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh. will be jury chairman with Ann Coulter as alternate.

    This totally fair trial will be completed by July 3rd to allow for all 374 executions to be completed on Independence Day. Any wanabee Liberals who wish to contest this ruling may register for execution on July 5th.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — April 17, 2007 @ 9:45 am

  12. If not guns then maybe bows and arrows.It would add new meaning to the phrase ‘apple for the teacher’.

    Memorial service today at 2 o’clock for the Va. Tech victims.Very sad indeed.

    Comment by Maggie — April 17, 2007 @ 9:45 am

  13. The Iraqis are a good example of the tranquility that can be had by arming the citizenry. All is well there because they are amont the best armed populace on the planet.

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 9:46 am

  14. or “among”…whatever

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 9:46 am

  15. If Virginia Tech didn’t have rules against people with gun permits actually carrying them, that situation might have been mitigated to some extent. Sad…

    Comment by camojack — April 17, 2007 @ 9:48 am

  16. Pelosi, Reid Call for Arming All College Students…

    Trackback by University Update — April 17, 2007 @ 9:53 am

  17. Just taken from Snopes as TRUE:

    “How they vote at the U.N.!

    Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

    Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time.
    Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time.
    Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time.
    United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.
    Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.
    Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.
    Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.
    Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.
    Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.
    Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.
    Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
    Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.
    Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.
    Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.
    Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.
    India votes against the United States 81% of the time.
    Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.
    Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

    US Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

    Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

    Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

    Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

    India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually

    Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.

    Pass it along. Everyone needs to know this. Might even mention it to your congressman, who knows this anyway… what a disgrace… no wonder the world has no respect for us”.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — April 17, 2007 @ 9:57 am

  18. The mind just reels with other ways to view this besides “lack of respect” but I’d be wasting my breath

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 10:06 am

  19. Maybe the Congressional Donks can use the “peace dividend” to up-armor students during “peacetime”. This “peace dividend” will result when the congressional Dem-wits force American stormtroopers to redeploy from Iraq to Okinawa and let jihadist killings spiral out-of-control as Iraqi militias and foreign fighters try to fill the power vacuum. Let the Iraqis pay for their own freedom event though America has spent trillions the last fifty years occupying Germany and Japan after World War II.

    But given the violence in our streets and on our gun-free campus zones, maybe America should just surrender, further disarm the American people and hope terrorists and murderers will deal more compassionately with us “little Eichmans” in the future.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 10:19 am

  20. Your mind reels, bober, because Virginia Tech was legislated just last year to be a gun-free zone and it horribly backfired. You can’t handle the truth, thus your “reeling” mind. We’re absolutely disgusted with how the powers-that-be disarm American people and turn them into sheep for the slaughter. We refuse to live in your world of denial and feel-good failure. You can embrace your “reeling” mind while we embrace the cold, hard reality this tragedy has brought to light once again.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 10:22 am

  21. bober, are you comparing apples and oranges again? Are you comparing Iraqi lunatics with law-abiding Americans? I’ll have you know that the 32 students murdered in this senseless act of violence on one university campus represents ten times the number of people killed by legally-licensed gun owners who illegally used their to engage in a criminal act in all the states combined that have conceal carry laws. I think the responsible track record of legally-armed Americans puts to rest your pathetic attempt to equate the Second Amendment patriot with a bunch of Muslim lunatics who use cries of jihad to justify their murders.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 10:28 am

  22. That’s “who illegally used their FIREARM to engage in a criminal act.”

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 10:29 am

  23. Just to take a moment to be thankful for small experiences in this household: I just got in from the garden. It is overcast, kind of windy, very cool and moisture is hanging in the air so thick that if God just opens the faucet a teeny tiny bit more, it will be raining. The birds are talking to each other and except for that, it is so quiet out there that you can hear every chop, chop as the hoe breaks up the sandy loam that is Oklahoma soil. Because we have been adding compost for 11 years now, that soil is black and smells so sweet. I loaded a Walmart sack with lettuce and spinach and trecked back to the house to wash it and prepare it for the world’s biggest salad for lunch. Feta cheese, sunflower seeds, dried cherries, baby carrots, tomatoes and homemade croutons from homemade asiago focaccia bread all topped with olive oil and basalmic vinegar with a little stevia and Mrs. Dash’s garlic and herb seasoning. When I am in my garden all is right with the world and it is day before yesterday and gunmen at Virginia Tech never happened.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — April 17, 2007 @ 10:38 am

