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Democrat Bill Creates National Redeployment Holiday

by Scott Ott · 44 Comments

(2007-03-29) — Another little-heralded provision of the Iraq pull-out timeline bill would create a national holiday marking what Democrats said could be the “the greatest U.S. military achievement of the 21st century so far.”

Redeployment Day, the Monday after March 15 each year, will celebrate “the courage of Congressional leaders who answered their country’s call to bring the troops home,” according to the text of the bill.

Commemoration events will include parades marched in reverse, the placing of white flags on the graves of those “who died in vain” and a 21-gun live-ammo ejection salute, a tribute to the money saved by not discharging weapons at Iraqi insurgents.

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Tags: Global News · U.S. News

44 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 8:43 am

    Let’s eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die! Oh wait, this redeployment is suppose to result in global peace.

  • 2 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 29, 2007 at 8:46 am

    God Bless America

  • 3 seneuba // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:03 am

    And pork will be served on every household table.

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:04 am

    This post illustrates what I consider to be major fallacies which the Democrat party seeks to foist on the American public:

    That the 2006 election was a mandate by the American people to surrender to madmen who have made it abundantly clear that their goal is our destruction.

    Or that the 2006 election showed a consensus of the American people that the economy of their country should be driven into the ground by enormous taxing-and-spending.

    Or that the 2006 election was a free pass from the citizens of the USA for the Democrat party to line its individual pockets illegally.

  • 5 Operation Iraqi Surrender : The Crimson Blog // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:10 am

    […] And now, National Redeployment Holiday: Commemoration events will include parades marched in reverse, the placing of white flags on the graves of those “who died in vain” and a 21-gun live-ammo ejection salute, a tribute to the money saved by not discharging weapons at Iraqi insurgents. […]

  • 6 Just Ranting // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:25 am

    seneuba re:3

    I was thinking more along the line of chicken.

  • 7 RedPepper // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:25 am

    I think the Republicans have “gone native”. More and more, they remind me of the Shia men who march in the cities of Iraq on the day of Ashura, flagellating themselves with multi-stranded chain whips and striking their heads with swords and other sharp objects until blood gushes out.

    ‘Sorry’ Doesn’t Seem To Be The Hardest Word .

    Democrats have created a world in which a DNC card is a “get out of jail free” card, and “guilt beyond a reasonable doubt” means “no doubt the defendant is Republican.” (If Democrats keep this up, they’ll have to rethink their push to give inmates the right to vote.)

    Then they turn around and say Republicans are “politicizing prosecutions” by firing their own employees. And all Republicans can do is apologize.

  • 8 camojack // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:26 am

    Redeployment, marching in reverse…sounds like retreat.
    (Or surrender; take your pick…)

  • 9 gafisher // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:34 am

    Of course, in the spirit of redeployment, the Chicago parade will be held in Dallas, Dallas in New Orleans, etc. and of course the military will not be told until the parades actually begin that they belong elsewhere.

    The toughest part will be finding bandwagons big enough to hold everyone from Ed Schlitz to Michael “Doc” Savage.

  • 10 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:37 am

    This will give us all a reason to wear our “Democrats ‘heart’ Al Queda” t-shirts.

  • 11 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:50 am

    A Sergeant weighs in on this new reason for Democrats to celebrate:

    “How can you even think of pushing forward legislation to set a withdrawal date for US forces from Iraq? Do you know how much you embolden the insurgency here in Iraq? YOU ARE JEAPARDIZING THE LIVES OF US SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN WITH YOUR ACTIONS. You and your fellow Democrats are causing the Al Qaeda supported insurgency to use more catastrophic attacks against us and Iraqi forces. You will see more SVBIED’s with chlorine gas, more VBIED’s against civilians and security forces every time you and other Democrats open your mouths. You will have to live with yourself and try to sleep at night knowing all the defeatist propaganda you have spewed forth is nothing more than ammunition for Islamic extremist groups around the world and more US deaths.”

    The full text of this letter to Pelosi is posted at Power Line. Unfortunately the good Sergeant doesn’t realize that Dems don’t care about US or Iraqi deaths and won’t lose any sleep over it.

  • 12 Rock Slatestone // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:54 am

    There is nothing worse then a snotty, whiny, bleeding heart liberal. They should all be given white feathers for their cowardice acts. “Cut and Run”…that’s pathetic.

    Watch “The Four Feathers” if you don’t know what I mean by giving out white feathers. It is about a man who was given four white feathers and his fight to reverse his act of leaving his fellow soldiers just as they were going to battle.

