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Pelosi: Iraq Failure Due to High Troop Morale

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 148 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-02-07) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said today that the war in Iraq has become an unwinnable quagmire largely due to high U.S. troop morale in the theater of operations, which is why, she said, that the House should approve a non-binding resolution opposing the president’s troop surge plan.

“When I was in Iraq recently, I met the brave men and women of our fighting force,” said Rep. Pelosi. “Their spirits were high, their resolve was firm. They believe in the righteousness of their cause and know that Americans back home love and support them. Their high morale was so consistent across the board that it’s the only logical explanation for our poor performance in Iraq.”

That’s why, said the Speaker, that the best way to “turn things around and getting them heading in the other direction is to deal with the unreasonably elevated esprit de corps of our troops.”

Today’s remarks were Rep. Pelosi’s first full explanation of her party’s push to approve an anti-surge resolution.

“It’s the confidence and commitment of our military that’s getting us in deeper trouble,” she said. “The non-binding resolution addresses that, without forcing any lawmaker to do something rash, like vote his conscience.”

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148 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Scott Ott // Feb 7, 2007 at 6:24 am

    Pelosi: Iraq Failure Due to High Troop Morale…

    by Scott Ott(2007-02-07) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said today that the war in Iraq has become an unwinnable quagmire largely due to high U.S. troop morale in the theater of operations, which is why, she said, that the House should approve…..

  • 2 gafisher // Feb 7, 2007 at 6:56 am

    The troops are fine, it’s the Congress that’s a Quackmire.

  • 3 Basil's Blog » Blog Archive » Blogrolling 2007-02-07 // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:11 am

    [...] ScrappleFace says Pelosi discovered why Iraq is a failure. [...]

  • 4 gafisher // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:29 am

    God Bless America!

  • 5 MargeinMI // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:33 am

    God Bless America!

    Hey, Nan, don’t be harshing their mellow!

  • 6 hford42 // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:59 am

    Scott, I believe that it is absolutely true that it is her and the Dem’s (Socialists) goal in life to break down our military - as well as our society - by attacking the goodness, the confidence and drive and the dedication to duty, to obtain their power. Double-think should be their motto. Keep up the good work!

  • 7 University Update // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:18 am

    Pelosi: Iraq Failure Due to High Troop Morale…

  • 8 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:25 am

    Pelosi needs to install some surge protectors around the capitol

  • 9 Fred Sinclair // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:29 am

    This AM, I’m giving thanks to Algore for his faux “man made” global warming ‘facts’.

    Listening to the TV weather report about the 54″ and 61″ record snowfalls in the east and with consideration of Holland, Michigan’s below zero temps. I hate to imagine what these figures might be without our beloved “Inconvinent Truth”- without global warming, it might actually have gotten pretty cold. Snow 40 - 50 ft deep. With global warming, those things were kept in check.

    Perhaps we could all send Algore an e-mail or telegram thanking him for his faux crisis? Only eleven dead in the mid-west with out “man-made” global warming. That figure could be so much higher.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 10 Fred Sinclair // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:33 am

    “….without “man made” global warming” - my typo - Waxless Fred

  • 11 Libby Gone // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:40 am

    esprit de corps? Maybe we should act like the Phrench and run, run, run, and hide. Eurowienie sissies. That would show those Islamo Freedom Fighters.

  • 12 Darthmeister // Feb 7, 2007 at 9:21 am

    The nerve of the troops, prolonging the war in this way. We should have already surrendered in Iraq.

  • 13 Darthmeister // Feb 7, 2007 at 9:22 am

    Why would Pelosi steal my post when I’m agreeing with her?

  • 14 RichMedia // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:00 am

    Is it any wonder that Harry Reid is moaning and groaning about the Repubs in the Senate, when they are simply suggesting a debate and a vote on cutting off all funding?

    No debate on all amendments, then no resolution.

    Wassa matter Harry, why not put your mouth where your money is?

  • 15 RedPepper // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:02 am

    Perhaps this explains it.

    Whistling while you work may help for Snow White’s seven dwarfs, but a new study suggests being in a good mood can actually hurt productivity in some tasks.

  • 16 nylecoj // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:03 am

    “…like vote his conscience.” We can’t have that now can we.

  • 17 Maggie // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:16 am

    It’s like a trip to the dentist’s office.He tells you that your teeth are OK, but the gums have got to go.

    Good morning everybody and a special “Welcome Aboard” to hford42 and RichMedia.Hope to see you more often.

  • 18 seneuba // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Why do they (MSM, Congress) only discuss military things in Iraq? It appears that in their eyes there are only two types of people in Iraq: US Military and local insurgents trying to kill them. They portray the Iraqi security forces as the Keystone Kops.

    They also portray Baghdad as the ONLY city on Iraq. How ignorant and misleading! There are millions of Iraqis - not in Baghdad - who wake up every morning, send their kids to school, and go work. I’ve personally been there (in a non-military capacity) and met many of them from a large number of cities/towns. They are great, fun loving, hard working people. They have a hope very much like the type of hope Eastern Europeans had after the fall of the Soviet Union. They were crushed under Saddam’s rule and now have a future. They are not ignorant and do not want a handout. They very much appreciate the coalition forces and the work their are doing, not only to deal with Iranian insurgents (yes, most are non-Iraqi’s) but in assisting with the rebuilding of infrastructure that was largely ignored by Saddam.

    To have clowns like Pelosi and Reid treat Iraq like an enemy state rather than an ally is confusing to them. I’d love to have them accompany me on my next trip and see what freedom really means in many of the lesser know locations around Iraq.

    The fact is this: God is doing a new work in the Middle East and is using Iraq as a cornerstone in rescuing people from the oppression of Islam.

  • 19 upnorthlurkin // Feb 7, 2007 at 10:59 am

    Red, that must’ve been written by some of the brain-trust at the Phone Company. When I was still gainfully employed at one of the “Bells” we wondered if they (upper mgmt) wanted us PO’d all the time….we joked it must’ve been good for productivity to always be angry!!

  • 20 upnorthlurkin // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:02 am

    Great post, Senuba! It sounds like you are doing God’s work too!

  • 21 Possumtrot // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:09 am

    Madame Defarge, straight out of Charles Dickens. This loosey-goosey Dim sits and knits while the heads roll.

    Be very afraid, America!

  • 22 da Bunny // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:32 am

    democrats…the party of gloom and doom. No wonder they can’t stand things like “high morale” and “good moods.” It’s a “fear of the unknown” for them!

  • 23 gafisher // Feb 7, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    “. . . like vote his conscience.”

    Wow. Talk about “non-binding”!

  • 24 mig // Feb 7, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    Go HERE for a new project to re-educate College mush brains on terrorism.

  • 25 Hawkeye // Feb 7, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    These surrender monkies remind me of: Monty Python & The Holy Grail…

    “Run away! Run away!”

  • 26 onlineanalyst // Feb 7, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    This Newbuster article (which includes video links and a transcript of the Russert interview) has been floating around the ‘Net for several days and linked at a number of sites. But in case you didn’t see it, John Burns (an NYT reporter) corrects Russert on some urban myths about our Iraq engagement and has some tales to tell about those Saddam days. Michael Al-Moore and his fellow-travelers ought not to contradict a reporter who claims:

    “I’ve been to, I think many of the world’s nastiest places in a 30 year career as a foreign correspondent for the New York Times and Iraq was, by a long way saving only North Korea, the nastiest place I’ve ever been. It was a truly terrible place…”

  • 27 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 7, 2007 at 2:33 pm

    Good afternoon fellow (ette) Scrapplers. I thought I would inform everyone that I avoided a visit to the hospital so you don’t have to find me hiding away.

    My neurologist has decided to give me 5 days of high intense steroids at home instead of the hospital so a nurse comes and hooks me up to the drip. This is a rough treatment and can (will) throw my blood sugar off the charts so they sent a glucose monitor so I can avoid problems.