  24. My mind was, and continues to “reel” over Mr Rangers observation about how the Arab world votes in the UN.

    Perhaps they disagree with our positions.
    Perhaps we should stay out of their business, perhaps we should have all along.
    Perhaps we should demand assistance in Iraq.
    Perhaps Pelosi is on to something and we should at least listen to their point of view, attempt to understand them. Perhaps then we might agree more, get more votes, get more help or know for certain that we should laeve the area because none of those things is forthcoming.

    Iraqi lunatics…says it all for me. Let’s continue to fight and die for lunatics, a fine plan indeed.
    Or are there less lunatics than there were 4 years ago? We have killed batches of them, no doubt. But, are there less of them now?

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 10:39 am

  25. Not all Iraqis are lunatics, bober. Are you becoming a racist? We need to target all the Muslim fundamentalist militias, kill as many as we can and forget the whinings of the rest of the world. Another fringe benefit of this war is flushing out all the jihadist crazies, whether home-grown or foreign fighters. Better there than here.

    Islamic fundamentalists don’t become radicalized as you apparently believe, THEY ARE ALREADY RADICALIZED. Why do you keep making excuses for them? It’s always Bush’s/Cheney’s/Halliburton’s/America’s fault, isn’t it? Sheesh.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 11:11 am

  26. My bad, bober. I see I’ve led you on with my original reference to “Iraqi lunatics”. I meant it only with respect to Islamic fundamentalist lunatics who happen to be Iraqi. I think the vast majority of Iraqis are sick and tired of all the senseless killings and fratricide engaged in by their own militant countrymen. A few bad people can engage in a whole lot of evil. Iraqis are suffering from kowtowing to a tyrant for nearly thirty years and originally embracing the more radical elements of their “religion of peace” who are now killing them.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 11:18 am

  27. Interestingly I never said that but I do answer for the perception that I have all the time….here

    Not our “fault” but we are not making it better, you say for yourself that we are there for purely selfish reasons. That alone is enough to cause resentment in even the mildest folks

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 11:23 am

  28. I deny the absurd allegation that The United States of America is fighting for lunatics. How clueless can you get?

    Not to mention missing the entire point of Heirborn Ranger’s comment (#17)-but that’s what happens when a person, deluded by burning leftist hatred, views literally everything through the coward’s subjective lens.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — April 17, 2007 @ 11:24 am

  29. Sort of funny but I got through on my e-mail notice since my IE would bring up the new posting. Hmmm

    I heard the first few minutes of the report so I know the killer was a dude from S. Korea. So what was in his head? I hope time will tell

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 17, 2007 @ 11:34 am

  30. push

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 17, 2007 @ 11:34 am

  31. The media has conditioned us to believe “The people have a right to know.” that they have a right to be more curious than concerned. Where is the authority for this so called right to know? In the Constitution? I don’t think so. I believe it is a right created by the media to justify their own existence.

    For example: Why do we have a right to know all there is to know about then President Reagan’s (complete with diagrams) rectal surgery? Shouldn’t that be for him, his family and doctor to know? Fire destroys house - kids die in fire - reporter with mike to grieving mother - “Just how do you feel about this?”

    Shooting in a school in Colorado gets so much media coverage and widespread attention that some deranged individual seeks even greater infamy by outdoing the previous horror. A “shock jock” makes an idiot comment heard by a maximum of a few thousand people (who thought nothing of it) so now 300 million people know what should have been ignored, as one would ignore the ranting of a child. The same way we ignore boberin.

    Our right to know should involve keeping up with the performance of our elected officials: what they support and how they vote; not just what they say.

    So now we have the liberal press who in spite of what they say, are delighted (not with the deaths) with a wondrous opportunity to emblazon the newspapers, magazines, TV News slots, and liberal talk show hosts with their socialistic anti-firearm blathering.

