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Mondale Campaign Offers Reasons for Skipping Debate

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-11-02) — Minnesota surrogate Senate candidate Walter F. Mondale today offered reasons for skipping last night’s scheduled debate with the three other candidates. Actually, his campaign committee offered, in a hasty news release, the Top Ten Reasons I Missed the Debate.
10. The sun was in my eyes.
9. I had a roast in the oven.
8. I can reach more people face to face, traveling by bus, than on TV.
7. I had to go to a soccer game for my great, great, great, great grandson.
6. I’m still waiting to be told what I stand for.
5. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine, and Norm Coleman is no Jack Kennedy.
4. What debate?
3. I was rolling over my 401K.
2. The debate was after my bedtime.
1. Paul Wellstone would have wanted me to skip the debate.

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Cold Fury // Nov 4, 2002 at 1:45 pm

    Ott Rocks!

    Here’s one of those funny-in-a-bitterly-painful-way sorts of things that Scrappleface has elevated to an art form: Mondale’s Top Ten Reasons