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March 1, 2007

Bush: Meeting with Foes Won't Confer Legitimacy

(2007-03-01) — President George Bush, under fire from conservatives for allowing U.S. emissaries to participate in high-level talks about Iraq with diplomats from Iran and Syria, today sought to downplay the idea that such meetings will confer legitimacy on U.S. foes, as his administration has previously asserted.

“Until now, we refused this kind of get-together with Iran and Syria,” said President Bush, “because it would show other radical states that spitting in the face of the United Nations is an effective strategy for getting what you want.”

However, the president noted, “since we’ve been following the U.N. plan with Iran, and our Congress is reluctant to take bold action to defeat terrorists anywhere, at this point we don’t really have much legitimacy to confer.”

“On the up side,” Mr. Bush added, “if we chat with Iran and Syria at least we’ll learn more about the people and the way of life that may eventually become our own. That’s a little future-oriented thinking we leaders like to call 'vision'.”

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17 Comments | Post Your Comment

  1. Bush: Meeting with Foes Won’t Confer Legitimacy…

    by Scott Ott(2007-03-01) — President George Bush, under fire from conservatives for allowing U.S. emissaries to participate in high-level talks about Iraq with diplomats from Iran and Syria, today sought to downplay the idea that such meetings will…..

    Trackback by Scott Ott — March 1, 2007 @ 8:01 am

  2. God Bless America!

    Comment by Hawkeye — March 1, 2007 @ 8:03 am

  3. “since… our Congress is reluctant to take bold action to defeat terrorists anywhere, at this point we don’t really have much legitimacy to confer.”

    Great line Maestro Scott!

    (:D) Regards…

    Comment by Hawkeye — March 1, 2007 @ 8:05 am

  4. Vision. Indeed.

    Comment by MargeinMI — March 1, 2007 @ 8:08 am

  5. [Editor’s Note: ScrappleFace exists due to the kindness of a few faithful financial supporters. If you are one who regularly hits the PayPal button, thank you. If you have not yet experienced the joy of giving to support the Vast Editorial Staff at ScrappleFace, we invite you to do so at this time. (The PayPal buttons are up there, near the top, on the right side of the page.) Contributions go to the ScrappleFace Enterprise Institute, a not-quite-profitable foundation that provides food, clothing, housing, transportation, education and much-needed bandwidth for a semi-rural family in Pennsylvania.]

    Comment by Scott Ott — March 1, 2007 @ 8:28 am

  6. I wonder if President Bush still believes Islam is a “religion of peace” given the behavior of Shias, Sunnies, and the other Islamic regimes in the Middle East and when ex-Muslims say Islam is inherently radical. You can’t negotiate with people who don’t truly desire peace.

    The lamestream media is so obsessed with American body counts and reporting ANY negative news out of Iraq (forget any positive news that might be happening) that it is reduced to this headline for today:

    • Army copter makes ‘hard landing’ in Iraq

    Pathetic. Now they’re down to reporting “hard landings” of helicopters as “news”. What’s next, can’t get a Hummer to start?

    Comment by Darthmeister — March 1, 2007 @ 8:43 am

  7. If you sit down amidst a cloud of fleas to hold discussions with the fleas then you wiill appear pretty silly when later you are slapping about your body loudly exclaiming “Oh by gosh and golly gee, look at me I’ve got a flea - they’re EVERYWHERE!!!”

    I know a bit about them, I was stationed at Wheelus Air Base in Tripoli, Libya (1960-1963). Tripoli was about 60% Libyan Muslims and 40% Italian Catholics. There was no problem in the people - problems arose from their leaders. King Idris got along great with America. Only when he was deposed by Ghadaffi did problems arise. The Muslim people are very peaceful - it’s their Liberal leaders (aka Religious Fanatics) who are always the fly in the ointment.

    Which is, of course why Carter talked to no avail - and they couldn’t release the embassy hostages quickly enough when Reagan was sworn into office, they were scared spitless of him!

    After Clinton & Bush #1 they have overcome that fear. Talking with them is akin to talking to a sock puppet with about the same predictible results.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — March 1, 2007 @ 9:00 am

  8. “Can’t get the hummer to start”?
    Good one Hank, again for some reason or another my hometown paper prints the good (body count down for Iraqi civilians at least in part due to crackdwown) and they don’t even ask why a crackdown on such things took 4 or 5 years in the danged capital. I do, mond you, but our newspaper doesn’t. I wonder why Philadelphia is the only city (apparently) with a paper willing to clearly lay out both sides of things? I’m guessing we are just blessed but, even given the “good news” side of things the whole deal still appears botched.