    Marx, Engles & Lenin were solidly united in declaring that the very first thing necessary in taking over a government is to seize all privately owned firearms. So taking a page from their notebook as part of the Liberal’s conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States, the incident at Virginia Tech is to them nothing more than another tool to disarm America.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — April 17, 2007 @ 11:35 am

  32. RE: 23, I couldn’t agree more. Sunday was an absolute deluge of rain for us, and yesterday was windy beyond belief, but today is calm, a high of 68 is predicted, and I plan to get back to finishing the spring preparations of the rest of my vegetable beds. Shortly after the invasion of Iraq I was feeling guilty about retreating to my yard for comfort while our troops were overseas in harm’s way. My husband - a veteran - told me that that was precislely why they went, so that I could enjoy listening to the birds sing while correcting any impudent weeds that thought they could grow among my pansies.

    Comment by Shelly — April 17, 2007 @ 11:50 am

  33. […] I would applaud this if it were true. The day after an unidentified man killed 32 people, and wounded many others at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recanted years of support for gun control laws and called on Congress to initiate a national weapons training program at schools that receive federal funding. […]

    Pingback by Digital Brainwaves » Blog Archive » If only… — April 17, 2007 @ 11:59 am

  34. bober - these are the people Hank is talking about: (from LGF)

    “Militants, who are battling for a separate Muslim state in Thailand’s southernmost region, frequently stage arson attacks on schools, which are seen as representing the central Buddhist state.”

    US Troops aren’t in Thailand, but that doesn’t keep the Islamofascists from targeting children, just like they did in Beslan. Global War on Terror isn’t a catchphrase, merely an accurate description of what is happening.

    Comment by Shelly — April 17, 2007 @ 12:03 pm

  35. Again, never said this was “our fault”

    So then, why aren’t we in Thailand fighting the good fight. Better to fight them there than fight them here and, from what I’ve heard here it’s either/or so…why not there eh? Do we really want them to leave Thailand and come here before we take that seriously?
    Well, do we??

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 12:13 pm

  36. bober, you are aware - I hope - that there are one or two non-Americans with weapons who are fighting these people. The Ethiopian forces come to mind…

    Comment by Shelly — April 17, 2007 @ 12:20 pm

  37. Killer’s Note: “You caused me to do this.”

    Hmmm, sounds like a liberal … or at least someone who had had his head filled with liberal dogma while attending the government institutions of mass education (public schools). He certainly is no conservative or a Christian who takes responsibility for their own actions. Blame someone else. It’s a wonder he didn’t blame Bush, too … maybe he did.

    My girlfriend caused me to do it!
    Society caused me to do it!
    Evil America caused me to do it!
    Twinkies caused me to do it!

    Where have we heard this before?

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 12:42 pm

  38. I have been doing some research and have come up with a very deep observation.

    The gun was supposedly invented in China somewhere around 1250AD. The first mention of a handgun was somewhere around 1326.

    The great significance of this is that guns did not exist prior to these dates and so therefore, based on the promises of gun-control advocates, we can trust that Julius Caesar was never murdered, Barabas (the man whose freedom was substituted for Christ’s freedom) never committed murder, the mass attack on the Jews in AD70 never occurred and Moses never really was given any commandment regarding, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” because there was no need prior to the introduction of the gun. It was only after the invention of the gun that killing began.

    If we would have had gun control when those 19 hijackers flew the planes into the towers and the Pentagon, it wouldn’t have happened because they would not have had guns to hold the pilots and the passengers hostage. Huh? Oh. They had boxcutters? Hmm. Let me go research those.

    Comment by conserve-a-tips — April 17, 2007 @ 1:12 pm

  39. Perhaps it was bad sushi

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 1:13 pm

  40. Yeah, well, we should all know by now that the perpetrators are the real victims in these cases.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — April 17, 2007 @ 1:13 pm

  41. Anyone else having trouble with FireFox? Maybe they are overloaded from Virginia. Still sneaking in through the back door

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 17, 2007 @ 1:21 pm

  42. All too often we find the “good guys” are enabling evil. I can’t believe law enforcement has been wussified emasculated this much since 9/11.

