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Democrats Unveil Iraq War Strategy: ‘Drop the Course’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 123 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-10-24) — Just two weeks out from national elections, Democrats today unveiled the Iraq war strategy they will force the president to implement when they control Congress.

In an effort to answer critics who say Democrat war policy consists of little more than attacks on President George Bush, presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, held a news conference to explain the new strategy, dubbed “Drop the Course” as a counterpoint to the president’s often-maligned “Stay the Course.”

“Victory isn’t always about winning,” said Rep. Pelosi. “Those of us who went to college know that sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough drop out. Who among us hasn’t experienced the exhilaration of walking out of the registrar’s office after dropping a course you were failing. America deserves to have that feeling again.”

Asked to respond to the Democrats “Drop the Course” plan, Mr. Bush said, “I guess if you see freedom and national security as electives, that makes sense.”

The president added that the new plan didn’t surprise him, “since the Democrats so often cut the class, it was inevitable they’d drop the course.”

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123 responses so far ↓

  • 1 onlineanalyst // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:54 am

    Have the Dhimmis even been auditing the course?

  • 2 Libby Gone // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:04 am

    Cut and run for the White House.

  • 3 Fred Sinclair // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:25 am

    “since the Democrats so often cut the class, it was inevitable they’d drop the course.”

    I’d like to see that sentence on a poster or sticker. If that doesn’t sum it up - what would? It’s right up there with Rush’s “Liberals are Liberals.”

    Thanks Scott!!! Just as the Drive by Media was about to do a job on me, you show up with the Kevlar and once again, I’m safe.

    Kudos to you, Scott, you’ve earned them.

    Fred Sinclair, Heirborn Ranger

  • 4 MargeinMI // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:29 am

    There is a time limit on this strategy however. At this point, I don’t think an “I”ncomplete is what would show up on the grade sheet, it would definitely be an “F”ail. Besides, it’s too late for reimbursement of funds.

    Good one Scott!

    Shout out to mig! I know you’re out there….

  • 5 Scott Ott // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:31 am

    Democrats Unveil Iraq War Strategy: ‘Drop the Course’

    by Scott Ott(2006-10-24) — Just two weeks out from national elections, Democrats today unveiled the Iraq war strategy they will force the president to implement when they control Congress.In an effort to answer critics who say Democrat war policy…

  • 6 CalGirl // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:31 am

    A lot of these election time Scrappleface posts would make great campaign commercials, wouldn’t they?

  • 7 MargeinMI // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:31 am

    Fred, Speaking of bumper stickers, I saw one the other day: “When Clinton lied, no one died.”

    I thought to myself, yeah, except the integrity of the Presidency of the United States! No small thing IMNSHO!

  • 8 seneuba // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:51 am

    Hey! There is nothing wrong with taking basket weaving and sports management classes.

  • 9 camojack // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:02 am

    But of course!

  • 10 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:15 am

    Democrat bumper sticker reads “Get in or Get Out”?????

  • 11 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:27 am

    We must keep in mind that the Liberal Left are the ones who oppose ‘dodge ball and now tag’ in our public schools.

  • 12 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:32 am

    With deep apologies to the master, the Great Santini
    (Sung to the tune of “Mr. Ed”)

    “Stay the course” is the course, of course,
    You can say it over ’til you get horse,
    When bombed again we’ll show remorse,
    So vote for Democrats.

    Our heads in the sand and butts in the air,
    We’re a terrorist target but we don’t care,
    We dance around issues like Fred Astaire,
    So vote for Democrats.

    People walking along the street don’t know the time of day,
    We lie to get votes and demagogue as if we have something to say.

    “Stay the course” is the course, of course,
    But we are against military force,
    We’ll take no position you can endorse,
    So vote for Democrats.

  • 13 red satellites // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:34 am

    Good morning Maggie…Scrapplers!

    Happy Tuesday…2 more Tuesdays….let’s- get ‘r done.

  • 14 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:38 am

    Wouldn’t doubt a good number of Dhimmicrats were sleeping/brown-nosing/drinking/fraternizing with the professor in hopes of getting a good grade. The Dims are at that point today by essentially engaging in an under-the-table appeasement of Islamofascists.