  • 13 Rock Slatestone // Mar 29, 2007 at 9:56 am

    By the way, Pelosi, we know their is a new congress in town…we’ve seen the mess you have been leaving around.

  • 14 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:21 am

    Shelly, I have three, hopefully soon to be four, responses from soldiers/Marines who have served at least one tour of duty or presently serving a tour in Iraq. They’re very short and to the point and I’ll post them sometime this evening or tomorrow. From my past communications with them, as sketchy as they are getting responses from soldiers/Marines who are too busy with more important issues like training and killing the enemy, they too are ticked at the surrender-monkey Congresscritters who appear to be uninterested in what’s actually happening on the ground but rather are merely wanting political cover for their backsides.

    I still remember the video of Pelosi in Iraq a few months back trying to argue with an American soldier that she had a better understanding of the war and its significance than he did because of what the lamestream media had been telling her!

  • 15 boberinyetagain // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:23 am

    Shelly, he (you) imply that because we are thinking of leaving the enemy attacks us more? That one went over my head. Logic might dictate that the enemy would fight harder if we threaten to stay in an effort to change our minds. Attacking us more often while we threaten to leave might just have the opposite effect.

    As for the last thread, we in Phila would welcome a green zone, over 100 of us have been killed this year by insurgents and our police seem helpless to prevent more.

    Ah, the vision you folks provide of the armed hordes swimming behind our troop carriers (surfing the boat wake I imagine) to “follow us home” and “attack us here” is really quite amusing. Many rational folks assume that “the enemy” would need means of transportation and, even if they were to find/build/commandeer such transport that it’s barely possible that we might notice the flotilla before they came ashore and invaded us. I’m sure that they will also be armed with much more sophistcated weapons (they will dig up and bring that stash of WMD’s) than they choose to use now.

    Sporting of them to use such primitive weapons in the actual conflict and save the good stuff for the invasion we are certain they are planning.
    Cunning folks indeed!

    At least with this plan we can use live veterans for the parade instead of having family members march with photos of the dead.

  • 16 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:42 am

    Live blogging Kevin Sampson’s testimony before the Leahy Inquisition.

    An Anatomy of How Democrats Are Attempting to Criminalize Policy Differences Until the 2008 Elections.

  • 17 upnorthlurkin // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:43 am

    Just what does one wear to a Cut and Run parade?! Anyone know where I can buy a t-shirt with an upside-down Amerikkan flag?! I’m sure you surrender monkeys must have a website for treasonous merchandise….I just wanna fit in…..NOT!!!

  • 18 Tinman // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:48 am

    Rock, re #12. I would be happy to supply some tar to go with those feathers

  • 19 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:49 am

    I have returned. Just a short stay this time. Thanks for the prayers because the fever broke in one day and lungs are sounding pretty clear. Very weak though so will come back for more scrapple stuff later

  • 20 upnorthlurkin // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:49 am

    CAT- how is your remodelling coming? I am waiting for you to tell me how to get the popcorn off my living room ceiling…. ;-)

  • 21 upnorthlurkin // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Prayers answered, Ms. Rightwing!! Yippee! Praised Be!

  • 22 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:53 am

    Say bober, we haven’t had another 9/11 here in America for the last five and half years, so I guess that makes some people rather complacent about the Islamists desire to turn American into another battlefield like Israel.

    So if we do precipitously pull out of surrender in Iraq and “bring the boys home” and then in the next year to five years there is another 9/11 or a series of smaller Muslim terrorist attacks here in America, are you going to pull out your “it’s Bush’s fault card” and ignore the fact that we predicted such things would happen? God knows we Scrapplers hope we’re wrong about the Islamists/jihadists desire for a global Islamic caliphate but people like you might not be able to see the forest because of the trees. There has been a long history of low-level jihadist threats that the West has ignored in its fatted complacency and the jihadists have made their aims very clear but I guess some people simply don’t have ears to hear or eyes to see these very real possibilities.

  • 23 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 10:55 am

    Ms RightWing, how many resurrections are you going to have, dear lady? Praise God for his manifold mercies that He has sent your direction the last few months!

  • 24 mig // Mar 29, 2007 at 11:22 am

    Oh boy! Another party in Washington!
    Everybody loves a Parade!

  • 25 boberinyetagain // Mar 29, 2007 at 11:44 am

    Oh Hank, bombings in England and Spain did nothing to prove to you that it could still happen, even while at war? Talk about “blinders” and not seeing evidence clearly laid out in front of you….