    The lady has a point. What I saw of the news tapes and the cell videoclip are cops standing around in clumps, some hiding behind their police cruisers while shots can be heard in the background. Also there is the problem I have with fifty or so cops congregating at the dormitory where the first two people (the killer’s alleged girlfriend and a floor dorm advisor) for over two hours, not locking down the university during that time and making a building by building search because some yahoo police chief makes a determination this was only a “domestic dispute.” In my opinion this “chief” ought to at least be rung up on charges of dereliction of duty because his guesswork (read: incompetence) probably contributed to getting thirty more people killed. In shootings like this you ALWAYS search the surrounding environs to make sure the killer still isn’t hiding nearby.

    There were hundreds of other law enforcement officers off campus who could have determined whether the killer was making a get-away or not. Heads will roll, both police and university administrators.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 1:34 pm

  43. Obviously I came a little late to this party/thread… Oh well… Suffice it to say that, while it almost seems a bit early to laugh about anything related to the VT tragedy (and especially as a Virginia resident, though I live in a different part of the state from Blacksburg), I definitely appreciated this story :)

    Comment by woodnwheel — April 17, 2007 @ 1:44 pm

  44. Our minister sent everyone a note asking us to pray for our denomination’s church in Blacksburg, which is deeply involved in Campus Ministry of VT. I’m sure this is true of many denominations in that area, all of whom may soon be overwhelmed by students’ emotions and questions. Just thought I’d pass along the suggestion.

    Comment by Shelly — April 17, 2007 @ 2:33 pm

  45. This is why I home-school. Do you want your kids learning about fire-arms from friends in an alley? They’re not going to wait until secondary school to experiment, you know.

    Comment by tomg — April 17, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

  46. Feelings of sorrow and tears have overwhelmed the bunker. There were times when tears just rolled down my cheeks, not from the words of the so called “religious” leaders, but what ripped my heart was looking into the eyes of the surviving students.

    If anyone there thinks they know true sorrow I urge them to prepare themselves because trauma doesn’t come the first day, nor the second. One morning in a week or perhaps longer they will awake with a pit so deep in their heart that at times the students may feel nobody can fill it once again.

    I am a sufferer of Post Traumatic Stress and I have lived amongst so much tragedy that a book would do little to fill it. I don’t talk about it except on rare occasions. I don’t wear my grief like a flag-but today is different, My Lord and Savior, are the only ones who know their hearts. Pray he can heal them, not through the hokey pokey religious leaders we saw on TV, but instead, they will need men and women of God-oh so much they will need them.

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 17, 2007 @ 2:53 pm

  47. Well said as always Ms. Right!

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 3:10 pm

  48. “Gun control laws only restrict the sale of weapons of self-defense.”

    As usual, Scott has gotten right to the heart of the matter in one simple, factual sentence. Very well done, Mr. Ott.

    Comment by da Bunny — April 17, 2007 @ 3:31 pm

  49. er, pray He can fill them, not he

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 17, 2007 @ 3:55 pm

  50. Have Pelosi and Reid really fallen off the wagon??? Have they given any thought on having a gaggle of College kids with guns in hand after a heavy Frat or other beer binge party??
    Are these Lunatics real people or a creation of the Comedy channel???

    Comment by Len Peracchio — April 17, 2007 @ 4:05 pm

  51. :shock:

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — April 17, 2007 @ 4:11 pm

  52. Len,
    Do not attempt to bring any sort of reason to this here party, we are having none of it.
    Think of the fun the frat boys can have shooting bad guys. You want to deprive them of that? Be serious

    Comment by boberinyetagain — April 17, 2007 @ 5:03 pm

  53. Escellent as usual, Scott! By the way, have you changed the Scrapple clock yet?! I have 4:57 CDT

    Comment by upnorthlurkin — April 17, 2007 @ 5:06 pm

  54. Obama Compares Va. Tech Tragedy to Verbal Violence of Imus…
    What an utter moron. This is precisely the kind of bilge you expect from an intellectual lightweight and empty suit like Obama. And a good number Dem-wits want to make this guy president? The only alternative is to believe the Rovian Mind Control Machine made this guy spew such stupidity. God help us all.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 5:07 pm

  55. Well, one of us is wayyyyy wrong!!

    Comment by upnorthlurkin — April 17, 2007 @ 5:07 pm

  56. Hey, Len baby, explain this. Blinded by your own echo chamber of endless and ineffective gun control insanity, eh?

    Gun bans haven’t worked the last thirty years and once again it’s proven you can’t count on the police to protect and serve when a madman is in the act of shooting up the place. Care to do the calculus now?