    I feel more comfortable in a hospital setting but this is his decision and 911 is just three buttons away.

    If I get whacked out on the Internet this week forgive me. sigh.

  • 28 Ghoti // Feb 7, 2007 at 2:43 pm

    Great post, Seneuba.

    You said, “I’d love to have them [Pelosi and Reid] accompany me on my next trip and see what freedom really means in many of the lesser known locations around Iraq.”

    How would that serve their political agenda? How would it be politically advantageous for them?

  • 29 Ghoti // Feb 7, 2007 at 2:54 pm

    God bless you, Ms RW. Your insight and wisdom has been a blessing for me. Thanks for all that you say and do.

  • 30 Possumtrot // Feb 7, 2007 at 3:09 pm

    I know what Ms. RW is going through. Imagine being a naked hippie type, and suddenly having to reconcile a female doctor. That “coolness” only extends so far.

    The mantra of “do what you have to do” extends a long way. Rock Hudson was right; if I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.

  • 31 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 7, 2007 at 3:48 pm


    I think Methuselah said, “If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.”

    Hillary Clinton said if my medical plan would have passed he darn well wouldn’t live that long at taxpayers expense.

  • 32 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 7, 2007 at 4:45 pm

    Peter Falk (in “The In-Laws” (1979)) as Vince Ricardo: Serpentine Shelly. Serpentine!

  • 33 Hawkeye // Feb 7, 2007 at 5:00 pm

    I don’t know how the weather is up on Scorpion Hill, but being naked in New Jersey would certainly lend itself to a certain “coolness” here.

    (:D) Regards…

  • 34 boberinyetagain // Feb 7, 2007 at 5:25 pm

    Hey Ms. good to see you up and running, all the best to you, hang in there, we love you!

    Hmmm…high morale you say? Seems that those that accused me and others of my ilk of draining troop morale were, how best to put this?…wrong. Go figure

    BTW, we were not then, are not now, trying to demoralize the troops. Is it possible that they are intelligent enough to have known that all along? So may imponderables to ponder….
    Trying to get them out of a quagmire…yes, demoralize them…no.
    Again, extremely possible to honor the troops without having the slightest agreement with their mission (at least as it stands now)

    Before the “what’s your bright idea” questions commence let me say this, rewind the calendar and don’t go. That was my suggestion from the git go, the huge mess that’s been created since has, shockingly, not changed that position.

    But, it continues to be “all good”

  • 35 Mack // Feb 7, 2007 at 6:07 pm

    Ms. Rightwing, you must take care of yourself. Or else….

    I took the afternoon off and thought I would stop by to pick on the troll people. I had to go back two threads to see if they had any witty remarks. It would appear they don’t like my new approach to them. I am considering a grammatical error or two just to give them something to talk about.

    With my talent for type errors it shouldn’t take long. The truth be told, Scott has a talent for sticking them in their place with the original thread. Our chatter after seems to add to it, but who among us would attempt to proof read and edit Hemmingway?

    The libs speak for themselves. It would seem the less they expound on their ideas the better they are received. Like John Kerry, if he sticks to the scripted sound bites he does ok, it’s when they ask him questions and he has to think on his feet that he sticks one in his mouth.

    Now I hear that Hillary will likely raise more money than any other presidential candidate in history. this means we will see her mug for months on commercials leading up to the election. After a year or so of that Bill the Cat would stand a better chance as a write in candidate.

  • 36 Harry Daschle // Feb 7, 2007 at 6:55 pm

    MargeinMichigan: #5

    Hilarious!!!! That is FUNNY!!!

    I think “Nan”, Hillary, Helen Thomas, Boxer, etc, should pose for a poster to be placed all over Iraq, and Afghanistan with the words, “These may resemble your 72 virgins!”

    If the enemy see it, it may slow down the homicide bombers!

  • 37 Harry Daschle // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    I complain about the weather, as some others here are doing, but wanted to share a nice story with all here. Monday evening here in Indianapolis, when the temp was 4 degree, (don’t ask the windchill), the Colts, fresh from Miami, went to their complex from the airport to get some coats, then went downtown, loaded on some open air floats, and greeted fans OUTSIDE, before entering the RCA dome to a capacity crowd there.

    I know most are millionaires, and even here some complain about tax revenues going to build a new stadium, but I am proud that this group of guys though enough of the fans to go through the weather for them!

    It was NOT necessary but shows the character of their Coach and this team!

    BTW, if you haven’t heard yet, our thug Pacers have been involved in another brawl at a local club. These guys, (Pacers), just don’t get it. Even if they would win a Championship, (which is NOT bloody likely), I wouldn’t go across the street to see ANY of them!

    The most disgusting thing about this latest embarassment is Jamal Tinsley’s comment that he was celebrating the Colts victory. despicable!

    Any teams looking for 3 drunken thug B-ballers?

  • 38 Beerme // Feb 7, 2007 at 7:31 pm

    New bipartisan bumper sticker:


    Dems place on rear bumper. Republicans place on front bumper…

  • 39 Fred Sinclair // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:04 pm

    Recently I got a cartoon that made me laugh.

    Saddam Hussein is in hell, being introduced by the devil to an ancient witch/hag looking woman.

    Devil says, “Sorry aout that Saddam, that was a mis-translation. It really reads: a 72 year old virgin, not 72 virgins”.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 40 egospeak // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:08 pm

    Re: 36

    Man, that is one terrifying image. I wonder… if such a poster were produced and spread all over Iraq and Afganistan would that constitute an act of international terrorism?

    A question about your Nom de Plume. Is Harry Daschle your real name or is it a coincidence that you chose the first name of current Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry (land grab) Reid and the last name of former Democrat Senate Majority leader Tom (I speak so softly because I don’t want to wake myself up) Daschle? I realize it is none of my business, but I can’t help wondering…


  • 41 Fred Sinclair // Feb 7, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    MACK @ # 35 - Bill the Cat for President! Rah! Rah! Rah!

    How about Sponge Bob as his running mate? Bill & Bob - Billy Bob?

    Now that sounds like a ticket.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 42 upnorthlurkin // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:11 pm

    egospeak, you must’ve missed the post where Harry confessed he is really our good old friend, R.A.M. who has trouble posting as RAM from one of his computers, thus the aka Harry Daschle. I can’t remember his reason for picking, but yours sounds familiar….;-)

  • 43 upnorthlurkin // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:13 pm

    It was RAM wasn’t it?! I’m getting old….now that I’ve said it, I’m not sure I’m right…help me out here!! :lol:

  • 44 MargeinMI // Feb 8, 2007 at 6:53 am

    Well, thanks HD/RAM. I wish I could take credit, but I heard the phrase under the sink at Liberal Larry’s place.

    LG, I was about to shout out to you! Glad you’re still in the loop.

    Mornin’ all!

  • 45 egospeak // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:35 am


    I was off line for a month or more so I’m sure I missed a lot. Thanks for the update.


  • 46 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 8, 2007 at 8:31 am

    We need a who’s who for Scrapple, but that would give a thumb up for Nancy and her Surge protectors.

    I hear it may reach 20 today. Whoopeee, maybe I can get out a purchase toilet paper and dish detergent. sigh

    Awaiting the nurse to give me another dose of the Solu Medrol. Boy is that stuff a head banger and that was just the first infusion

  • 47 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 8:37 am

    I wonder if Ms. Pelosi would consider a cartoon of Mohammed a hate crime?

    I wonder if she would consider a portrait of Mary, the mother of Jesus, rendered in elephant dung a hate crime? After all, it is the kind of “art” that liberals pay good money to see.