    Only in the world of barking moonbats does immediate withdrawal not really mean cut-and-run.

    I’m getting tired of this minimalist approach to Islamofascism in Iraq. The President should simply tell the Iraqi people and leadership if they don’t take care of the Muslim sectarian violence themselves within the month, we’re sending in 400,000 more American troops to take care of the problem ourselves. No more pulling punches. Desist if you want to live. Evil committed in the name of Islam will not be tolerated.

  • 15 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:40 am

    Excellent, Just Ranting. I’m suitably impressed. Oooh Wilbuuuuur!

  • 16 gafisher // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:42 am

    Sounds like a failure of Diploma-cy.

  • 17 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:44 am

    Thanks Darth. Left out the extra “of course” of course, but you get the idea. I’m no Great Santini, but I just couldn’t resist.

  • 18 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:56 am

    Just Ranting,
    You have NO need to apologize ,as you should know by now, that you are a most welcomed Scrappler.Great job of course.

    BTW…how’s the head this morning? lol (apologies to Ms Rw)

  • 19 tomg // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:57 am

    “Drop the Course”
    They’re getting off their meds? Yikes!
    Nevermind - they’re just sleeping through breakfast.

  • 20 conserve-a-tip // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:00 am

    Good morning all. Beautiful, cool morning again. I hope that you all are in fine shape.

    Scott: “I guess if you see freedom and national security as electives…” Wow. Now that’s a line.

    James - whenever you get on here, go back to the last thread at the end. It was an interesting conversation.

  • 21 Shelly // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:20 am

    I wholeheartedly concur with CAT. Electives - too funny! Scott, your work is like fine wine, it just keeps getting better.

  • 22 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:28 am

    I don’t think the Dems will pick up seven seats in the Senate (Tom Daschle prediction), but wouldn’t it be ironic if the Democrats can’t take control of the Senate because Lieberman wins and they’ve kicked him out of their “big tent” party?

    Though I believe Lieberman to be an honorable man, he’s also a Democrat at heart. I wouldn’t put it pass him or any other Democrat in a similar position to change their party allegiance AGAIN to Democrat if it meant putting Democrats in control of the Senate. It’s the nature of DemDonks to practice the ends justifies the means. Look at how they embraced jumpin’ Jim Jeffords when he went independent after Republicans had elected him to office. There should be a Senate rule which only recognizes a person’s party affiliation when he/she comes into office, not when they switch in mid-stream.

  • 23 gpohara // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:33 am

    Is it early enough to drop with a W?

  • 24 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:47 am

    red datellites….good Morning to youtoo.
    (You are up early in LA LA land)

  • 25 GnuCarSmell // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:57 am

    The Democrats have no choice but to bugger out of Fighting Terrorism 1.01. As Mrs. Pelosi explained, “There’s not enough red ink to grade our performance in this difficult course. We will enroll instead in Denial & Obfuscation 1.01, which we expect to ace.”

  • 26 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:10 am

    Great Moments in the GOP vol 62

    This, coming from an oxycontin addict.

  • 27 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:51 am


    What’s your point? Everyone knows Rush is a recovering addict. The MSM would never let anyone forget that. How is that relevent to his assertion that Michael J Fox admits to going off his meds when addressing Congress on Parkinson’s issues? It was irresponsible for Rush to abuse pain killers, and it is also irresponsible for MJF to go off his meds just to illustrate how terrible Parkinsons disease is. It seems to me that Rush has as much right to speak to this issue as anyone else.

  • 28 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:55 am

    Glad you’re here this morning, Ms RW. The day was not quite as bright without you.

  • 29 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:00 pm


    It takes one to know one. If you been there, in rehab, by faulty wisdom or just a desire to be a crack head, you can spot a phony a mile away.

    Maybe Rush’s addiction did play a purpose after all. Now he can spot a plug nickel Hollywierd dope head phony a mile away. He was good at that-now he is better.

