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Bush Gives Top Ten Positive Outcomes of Election

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 120 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-11-08) — President George Bush, in an effort to lift the spirits of dejected Republicans after Democrats yesterday took the House and perhaps the Senate, this morning issued his Top Ten list of Positive Outcomes from the Election.

10. New York Times and CNN will carry much less negative news about Congress.
9. Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee lost and Connecticut Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman won, a net gain of two for the GOP.
8. We may finally get to see the Democrat plan for victory in Iraq.
7. Taxpayers will be relieved of the burden of making so many investment decisions.
6. Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is now available for Supreme Court appointment.
5. Possible reduction in attacks on our troops in Iraq, since terrorists fear attorneys.
4. NSA agents could soon be freed from having to listen to annoying terrorist chatter.
3. Lynn Swann will be remembered as a great wide receiver during the Pittsburgh Steelers 1970s dynasty.
2. Since a lot of the polling places are in church buildings, millions of Democrats actually went to church yesterday.
1. C-Span could get a ratings boost for new reality show: Impeachment 2007

In addition, the president noted that “millions of American Democrats will sleep more peacefully now that they are assured that Karl Rove doesn’t control everything.”

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120 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 8, 2006 at 6:53 am

    God Bless America!

  • 2 camojack // Nov 8, 2006 at 6:58 am

    #2 was the funniest.

    But as I said on the previous thread, yesterday’s word was vote. For the next 2 years, we will probably be seeing a lot more of its anagram: veto.

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 8, 2006 at 7:02 am

    “8. We may finally get to see the Democrat plan for victory in Iraq.”

    Yeah, hand it over to the terrorists.

    I had so hoped that the American people would think for themselves and not be herded by LLL/MSM lies. I’m disappointed.

    I fear that all the gains of the last six years are down the toilet.

    The future of this country is in real jeopardy.

  • 4 Sandy Burglar // Nov 8, 2006 at 7:08 am

    To any conservatives that sat it out to teach the republicans a lesson…

    I hope you’re happy. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.


  • 5 camojack // Nov 8, 2006 at 7:18 am

    Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.
    Comment by Sandy Burglar — November 8, 2006 @ 7:08 am

    Indeed. Second in line to the Presidency; that is a scary thought!

  • 6 tomg // Nov 8, 2006 at 7:49 am

    Karl Rove works in mysterious ways.

  • 7 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:14 am

    Good one, Scott!

    With respect to the War on Terror, the Democrats have made good on their suicide pact. Unfortunately it affects us, too.

    Last night I got the impression that the Dems conducted themselves like a bunch of drunks in a bar who, after being left the last ones standing, declare their “victory” a just cause.

  • 8 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:15 am

    …FOX News ate my post.

  • 9 Possumtrot // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:25 am

    What a great list! I wish I’d-a-thunk of that!

    America’s a strong nation; we can survive two years of socialism and clueless leadership by a wild-eyed harridan.

    There are some dark mutterings at United Possums International.

    No one took me up on my standard election year bet. That $100 bill is still under the paperweight.

  • 10 wildhowd // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:28 am

    Rick Santorum for governor of Pennsylvania in 2010

  • 11 gafisher // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:29 am

    I would not want to be an Iraqi today; Cambodia demonstrated the Dem’s “plan for victory” in Vietnam.

    My prayers are with our troops; America still supports you, even if our Congress does not.

  • 12 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:32 am

    As many of you know I worked the voting booth yesterday. My top ten list is-never work the polls again. I ached so bad and my mind went kapoot like a burst balloon. Thank God we were not one forced to stay open till 9, like many.

    Our ballots were way to long (you can no longer smoke in Ohio) and they would not tear from the sheets, so they were shredded before the get go.

    I worked in a highly Democratic area and they showed up like crows in a garbage dump. I don’t know how many Republicans showed up, but the Dems were angry, you could see it on their face.

    So roll on big government. Ohio is a creepy place to live and now will be a more creepy place.

    But Ohio Repubs, by and large were so corrupt they needed to be tossed out. sigh

  • 13 CalGirl // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:50 am

    I am just glad we don’t have to listen to weeks of “Diebold cheated!”

    Small consolation, but there you have it.

    But as I said on the previous thread, yesterday’s word was vote. For the next 2 years, we will probably be seeing a lot more of its anagram: veto.

    I hope you’re right and this defeat puts some spine back into the GOP.

  • 14 Maggie // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:52 am

    Good Morning Scrapplers.

    I used to sing a song to my chiildren when they fell down:

    Pick yourself up
    Brush yourself off and
    start all over again.

    May I also offer my congratulations to Nancy Pelosi…..the best man won. America wanted change and we got it…….short changed.

  • 15 antodav // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:08 am

    How can United Possums POSSIBLY support Arnold Schwartzenneger for the Presidency?! The man is the biggest RINO who ever lived. We’d get a more conservative presidency from Hillary. You’re nuts.