  • 48 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 8:42 am

    2 minute movie Stand Up To Ahmadinejad It is a crime against humanity to even threaten genocide according to the UN

    It declares genocide itself, conspiracy or incitement to commit genocide, attempts to commit or complicity in the commission of genocide all to be illegal. Individuals are to be held responsible for these acts whether they were acting in their official capacities or as private individuals. Signators to the convention are bound to enact appropriate legislation to make the acts named in Article 3 illegal under their national law and provide appropriate penalties for violators.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have faith in the UN to do anything. But I do enjoy pointing out that they have an obligation to the innocent civilians that happen to be Jewish to protect their freedoms to life from a leader of a country that wants to destroy them because they are Jews. The leader of Iran has made genocidal threats (or the incitement to commit genocide) on Isreal and countries of the West other than the US.

    And still I hear only the ticking of the clock and the churping of boberins.

  • 49 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Pat’s Rick has a great post, Another View on the War on Terror. This Citizens Report on Iraq is especially worth reading which Rick linked to.

  • 50 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:25 am

    Good morning Scrapplers. I was wondering, did Ms Pulloutsy write that proposal on the Pelosi One or has she accepted the fact that she will be flying on a smaller plane?

    And has she considered that Global Warming may be the actual cause of both the troopal high spirits (like my new word?) and the increasing testiness of the insurgents? I say, “Get AlGore in there to straighten things out.” He can dampen the troopal spirit and scare the living daylights out of the insurgents.

    Yep, make me speaker of the house.

  • 51 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:49 am

    An arcane if not sobering perspective on how to win the war in Iraq if it comes down to this. It’s almost Machiavellian in nature, but there are certainly good points being made.

    Of course every step of the way the anti-war lemmings will crow how George Bush has lost his illegal and immoral adventurism in Iraq now that “civil war” has broken out blah, blah, blah. It’s based on something I suggested a few months back, redeploy American troops to Northern (Iraq) Kurdistan, let the Sunnis and Shias wear each other down in “civil war” for a few years, establish a more effective intelligence network in the Anbar Province and then pick the most opportune time to step in again. Maybe after the various Muslim factions satisfy their bloodlust they must might listen to something other than jihad Just as harsh times demands harsh measures, so an unconventional enemy calls for an unconventional counter-response.

    But I doubt most Americans, too busy figuring out how they are going to swing getting that 65 inch Plasma television set before the end of the year or how to bankroll their next two week vacation while remodeling their kitchen, will appreciate the military need to adapt to this new kind of warfare, continue training and committing American troops to a long term asymetrical struggle against an implacable global enemy which seeks to set up terrorist training camps in nations without a viable central government.

  • 52 upnorthlurkin // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:57 am

    Mig, just the fact that the taxpayers have to pay for Plastic Nance to fly back and forth makes me sick!! She’s a multimillionaire….buy your own plane!!! And I can’t be bothered with refueling stops, I’m the QUEEN!!

  • 53 upnorthlurkin // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:00 am

    And how many poor people’s homes could be heated with the fuel she’d save taking a commercial flight?!

  • 54 upnorthlurkin // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:02 am

    And that should probably be poor peoples’ homes…

  • 55 upnorthlurkin // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:15 am

    Uff da! Just took the dog out….the temp has rocketed all the way up to -16°! There’s actually frost on the wall in the corner of my bathroom!! Must be quite a breeze….

  • 56 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:15 am

    As I have yet to see the words “Pelosi”, “fly” and “broom” in the same sentence, I thought I would create one.

  • 57 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:17 am

    Nancy, the government nanny, needs to hire Algore to design her a non-toxic aeroplane to fly from coast to coast. No, my friends, not a Phrenchy Sky Bus, but a balsa wood plane with a huge rubber band propeller, ala 1950’s fun toy.

    We need to name it, and since the Spruce Goose name has been taken we need to call it the Balsa Buzzard

  • 58 RedPepper // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:30 am

    MsRW: Why use an airplane at all? How about hiring the GEICO Pillage People … and their catapult ? Or, we could just tell Nancy to fly a kite

  • 59 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 12:58 pm

    Another chapter can be added to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
    Why Conservatives Are From Mars and Liberals Are From San Francisco

  • 60 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    Positive news from Iraq you won’t read in the lamestream media.

    The lone exception of positive news may be NPR which filed this report which seems to strongly indicate a changing paradigm where American troops are checking the handiwork of Iraqi Army elements and the continuing atrocities committed by Sunni and Shia elements in the name of their “religion of peace”.

  • 61 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:42 pm

    Pull Out! (An amusing e-mail from a friend, it may be frought with inaccuracies but I think the jist of it is what makes it worthy of consideration.

    If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the
    Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of
    2,112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000

    The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000 for the
    Same period. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot
    and killed in the U.S. Capitol, which has some of the strictest Gun
    Control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.

    Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington.

  • 62 GnuCarSmell // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:49 pm

    Pelosi doesn’t seem concerned about her carbon footprint. Her insistence on a taxpayer-funded luxury jet is typical Democrat hypocrisy. For the cost of one round trip — about $300,000 — she could pay for a dozen of those funny little cars that run on corn liquor.

  • 63 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:53 pm

    %20&only”>Mega Mosque London 2012 is an amazing video at LGF. I found it through American Jihad.
    As Jihad Jay says ” Good day, infidels…”.

  • 64 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    Uh oh!

  • 65 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 1:59 pm


  • 66 mig // Feb 8, 2007 at 2:03 pm

    And another bit of news. Morals Week to be held March 26th – 31st.

  • 67 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 8, 2007 at 2:51 pm


    I read all of Douglas Adams books before he assumed room temperature including Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but found it had little in common with my previously owned beige ‘62 Ford Galaxy with a broken gas gauge.

    Quite often it would deposit me in strange places around Columbus, Ohio so we drove it to LA in 1968 to check out the “scene” but it suffered a stone through the radiator so I sold it for $75 and hitched hiked into the big city.

    The Galaxy defiantly needed an owners manual but instead of carrying a towel, as ordered in the book, I lugged a backpack.

    That is just a segment of my Route 66 story. Sort of a modern day Grapes of Wrath without having to bury grandma and grandpa

  • 68 Fred Sinclair // Feb 8, 2007 at 3:35 pm

    What kind of car are you?

    I took the test and rated as a Corvette


    Heirborn Ranger

  • 69 Fred Sinclair // Feb 8, 2007 at 3:54 pm

    #48 Mig - Your bad - “…….and the churping of boberins.” I thought it was only crickets that did ‘churping’?

    Oh yeah….my bad. I forgot it’s one of those ‘read between the lines’ thingies. There always boberins with which we must consider and endure.

    I herewith tender my most abject and humble apologies.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 70 RedPepper // Feb 8, 2007 at 4:04 pm

    Yo, Godfrey! Are you here? First Amendment alert …

    A student filed a complaint with the Office of Student Programs and Leadership Development. OSPLD Director Joey Greenwell wrote to the College Republicans informing them that his office had completed an investigation of the complaint and forwarded the report to the Student Organization Hearing Panel, which will adjudicate the charge. At issue is the charge that College Republicans had walked on “a banner with the world ‘Allah’ written in Arabic script” — it turns out Allah’s name is incorporated into Hamas and Hezbollah flags — and “allegations of attempts to incite violence and create a hostile environment,” as well as “actions of incivility.”

    At an unnamed date, the student panel could decide to issue a warning to, suspend or expel the GOP club from campus.

    Maybe SFSU should just put up a sign that reads: Conservatives need not apply.

    Read it and weep

  • 71 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 4:11 pm

    Fred, OK…So I took it and I end up as a car that once was a killer because its butt blew up??? How’s that?

    I’m a Ford Mustang!
    Here’s the quote after my test: You’re an American classic — fast, strong, and bold. You’re not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.

    And it purposely left out: And if anybody gets you from behind, you’ll blow up and incinerate everybody and yourself in a ball of fire. Sheesh.

  • 72 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    I just heard - I guess that it is true. Anna Nichole has died. That is just wierd. Just like her son.

  • 73 boberinyetagain // Feb 8, 2007 at 5:13 pm

    c-a-t, I guess the flags will be a half mast a while longer now.