    Take it from an ex-psych nurse, an alchy or a drug addict can sing a tune so fine that before you know it-you been played for a sucker.

    Come to think of it, isn’t liberalism a treatable disease?

  • 30 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:02 pm

    Ouch, just shoot for the heart :-(

  • 31 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:05 pm

    JR (Junior?).

    You illustrate my point exactly. “Irresponsible” by drawing attention to the plight of tens of thousands of Parkinson’s sufferers?

    Compassionate conservatives, indeed. You’re on the losing side of this battle.

    Ironic that Rush is getting on MJF for not taking his prescribed meds. I wonder if Rush is salivating at the prospect of extra pills?

  • 32 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:14 pm

    Ms. Tightwink

    Boy, you sure have gotten cranky in your old age. Perhaps you should dial back your meds.

    Let me see if I follow your logic: Rush is a drug addict ergo he can spot a “hollyweird phony.” Furthermore, Michael J Fox is a alcholic and/or a drug addict.

    Hilarious. You folks have really gone off the deep end.

  • 33 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:18 pm

    I like my deep end-perhaps you should get out of the shallow part. Afraid of drowning? Come on in the water is fine.

    P.S. I am not old. Just a fine mellow middle-aged person.

    Moses was old.

  • 34 torrentprime // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:29 pm

    What’s ironic is that everyone here is defending a term which Bush claims he never meant or never said, or something. Enjoy the vid, peeps.
    Is Bush dropping the course, too?

  • 35 Preston // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:29 pm

    Nappy-head RE:31

    YES, MJF was irresponsible by going off his meds. He is primarily responsible to himself and FAR more importantly, his family and children. By going off his meds, he takes chances with his health, putting the repsonsiblity of fatherhood to his children at risk. He did not have to go off his meds to show “how horrible” a disease like Parkinson’s is, he just put on a big show. Looks like he did it for the campaign commercial in Missouri too.

    While I have a problem allocating any federal money for disease research (NOT a power expressly given to the federal government, should be a state power, or an amendment to the Constitution to give it to the federal government), that is the way the governement currently works and as such, Congress needs to allocate its money where it is mostly needed. By putting on a show, MJF was essentially advocating taking money from research into other diseases, that are not as well controlled as Parkinson’s (which, I do realize, isn’t very well controlled at all).

    Shoo troll and get an education!!

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    It’s too bad those clowns don’t know the difference between stem-cell research and embryonic stem-cell research, for one thing. (Well, they probably do but are pretending they don’t)

    Not to mention that the MO vote is about legalizing human cloning.

    I don’t know about the MD vote.

  • 37 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 12:57 pm


    Let me understand (please be patient, I’m but a troll): The reason that Rush called MJF a phony is because he’s advocating taking money away from more deserving research?

    Hmmm. Actually, strap-on, what I suspect is happening is that the GOP is getting scared about their prospects in 2 weeks and are trying to play hide-the-ball with the issues.

    Don’t want to talk about stem cell research? No worries, we’ll attack the messenger.

    Having trouble articulating a strategy in Iraq? No problem, we’ll use fear to motivate people.

    Embarrased by Mark Foley and the ensuing cover-up? Ummm. Its all the democrats fault.

    And, incidently, if you’re opposed to the government spending federal dollars, you must really enjoy George W. Bush. He’s a fiscal conservative, remember?

  • 38 Bill's Bites // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    Democrats Unveil Iraq War Strategy: ‘Drop the Course’

    Democrats Unveil Iraq War Strategy: ‘Drop the Course’ (2006-10-24) — Just two weeks out from national elections, Democrats today unveiled the Iraq war strategy they will force the president to implement when they control Congress. In an effort to …

  • 39 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:31 pm

    What is it with libtards and this compulsion they have to destroy unborn babies and embryos? Talk about a death cult. When I hear the DemDonks apologizing for everyone of those 46 million unborn Americans that were victimized by abortionists’ search-and-destroy missions, I’ll apologize for the supporting noble but difficult causes to liberate people from the heels of tyrants. We’ve already won the war against Saddam’s regime, won another war against al Qaeda in Iraq, we will win the war against sectarian violence being committed by Islamic fanatics and we must win the war against encroaching global Islamofascism. What’s so hard to understand about that strategy?