    Ok, those didn’t do it for you (the media made them up) so, the theory is that because we are dying in Iraq that the terrorists that walk among us are biding their time, waiting for our “surrender” and then they will spring upon us. Is that about it?
    I assume they are working and buying ammunition and explosives and mailing them home to support the fight “over there”, is that it? As soon as our fighting force is back on American soil they will leap forth and use the weapons they are currently shipping to the front. Maybe they. like OJ, are searching for the real WMD’s and when they find them…watch out!
    Hmmm, pretty compelling argument. Now that I’ve typed it out it is becoming cleared to me. I see your point.
    Ooops, it was there for a moment but the moment passed.

    I’m confused but feel free to point out that this is my usual condition, not anything new. I’m quite used to it by now, used to make me woozy but I’ve grown accustomed….

  • 26 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    bob, I wasn’t implying anything. I was quoting a Sergeant currently serving there who, I’m just guessing, might have a teensy-weensy clue about the battle he is currently involved in. You, like Pelosi, seem to think you know more from here, I’m just believing what is a pretty consistent message from people who really do know, and don’t just pretend to.

    I guess this is just too difficult to understand:

    1. The killing in Bagdad is making the war unpopular among Americans.

    2. Unpopularity may cause America to withdraw sooner.

    3. Terrorists want to increase the killing in Bagdad.

    It’s not rocket science.

  • 27 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:09 pm

    Senator Patrick “Leaky” Leahy: What we’re gonna find out here is that we have a White House complicit in the firing and hiring of U.S. Attorneys!”

    Buwahahahahahahaha! You moron, it’s in the Constitution! That’s what the White House does by nature of appointing US Attorneys! See Bill Clinton 1993, he fired and eventually hired 93 US Attorney’s in ONE felled swoop. This guy is an embarassment.

    Media already spinning Kyle Sampson’s testimony. BTW, it’s Kyle and not Kevin, my bad.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:21 pm

    bober, in case you haven’t figure it out, the bombings in Spain came AFTER the socialist government’s decision to remove its troops from all battlefields in the Muslim world. The Islamofascists believe Spain is their’s by right of conquest over a thousand years ago. There are Muslim fundamentalist dogmas which rationalize the future conquests by divine right of lands previously unconquered and their right to reconquer lands that they once walked as conquerers.

    I suppose the bombings in Indonesia, the Phillipines, Algeria and elsewhere in the world where we DON’T have large scale operations is because of American provocation? Like I said, you can’t see the forest because of the trees and you don’t even know what kind of forest it is if you were to see it because you seem completely oblivious to what kind of trees you’re actually looking at. I’m sure the world thought Nazism was a big joke until about 1938. I can just see you applauding Neville Chamberlain and tutt-tutting about all the inflammatory rhetoric of those who were warning about the political and ideological designs the Nazis had on greater Europe.

  • 29 Bill's Bites // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:36 pm

    2007.03.29 Iraq/Surrendercrat Roundup …

    Senate Ignores Veto Threat, Passes Iraq War Spending Bill WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday passed the Iraq war spending bill 51-47 after President Bush said he would likely veto the legislation over the inclusion of a timetable for withdrawal…

  • 30 boberinyetagain // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    Even way back when the Nazis had a tough time “sneaking” into any country, they were pretty trackable.
    I’m betting that the “attack” that Iraq is planning on America will be fairly easily tracked, perhaps even thwarted given that they have no air force, no navy and no meaningful weapons (those are still handy things to bring to a fight, aren’t they?)

    Once we leave the ME those folks will return to their main mission in life, their passion if you will, killing each other. They have enjoyed that sport for thousands of years and, in all that time have managed to leave us out of it. go figure. I’m guessing that they will continue to enjoy that passtime for thousnads of years to come.

    Now, I have never once brought up the oft used phrase “war for oil” but, the only actual consequence to America of full blown ME war does happen to be oil. Given that, it’s fairly easy to see why some might view our current position as a “war for oil” but again, this is the first I have ever even brought it up.
    What on God’s green earth could be another reason for us to care about them killing each other?

    Shelly? You can chime in too…we care that they kill each other because?????????????

  • 31 antodav // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    “bober, in case you haven’t figure it out, the bombings in Spain came AFTER the socialist government’s decision to remove its troops from all battlefields in the Muslim world.”

    Umm…not to sound like I’m taking Boberin’s side, but the bombings in Spain were what caused the socialist government there to take power in the first place. The Spanish, being cowards, were scared $#!+less by the attacks and decided to throw out their conservative government, which up until then had supported the war. Basically, it was Spain’s surrender in the war on terror.