  • 74 boberinyetagain // Feb 8, 2007 at 5:23 pm

    Fred, it should read “burping of boberins” which makes better sense really

  • 75 kajun // Feb 8, 2007 at 6:13 pm

    It’s above 20 here and I have toilet paper and dish detergent—so— I must go wash dishes! My backyard’s a quagmire though.

  • 76 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 6:16 pm

    Ms RightWing, did you also have an operator’s manual for a Tardis*?

    *Not to be confused with a Ford Taurus

  • 77 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 6:28 pm

    Redpepper - didn’t you know? Free speech and the right to assemble only applies to liberals. I thought that you were smarter then that! I’m reading a book right now called, Do As I Say, Not As I Do. What an eye opener!

  • 78 da Bunny // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:08 pm

    c-a-t re: Anna Nicole Smith’s death…I think something stinks to high heaven with regard to her death and that of her son, as in “no accidents” here. Follow the money, and keep an eye on that rat, Howard K. Stern.

  • 79 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:21 pm


    you are thinking about the 1972 Pinto Wagon. I had a 1975 wagon so I felt more secure

    My ego car turned out to be a Porsche 911. I can live with that.

    The web page said, “You have a classic style, but you’re up-to-date with the latest technology. You’re ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you’re one of the elite, and you know it.”


  • 80 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:38 pm

    Ms Rightwing, Ink: Yes, I forgot about the Pintos, but the 60’s mustangs were also really bad. We had a friend whose daughter burned up in one. I really don’t know why people are spending so much on the vintage Mustangs when they know how dangerous they are. The gas tank is in the back behind the back seat. I think that is true of the Pinto as well.

    Heh, think about it. Mustang - Pinto = Horse with Gas - Methane - global warming. It’s a sign!!! The horses are doing it. Wow. Do I feel smart.

  • 81 da Bunny // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    Ms RightWing, I had a used 1973 Pinto Runabout with a hatchback when I was in high school. My dad sold it out from under me, because he was afraid I’d go up in a ball of flames if someone hit me from behind. :sad:

  • 82 Fred Sinclair // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:48 pm

    Tell the Truth

    When Joseph was imprisoned in Egypt, he was told two dreams — the cupbearer’s and the baker’s. The cupbearer’s dream had a sweet interpretation. He would be restored to Pharoah’s favor. The baker’s dream had a bitter interpretation. He would be executed by Pharoah’s wrath. Joseph was faithful.
    As a messenger of God, he told them both the truth (See Genesis 40). To the cupbearer: “within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office; and you will put Pharaoh’s cup into his hand according to your former custom when you were his cupbearer (40:13). To the baker: “within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and will hang you on a tree; and the birds will eat your flesh off you” (40:19).
    Alistair Begg writes in his book, The Hand of God:
    “Now it would have been easy for Joseph to soothe this man and tell him some sweet little lies. After all, in three days he would be dead, so there would be nothing to answer for in Joseph’s case if he’d lied to him.
    “There are plenty of people in the pulpits of our churches who are willing to soothe the feelings of spiritually dying men and women, to assure them they are all right. But when you’re dealing with matters of eternity, do you really want to go some place where someone will tell you lies?
    “The lesson from the dungeon is that if you are going to be a witness for Jesus Christ, you’re gong to have to tell the truth-the good, the bad, and the ugly-no matter what. And you’re going to have to live with the blast furnace of criticism and opposition.
    “Calvin says, ‘All love to be flattered. Hence the majority of teachers, in desiring to yield to the corrupt wishes of the world, adulterate the Word of God.’”
    May God give us modern day Josephs as our preachers and teachers, who won’t tickle our ears, but tell us the truth!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 83 Mack // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:51 pm

    I heard on the news tonight that because Nancy dearest is The Speaker of the House and number 3 in the succession to the Presidency she has to ride in Military aircraft for security reasons. I am one of the last to make excuses for Nancy and the other leftie weird ones, but this one isn’t all her fault.

    What it should do is wake up disgruntled Republicans who ought to grow a brain next time they decide to stay home on election day in protest. We can also throw some of the blame to the Republicans voted out in the last election for failing to live up to the contract with America Newt and the gang promised when they took the House and Senate from the libs back during Wild Bill’s first term.

    Because conservatives failed to follow through, other conservatives refused to keep them in power. Now the most liberal politician from the most liberal city in the most liberal state in the union gets a military jet ride back and forth to that city on our dime. What is even more touching is that short of Alaska or Hawaii She lives about as far from Washington DC as she can be. It wouldn’t be so bad if she were from Kerry / Kennedy ville, then she wouldn’t burn half the fuel she does now as she plots with the rest of them to undermine this administration and sell out our troops as they fight to preserve the nation. Perhaps we as conservatives ought to get busy before Hillary joins her. That would be even worse because it would be aboard Air Force 1.

  • 84 Darthmeister // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:53 pm

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing Nancy Pelosi (D-Moon) taking a John Deere tractor, running on E-85, back to San Francrisco. It would show her solidarity with the American corn farmers and it would reduce her carbonfootprint given that she tools around in Washington in a gas guzzling Chevy Tahoe using tax-free gasoline. And this woman really believes in global warming?

    If the enviro-whackos are so convinced that global warming is really man-made, I wonder how long it will take them to get on non-greenhouse gas nuclear power plant bandwagon? After all, the Phrench have been operating nuclear plants without incident for the last forty years. The American leftists ought to have some respect for that.

  • 85 egospeak // Feb 8, 2007 at 7:57 pm

    ********** Culture Watch Alert **********

    A gay advocacy group in Washington State is collecting signatures to put a referendum on the ballot. The referendum would/will state (essentially) that since the Courts have defined marriage as the union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation, that if they are still childless after 3 years their marriage will be declared null and void.

    I heard this on Jerry Doyle’s radio talk show today and he interviewed the spokesman (I guess) for the group.
    The spokesman actually referenced Brown vs Board of Education and the unconstitutionality of separate but equal as a basis for the referendum. I swear… you can’t make this stuff up. Somebody give me a roll of duct tape before my head explodes.

    I’m sure some of the more Internet savvy Scrapplers here can get more information about this. Who knows, maybe Scott can do a story about it.


  • 86 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    When I saw Pelosi shuckin’ and jivin’ about how it wasn’t her idea to fly “alone” like that but of those in charge of her security, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why not a Piper Cub? You could by 100 (?) of those with the $300,000 it costs for a single one-way trip in that luxury commuter jet.”

    She’s sickening.

  • 87 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 8, 2007 at 9:14 pm


  • 88 conserve-a-tips // Feb 8, 2007 at 10:12 pm

    Egospeak, yes, I read about that yesterday. Not only are they demanding that if people don’t have children within three years of marriage or the marriage would be annulled, but they are also saying that in order to get a marriage license, you would have to provide proof of being able to have children. All those who would not qualify for marriage on this basis of procreation, would be considered “unrecognized” and would not be eligible for the tax breaks or other things of married couples. I say, “Give it to ‘em and then everybody just breed like rabbits and overwhelm this country with little conservatives. That’ll fix ‘em.”

  • 89 Fred Sinclair // Feb 9, 2007 at 2:59 am

    Perhaps this is in the slightly reworded pamphlets being handed out in Mexico City, Mexico that I’ve heard so much about.

    “Sneak over their border and then everybody just breed like rabbits and overwhelm their country with little Democrat voting liberals. That’ll fix ‘em.”

    That must have been in the 1985 edition - for now we have about 12 million illegal aliens plus about 21 million legal American Citizens being raised in those households.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 90 Fred Sinclair // Feb 9, 2007 at 5:00 am

    The little PayPal icon is still the easiest way to let Scott know you really appreciate all of the work that he does to make this blog available to us Scrapplers.

    How dull would our lives be without him? Just a little $25.00 per month (less than a buck a day) would be at least a token of how much he is appreciated.

    Surely that’s not too great a burden to make a his day!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 91 Fred Sinclair // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:50 am

    The little PayPal icon is still the easiest way to let Scott know you really appreciate all of the work that he does to make this blog available to us Scrapplers.