    Other than creating cancer in mice, embryonic stem cell research has produced no real meaningful results and it hasn’t cured a darn thing to date. Adult and umbilical stem cells do not produce cancer and hold far more promise.

    I have a friend who actually is involved in limb regeneration and adult stem cell research and condemns embryonic stem cell research as a feel-good but expensive dead-end. Put the money into adult stem cell research. Even the Australians are having some success with nasal stem cells. There’s something creepy and fascist about people who are so concerned about their own health that they demand the harvesting of fertilized human embryos and maybe even unborn baby organs in the not-to-distant future just to improve their own miserable existence.

    For the last 8 years I’ve had terrible osteo-arthritis in both my knees and I’m not running around ranting about the need for clone farms and embryonic stem cell research to improve my quality of life. DEAL WITH IT without destroying other potential human life.

  • 40 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:37 pm

    Hmmmm, maybe science ought to use Napoleon/Liger/maff54 as a post-partum embryonic stem cell donor. Naw, the human body would only reject those degraded cells or they would certainly turn into cancer. [(~;]Å“

  • 41 Libby Gone // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:39 pm

    I personally think Nappy’s Mom had an aborted abortion. The coathanger just mixmastered the cerebreum.
    Or maybe its just inbred hatred. Dunno.
    Oh and I have to disagree G.W.Bush has NOT acted like a fiscal conservative.

  • 42 The Great Santini // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:49 pm

    Just Ranting:

    Mu-wah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Loved the “Mr. Ed” parody! Cue the ostrich….

    “Frau Blucher!” [Sound of horses neighing] She’s probably a Dem, too.


  • 43 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:51 pm

    Libby, you are projecting your frustration with the GOP on little ol’ me.

    That’s ok, Libby, I can take it.

    Go ahead, cry on my shoulder. That’s right. Shhhh. Poor guy, you been through a lot. Let them flow, let it all out….

  • 44 Libby Gone // Oct 24, 2006 at 1:59 pm

    Thank you and God bless you Nappy.
    What would I do without you?

  • 45 Mrs. Kajun // Oct 24, 2006 at 2:22 pm

    Just Ranting,
    re # 12—-Absolutely Great!!!!

  • 46 The Great Santini // Oct 24, 2006 at 2:55 pm


  • 47 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 3:00 pm

    If anyone truly wanted to see the dangers of someone going off their meds they only need to look as far has Howard “Yeeeee-Haaaaw” Dean and Al “The Unibomber” Gore.

    Nap, you can’t seriously think it is necessary for MJF to go off his meds to make his point about the gravity of Parkinsons. It’s amusing to me that you would elevate this to an issue that will have major impact on a national level in this election. This is a ballot initiative in MO that pertains to cloning, and not stem cell research. It is being mischaracterized in political ads as a stem cell issue. On a national level stem cell research is permitted and funded. Even embryonic stem cell research is permitted. It just isn’t funded with federal tax dollars.

    While I’m personally not in favor of embryonic stem cell research, there is nothing to stop you and your lib friends from pooling together some of your own money privately to fund this research. No wait, that might entail some self sacrifice by liberals, and the use of their own money instead of everybody else’s. We can’t have that!

    So troll away on that one, Trollmeister

  • 48 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 3:00 pm

    It’s funny how trolls get caught up in “terms” or “phrases” then twist them to their own political advantage. Whatever happened to trying to understand the real sentiment of the statement, libs? Hypocrites.

    Take for example the moonbats incessant rant about President Bush reportedly saying, “Iraqi is an imminent threat.” Of course the informed person knows that President Bush never said that but rather it was Jay Rockefeller who said, in view of the intelligence he saw under both Clinton and Reagan, “Iraq is an imminent threat.” And President Bush was even clear in his 2002 State of the Union Address when he says rogue regimes must be dealt with BEFORE they become an imminent threat. Of course the left pretends ignorance and continue engaging in their pretentious mantra that “Bush lied because he said Iraq was an imminent threat … blah, blah, blah” and they do so by pointedly ignoring what Bush was trying to communicate about this growing threat.