    Who wins this war ultimately comes down to who has the stomach and guts to keep fighting longer. It’s a war of attrition. The U.S. is rapidly becoming exactly what Spain has already become-a nation of weak, lazy cowards. The terrorists see that, and they’re emboldened by it. America’s cowardice is directly proportional to their courage. The more we run, the harder they’ll fight, because we’ll have proven that they are the ones who are more determined to achieve victory.

    Boberin, either out of mockery or deliberate ignorance, is taking the notion that they will “follow us here” far too literally. If we lose in Iraq, the country falls into the camp of the radical Islamofascists. From there, they can stir up domestic violence in other countries throughout the Middle East-Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey. They’ll acquire resources, such as oil. They’ll have a large and dedicated following of footsoldiers for their army. And Iran is perfectly capable of building a modern, effective, dangerous military machine, especially with Russia and China helping them along. Eventually, they can pass these weapons on to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, who already DO have sleeper cells operating in the West, including in the United States (perhaps Boberin is under the impression that the terrorists on 9/11 came across the border from Mexico? Sorry to disappoint him).

    With Democrats in power, you can kiss the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act goodbye. That means that there will be little to no action taken by our government to go after these enemies who are within our midst, as they will be preoccupied with far more important issues like global warming. The end result of all this is that at some point, when they percieve the United States to be weak and vulnerable enough, these terrorists will unleash a degree of hell upon the people of this country unlike anything that we have seen in over a century. If nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons are detonated inside the United States, the death toll would be in the tens of millions. Our cities would lay in ruins. And if one of our many enemies did want to launch a direct invasion at that time, we would be easy pickins for them. Who’s going to stop them, after all, with the American military decimated and demoralized? The United Nations? Yeah, right.

    I suggest boberin rent a little film called Red Dawn the next time that he’s at a video store. That’s the kind of future that we’re heading for if we continue to have no leadership besides the farcical type that traitorous, backstabbing Democrats are liable to provide. God save us.

  • 32 antodav // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:47 pm

    “Once we leave the ME those folks will return to their main mission in life, their passion if you will, killing each other. They have enjoyed that sport for thousands of years and, in all that time have managed to leave us out of it. go figure. I’m guessing that they will continue to enjoy that passtime for thousnads of years to come.”

    By the way, am I the only one who detects the blatant, vile racism in Boberin’s tone? I hope not.

  • 33 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    I see Bob’s back to the duck, weave and run in circles, rather than two-way dialogue. First he denies that American troops even understand why the enemy is increasing attacks on AMERICAN SOLDIERS and when that is simply and clearly explained, he pretends he wasn’t talking about American soldiers, but Iraqi people.

    Good luck, Hank. I’m done stating the obvious to someone so extraordinarily dedicated to ignoring the obvious. Especially when he pretends to take the moral highground by supporting carnage.

  • 34 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:55 pm

    RE:33, no you’re not the only one. But you sound surprised? He’s a Democrat after all.

  • 35 Shelly // Mar 29, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    Why do I care?…/r1602235233.jpg

    Why don’t you even believe what our finest have to say?

  • 36 mig // Mar 29, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Let’s celebrate an Al Gore day! Have a parade. Did you know he invented the internet. Now he’s gonna get an international award for starting a tv station. He’s so dreammy!

  • 37 antodav // Mar 29, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    RE:33, no you’re not the only one. But you sound surprised? He’s a Democrat after all.

    I think you were referring to my post in #32, actually…forgive me if I’m wrong. But no, I’m not really that surprised. I just thought I’d point it out anyway, just to make sure everyone understands what an immense hypocrite he is for calling the war in Iraq “immoral” while at the same time calling for Arab Muslims to exterminate each other.

  • 38 boberinyetagain // Mar 29, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    I’m not a democrat, never have been

    I wish they didn’t want to kill each other but have no concern if that’s what they choose

    Any clearer…anyone?

  • 39 antodav // Mar 29, 2007 at 2:12 pm

    “I wish they didn’t want to kill each other but have no concern if that’s what they choose”

    This kind of apathetic isolationism is exactly the kind of attitude that has led to one world war in the last century already, as well as a policy of containment during the Cold War that resulted in a lot of the problems we’re dealing with in the world today.

    Isolationism doesn’t work, Boberin. The United States is obligated to take a strong leadership role in the world, to get involved, to try to improve the situations of those who are not as fortunate as we are. Let me compare it to something that’s more on your intellectual level…ever watch Spider-Man? “With great power comes great responsibility,” remember that? It applies to foreign policy too.