    How dull would our lives be without him? Just a little $25.00 per month (less than a buck a day) would be at least a token of how much he is appreciated.

    Surely that’s not too great a burden to make a his day!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 92 Fred Sinclair // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:58 am

    Sorry, the double post just happened - wasn’t intended - but then any great message bears repeating. The 1st one @ 5 AM had not shown up, so I figured it had gotten lost, The re-post @ 7:50 AM must have awakened the 1st so they both actually printed at the same time.

    Still worth repeating - probably my best posting this month.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 93 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:31 am

    Good morning all

  • 94 Maggie // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:41 am

    Good mprning Ms Right Wing,
    Hope your IV therapy is just about finished.

  • 95 Darthmeister // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:35 am


    Clearly the homosexual community is trying to reverse engineer marriage simply to make a political statement. It’s like when Charlie Rangle (D-Moon) demands that the draft we re-instituted when he’s only trying to make political points without the least concern about how this might or might not benefit the military and America as a whole.

    Any judge worth his salt (and how many of those are left?) would laugh this out of court by simply pointing out the historical traditions surrounding marriage. First, marriage was entered into by one man and one woman without any regard to whether they were fertile or not - partly because they didn’t have the technology to determine that. Sure marriage was an institution to protect the union of a man and a woman “for the purpose of procreation” because there was a potential for such procreation to occur! Doh! By its very nature, homosexual “unions” cannot result in natural procreation between the respective partners. What’s so hard to understand about that? And in years past what was the response of society to the couple that could not have children, did society or the governoring authorities “unmarry” them. Of course not. So why should we?

    This demonstrates the utter intellectual vacuousness of homosexual advocates who are so blinded by their lusts and hate for traditions that they feel that if they can’t alter a six thousand year old institution by hook or crook, then they will destroy it for some people just to make a point. It’s so typical of pre-adolescent children of malice who throw mud pies when they can’t get their way.

    Actually, there are more compelling reasons to keep the institution of marriage free from the taint of homosexuality other than that of “procreation”. I believe we have past threads devoted to many of those arguments. I would agree that secular government may have a reason to provide some basic protections for homosexuals who may have questions of property division, visitation rights, etc., and it would be a simple matter for said governmental authorities to enact a secular remedy for these questions through civil unions. Civil unions are completely within the power and scope of any legitimate government to enact in the interest of homosexuals. Secular government could enact civil unions between a dog and a woman if it thought the people had the stomach for it.

  • 96 RedPepper // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:39 am

    Good morning, Maggie, MsRW, everyone …

    My, I am so glad I don’t live in Oswego County !

    Since Sunday, the small towns of Parish and Mexico have recorded more than 6 feet of snow, and forecasters with the National Weather Service say it isn’t over yet.

    Clearly, this is all Algore’s fault …

  • 97 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:50 am

    Morning All! Is Algore out of country or something? Usually we can count on his hot air to warm us up or alter the jet stream. We’ve been stuck on frozen for too long!! Come on up Algore….be a sport….we need some warming!!

  • 98 conserve-a-tips // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:55 am

    Good morning Ms Rightwing Ink and Maggie and Darthmeister and Redpepper and UpNorth and Fred! Hope you are chipper this morning.

    Redpepper, I have a funny feeling that AlGore is going to blame all of this cold and snow on Global Warming which “changes the weather patterns and causes extremes.” You watch. And people will buy it as their teeth chatter and they reach for the hot chocolate.

  • 99 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 12:24 pm

    Red Pepper, if you would be so kind, I seem to have misplaced the note where you taught me how to do a link. (I can’t have Mig and CAT showing me up constantly now can I?!) Anyway, just went to this link: (borrowed from IMAO) and quite frankly can’t wait to have this prima-donna(ld?) run again!! Let the fun begin!! :lol:

  • 100 RedPepper // Feb 9, 2007 at 1:14 pm

    Skeptics are heckled for calling attention to global warming scare tactics. But the simple fact is that activists need to hype the threat, and not just because that’s what the media demand of them. Their proposed remedies cost so much money — bidding starts at 1 percent of global GDP a year and rises quickly — they have to ratchet up the fear factor just to get the conversation started.

    The costs are just too high for too little payoff. Even if the Kyoto Protocol were put into effect tomorrow — a total impossibility — we’d barely affect global warming.

    Read the whole article here .

  • 101 Darthmeister // Feb 9, 2007 at 1:28 pm

    Looks like the global warming chicken littles have egg on their face. 2006 wasn’t the warmest year ever as they previously claimed (ever meaning going back only five thousand years) but rather the fifth warmest.

    Now the moonbat Ellen Goodman says global warming deniers (whatever that means) or like Holocaust deniers! Yeah, and Bush is just like Hitler. These leftist morons are shameless in their false equivalences.

    First, global warming advocates haven’t come close to proving that it is man-made - which is the whole point of their movement … IT’S MAN’S FAULT, PARTICULARLY EVIL AMERICA’S FAULT!

    Second, global warming compared to what? A hundred years ago, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand? In case these pinheads haven’t figured it out, the climate is always in flux, it’s either warming or cooling and it’s a matter of what point on the graph they are looking during a given time span. By their own reckoning of time, there was a far warmer climate which existed in Earth’s prehistoric times than exists today. And look at how life flourished then.

    Third, who says global warming is bad? Apparently sea levels have dropped six hundred feet in ages past and others have pointed out a possible 400 foot drop related to periodic glacial growth in what is called the Pleistocene Epoch (2 million to 10,000 years ago). So sea levels might rise 25 feet (and that isn’t even a proven possibility). Big deal, man will adapt. So the question for these man-is-an-evil-polluter advocates is this: How many SUVs were around two million years ago causing global warming to melt the glaciers to raise oceans on a periodic basis. And then what natural mechanisms caused global cooling to create the subsequent Ice Ages? All mockery aside, surely if the planet Earth had experienced past periods of global warming without man being a contributing factor, then those same mechanisms are probably coming into play again. The rising Solar luminosity levels also parallel Earth’s present global warming trend. But you see, if it was the Sun after all, then man can’t be blamed, so global warming cultists don’t even acknowledge this as a possibility because to them it’s always about “greenhouse gases” and man’s meager contribution to those gases. And that’s the rub, they still haven’t proven CO2, Methane and water vapor are true “greenhouse” gases except at the theoretical level given the complexity of factors from the natural outgassing of the Earth’s crust and the mechanisms which purge the atmosphere of those gases over the long term.

    The Sun’s increasing gamma radiation levels are the first place we should look instead of sending trillions of dollars down the black hole of global warming fearmongering.

    Clearly, warmer, more temperate climates were a Godsend to life in general in antiquity, flora and fauna florished despite sea levels being far higher than they are today. There is science which seems to indicate the particulate pollution we have been creating the last 100 years has a cooling effect which is being masked by the natural global warming which is being measured today!

    Despite the left-wing moonbats’ utopian desire to have a pristine Earth where there is neither global warming or global cooling EVER HAPPENING, we have to ask ourselves: Given what we do know about our planet’s constantly changing cyclical climatological past, would we rather have global warming or global cooling? I for one would rather have global warming, who wants to live in an Ice Age?

    I hate to disabuse “climate change” cultists of their hysterical agenda but the reality is: climate will always be changing, (un)natural climate changes will not destroy mankind and, no, the sky isn’t falling.

    But a very real fact remains, the global warming movement is the newest religion of secular progressives. Man is a polluter sinner, global warming scientists are the new priesthood, give us your money to help fight evil polluters, we must confess our sin and repent of our polluting ways, if we don’t there is a coming Apocalypse, and global warming believers are the evangelists of this new religious movement. It’s no accident that the western media and global warming movers and shakers use the Christian metaphor to base their new religion upon. That’s why it has such a powerful appeal to the western mind. Even the Oriental mind is soon persuaded by the collective swoon the Occidental cultures are experiencing with regard to global warming prophets.