    Rick Santorum was the only truly conservative candidate with a strong chance of nationwide victory in 2008. His campaign went down in flames last night, and while that doesn’t necessarily kill him for a national campaign, he now has a record as a loser, which doesn’t give me high hopes for him winning the nomination in this increasingly power-obsessed, RINO-controlled party.

    In a word, we are FRAKED. The best we can hope for is JOHN FREAKING MCCAIN. Don’t kid yourself.

    Ironically, here in Tennessee was one of the only places in the country where a Republican actually defeated a Democrat, but it was a liberal RINO defeating a Blue Dog conservative Democrat. Naturally all our talk radio stations are spinning this as a Republican “bright spot.” Whatever.

  • 16 antodav // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:11 am

    Bah. That was me. Stupid username thing.

  • 17 Crowhill Weblog » Blog Archive » I hope Bush and the Republicans are sufficiently chastened // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:20 am

    [...] And for a humorous look at the election results, see Bush Gives Top Ten Positive Outcomes of Election [...]

  • 18 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:25 am

    re:14 I so strongly agree. As old as I am, I have survived many administrations, and I will survive this one.

    Hey, I survived LBJ and Carter too.

  • 19 jimmytheleg // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:28 am

    Ms RW, I hope that you at least got to go inside unlike myself. I worked the exit polls in super blue little Rhodie, former elective home of Linc (Rino-Virginia). Of course we lucked out, it didn’t start raining till 7:30. And our polls are open till 9.
    Well let’s get the popcorn ready because the show is comming to town.
    I’m on the lookout for an “Infidel” tee shirt, because Nurse Nancy and friends will make it illegal to wear “Blasphmous Clothing” in preperation for Sharia.
    G-d Save America.

  • 20 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:41 am

    Last night was a failure of Republicanism not conservatism.

    Unlike the Democratic Party of no ideas and no agenda but cut-and-run and impeachment, it’s time for conservatives to do the heavy lifting and make another contract with middle America over the next two years. We can write off the lunatic left fringe since it would be impossible to wean them off their kool-aid of hate. I believe the coming attempts to ramrod the radical policies of the left will prove to be the DemDonks Achilles heel in the coming years as well as the gathering storm clouds of global Muslim fascism as we witness Europe gradually succumb to an ever encroaching Islamic caliphate skillfully disguised as “multi-culturalism”.

  • 21 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 9:49 am

    What happened to all the voting irregularity news stories?

  • 22 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:00 am

    The Wrath of God is warming up in the bullpen.

  • 23 Bill's Bites // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:05 am

    Bush Gives Top Ten Positive Outcomes of Election…

    Bush Gives Top Ten Positive Outcomes of ElectionScott Ott (Who else could see anything positive about last night?) (2006-11-08) — President George Bush, in an effort to lift the spirits of dejected Republicans after Democrats yesterday took the House …

  • 24 Public Eye » Blog Archive » Bush Loses Election, Still President // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:09 am

    [...] How this shocking development impacts America is still unknown. Related: Wizbang, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, IMAO, Jo's Cafe, NIF, WuzzaDem, TNOYF, ScrappleFace Posted by Bachman Filed in News [...]

  • 25 RedPepper // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:11 am

    #12 Ms RW: ” … but Ohio Repubs … were so corrupt they needed to be tossed out.”

    Reminds me of a scrap of dialogue from Clint Eastwood’s film Unforgiven :

    The Schofield Kid : “Well … I guess he had it comin’.”

    Will Munny : “Kid … we all got it comin’.”

  • 26 Fred Sinclair // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:19 am

    Every once in awhile Israel would go off on a tangent worshiping false gods and God would bring His judgement on them. Slavery in Egypt for hundreds of years was one, extermination under Adolph Hitler was another.

    America has so turned it’s back on God, that yesterday we were put under the heel of God’s dicipline. Eight years of Bill Clinton wasn’t enough, so He allowed Satan a temporary win. Satan and Osama Ben Laden are partying big time today.

    I hope and pray that America will repent and turn again to God. It will be difficult with the Communist wielding power in the House of Representatives but it can be done.

    Jonah 1:2 “Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before Me.”

    Nineveh did it and so can America. We have moved a long way from “Leave it to Beaver” and “Father Knows Best” now we have “Desperate Housewives” and “Sex in the City” to educate our children. It may take quite awhile to regain God’s Blessings. If it can be done before Jesus returns.

    I think it was Will Rogers who said: “People usually get the kind of government they deserve.”

    Fred Sinclair, Heirborn Ranger

  • 27 upnorthlurkin // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:27 am

    Ms RW, good job! I also worked the polls and have doubts I’ll ever do it again. Up at 4:30, to work by 6am so we could open at 7. Talking and writing till 8pm with few if any breaks….at least it was busy so the time flew until about 6pm. I live in one of the poorest precincts in town and it’s always depressing! Luckily the district we’re in is still very conservative. I’m so sick of the state I live in who of course returned two of our 3 stooges to DC. I’m scared for America.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:29 am

    Hey! I thought we had a deal with Dieboldâ„¢!