    A big part of why the United States is hated in the world today is because we have turned a blind eye, or sometimes even aided in, the suffering of those in remote corners of the world. We justified it under the political theory of realpolitik-we took the attitude that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” We can’t do that anymore. It IS our business to stand up for the human rights of opressed people around the world. There are many reasons why we have to, too many to get into in a post on a blog, but the biggest reason is because nobody else will. The United Nations is supposed to be the body acting as the policeman of the world-but it’s just about the dirtiest cop that I’ve ever seen. Therefore, Americans have to step up to the plate and get involved, as the defenders of democracy and freedom around the world. Now, after 9/11, we have no other choice. Only through bringing freedom to oppressed people in the Middle East can the ideology of Islamic fundamentalism ever be defeated. If we just sit on our asses and consume Middle Eastern oil while letting Middle Eastern governments torture and murder their people any way they like, it only allows us to continue to be used as a scapegoat for problems in that region, and makes the problem of terrorism worse.

    This has all been laid out in very simple, very clear, very black-and-white terms by the President and many, many others who understand what’s really going on in the world today. I don’t understand why it’s still so difficult for people like you-uncompassionate, arrogant bigots-to get it through your thick heads. Wake up. America is an integral part of the world community, not a city on a hill safely sandwiched between two oceans. What happens over there does affect us here. We need to start act like leaders and do what we know is right regardless of what others may think. By shirking that responsibility, we are only inviting more bloodshed and carnage, both for ourselves, and for others around the world.

  • 40 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 2:18 pm

    antodav, you’re right, I goofed. What I should have said was there continue to be jihadist threats to Spain despite the fact Spanish troops have been withdrawn from Iraq.

  • 41 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 3:40 pm

    More Democratic corruption uncovered but will be ignored by the liberal media. Now Diane Feinstein joins the ranks of Democrats William Jefferson, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha, to just name a few, embroiled in a scandal that is uncovered at the local level but rarely gets national coverage.

    Let’s see how long it takes the lamestream media to get hysterical over this story, plastering it on the evening news and newspaper headlines. Not!

  • 42 Darthmeister // Mar 29, 2007 at 6:00 pm

    More live blogging of Kyle Sampson’s testimony before Leahy’s Inquisition.

    First, from the outset it is pretty clear the President and the Attorney General have the right under the Constitution to get rid of a U.S. Attorney for ANY reason despite the ignorant pontifications of the likes of Leahy and RINO Specter. That said, under this present Democratic regime in Congress and the lamestream media willing to carry their extra-constitutional water, there will be political helk to pay as Americans are being spun by the Donks who are clearly trying to make political hay out of this. They really don’t care those eight US Attorney’s were canned, they do care about the platform it gives them to pontificate and posture in front of the often ignorant American public.

    It is incredibly stupid if AG Gonzales actually lied about the depth of his role in this non-scandal. From the outset he should have been direct, more comfortable with his constitutional powers and more articulate in explaining that though it may appear to political hacks like Leahy and Specter these “firings” are in response to certain cases being pursued by the U.S. Attorneys, in fact they are being let go because he and the President believed the US Attorney’s were thumbing their noses at the tone and tenor the Executive Branch desired to see in their US Attorneys. Gonzales should have come out swinging by immediately citing the separation of powers principle and advance the argument that from the Administrations oversight point of view the USA weren’t pursuing cases for possible political reasons. Make the US Attorneys explain, for example, why he/she didn’t pursue cases like that of pretty clear voter fraud in the Washington state governor’s race. Was it significant that a Democratic Attorney didn’t want to pursue Democratic election fraud? Play hardball with overreaching Senators who think they have a right to run a war as well as intrude on the Executive Branch’s power to appoint or can USA at its disgression.

    According to Sampson there were stated reasons on record why these 8 USA were being released so why should Gonzales feel like he had to spin this thing (if this is what he did) from day one? I mean, did Gonzales ever make the argument that given all eight USA were put into or kept in those positions by President Bush over the last six years, then it most certainly was the President’s and the AG’s perogative to remove them at his pleasure - despite what the twisted garbage Hillary was saying trying to justify Billy Bob’s firing of 93 USA from day one.

  • 43 The President Needs To Go On Strike! at TAMPA PIRATE // Mar 30, 2007 at 12:47 am

    […] Opinions from Right and Left blogs: Right A Bama Blog - Interesting comment from U.S. Senator Jeff Session (R) Alabama on the bill. Flopping Aces Op n Talk Scrappleface Statement from U.S. Senator Norm Coleman (R) Minnesota on the bill. […]

  • 44 Rogue100 // Apr 2, 2007 at 2:48 pm


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