  • 102 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 9, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    RE: Global Warming~~

    Follow the money, as they say…..

  • 103 myword // Feb 9, 2007 at 2:07 pm


    Post #98

    That is an absolute stitch! : )

  • 104 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 9, 2007 at 2:10 pm


    Two more days after today left to infuse me. I am getting rather strung out as the steroids are starting to kick butt. I hope other than throwing my sugar out of kilter that there will be no other side effects. It seems like it is making my memory as bad as I can ever recall, but right now I can’t recall. sigh

  • 105 GnuCarSmell // Feb 9, 2007 at 2:29 pm

    This paternity dispute over Anna Nicole’s baby got me thinking “what the heck, might as well throw my DNA in the ring.” Even if my DNA is not a perfect match, I would pledge to raise little Dannielynn as if she were my own daughter, buy her several nice homes with my newfound wealth, nice cars, a new boat, world travel, 60-inch hi-def TV, you name it.

    There’s so much I want to do for this child…

  • 106 boberinyetagain // Feb 9, 2007 at 3:50 pm

    Hank, a side effect of reducing the factors of global warming (real or imagined as it may be) would be breathable air.
    I for one, am for breathable air whatever it may take to get there…show of hands….anyone?

  • 107 tomg // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:02 pm

    Instead of determining if there is any global climate change and what caused it, if anything, and who is that poor girl’s dad, and do I have to pay my taxes this year again, I was thinking of just voting 1-0 on non-binding resolutions to express my concern, good-heartedness, and general desire to be responsible intead of actually stepping up to the plate.

    boberinyetagain - nuclear

  • 108 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:02 pm

    So after a tutoring session from RedPepper, what I wanted to type in post # 98 is check out the Breck Girl/Boy here! (fingers crossed…)

  • 109 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    TomG, applause, applause!! The perfect solution….let’s see how the suggestion is received……(as in you ain’t putting those darn wind generators where we have to look at ‘em!!)

  • 110 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:22 pm

    Not sure what happened to the words of praise and gratitude I typed for RedPepper for his lesson, but they mysteriously disappeared! Many thanks!! (And I should’ve used was instead of is and there should have been some punctuation used after whichever word aw….fuggetaboudit!!)

  • 111 da Bunny // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:24 pm

    According to algore, et al, “global warming” is caused by greenhouse gases in the form of carbon dioxide. [CO2] Carbon dioxide is what we are all exhaling right now, it is taken in by plants, and converted into oxygen by those plants, for us to have air to breathe. This is a naturally occuring phenomenon, designed by our Creator. The sun, the oceans, volcanoes, etc. all produce far more “greenhouse gases” than humanity ever could, again, as designed by our Creator. There would be no “breathable air” [oxygen] without there being CO2. Why do some people continue to insist upon confusing CO2 with “pollutants?”

    And, btw…anyone see that scare tactic photo of the polar bears “stranded” up on top of “melting” glaciers? First thing that popped into my mind was how the LSM thinks were all a bunch of gullible idiots. Polar bears can swim! Anyone who has EVER been to a zoo should know that! But, of course, thinking for oneself isn’t encouraged anymore, now, is it?

  • 112 boberinyetagain // Feb 9, 2007 at 4:42 pm

    nukular? yeah baby!

  • 113 Mack // Feb 9, 2007 at 5:25 pm

    It’s Friday and I am on call. Boberin, I have to be honest, I didn’t miss you. I am sure you didn’t miss me either. I hold no ill will toward you, but you are just not my favorite person. I think the half truths of your arguments may have something to do with it. Or perhaps your inability to accept that the world is not black and white and that there are imperfections in everything formed by man.

    That being said I have lots of things I can say bad about conservatives, I am one so it is easy to point fingers. They stayed away from the polls in droves during the midterms which gave Nancy P a military jet to ride back and forth to San Francisco. Or the bunch who got voted out of office for failing to live up to the “Contract with America” which inspired that afore mentioned lack luster turn out.

    The war, is being fought because it must be. The enemy has a funny habit of murdering people and we are doing our best to stop them on their own turf. As with all wars, the enemy isn’t going to lay down and die just because we showed up. If they did the threat of a fight would have been enough.

    The environment has exposure to pollutants. If we decide we want to be Amish I am sure the air will be cleaner but I will forgo the horse and buggy for my car. Things could be better, drilling in Anwar would make it better and would cut some of the cash flowing into the pockets of the people who are trying to wipe us off the planet, but I don’t see that happening until we have another oil embargo and people have to wait in line for gas again. At that point during the Carter administration they decided the Alaskan pipeline wasn’t such a bad idea.

    So the big picture is, the world is imperfect and contrary to popular belief the liberals won’t improve upon it by telling half truths and ignoring the reality of evil people and evil intentions.

  • 114 boberinyetagain // Feb 9, 2007 at 5:32 pm

    mack, I love you, really

    you have a point about the Amish, the earth might even be able to support all inhabitants at that level. I’m not sure what’s so scary about it, if all had that much it would be fine. House, food, clothes, heat. Pretty much the whole deal.
    Truth is (and we all know it) for everyone that rises above those basics there is an equal and opposite person that doesn’t have them.
    Sorry to be so blunt but in your hear of hearts you know it to be true.
    Sure, like you, I have much more of all of those things than I require, don’t really feel all that bad about it but I can see limiting ourselves just a little (just a little) to enable the “have nots” to get just a tad better off.

  • 115 Mack // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:02 pm


    That would be true, but again you told a half truth. It is a proven fact that if you take care of people they won’t take care of themselves. Case in Point, New Orleans and the Katrina people who still are waiting on the government to rebuild their houses so they can move back in.

    A lot have rebuilt on their own, businesses and homes alike. The ones who wait on the tax payers to cough up the cash are still waiting. I have no problem helping people who can’t help themselves. I do that all the time in many ways. I have a big problem with some one thinking they are entitled to anything I have just because they don’t have it.

  • 116 Darthmeister // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:02 pm

    Hank, a side effect of reducing the factors of global warming (real or imagined as it may be) would be breathable air.

    Are you sayin’ the air ain’t breathable? What, you been living on bottled oxygen the last four decades?

    You ever been in a cow town with animal waste on the ground? Now there’s some unbreathable air yet that’s the era in which the Amish have frozen themselves.

  • 117 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    In my opinion, deforestation poses a far more insidious threat to mankind’s continued existence than any gases dissipating into the stratosphere, ionosphere or whatever-sphere.

    As far as Polar Bears are concerned, I think they’re really cool but, well, as long as there are cows around to eat, I don’t really need them.

    Yeah, yeah, I know: Then there would be an explosion in the seal population. But I think they are edible.

  • 118 Darthmeister // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:29 pm

    da Bunny, you probably already know this but the photo with the two “stranded” polar bears was actually shot in 2004 and was originally captioned something like “polar bear and cub playing on a wave-sculpted iceburg” by the photographer.

    Apparently the the bears swam to the burg out of curiosity and the photo was then shot. The idea that polar bears are drowning or are being denied their natural habitat because of melting ice due to global warming is simply ludicrous. Bears are migratory creatures, well adapted to colder and even warmer climates and can actually swim anywhere from twenty to forty miles in arctic water. The bears aren’t stupid, unless that’s another aspect of global warming we haven’t been aware of, the lower of IQs among polar bears … and left-wing moonbats.

    Shows you what a bunch of manipulative liars global warming cultists are, particularly when they focus on certain polar bear populations that may have experienced declines in the last couple of decades even though the overall polar populations have increased dramatically since the 1970s. If the overall evidence for “man-made” global warming is so compelling and therefore presents a clear and present danger to life on Earth as we know it, why do these cultists have to resort to reckless photographic fabrications and the such? Bah, humbug!

  • 119 Effeminem // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:52 pm

    Well, investing in the stock market creates efficient production, so you can help the poor, save the environment, and make money by doing it. But I guess the Razr Phone is more fun than 2 shares of Microsoft.