    …ignorant conspiratoral moonbats.

  • 29 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:31 am


    From Leave it to Beaver to Beavis and Butthead on the backs of liberals, right?

    We’ve come a long way, baybeeee!

  • 30 tomg // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:38 am

    Think of this as an opportunity for the dems to install Cheney as President and for him to appoint Rice as VP

  • 31 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:42 am

    Maybe the Ninevah period started with Reagan and is now over.

    At least when we get whacked we will know that God cares.

  • 32 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:47 am

    Now that I had a shower and washed the film of liberalism off my body and a few aches have been toned down a bit, I can maybe think with a little logic.

    If you lived in Ohio there would be no surprises this morning. Governor Rhodes was a do nothing leader that let business race out of Ohio like a mule with kerosene up his rear. He was a country club Rhino with an administration as corrupt as anything we have seen in modern times.

    Now, I must agree when when it come to political decisions, Ohio still had a large number of Demos in the state house, but I am not going to cry about that. The tax code for new businesses was terrible, as was the codes for existing businesses. If it was not for medical facilities-we would be bankrupt. High taxes and no labor jobs killed Ohio.

    Ohio is a blue collar union state and when there is no factory jobs for the laborers, then the Demos have a hemorrhage. And when the governor falls into corruption, then all Repubs go down with him.

    Conservative issues like keeping gambling out of Ohio passed, so issues can pass but delegates don’t. So after a long, long day of people saying we need a change, but not knowing what direction we needed to change, they “lemming” themselves into the ocean of sorrow,

  • 33 nylecoj // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:48 am

    Excellent take on all this

  • 34 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:53 am

    (You know the tune)

    Break out the Burkas and the Beards
    You freakin Christians are so weird
    Kill that Jew under the rock over there
    God’s strappin America in the chair

    Clackity, clack
    An AK shoots back

    Marxist-Leninism is all through
    Public-Private partnership on the move
    21st Century Fascism in disquise
    Planning board development on the rise

    Clackity clack
    An AK shoots back

    Gotta finish stockin’ food
    Potassium Iodine in the room
    The sky rolls back just like a scroll
    The pale horse gonna take his toll

    Clackity clack
    An AK shoots back

  • 35 conserve-a-tips // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:54 am

    Well guys…it is bright and sunny today, but I fear that there is a black cloud that is here for awhile.

    I am furious at the Republicans who stayed home…and they did according to the news…because what they have done is said that they are not really Republicans who honor our right and our duty to vote, or who believe in standing for conservative values. Shays, Chaffee and Dewine needed to go, but to vote out Allen and Santorum and Talent? I truly think that there is going to be a third, conservative, party form…I know that I will join it…and the Democrats will be far left, the Republicans will be a combination of more conservative Democrats and RINO’s in the middle standing for whatever feels good at the moment and the conservatives will have a new party of accountability, smaller government, fewer taxes, more state control and more support for the military.

    As it is now, we get to look forward to this for the next two years. Thanks loads, to those who asked for this.

    Just remember:
    They said to him [Samuel], “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, like all the other nations have. But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you…The people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. :We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us…” 1 Samuel 8:5-20

    Well, in a nation that God actually took out of bondage from the land of England, the people have asked to have political correctness and entitlement to be their king, rather then God, demanding that the US of A be just like the other nations. God gave Israel a king. God has given the people of the US what they asked for. God help us.

  • 36 Mrs. Kajun // Nov 8, 2006 at 10:57 am

    Kajun hasn’t gotten up the energy to get on his computer yet, but I have informed him of the good news (local) and bad news (national).

    He said, “For goodness sake, we need to make sure that President Bush and VP Cheney both stay in an undisclosed location at all times-and tell Dick Cheney to keep his shotgun loaded!

  • 37 Mrs. Kajun // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:00 am

    Sorry-I forgot to put the quotation marks at the end.

  • 38 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:03 am

    Gee I wonder if the Islamists are planning to bump off the Prez and Veep and thereby win the war. (in Iraq?) NO! The War.

  • 39 conserve-a-tips // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:08 am

    nylecoj- thank you for that link. Really, really good.

  • 40 How Bad Will It Be? « Eli Dourado // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:10 am

    [...] Scrappleface notes at least 2 major effects of last night’s Democratic election victory. First, we may finally get to see the Democratic plan for victory in Iraq. Second, Rick Santorum is now available for Supreme Court nomination. [...]

  • 41 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:12 am

    Oh dear, not alive yet

    “Ohio is a blue collar union state and when there is no factory jobs:

    sounds like I grew up somewhere else. Take out is and replace with are.

