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Dems Want Repeal of 2002 War Bill, GOP Offers Trade

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 28 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-02-23) — Democrats in the Senate plan to introduce a measure next week to repeal the 2002 Iraq war authorization, and Republicans have already announced they’re willing to discuss the bill in exchange for Democrat support of a measure repealing the 1935 Social Security Act.

Democrats said circumstances have changed in the past five years — Saddam Hussein is gone and no WMD were found — making the 2002 war authorization obsolete.

Republicans used similar logic in offering their Social Security repeal act: the Great Depression is over, and despite 60 years of trying, no security has been found.

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28 responses so far ↓

  • 1 conserve-a-tips // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:20 am

    God Bless America?

  • 2 conserve-a-tips // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:23 am

    Actually, John Kerry should be the Senate Majority leader or the Chairman of the DNC - take your pick - since he was the first to coin the phrase, “I voted for the war before I voted against it.”

  • 3 Scott Ott // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:24 am

    Dems Want Repeal of 2002 War Bill, GOP Offers Trade…

    by Scott Ott(2007-02-23) — Democrats in the Senate plan to introduce a measure next week to repeal the 2002 Iraq war authorization, and Republicans have already announced they’re willing to discuss the bill in exchange for Democrat support of a……

  • 4 conserve-a-tips // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:24 am

    Oh goody! I really am first on here this morning. Unique concept for me!

  • 5 boberinyetagain // Feb 23, 2007 at 9:01 am

    Nice work Scott, funny stuff

    They won’t repeal social security for another 14 years. Make that 16 years.
    How do I know this with such certainty? I turn 67 in 16 years. If not repealed then, they will surely raise the age to 70.
    Catch 22 anyone? Story of my life…

  • 6 Roguet55 // Feb 23, 2007 at 9:08 am

    I thought basicly it was soon to be replealed since it will be broke before most of us get our hands on it!
    But it would be nice to have that $$$ to invest myself instead of seeing it go to the millions of illegal , sorry undocumented folks that had no part in it in the first place get theirs.

  • 7 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 9:29 am

    Yeah, that darned October 10, 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution for use of American force in Iraq just keeps getting in the way of Dhimmiecrat lies. Looks like even sHrillary can’t lie her way out of this one since she’s publicly admitted that she took the initiative to consult her own intelligence sources she personally trusted so as to eliminate doubt in her mind that Saddam had WMD (and he did) and that he was a bad man whose consistent violation of the 1991 Peace terms by firing upon coalition aircraft had already put him on a war basis with America. We merely returned the favor on that October day.


  • 8 boberinyetagain // Feb 23, 2007 at 9:52 am

    None whatever, had you been thinking that life made some sort of sense? That must have been nice while it lasted

  • 9 gafisher // Feb 23, 2007 at 10:24 am

    Socialist Screw-it-t’ye won’t go away as long as the Congress is run by liberals of either major Party, but if there’s to be a trade, striking down Amendment XVI would go a loooong way toward putting this great nation back on its feet.

  • 10 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 23, 2007 at 12:03 pm

    Where I once lived when I first returned to the Buckeye State was the western boundary from the white man and the Indian.

    I lived on the Indian side of the river-thankfully the Democrats never repealed the act that allowed the European slaughtering white man to settle on MY side of the river. Though I must add, the Indians just tried unsuccessfully to build a casino there..

  • 11 vittles scooper // Feb 23, 2007 at 1:00 pm

    Congressional dimocRATS -

  • 12 seneuba // Feb 23, 2007 at 1:25 pm

    Could we add a turnover of Roe v. Wade and a Supreme Court Justice to be named later?

  • 13 seneuba // Feb 23, 2007 at 1:27 pm

    I didn’t think the Republicans would ever negotiate with terrorists.

  • 14 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    From InstaPundit:

    Under increased pressure to announce an exit strategy from Iraq, President George W. Bush revealed plans today to bring U.S. troops home on the budget airlines JetBlue.

    Mr. Bush received praise for his decision to withdraw American troops, but his choice of JetBlue to transport them raised more than a few eyebrows.

    According to most official estimates, with its recent spate of scheduling problems and flight delays, JetBlue could take up to seven years to bring U.S. troops home, and possibly ten years in the event of inclement weather.

    But at a press conference at the White House today, the president argued that the selection of Jet Blue was “crucial” to the success of his latest exit strategy.

    “Setting an exact timetable for a withdrawal from Iraq would be playing right into the enemy’s hands,” Mr. Bush said. “By going with JetBlue, our enemy will have no idea when we’re leaving.”