    Now here comes another troll who doesn’t know whether Bush “never meant or never said, or something” about “staying the course.” Instead of this moronic moonbat trying to be honest in understanding the good President, he/she/it tries to twist things into a pretzel so as to make a technical point. Whatever, I tire of your silly games.

    To make it plain to these dimbulb partisans committed to their own self-imposed ignorance, the fact of the matter is this:
    What President Bush has meant all along is the basic strategy of taking the war to terrorists, tyrants and rogue states - who could arm them or provide safe havens to said terrorists - must be maintained. Muslim radicalism must be recognized for the threat to the safety and security of the American people that it clearly represents and must be met with uncompromising force of arms. This enemy cannot be appeased or placated. Our overall strategy is to meet this global threat and defeat it on foreign battlefields where they live and train so we don’t have to fight this war on our soil. This is what we did in the previous two World Wars.

    However, though our strategy remains unshakeable, the way we execute this war on terror from week to week will be dependent upon our ability to change our tactics to best address this threat wherever our armed forces are sent to fight this enemy of America and the free world.

    Of course those who are in denial about the threat of Muslim terrorism amd will pretend not to understand any of this because, after all, it’s a war about oil … or a war about a natural gas pipeline … or a war for American imperialism … or a war because Bush equals Hitler. Stupid trolls.

  • 49 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 3:12 pm

    I’ve finally arrived!! My screen name made it into a “Great” Santiny parody. Yipee!

    This must be how Brownie felt when Bush appointed him as FEMA director. This must be how Jeff Gannon felt when he made the press corp!

    Oh, and Darthypoo, could you shorten your diatribes a bit. All of your circular talking gets a bit redundant. And such vitrol. Sheesh.

  • 50 Shelly // Oct 24, 2006 at 3:15 pm

    Darth, thanks for posting the truth about stem-cell research and its many forms. Unfortunately trolls don’t listen to facts, but I hope this information gets around to more and more in the American public, and people will realize that the only reason to support embryonic stem-cell research is to support killing unborn children. It’s also financially irresponsible to support research that offers little answers in favor of continued research into cures that have already been effective.

  • 51 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 3:44 pm

    Wait a second…so the thousands of embryonic stem cells that are tossed out of fertility clinics everyday is…is…[gasp] murder?

    And GWB has tacitly condoned this? Oh the humanity!

    But I thought the prez believed in a culture of life? (aside from the messy fact of the 3,000 US soldiers who are dead because of his war-and untold number or innocent Iraqis. But thats just a triviality)

    Say it ain’t so!

    P.S. The election is 2 weeks from today. I hear that you all are to apathetic to vote since GW has betrayed you. I don’t blame you.

  • 52 The Great Santini // Oct 24, 2006 at 4:06 pm

    Monkey see, monkey don’t.

  • 53 Preston // Oct 24, 2006 at 4:35 pm

    Okay No-pole-on,


    Obviously, you don’t understand. Trolls rarely do.

    I did not bring up Rush, I did not call MJF a phony, and I dang sure did not say ‘W’ was a fiscal conservative (not even close). As usual, your delusions of functional adequacy have blinded you to the text in my post.

    The only thing I said was that MJF was irresponsible for going off his meds. I also said that he was advocating taking money from research on other diseases that may need it more. How you got Rush into it and the word phony, I have no clue. (I am not capable of abandoning logic and reason to follow your train-wreck of thought)

    Darth said everything I would have said and far more (as he usually does, with style) about the utter failure of embryonic stem-cell (ESC) research to date and JR stated my opinion of government funding for ESC research as well.

    In addition, other countries do not have policies that prevent government funding of ESC research. I wonder why they don’t take it up as their primary goal??? Maybe because they know it is a scientific dead-end too. If ESC actually held as much promise as what has been stated, private companies (big-drug and big-biotech) would be going bonkers throwing money at it.