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 5:14 pm

  57. BTW, I can’t wait until some ban-gun lib starts whining about how if the Virginia National Guard wasn’t involved in Bu$Hitler’s “illegal and immoral” war in Iraq, none of this would have happened at Virginia Tech … I can’t wait.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 5:17 pm

  58. UPDATES:

    Killer had “Ismail Ax” scrawled on the inside of one arm. Interesting theories about that at Allahpundit.

    Also, this guy was a total loner who was never seen with any woman. Roommate confirms this. It’s believed the liberal media is playing up love-gone-bad angle to make the irrational rational. Typical libs. This guy was totally anti-social. Chaining doors and leaving a message on a chatroom site that he was going to kill people that day pretty much indicates this was premeditated. I’m not believing anything the lamestream media is saying about this for the next month when the real facts are nailed down … what facts there are.

    BTW bober, Len boy is merely recycling the same “arguments” that were used to try and shoot down conceal carry laws a decade ago. All the horror stories about bar patrons with pistol permits killing each other in a drunken stupor and people shooting each other over parking spaces have proven to be pure bunk. Conceal carry states are safer than they used to be and are safer than those without conceal carry. Obviously you’re easily impressed with spin and lies aren’t you?

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 5:33 pm

  59. I want to know why the media has yet to interview me regarding this massacre.
    I guess they’ll get to me eventually.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — April 17, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

  60. JL3,

    I’m sure you’re next because I just saw Jesse Jackson on TV talking about it. If there’s anybody less eligible to comment than him, I’d be surprised…

    Comment by Beerme — April 17, 2007 @ 6:25 pm

  61. Hey,

    Nancy Peloser stole my post!

    Comment by Beerme — April 17, 2007 @ 6:26 pm

  62. Alright…I’m going for my Glock…

    Comment by Beerme — April 17, 2007 @ 6:27 pm

  63. See? It worked!

    Comment by Beerme — April 17, 2007 @ 6:29 pm

  64. Will Hildebeest attend the church service for the murdered and maimed?

    If so, will she attempt to mimic MLK, Jr.’s “Free at last, free at last…” oration?

    Or will she be more predictable and merely pander for more effective “gun control” laws?

    So much spin…so little time.

    Comment by The Great Santini — April 17, 2007 @ 7:03 pm

  65. In a nation which has one of the strictest gun control laws in the world, Nagaski mayor dies from being shot in the street by a gun-wielding gangster.

    As we’ve been saying, determined criminals can always get firearms despite their cost on the black market.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 7:08 pm

    It worked in Russia, Cuba and Nazi Germany.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — April 17, 2007 @ 7:11 pm

  67. I’m sure Her Thighness will pander and call for more gun control…while Slick will manage a lip bite and maybe even conjour up a tear for the tv cameras. Do these miscreants know how sick they appear to the rest of us here in flyover country?!

    Comment by upnorthlurkin — April 17, 2007 @ 9:17 pm

  68. Housing Slump Takes Toll on ILLEGAL Immigrants
    Cry me a river. Shouldn’t be here in the first place.

    See above.

    Liberals Volunteer To Support Illegal Aliens On Their On Dime …
    Psych! Liberals would never put feet on their rhetoric about how much compassion they have for illegal aliens.

    Illegal Aliens Content to Take Advantage of American Welfare System They Haven’t Paid Into
    This is one headline I’d love to see the lamestream media print. BTW, illegal aliens are a drain on the U.S. economy despite the lies of the ACLU to the contrary. California is being bankrupted by millions of illegal aliens who don’t pay taxes.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 17, 2007 @ 9:46 pm

  69. #58 “Killer had “Ismail Ax” scrawled on the inside of one arm. Interesting theories about that at Allahpundit.”

    Yeah, Darthmeister, I read that in various places, but have not heard it reported on the air. Plus, there are some suspicious societal references in the letter that he wrote prior to his murderous rampage. Interesting, eh?

    Comment by da Bunny — April 17, 2007 @ 10:11 pm

  70. RE: 54, odd that Obama mentions the “verbal violence” of Imus yet never mentions any rappers’ names…

    …and didn’t Hillary have something to say about “decking” her opponents?