    To emphasizes his point, Mr. Bush added, “And neither will we.”

    Across Iraq, U.S. GIs were hopeful that the news about JetBlue meant that they would be home by Christmas, or at least by Easter 2012.

  • 15 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 2:17 pm


    AP - Washington

    Taking a page out of Bill Clinton’s typical day on the golf course, Congressional Democrats want a mulligan regarding their vote on the October 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution for use of American forces in Iraq.

    Hillary Clinton complained “it isn’t fair that many Democrats are being held to a vote made nearly four and a half years ago when the ground rules have changed so much during that time.” Her veiled reference was apparently made with respect to the bloggers and liberal activists who are trying to move the Democratic Party closer to what they consider to be “the new socialist center” by holding Congressional Democrats responsible for their war votes.

    “Not all of us can be like John Kerry by claiming we would vote against it having first voted for it,” lamented another Democratic presidential hopefully who wished to remain unidentified.

    “Sure I checked independent intelligence sources to verify what my husband and President Bush were claiming with respect to Saddam’s regime,” Ms. Clinton wistfully reminesced, “How was I suppose to know that all my independent sources that I carefully consulted with and those during my husband’s administration had been evilly influenced by the Rovian Mind Control Rays?”

  • 16 boberinyetagain // Feb 23, 2007 at 3:55 pm

    So, it’s now roundly agreed that everyone had poor information and some now feel that this poor information led to a less than desirable choice, some even say it led them to a “mistake”.
    Nearly everyone in fact now knows that no matter what they were told or who told it to them is was exaggerated or just plain wrong. In many circles, this is referred to “changing your position in response to changing facts” (some call it “waffling” but that’s just plain wrong).
    Everyone that is, except for the one or two people that could make a difference. And, I dare say, if those one or two folks were to admit that they could look at a new set of facts and come to a different conclusion that you folks would be on board with this view in about a minute, perhaps less.
    However, since those two folks couldn’t possibly ever be wrong (even if it’s clearly shown that they too were misinformed) then, we are stuck right here until such time as we can replace them.
    Anyone here think that the next president, dem or repub, male or female, black, white or muslim, will be in favor of escalating the Iraq war or even “staying the course” as it now stands.

  • 17 Digital Brainwaves » Blog Archive » Scott Ott FTW // Feb 23, 2007 at 4:54 pm

    [...] Scott Ott’s ScrappleFace is bringing the funny today, with articles on a trade of the Social Security Act for the 2002 Authorization of Use of Military Force, and a breakthrough deal between Russia, Iran and the US for Russia to sell “Chernoble-style” reactors to Iran. [...]

  • 18 woodnwheel // Feb 23, 2007 at 5:45 pm

    I love it! As someone who has had — and is having — his own problems with the Social Security Department (long story), this is one of the best things I’ve read all week! If only it weren’t satire :(

  • 19 onlineanalyst // Feb 23, 2007 at 6:29 pm

    The Dems are also avidly working on a new comprehensive immigration bill that will put illegals on the “path to citizenship” even faster.

    The current breadth of and further expansion of entitlement programs will bankrupt us well before our commitment to national security will. And the latter is the one clearly defined in the Constitution.

  • 20 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 7:23 pm

    bober, are you still going to deny that 500 WMD munitions weren’t found in Iraq? That there still exists the very real possibility the rest of Saddam’s WMD were moved to Iraq in the preceeding months?

    Forget what the lamestream media and left-wing hack bloggers are saying. Also, was the October 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution wrong about Saddam firing on Coalition aircraft in the No Fly Zone or Saddam’s attempt on George Herbert Walker Bush’s life or Saddam murdering his own people including the Kurds or Iraq increasingly becoming a rogue nation …?

    Just wondering how far YOU are going to go in your own denial.

  • 21 onlineanalyst // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    from powerlineblog today:

    “A few days ago, Dick Cheney challenged Nancy Pelosi on Iraq, saying that pulling out, as she advocates, would play into the hands of the terrorists. Pelosi resorted to the old “How dare he question my patriotism” dodge, and complained to President Bush’s Chief of Staff, Josh Bolten. Now, Cheney says he isn’t backing down:

    During Friday’s interview in Sydney with ABC News, Cheney said, ‘I’m not sure what part of it is that Nancy disagreed with. She accused me of questioning her patriotism. I didn’t question her patriotism. I questioned her judgment.