    No red stickers on my chart today

  • 42 For The Joy » Getting Killed // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:15 am

    [...] Sigh. But on a happier note (2006-11-08) — President George Bush, in an effort to lift the spirits of dejected Republicans after Democrats yesterday took the House and perhaps the Senate, this morning issued his Top Ten list of Positive Outcomes from the Election. [...]

  • 43 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:18 am


    How was your feast of crow last night?

    You guys sure have a great way of turning lemons into lemonade. When it comes down to it, the vote demonstrates that Bush is on the wrong track and voters overwhelmingly reject his agenda. What a great day for america!

    And, regarding the two outstanding senate races, I’d much rather be the democrat than the republican.

    snicker snicker snicker….

  • 44 Just Ranting // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:30 am

    Rick Santorum for President in 2008!!!

  • 45 nylecoj // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:32 am

    When I think that my home state voted to raise our electricity prices, not require compensation when Government regulation damages use or value of private property, and to keep the estate tax……I kinda figure a couple of years of the Dhims playing house isn’t going to be that bad. We’ve weathered worse.

  • 46 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:34 am

    Pedro - Don’t you mean, “what a great day for Amerikkka”?

  • 47 Shelly // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:40 am

    I think the important thing about this election is that the Dems who won had to run as conservatives. Everybody in this election was against illegal immigration. Nancy Pelosi said that there will be no impeachment. They all pretended to support tax cuts. Either they will vote the way they promised - in which case we’re fine - or they will about face on campaign promises and ensure their ouster in 2008. The leaders cannot act as centrists, so I figure it will be the latter and that will only help the GOP in the next presidential race. Besides, now we get to see the secret plan.

  • 48 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:40 am

    The Dhimmis plan revealed

    Malkin has it

    “We win or you cheated.”

  • 49 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:42 am

    To ensure that we honor the Dims call for a seperation of powers shouldn’t the Senate remain in Republican control?

  • 50 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:43 am

    We must honor the checks and balances that the founders intended right? Therefore the Senate should stay R no matter the vote. Right, Pedro, Liger, Everthink?

  • 51 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:49 am

    I haven’t been this kinda politically stoked since SKerry kinda won those 3 debates. Then the reality hits me that Cheney could be Prez. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I mean YEEEEEEAAAAARGGH!!

  • 52 da Bunny // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:50 am

    All the “voting irregularites” that were being reported yesterday by the LSM no longer exist. Reports of “voter intimidation” are also no longer an issue. No one on the left is whining about malfunctioning Diebold machines today. Of course, all of this is absolute PROOF that “disenfranchisement” only exists when dimocraps lose. It’s good to know that Osama/Al Qaeda/Iraqi “insurgents” were successful in getting out the vote here in the U.S. And, I’m certain you had a lot of help from the cemetary/felon/illegal alien vote, just like you planned.

    To all you celebrating liberals, patting yourselves on the back for your “victory,” congratulations! You’ll all get “the government you deserve.” And, without doubt, you liberals deserve every bad thing that will happen as the result of your “choices.” Dance in the light of your “father’s” flames…bask in the warmth. Enjoy it now, because “the here and now” are all YOU have to look forward to! :evil:

  • 53 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:50 am


    The depths of your ignorance is astounding.


    Pedro (Liger)

  • 54 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:50 am

    Oh, and Lil’ Blue Houses y’all!

  • 55 Pros and Cons » Humor is balm for the soul. // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:52 am

    [...] Scott Ott is good at it. [...]

  • 56 conserve-a-tips // Nov 8, 2006 at 11:55 am

    Actually, Pedro-the-illegal-Scrappleface-alien, last night was not a referendum on Bush, but on Congress. The average loss in a 6th presidential year election is 43 seats. The Republicans lost 32…so how is that a landslide? Considering all of the disasters like Katrina and Rita and the earthquake and on and on, I think they did remarkably well.

    But as to congress - Have you read the exit polls? Number one reason for dissatisfaction was Congress. And what was the number 1 issue? Corruption and lack of ethics - IN CONGRESS!!!!! The last time I counted, Congress was made up of both Democrats and Republicans, but since the Republicans were the majority, then corruption falls into their laps. If you look back over the recent years, corruption has been rampant in both parties, but the Republicans have to take the responsibility because they were the leaders. This election was about “Throw the bums out” - the incumbent bums that is. And so, Mr. Pay-me-yer-dough, ya’ll just keep thinking that this is about the President and just keep operating the way you have, because when the American people find out that ya’ll have been lying and can’t make this country have lower unemployment then 4.7% and that you won’t make our taxes lower (since you plan on letting the cuts expire) and that you really have no plan for Iraq and so nothing is really going to change and that spending is not going to get less, but more out of control with earmarks, and that you aren’t going to do a thing about stopping the influx of illegal aliens, and that you are just going to whine that you can’t get anything done because of the President…the people will then eventually throw the Dems out on their keesters too and maybe the Republicans will have realized by then what it means to be a conservative.