    Comment by Shelly — April 18, 2007 @ 7:00 am

  71. The mass killer also had a history of sociopathic behaviors such as setting fire to a dormitory room. Arson isn’t a crime? Maybe we should outlaw matches?

    I guess that we have to wait for the arbiters of justice, $harpton and Jack$on, to weigh in on how we are to regard emerging news.

    To hearken back to an earlier thread, I am a Tweetie, too. (FWIW There appear to be a lot of us at this site.)I have also been lurkin’ because the “down the rabbit hole/Alice-in-Wonderland” world of the media and the Dems (who are their darlings) has disgusted me no end in its disregard of vital developments in civilization’s clashes with jihad whether through bombs, IEDs, or challenges to our laws. We have universities acceding to Muslim demands for separate but equal facilities on publicly funded campuses even though the unconstitutionality of that issue was decided decades ago.

    We have an idiot in Congress trying to legislate restrictions over the sale of bicarbonate of soda because it is used in the manufacture of illegal drugs. :shock:

    We have expensively coiffed politicians seizing our property (Kelo), our free speech (McCain-Feingold and the Fairness Doctrine), and our right to bear arms with cynical posturing opportunistically cheapening the deaths of the VT victims. That is, when they aren’t jetting around the world, assuming non-designated powers of foreign policy making. Junkets ostensibly for information-gathering continue to rise on the taxpayer’s dime, yet these travels to exotic venues are very much perquisites that the elite lawmakers assume as part of their job descriptions.

    Chicken Littles of “climate change” make outrageous claims uncontested by a truly investigative media in order to take even more freedoms away from the people. These politicians, not scientists- who are not in agreement, are Green all right. In their envy of the power of a people’s self-determination, they intend to be the arbiters of how we live and to line their pockets with greenbacks with the shell game of carbon credits.

    Don’t get me started on how illegals have more rights and privileges than do tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.

    /Rant off

    We have panderers for the camera in show-trial hearings and witchhunts still seeking revenge for the 2000 election who haven’t the guts to rally on behalf of our country and its troops by funding a clean bill of military appropriations.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — April 18, 2007 @ 7:21 am

  72. Oops! I “ranted off” before I was really done with my rant.

    Well, off to the car dealership to be soaked for more moola to complete a job that was supposed to be done two weeks ago…

    Comment by onlineanalyst — April 18, 2007 @ 7:23 am

  73. Good Morning

    Much to say, but waiting for Scott to post a new story. I went to Shelly’s Cafe last night for the first time since, well many months. Pushed all the cobwebs away and hope to throw in another story soon.

    I want to make a few changes before starting up again but the site providers have also made a few changes that have locked me out so I must decode their wishes

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 18, 2007 @ 7:46 am

  74. da Bunny,

    South Korea is a heavily Christianized country as you well know. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear his parents are Christians. Clearly this guy is a sociopathic loner who rejected whatever values his parents have tried to instill in him. His rants are what you expect for a Unabomber type or even a Muslim disgusted with our decadent infidel society (read: liberal decadence).

    Even if this nihilistic murderer had attended some “church” every week of his life, it doesn’t make him a Christian in any real sense of the word, particularly given the darkness which clearly stained his soul. His writings are a dead give-away for a singular worldly hate and murder he harbored for his fellow man. We may find out that as decent as his parents may have been, he wasn’t brought up in a warm and nurturing home that could have mitigated his decline into such behavior. And being an unregenerate and depraved creature that we all once were, it further deepened his cynical isolation and depression. I only say this to understand such evil, not to excuse it in any way. This guy was pure evil.

    All the prayers that were being offered at the convocation should have been a normal part of that campus before the massacre happened. You secular “progressives” had better wake up to this godless “utopia” you think you are creating on our university campi. This is precisely what happens when institutions of education and civil society begin acting as if God is irrelevant and everyone is mere flotsam tossed about by the random forces of an impersonal universe.

    “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed…No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
    [1828, in the preface of American founder Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language]

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 18, 2007 @ 7:53 am

  75. I am sure everyone has scoured the news about the shooter dude, but after reading the Washington Post article I wonder why they never saw this idiot coming in with guns a’blazing. I especially took note about all his rantings about rich people.