    Scott, what’s this you say? Everyone is NOT on board with this idea? I’m stunned! Could have sworn that if George proposed eating children as a solution to world hunger that all conservatives would be sharpening their axes. I guess not (well, I’m still not certain).
    But, unless we plan on keeping large #s of troops there forever…talking might not be such a bad plan.

    What’s this????? North Korea can’t really enrich uranium????? Good grief, too bad we didn’t blow them off the map when we were certain they were already doing it last year…….
    Death row anyone??????

    Comment by boberinyetagain — March 1, 2007 @ 9:20 am

  9. There’s a few presidential candidates I think we can send to Iran. They seem pretty eager to “sit down and talk” with the Ayatollahs and their tan-suited madman.

    After that, they can engage in peace talks with bin Laden.

    Comment by PreventTruthDecay — March 1, 2007 @ 9:40 am

  10. Scott, now that I’ve hit the PayPal button I can say what you are too kind to say….Pay Up or Shut Up!! (We’re not much for mincing words up here!!)

    Comment by upnorthlurkin — March 1, 2007 @ 10:03 am

  11. “But, unless we plan on keeping large #s of troops there forever…”

    Forever seems like such a long time. 10’s of thousands of American troops stationed in post war countries.

    Germany 1945 - 2007 = 62 years (and counting)
    Japan….. 1945 - 2007 = 62 years (and counting)
    Korea….. 1953 - 2007 = 54 years (and counting)
    Iraq……. 2003 - 2007 = 4 years (and counting)

    German ex-army terrorist attacks + 5 years
    Japanese ex-army terrorists attacks + 7 years
    North Korean army attacks - unknown
    Iraq Islamonutcase terrorists attacks + 4 years

    Looks like we’ve a ways to go before we hit forever?

    Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — March 1, 2007 @ 10:12 am

  12. bober,

    Shortly after the Vietnam War the lamestream media expressed its disgust with keeping body counts, particularly enemy body counts.

    I think it important that Americans understand the supreme sacrifice some patriotic American soldiers are making on the frontiers of freedom and so some sense of of American losses should be reported. But it’s the liberal media’s constant drip-drip, bash-Bush, blame-America here’s another three soldiers that Bush has killed kind of journalistic crap that irks me the most.

    So, from a historical POV, the liberal media swears off a steady diet of enemy body counts but continues relishing nationally publishing a continuous running count of American deaths. Some have described this state of the liberal media as bordering on a gruesome obsession with the macabre. Kind of perverted, an institution which previously condemned keeping enemy body counts is now entirely focused on American body counts. I think most objective people see the political component of what the liberal media is trying to do, demoralize the American people.

    Can anyone name a four plus year war in which American lost any less soldiers fighting a determined enemy? I sure can’t think of one yet we are told by leftists and their media lapdogs we are “losing” this fight against Islamic sectarianism/radicalism.

    Comment by Darthmeister — March 1, 2007 @ 11:26 am

  13. …pushin’ on through.

    Comment by Darthmeister — March 1, 2007 @ 11:27 am

  14. “Meeting with foes” used to be referred to as “Callin’ ya out” back in Dodge City.

    Comment by gafisher — March 1, 2007 @ 1:27 pm

  15. Fred #11:

    Please don’t let historical facts get in the way of Bobber’s talking point.

    Facts are to liberal talking points are what salt is to snow on a highway. Melts it.

    BTW: Here in MN we are getting a nice dousing of the white stuff. Nothing like a playing freeway pinball with the other cars!

    Comment by seneuba — March 1, 2007 @ 3:40 pm

  16. AWW, Shucks!! I finally get to post #2 and #3 for a change and then Scott goes and puts up a new article before there are even (20) comments on the thread. Figures… RATS!

    (:D) Regards…

    Comment by Hawkeye — March 1, 2007 @ 9:36 pm

  17. […] Scott Ott has his opinions too. So too does would-be President McCain, twice. Don’t worry, our domestic politics will catch up to events on the ground, unless something Watergatish happens. […]

    Pingback by Pros and Cons » Pressure works — March 2, 2007 @ 2:23 pm

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