    Crow indeed. In my state, we chowed down on nachos, chicken, meatballs, casseroles and tons of desserts at our watch party…because in our state, Republicans gained a seat (just four from taking over) the Senate and elected a very conservative Republican to the US Congress. My two local Republican representatives ran off with their elections and we just had a marvelous time.

    It’s ok..Playdo - this country has a higher power in control then the political parties or the President and He gives us plenty of rope to hang ourselves, just so that we will finally realize that He is in control and we are just going to have to trust.

  • 57 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:01 pm

    I wonder if George Allen will be a sore loser and demand a recount. Typical republican. Just accept the results and move on.

    Right Darth?



    PS. CAT: I’m sure that Bushie’s approval rating of 35ish % really helps the cause. Especially since congress has just been rubber-stamping his agenda. Try another rationalization.

    It’s morning in America….

  • 58 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:08 pm

    Pedro - Please enlighten me. Correct my ignorance.

  • 59 conserve-a-tips // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:08 pm

    P - try again. Rubberstamp? The House is the only reason that the President’s sorry “comprehensive” immigration reform didn’t get passed, thank heavens, and yet it was the House that was hit the hardest. Try another rationalization.

    BTW - just for your information, Bush is not a true Conservative and has not been a conservative leader for the Republicans.

  • 60 conserve-a-tips // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:11 pm

    Just heard an interesting comment:

    Republicans may have lost, but conservatism won. The democrats who were elected, ran as conservatives. See? Things aren’t all bad. Let’s just see if Mssss Pelosi lets them operate as conservatives. Anyone want to start wagers?

  • 61 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:14 pm

    Pedro - Still waiting. Please pour forth your intellect.

  • 62 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:16 pm


    I’ll try an spell it out very clearly: The separation of powers doctrine refers to the 3 branches of government-executive, legislative and judicial. The legislative refers to both houses of congress-the house of representatives and the senate.

    The doctrine has nothing to do with party affiliation. It has everything to do with the executive stepping on the shoes of the legislative or judicial and vice versa.

    I would suggest Civics 101, then come back and post.


    Pedro (liger)

  • 63 JQ // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:19 pm

    I can’t believe I’ve been away from this forum for so long, yet both Liger and Mr. Melancholy are STILL lurking (no offense, UpNorth) around here. Are you still having trouble finding a family that doesn’t change the locks while you’re away?

    The Republicans lost an election; big deal. There’s another election in two years, and another in two more years, etc. The beat goes on…

    As Scott posted a few days ago, there’s no such thing as a perfect politician; they’re all human, so they’re all naturally selfish and weak. We wanted a Congress that represents us; maybe now we have one. They may not hold to all of the same ideals when it comes to morality and absolute truth, but they’ve certainly got the flawed part down…

  • 64 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:22 pm

    But Pedro - Didn’t we hear over the last two years again and again from your leaders, the national Dhimmis, that we need to restore the checks and balances because the evil R’s control all the branches of gov? Even Hillary used this line. So, I’m just proposing what your leaders in goverment and their boys in the dead media Frank Rich for instance echoed for the last two years.

  • 65 bystander // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:25 pm

    Never mind all the baloney, excuses, blame,God did it to give us all a lesson etc.,etc., ad nauseum.

    The citizenry has expressed very clear disapproval of the current administration’s policies and practices, plain and simple.

    We periodically get fed up, irrespective of party, and send the pols in never never land a clear message !

  • 66 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:26 pm

    Jericho, you’re an idiot.

    The house and senate are not considered separate branches of government.

    Again, civics 101. Did you graduate from high school? Grade school? Does your mom know you’re on the computer?



  • 67 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:31 pm

    Pedro? Given your leaders position over the last two years why the sudden return to the true meaning of checks and balances?



    Oh, Pedro???????????

  • 68 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:37 pm

    BTW Scott, thanx for the positive Steelers reference. I really need that at this point in their lame season.

    True JQ, the beat does go on and perhaps now America can now heal thyself (silly optimistic me as I do a happy dance whilst conjuring up moves that haven’t been seen since the mid-70s).

    Did Allen just “Macaca” himself out of the Senate? I guess racism is good for one thing provided the LSM is there to bring it to us.

    Well, that’s it for me peeps. Your hands are full with Pedro/Liger and I’m sure Uncle Rico will be showing up soon as well.

    Peace Scrapple Cafe and I like you all more than ever now.

  • 69 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:37 pm

    In response to the Democratic victory in the U.S. House yesterday, Hamas has called for attacks on the United States.

    I bet right now the most popular song being played in Islamofascist strongholds is the Arabic version of “Happy Days are Here Again”.


    I couldn’t resist listening to Rush’s monologue this morning. He made a request that all conservatives record these benchmarks on the day the Democrats “changed the political landscape of America”.

    1) No terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11
    2) Gasoline is at 2.08/gallon national average
    3) Americans are benefitting from a tax cut economy
    4) Stock market is at an all time high above 12,000
    5) Inflation is under 3%
    6) Unemployment is at 4.4%

    This is what Democrats and a significant number of Americans VOTED AGAINST!