    Hmm, so we have a liberal shooting everybody up with guns. How interesting

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 18, 2007 @ 7:55 am

  76. Darthmeister

    It seems like we are both on the same page but I am writing in a much abbreviated thought.

    I was knocked to the floor, so to speak, at the convocations. The Buddhists, Jewish, Allah lovers all gave a flowery speech evoking gods of assorted description, which also includes the blond Afro-history baiting liberal dame which whooped up the finish, spoke freely and with much desire to be heard.

    The Luthern pastor (I was raised Luthern) was as much of a church weenie as I have ever seen. The govenor had more Christian pizazz than the Lutheran person did. In my estimation, the religions of the world left Christianity in the dust. Praying the Lord’s Prayer was best the beliver in the reserection and life ever after could do.

    No hope, no glory

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — April 18, 2007 @ 8:06 am

  77. From Michelle Malkin:


    There’s no polite way or time to say it: American colleges and universities have become coddle industries. Big Nanny administrators oversee speech codes, segregated dorms, politically correct academic departments and designated “safe spaces” to protect students selectively from hurtful (conservative) opinions — while allowing mob rule for approved leftist positions (textbook case: Columbia University’s anti-Minuteman Project protesters).

    Instead of teaching students to defend their beliefs, American educators shield them from vigorous intellectual debate. Instead of encouraging autonomy, our higher institutions of learning stoke passivity and conflict-avoidance.

    And as the erosion of intellectual self-defense goes, so goes the erosion of physical self-defense.

    …Late last summer, a shooting near campus prompted students to clamor again for loosening campus rules against armed self-defense. Virginia Tech officials turned up their noses. In response to student Bradford Wiles’s campus newspaper op-ed piece in support of concealed carry on campus, Virginia Tech Associate Vice President Larry Hincker scoffed: “The writer would have us believe that a university campus, with tens of thousands of young people, is safer with everyone packing heat. Imagine the continual fear of students in that scenario. We’ve seen that fear here, and we don’t want to see it again. . . . Guns don’t belong in classrooms. They never will. Virginia Tech has a very sound policy preventing same.”

    My honest opinion. In the light of recent events, this Larry Hincker liar ought to be tarred and feathered and run out of town for his ignorant arrogance that probably contributed to getting 32 innocent students murdered in cold-blood. It sucks when your own words come back to bite you, right Lar?

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 18, 2007 @ 8:35 am

  78. If even ONE of those students had a concealed weapons permit and was “carrying” at the time, the death toll might have been much smaller. Students are subjected to such a barrage of lefty liberal views, in their view, carrying a weapon for any reason is bad. Maybe the concept of a “class” on safe gun handling isn’t a bad idea……more and more people are “packing” nowadays, legally and illegally. So many have been victimized by “armed perps”, people are afraid and determined NOT to be a victim.

    Comment by Tonto — April 18, 2007 @ 9:06 am

  79. In a Supreme Court decision which upholds the executive and legislative branches’ power to ban a surgical procedure which partially delivers an often healthy full-term baby, scissors are shoved into the baby’s cranial cavity and the brains are then suctioned through the hole, these presidential hopefuls had this to say:

    HILLARY: ‘Erosion of our constitutional rights’…
    GIULIANI: ‘I agree with the decision’…
    OBAMA: ‘I strongly disagree’…
    ROMNEY: ‘A step forward’…
    MCCAIN: I’m very happy…
    EDWARDS: ‘I could not disagree more strongly’…

    Another reason I despise Dem-wits who tacitly advocate such barbaric procedures in the name of “constitutional rights”. Sickos.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 18, 2007 @ 2:13 pm

  80. …Obama stole my post.

    Comment by Darthmeister — April 18, 2007 @ 2:14 pm

  81. Darthmeister, you are “right on” with #74. And, therein lies one of the biggest problems in our society at present; the inability of so many people to recognize that true evil exists, and that legislation isn’t going to eradicate it.

    Comment by da Bunny — April 18, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

  82. This is a test.

    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons.

    In their opinion, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup …

    Comment by DrivebyMeteor — April 21, 2007 @ 2:48 pm

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