    Anyone ever heard of the Hubbert Peak? Right now we’re just racing against time. If we can colonize space or get to the second coming, we win. If we run out of oil or make the ozone unbreathable first, we lose.

    Stagnation leads to death too.

  • 120 Effeminem // Feb 9, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    Wow, I sound like a crazy street preacher or Hank. Just bear in mind that that post was on topic. : |

  • 121 conserve-a-tips // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:10 pm

    Boberin: You need to move here to Oklahoma. We’re breathing just fine. I just stepped out onto the deck and took a big wiff. I don’t know anybody who isn’t breathing well in my state - except those in the morgue - oh yeah, and the lady that I saw at Walmart today with one of those oxygen tanks for lung diseases - but the rest of us are enjoying air. I’ve been other places in the Northern Hemisphere and everybody has been breathing there too. Where do you live???

    I just love your platitudes about people who don’t have as much as you and how we should all have to be restricted in order for others to get theirs. I ask you to consider today vs. 1919. Think about a person who was poor then. That person was lucky to eat, much less have decent clothes or a place to live. I read an article the other day that stated that 1/2 of today’s “poor” actually owns their own home. It may be small, but it is theirs. And they have a dishwasher and washer and dryer and cars and clothes, etc. Today’s poor is yesterday’s middle class.

    And then I ask, if you think that we should all be restricted and possibly go back to the way of life of the Amish, why haven’t you? The Amish haven’t waited on anything. They practice what they preach. I would like to know why you haven’t given up your car and your bank accounts and why you aren’t growing all of your own food, milking your own cows, churning your own butter, canning your food and reading by the light of a kerosene lantern? Why aren’t you cooking your food on a Monarch wood cookstove like I have? Oh? It burns wood? It makes smoke? Well, guess what the Amish use. There are many of us on this board that do much of what I have just asked you about. We do live simple lives, can, grow, churn and bake and are very frugal. The trouble with you liberals is that you think you know what is best for everybody else, but are not willing to practice it yourself.

  • 122 upnorthlurkin // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:23 pm

    The air up here is also clear and clean. This morning (at -18°) it hurt a little to take a big, deep breath because of the chill. You could also drink out of a few of our lakes and streams if you really needed a drink. Ours is one of the only industrial countries that cleans up after itself. Lots of complaining and whining without ever offering a solution save raising taxes or just plain stealing from those willing to work hard! Same old same old.

  • 123 GnuCarSmell // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    Is it just me, or is Al Gore turning into a manatee? Lately, he looks like he just emerged from the warm coastal waters of Florida. If we don’t reverse global warming now, I fear we may lose Al forever.

  • 124 The Great Santini // Feb 9, 2007 at 7:57 pm


    Manatee? Close, but no cigar. al-Gore is a grouper. Make a note of that.

  • 125 Beerme // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    Hank, a side effect of reducing the factors of global warming (real or imagined as it may be) would be breathable air.
    I for one, am for breathable air whatever it may take to get there…show of hands….anyone?

    Comment by boberinyetagain — February 9, 2007 @ 3:50 pm

    I know…this is too easy, but…isn’t that the point? It is all about what you will do to avoid the “global warming”, if you can at all. Most of us are not willing to stake our futures and the futures of our children on a possibility that we might be able to slow or halt “global warming”.

    Now, the issue of clean air is another issue altogether but I have a feeling most of the “gloom and doom team” wouldn’t believe that our air quality is pretty darn good and getting better every day. I’ll bet Boberin lives in an area that has “some of the worst air quality in the nation”, as commonly reported in many of the nation’s newspapers. Here’s an article by Joel Schwartz that details much of the biased, untrue hysteria that Americans believe, out of hand about their air quality.

  • 126 GnuCarSmell // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:04 pm

    Santini - If Al is a grouper, his followers must be groupies. Greenie Groupies. Or something like that…

  • 127 Beerme // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:08 pm

    How would you like to buy your gas from a station that doesn’t get any gas or oil from a terrorist-sponsoring state or any oil or gas from the Middle East at all? A gas station that sells only Terror-Free gas would make me pretty happy!

    Man, I’d like to own and operate one of these!

  • 128 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:33 pm


    I can attest to the fact that we clean up our own mess. Growing up in the 50’s here in the dirty ol’ factory town I can guarantee you the air WAS dirty as well as the rivers here abouts were filthy.

    Well, the rubber dust no longer settles on your car, the factories no longer blow the whistles and the fish no longer float to the top of the rivers-and there are no longer good paying factory jobs.

    Akron no longer has the big three tire companies and the big old factories are now just warehousing for whatever little company wants space to do whatever in.

    All the surrounding communities no longer have industry either. The railroad tracks are weed paths leading nowhere.

    The air is cleaner and the rivers can be fished from again-sort of, but the only jobs now are in all the big hospitals that become the new industry of NE Ohio. As for the waste, I have no idea what they do with the old bladders, kidneys and other body parts when they are removed, maybe dump them in the rivers for the fish to eat.

    China and India are now what America was in the 50’s. Will they to clean up the rivers in 30 or 40 years, ehh, I doubt it.

  • 129 Darthmeister // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    Terror-free gas? Now there’s a marketing scheme, Beerme.

  • 130 nylecoj // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:46 pm

    Did someone say nuclear? Now you are talking!
    Clean, safe efficient American made energy.
    And if the policy put forth during the Carter administration that does not allow for re-use of partially spent fuel gets reversed it will really be clean, not to mention efficient because reprocessing will cut the half life of the waste down to tens of years.

  • 131 conserve-a-tips // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:47 pm

    Ms Rightwing, Ink: That was a very, very good post. I hadn’t really thought of it like that, but you are so right. In the 50’s, when I was small, I remember Nashville being just icky. If you played outside, you came back in just sooty. I remember my mom being so frustrated when she hung out clothes because they came in gray from all of the coal soot. China is the US in the 50’s. That was pretty smart!

    And I will throw something else in there. I have been mulling over Boberin’s stupid expectations over dinner (can we say indigestion?) and I have decided to offer a challenge to the left. I want to challenge the elitists of the left to come down to my level and live just like me for a year. I want them to put all of their money into a blind trust and then take jobs paying between $40000 and $75000 per year (I’ll give them a little leeway). I want them to buy a house on that salary, put 4 kids through college and save for retirement just as if they are going to be doing that for the rest of their lives. And then at the end of the year, I want them to tell me that if they want to redistribute the wealth that they will start with their own blind trusts, in order to continue living just like I do. I guess you might say that I want them to put their money where their mouth is. It has to start with someone!! :wink:

  • 132 da Bunny // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:50 pm

    One simple question to ask of all the “global warming” fanatics:

    What human activity ended the last Ice Age?

    Until someone can answer this question with facts, spare the rest of us the hype and hysteria about the “evils” of human existence on this planet.

    [hat tip to Michael Savage]

  • 133 onlineanalyst // Feb 9, 2007 at 8:53 pm

    How about some campaign announcement speech cliche-o-matic? Here is the formula.


    If you are in the mood for more satire, in fact several weeks’ worth, try this site:
    The thread about Jon Carry in his NASA suit seeing his shadow (a la the groundhog) is a hoot.

    Frankly, I need some humor right now because Murtha’s threatening the DOD and funding for the Iraq surge in order to protect his gal Nanny Pulloutsi’s request for a 757 with full accoutrements for her travel needs is a real abuse of power. By both of them. Napoleon may have crowned himself, but it appears that Josephine/Nancy has not only cracked the marble ceiling, she has lost all proportion of her worth to the nation.

    It’s time to put all of these Dhimmi crackpots on their own individual ice floes in a form of “Survivor” and see if Captain Algore can save them.

  • 134 onlineanalyst // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:20 pm

    Here’s an interesting tidbit that the Lamestream Media are not apt to share. This comes from NRO’s Iain Murray at “The Corner”.