  • 70 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:41 pm


    Your rationalizations are irrational but I know how difficult it is when you get backed into a corner.

    Please show me where “my leaders” claimed that the separation of powers has to do with party affiliation.

    I suspect that your confusion stems from the fact that the republican led congress has rubberstamped the executive’s agenda without any oversight. However, a responsible republican congress could have provided such oversight just as well as a democratic congress. In fact, if they had, they likely wouldn’t have received such a whupin’ last night.

    Now change out of your pajamas and comb your hair. You’re late for the bus….



  • 71 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:44 pm

    Were the Dhimmis concerned about corruption? William Jefferson LA 2nd headed for run-off.

    Where are the corrupt R’s today? out of office, in jail, under investigation

    Where are the corrupt D’s today? Headed for re-election??????

  • 72 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:45 pm

    Tester takes Montana!!

    I knew the smart folks up in the treasure state would see the light. Another crooked politician has an early retirement.

    Oh, and Darth, regardless of what that drug-addled bloated radio host says, the country voted against a failed policy in the middle east and corruption.



  • 73 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    That is an interesting follow on to my last post (71) Pedro.

  • 74 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:50 pm


  • 75 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:51 pm

    Gee I wonder if Holy Joe will stay vote with the D’s.

  • 76 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:53 pm

    Maybe when the Islamists recruit ALF/ELF to off the P and VP they can take out Holy Joe the Jew too and thereby the Islamists can get the Senate after all.

  • 77 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:53 pm


    I don’t have an answer for you. But I reckon that the reason has something to do with Jefferson’s opponent and the voters in Louisiana. Oh, yes, having an (R) next to your name doesn’t help either.

    By the way, the abortion ban went down in SD; the gay marriage amendment went down in AZ; and the stem cell initiative passed in MO.



  • 78 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:53 pm

    Is Vegas taking odds yet on whic city gets nuked first?

  • 79 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:54 pm

    Rush states that Bush press conference will announce Rummie’s resignation.

    Islamists celebrating in streets of Detriot and Old Fallujah (Iraq).

  • 80 Godfrey // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:55 pm

    Hank: 25 years old and dealing with brain cancer? That saddens me beyond words. My sincere sympathies to your family and to hers.

    All Scrapplers: I suggest we all look at the BIG PICTURE here. What happened yesterday was not a bad thing. It was a very good thing, in fact, for the American system of checks and balances. The Republicans lately have been overreaching and often completely off-track-most of us have admitted this to one degree or another. They had become exactly what caused America to turn against the Democrats in 1994: entrenched, petty and a bit arrogant, characterized by infighting, corruption and attempts to micromanage Americans’ private affairs.

    This is exactly what is to be expected when a single party has too much control for too long. Last night’s elections were merely what stock market enthusiasts call a “correction”.

    Far from being depressed about the outcome of yesterday’s elections, I’m marveling at how well a system that was put into place 200 years ago protects us from the most un-American thing I can think of: consolidation of too much power under one roof for too long.

    Regardless of what some here may think, this is America at its very best.

  • 81 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:58 pm


    Yikes. I suppose you’re true colors our showing. Lets see how long it takes Scott to remove such blatant racism.

    Shame on you. Your frustration is showing.



  • 82 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:58 pm

    Pedro - I know that Dhimmis are never wrong, and I cower to your superior intellect but Amendment 2 in MO failed. It was an amendment not an initiative.

  • 83 upnorthlurkin // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:58 pm

    I know it’s tempting to wallow in the pig slop when you’re dealing/arguing with them, but please, Jericho, there’s no call for language like that!! That is obscene!

  • 84 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 12:59 pm

    Adios Rummy!!

    You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want!

  • 85 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:07 pm

    Hey Lieger, where are all the whining by Democrats about Karl Rove and Dick Cheney trying to fix elections? And the typical moonbat rants about hidden Republican votes in Dieboldâ„¢ machines? Ya see troll, Republicans know how to lose with grace, cautiously trusting in an always imperfect voting system, but American leftists (including Mexican leftists and others throughout the world who riot when elections don’t go their way) always whine and call for endless recounts.

    Now “idiot”, under election law in Virginia, Mr. Allen is awarded to what is essentially an automatic recount because the winning spread was less than 1%. It would be irresponsible for Mr. Allen not to avail himself of this legal avenue. However, I bet dollar to Pedro-nuts once the recount is done and if Mr. Allen is still behind he will simply congratulate Mr. Webb. Conversely, given the same circumstances, moonbats on your side of the aisle would have invented all kinds of conspiracy theories about why they lost and continued demanding one recount after another until they can corrupt the system enough to get the kind of results they did in the governor’s race in Washington state in 2004, for example.