    “‘You also have to be accountable for the results. What are the consequences of that? What happens if we withdraw from Iraq?,” he said. “And the point I made and I’ll make it again is that al-Qaida functions on the basis that they think they can break our will. That’s their fundamental underlying strategy, that if they can kill enough Americans or cause enough havoc, create enough chaos in Iraq, then we’ll quit and go home. And my statement was that if we adopt the Pelosi policy, that then we will validate the strategy of al-Qaida. I said it and I meant it.’

    “Asked if he was willing to take back his criticism of Pelosi, Cheney replied, ‘I’m not backing down.’

    This gets to the heart of the Democrats’ problem. They can’t deny that precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would be a disaster, they just don’t want to talk about it. And if you bring it up, they say you’re questioning their patriotism.”

    Therein lies the problem: Cheney is just too logical for Pelosi and her ilk of fellow travelers. They weasel around with words and turn a debate into an emotionally riddled he-said, she-said. The Dhimmis have no sense of the militant Islamic mind-set and its respect for resolve and its disdain for the weak. The jihadists view the West as soft and dithering; they must be deriving their perceptions from the sound bites of our most-vocal Defeatocrats.

    Even in Iran, it is said that Mookie Ahmadaboutjihad gets his understanding of the West from watching CNN. Whose views get the most airtime and whose faces dominate their perceptions of us?

  • 22 Fred Sinclair // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    There has been no pill invented that will cure liberalism. (so far)
    The only “sure cure” is grace through faith in Jesus.

    “There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the
    people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than
    by violent and sudden usurpations.” —James Madison

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 23 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:17 pm

    Also, bober, are you saying “we’ve lost” in Iraq simply because we’re taking casualties? And do you know what “losing” is like in a GWOT? And don’t cop out by citing Vietnam, that was completely different circumstances from how that war incrementally started as compared to this one and the fact there is no national army (like the NVA) supporting the Iraqi “insurgency”.

    And if you are advocating we should cut-and-run in Iraq, how about Afghanistan which could prove even more difficult in the long run? Should we just pack up our bags and let terrorists begin using these countries as training grounds and a springboard for future 9/11s?

  • 24 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2007 at 8:22 pm

    onlineanalyst, Barack Osama Obama just jumped into the don’t-question-my-partriotism-by-questioning-my-judgment-and-naiveté fray. His inanities are even worst than panty-wetter Pelosi.

    The man is a mind-numbed robot. All he does he repeat the media narrative which claimed that Blair reducing troops totals (which don’t even begin until late Spring) is a sign that the “military solution” has run its course in Iraq and that we’ve lost! What a media tool. But I don’t know if its a matter of the dog wagging the tail or vice versa when it comes to the liberal media and the DemDonks surrender monkeys.

  • 25 mig // Feb 24, 2007 at 7:44 am

    (#24)And then at the end of that article he tells people to turn off the tv… I guess if they don’t hear it from the media first it will seem like Obama is original.

  • 26 mig // Feb 24, 2007 at 7:59 am

    Just a few things that popped out at me when I was reading a pro-life site on population control. Population Research Institute.

    Now that the party of death has retaken control of Congress,…The pompously named CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, sounds on its face not to be too bad, just clumsy and utopian. Yet it is a totalitarian piece of social engineering that aims to do everything from legalize abortion-on-demand worldwide to abolish Mother’s Day (no joke).


    Western leftists talk incessantly about respecting other cultures, the self-determination of all peoples, the importance of Western nations refraining from meddling in the internal affairs of small countries, the evils of imperialism including economic and cultural imperialism, and the great undesirability of the world’s ongoing cultural homogenization. So, surely, in the face of such a unanimous democratic decision taken by the elected representatives of the Nicaraguan people based on traditional Latin American culture, Western leftists are content to leave Nicaragua alone over this issue? (This country voted against making abortions legal)

    Of course not. Leftists are the biggest economic and cultural imperialists of the modern world, determined to impose their values upon every single people and sub-group of people on the planet. Nicaragua’s pro-life law is coming under a two-pronged attack: The European Union and other donors are threatening to cut aid to this poor country if abortion isn’t legalized, and there is the inevitable lawsuit—since it is the practice of leftists everywhere to abrogate democracy when it suits them
    and seek to overturn decisions made by elected legislators through unelected judges.

  • 27 mig // Feb 24, 2007 at 8:13 am

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

  • 28 Sites That Don’t Suck» Blog Archive » Dems want repeal of 2002 bill, GOP offers trade // Feb 27, 2007 at 3:48 pm

    [...] Democrats in the Senate plan to introduce a measure next week to repeal the 2002 Iraq war authorization, and Republicans have already announced they’re willing to discuss the bill in exchange for Democrat support of a measure repealing the 1935 Social Security Act. [...]

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