    These Aren’t the Emissions You’re Looking for [Iain Murray]

    Yesterday, Tony Snow came out and said what we’ve been wishing he’d do for ages – that Europe’s performance in restricting carbon dioxide emissions since 2000 has been worse than America’s. Of course, the Democrats and greens have been apoplectic at this praise of America and denigration of their beloved Europe and have issued charts showing how America’s performance since 1990 and 1995 has been worse than Europe’s. True, but that’s not what Tony Snow said. Since 2000, and you can see this if you look at the charts they’ve put out, Europe’s CO2 emissions have clearly risen faster than America’s. The only reason Europe looks better when you include the 1990s is that the baselines chosen include the British dash-for-gas, when North Sea gas replaced coal as the source of most of Britain’s electricity, and the closure of the East German smokestack industries. And that’s precisely why the EU foisted a 1990 baseline on the world at the Kyoto negotiations in 1997. Now that the gains from those two one-off events have disappeared, Europe’s advantage has disappeared. The response is just a Jedi mind trick, or a three-card monty, if you’d prefer.

    One other thing the charts reveal is that US emissions rose much faster under President Clinton than under President Bush. There was someone else in the Clinton administration, wasn’t there? I wonder who that was.

    Nylecoj: You are correct re nuclear energy. In fact, why has no one criticized France for pursuing that route for decades. After all, if Ahmadaboutjihad in Iran can pursue nuclear energy when he is sitting on vast oil reserves- and he gets a “pass” from the Leftie pacifists-why does not our own nation do so as well?

  • 135 Mack // Feb 9, 2007 at 9:41 pm

    I think that the worst thing that could have happened to the Democratic Presidential hopes for 2008, was their victory in the last election. Like it or not they now have power. With Power comes responsibility. If Murtha were to hold up the military budget so Nancy could ride in better air planes, it would be political suicide for the whole party in the general election.

    This would be worth billions in campaign commercial fodder. Much Like the famous John Kerry “I voted for it before I voted against it” remark it would prove how petty they are. It will make Pelosi look even worse in that she is letting him do it and doesn’t have the brains or leadership to straighten him out. Banner on the top of the page, “Democrats are more worried about personal comfort than our troops. The screen splits to show infantry on debris littered streets in Iraq and the other Nancy Pelosi’s ride with the cost prominently displayed.

    Or they could compare the cost to what a C-141 hauling wounded troops from Iraq to Germany would cost. This would leave the image of the troops in canvas jump seats while Nancy rides in luxury on our dime. Frankly they are their own worst enemies. They have been in control about a month and this is what they show us. I can’t wait to see what petty fogging fool thing they do next.

  • 136 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 9, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    re:130 conserve-a-tips

    I’ll do you one better, though I think your idea is better, more manageable if you will. I will ask them to live on my $620 a month disability check. No more fancy cars, or likely no car at all, no fancy restaurants, just McDonalds and forget the shopping binges at the mall.

    Oh, I eat rather well because I have learned as a chef how to stretch things, spice them up and make it look good.

    I’m not crying the blues. My warm bed with some nice entertainment thingys about the house are fine though my cable bill nearly kills me. I can enjoy a lot of little things that several years ago when I made the big bucks never crossed my mind very much.

    But let them also live here in the government subsidized apartment. Ha! not for long and they would run back the suburbia. Heck I would to.

  • 137 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 9, 2007 at 10:43 pm

    Hey, this anti-global warming isn’t so bad after all. Crime is down.

  • 138 onlineanalyst // Feb 9, 2007 at 11:13 pm

    On a drive back from an errand of mercy, I was tuned in on the FM-radio to a segment of Sean Hannity when he was “engaged” in a phone interview with the imam who led the opening prayer at the latest DNC confab. The iman went absolutely ballistic, refusing to answer even one direct and politely phrased question and escalating his furious non-sequiturs the whole while. Truly, he sounded like a madman…and his message was that we should be passive pacifists or else.

    Nevertheless, the Iranians (and their influence) in Iraq are on the run. Let’s face it, the ME is a “macho” society that respects power, and the surge is asserting a power that the ME mind respects.

    Check this out:
    “The terrorists are on the run for one reason only: they fear the United States.

    “In Tehran, they are now referring to the United States as mar-rouye domesh vastadeh – the Cobra standing on his tail,” says Shahriar Ahy, an Iranian-born political analyst who helped build the post-war broadcasting network in Iraq.

    “The sea-change began on January 10, when President George W. Bush announced that the United States would no longer tolerate Iranian and Syrian intelligence officers using Iraq as a playground for their murderous games.”

    Read it all: in the article by Kenneth R. Timmerman.

    Will the Lamestream Media note the news?

  • 139 Harry Daschle // Feb 9, 2007 at 11:23 pm

    egospeak, re:#40: That is exactly the reason for the name! In my earlier evil days I was a president of a local union. I met politicians along with a LOT of union people at the international level. I found that MOST of these people eventually all became the same person, or at least acted just like them.

    Some, (perhaps a lot of them), started out with the right motives, but the further up the ladder they climbed, the more they started resembling the person they had replaced!

    The sorry thing is, for some when they realized this fact, they tried to put an “identity” on their tenure, and actually became worse than the one they replaced.

  • 140 Darthmeister // Feb 10, 2007 at 9:34 am

    More global warming lies debunked. Apparently the Greenland glaciers aren’t melting as fast as global warming scientists hysterically claimed.

    Global climate is far more complex than global warming cultists are willing to admit.

  • 141 RedPepper // Feb 10, 2007 at 9:53 am

    “The home is a monster. It’s way over the top,” Johnson said. “There’s no way that a normal family could ever need a house like that. It’s only going to hurt him. I don’t think he’s going to be able to sell his story that he’s for the poor people.”

    Which America does John Edwards live in?

  • 142 RedPepper // Feb 10, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    John Edwards, of course, should not be confused with the famous Colonial American theologian and preacher Jonathan Edwards . An excerpt from one of his sermons :

    Unconverted men walk over the pit of hell on a rotten covering, and there are innumerable places in this covering so weak that they will not bear their weight, and these places are not seen.

  • 143 RedPepper // Feb 10, 2007 at 1:09 pm

    Jonathan Edwards’ most famous sermon was called Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God .

    The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment.

  • 144 Fred Sinclair // Feb 11, 2007 at 9:57 am

    #143 RedPepper - thanks for the posting. I wish I could post the entire sermon (but I won’t) One of the greatest sermons ever preached anywhere, by anyone!

    It was preached to non-Christians and the beautiful part is in its describing with incredible accuracy the non-Christian’s precarious position in the eon’s of time. And yet, from that position, any one can Believe in God’s love gift - His Son, Jesus, the Christ - in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God and not of works lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2:8,9)

    So that in all of mankind, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23) we are comprised of two groups only. Group 1 = Sinners saved by Gods grace (unmerited favor) and Group 2 = Sinners who are not saved.

    This “All roads lead to Rome balogna is just that; balogna sliced and served by the Deciever himself. “It doesen’t really matter what you believe, so long as you believe in something.” or “All faiths lead, by different routes, to Heaven.”

    That’s how you get to earn yourself a “72 year old virgin”, although some of the poorer translations render that portion as “72 virgins”.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 145 Rock Slatestone // Feb 12, 2007 at 7:16 am

    Quick, somebody get a surge protector.

  • 146 kajun // Feb 12, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    da Bunny

    Re: #81

    Drive faster! You won’t get rear-ended as easy.

  • 147 Pelosi: Iraq Failure Due to High Troop Morale « tmq2 // Feb 15, 2007 at 9:15 pm

    [...] From ScrappleFace: by Scott Ott [...]

  • 148 Pelosi: High Troop Morale Logical Cause of Failure | ZardozZ News and Reviews // Mar 26, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    [...] to do something rash, like vote his conscience.” — as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace Tags: politics, sarcasm, satire, zz Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook [...]

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