    BTW, Lieger, given the closeness of the races and the normal voting anomalies that crop up, name me one conservative or Republican who has uttered one word about these “elections being stolen”. If the roles were reversed you moonbats would be screaming into the nearest television camera or writing letters to the editor railing about your retarded stolen-election conspiracy theories. We’ve acted in a far more dignified and adult manner than the Donks and trolls like you have acted the last six years when it comes to election results.

    So tell me, did Bush steal Election 2000 and was their a Republican conspiracy to steal the elections in Ohio 2004? Buwahahahahahaha! Slamdunk.

    Oh, and it’s okay for you to celebrate, along with the rest of the Muslim fascist world, Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down. Maybe President Bush can find someone who to fill the position who is less of a yes man and would be willing to tell POTUS that we can’t keep dealing with Islamofascist in such a minimalist way. Pull off the velvet gloves, train up the Iraq security forces and let’s get on with the war on terror, or else let’s just bring the troops home and hope we don’t become punching bags for terrorists on our own soil.

  • 86 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:07 pm

    Obscene? Beyond the scene? No, it is all over the place Up North. And it is the Amerikkka that the left wants.

  • 87 Not So Fast » Election Aftermath // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:08 pm

    [...] Scrappleface has George Bush’s top ten positive results of the election. 10. New York Times and CNN will carry much less negative news about Congress. 9. Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee lost and Connecticut Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman won, a net gain of two for the GOP. 8. We may finally get to see the Democrat plan for victory in Iraq. 7. Taxpayers will be relieved of the burden of making so many investment decisions. [...]

  • 88 JQ // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    “Tester Takes Montana”? Since when? I agree that it’s leaning that way (he’s leading by 3,100 votes), but I haven’t seen a final call yet, and I’m sitting in the capital city right now.

    My poor fellow Montanans are just a bit confused right now, that’s all. Tester ran a flashy campaign against an old incumbent who’s been scandalized for doing what ALL Congressional leaders do, earmarking. Burns has seniority in Congress and a good conservative outlook. Tester (coupled with our liberal governor) are working way too hard to make people think Montana’s ready to be a Democratic state.

  • 89 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    If Americans “voted against corruption”, then why isn’t William Jefferson (D-LA), Harry Reid (D-NV) and at least three other Democrats under investigation for wrongdoing not gone? Hmmmmm? Nice sound bite, though. Bet you didn’t think it up yourself.

  • 90 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:12 pm

    Well, we’ll have to wait to see if the Donks dump Reid in the coming election. Just making a point since the media has definitely deep-sixed Reid’s crooked quid pro quo real estate deal.

  • 91 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:12 pm

    Oh, sorry about that I meant to use the term N word. Gee I hope this doesn’t hurt my chances to turn Senator O’Bama from office.

  • 92 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:13 pm

    I’m just a white n word. Maybe I should run for Senate in W.V.

  • 93 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:14 pm

    Darth - Don’t forget about the Holy Joe factor.

  • 94 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:15 pm

    Please forgive me Scrappledom. I’m sorry I used that word, the n word. I’ve never had relations with that word before and hope it gets the help that it needs.

  • 95 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:17 pm

    I will step down from my leadership position for using that word, the n word.

  • 96 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:20 pm

    Pedro - Umm, as for your blatant racism comment. That is a racist comment.

    You think that blacks are a different race. I don’t

    All men are created equal.

    All men derive from one man.

    You think those with darker skin are of a different line up from the swamp.

    Who is the racist PEDRO?

  • 97 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:24 pm

    Pedro - How about your statement that stem cell initiative in MO won? Oh, it was a cloning amendment and it lost.

    Guess your side will have to try again somewhere to create humans so that you can destroy them in an effort to gain immortality.

    Better be sure you don’t use any n word people when you create those clones. You sure wouldn’t want to mix any n word people blood with your blue blood.

  • 98 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:27 pm

    Speaking of Senator Obama can we expect the prospective second Black to sit in the Oval Office to be dropped by the dead media in favor of the prospective second woman for the same office (W being the first woman President)?

  • 99 JQ // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:29 pm

    OK, NOW Tester won the Montana Senate seat.

    To think I left Washington (partially) to get away from the liberals…

  • 100 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:36 pm

    Well, there were eight marriage amendments on the ballot last night. Seven of them passed. The dead media leads with the one that lost. what is the total win loss record on this? 19 and 1. The dead media is so lame (and so dead when God swings the scythe.)

    Break out the Burkas and the beards

    (See post 34)

  • 101 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:38 pm

    “What can you do to stop and avoid any gridlock?”

    Question just now to the Prez by the press.

    Answer by Bush: “Allah be praised.”

  • 102 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:39 pm

    Did the Prez just say in the midst of this lame answer that he is anxious? Pathetic.

    President Bush it is way past time to pull and Henry the V or Richard Cour de lion here. Get away from the handlers.

  • 103 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:40 pm

    to pull a Henry the V (Whoopsie)

  • 104 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:42 pm

    Where were these questions adjust? spirit of bi-partisanship? to the Dhimmis when they were in the minority or when the R’s took the Congress in 94?

  • 105 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    Well I’m signing off now.

    Thank Cheeto Eater for giving me my first true delete.

    And now onto the nuance.

  • 106 Considerettes - Conservative commentary served up in bite-sized bits » Election Roundup // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:46 pm

    [...] Also, as ScrappleFace notes, the win for Lieberman and the loss for Lincoln Chafee could be considered a gain of 2 seats for Republicans. >grin Leave a Reply [...]

  • 107 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:46 pm


    I don’t usually converse with blatant racist pigs but the Missouri Amendment did pass.

    I see Scott had the good sense to delete your post that was peppered with the N word. Your true colors have been revealed.

    Perhaps you should get a handle on your emotions. [deleted]

    Who’s looking out for you,


  • 108 Darthmeister // Nov 8, 2006 at 1:49 pm

    More DemDonk corruptions here.

    I wonder how many of these corrupt Democrats were thrown out this last election?

    Despite whatever window dressing Lieger/Pedro/neverthink wants to hang on this election, it was triumph of Democratic partisan ideology which was bereft of any solutions or any real agenda of substance. It was a vote-for-me-because-I’m-not-a-dirty-Republican appeal to middle America.

    But the Republicans did themselves no favors by being a party of doom-and-gloom the last three months and not unitedly acting on legislation which would effectively deal with illegal immigration, stop growing the entitlement government, and trying to out-liberal liberals.

  • 109 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 2:02 pm

    I stand corrected Pedro. I guess I misheard it earlier on the Laura Ingraham’s show, but I’m sure your side will in the spirit of the fairness doctine be correcting that opportunity soon enough.

    Well, further congratulations are in order. We now have in addition to the right to life (unless you are still in the womb) liberty (unless you want your vote to not be conteracted by ACORN’s illegals) ,and the pursuit of happiness (unless some liberal wants your home for a new public-private marina project) the right to pursue creating humans in order to do medical research upon them just as long as we destroy them.

    Yep it sure is morning in America

  • 110 Jericho // Nov 8, 2006 at 2:03 pm

    Oh, and congratulations on seeing my true colors there Pedro. That is quite amazing considering that you have never seen me.

  • 111 Pedro // Nov 8, 2006 at 2:06 pm

    Apology accepted, Jericho.

    Now go burn a cross. [deleted]


  • 112 da Bunny // Nov 8, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    Around here, we leave the “cross-burning” to people like Senator Robert “KKK”/aka/”Sheets” Byrd, D-WVA, whose toothless, brain-dead, inbred constituents returned him to his seat. Like I said before, ALL liberals/demoncrat voters totally deserve the consequences of the evil they have just perpetuated. May they forever reap what they have sown. God have mercy on the rest of us.

  • 113 Godfrey // Nov 8, 2006 at 2:30 pm

    Anyone how thinks Bush is “stupid” should take a look at who is controlling the news cycle today…when it should be all about the Democrats.

    Bush has been humbled and has responded like a real president should. For the first time in the last year or so I remember why I voted for him.

    Big changes are in the air. I am really looking forward to the next two years.

  • 114 Post-Election Top Ten « folleyball // Nov 8, 2006 at 4:08 pm

    [...] Courtesy of ScrappleFace [...]

  • 115 MF in FL // Nov 8, 2006 at 5:04 pm

    Send Nancy your old wallets (empty of course) with the following note: Here, with you guys in power I won’t need this anymore.

    Personally, I can’t wait until we get Universal Heath Care. Pedro and the “boys” can then pay my “premiums”.

  • 116 Top Ten List of Positive Outcomes from the Election « Careful Thought II // Nov 8, 2006 at 6:20 pm

    [...] From Scrappleface: [...]

  • 117 Beerme // Nov 8, 2006 at 7:00 pm


    Maybe you’re right about the vetoes, but I haven’t seen any evidence Bush is willing to use them yet…Still, I guy can dream!


    Here’s to your cheerful and optimistic attitude! May it infect us all and may it be borne out as correct in the coming two years!

  • 118 puzzletop // Nov 8, 2006 at 8:08 pm

    You go to Washington with the Congress you have, not the Congress you want.

  • 119 Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose » Blog Archive » Police state // Nov 9, 2006 at 12:17 am

    [...] jobsanger, though, cautions that what took place was a protest vote against the Republicans and not necessarily a ringing endorsement of the Democrats. Firedoglake appeals to Democratic party leaders to focus on those that elected them instead of trying to grab credit for the sweep. Media Nation thinks the Democrats had better look into their media management. Scrappleface looks at the top ten positive outcomes of the election for Bush. [...]

  • 120 CaNN :: We started it. // Nov 15, 2006 at 10:58 am

    [...] SCRAPPLEFACE: “Bush Gives Top Ten Positive Outcomes of Election” …. (scrappleface) [...]

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