    The fact is, ESC is just a phony issue that sounds wonderful but is worthless in real-life practice. It is used like Global Warming and Wetlands Protection to advance liberal causes that couldn’t stand on their own because no sane individual would support the stupidity otherwise.

  • 54 Preston // Oct 24, 2006 at 4:36 pm


    tsop raeppa!!!

  • 55 onlineanalyst // Oct 24, 2006 at 4:46 pm

    For the Dhimmis in Wonderland, “stay the course” does not mean resoluteness in achieving an objective, a goal. Fortitude of purpose and flexibility in means are not their strong suits.

    Having poll-tested their own message, the Dhimmis have determined a slogan more fitting to their cut-and-run philosophy, for when the going gets tough, the weak get going…away. The Dems promise a “new direction”. What that direction is has not yet been worked out in their caucus. Methinks it means running as fast and as far as they can skedaddle away and hiding under the covers. Animals in the glare of oncoming headlights show similar “resolution”.

    But on to another topic: Why do Democrats object to voter ID? Are they afraid that the voter fraud they have perpetrated over years of elections will be exposed? Nah! The answer couldn’t be that obvious, could it? I guess we will have to ask ACORN among other “authorities”.

  • 56 Preston // Oct 24, 2006 at 4:58 pm



    Thank you for bringing up that the MO vote is actually about human cloning. I did not know that. While I live in Texas, I have in-laws and their friends in MO. They are good Christian-Conservative folks who continue to vote Dem-Dumb out of habit. (They are teachers who were brain-washed by the NEA long ago).

    This is one more reason to convince them to switch parties at last. It may be a pointless effort, but I continue to try.

  • 57 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 24, 2006 at 5:28 pm

    Here’s internationally renowned rock star Barack Hussien Obama’s curriculum vitae.

    What a joke.

  • 58 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 24, 2006 at 5:32 pm

    Hussein, that is.

  • 59 Beerme // Oct 24, 2006 at 5:41 pm

    An ol’ peon
    Onna pole
    lope on? na!
    loon pane
    a loon pen
    loan? nope!
    po’ n alone!

    Have at ‘er Scrapplers!

  • 60 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 24, 2006 at 5:42 pm

    Ah, if I were but 1/10th the wordsmith of a William F. Buckley, Jr.

  • 61 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 5:59 pm

    Gr8 One…. re#46
    That one has got to be up there with your very best.
    Better than Boxcar Willy.Myfaithful cat Rain fled the room when I “chortled”.(borrowed from upnorth)

    ‘Nappy’ reminds me of that famous quote from Toy Story;
    he is “a strange sad little man”.

  • 62 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:31 pm

    High Five Napoleon/Liger. Still know where to find the last remaining bunch of scoundrels trying to yuck it up in spite of their ridiculous failure. Hanky/Dorkmeister should be on shortly with his soapbox lambasting and dissecting my comments as if they represented all of the Democratic party. [deleted] It’s all over but the crying and you bridge playing fools are goin down with the ship!!! Jon Stewart for President 2008!!!

  • 63 Just Ranting // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:33 pm


    Did you learn your twisted logic working in a pretzel factory or at a yoga class? It is easy to take a snippet of a phrase and twist it out of context and totally ignore the full meaning of what is being said.

    Face it, your posting on this site is like fighting through a Russian winter. You have neither the mental supplies or the proper intelligence to win these skirmishes. You will be out maneuvered and we will out last you. Eventually you will be banished to your own Elba. Begone, you pretentious twit.

  • 64 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:40 pm

    Yeah Nap,
    Why don’t you pick on someone your own size and stop bullying these poor children?

  • 65 everthink // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:41 pm


    Re: 57

    Is JamesonLewis3rd really a dumb Dan Quayle nom de plume? William F Buckley is nothing special, and he’s really not very smart either.
    Moreover, he is just plain wrong!


  • 66 onlineanalyst // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:49 pm

    A second gander at Scott Ott’s headline portends trouble ahead for the Dhimmis. They not only plan to “drop the course” but also “drop the veil”. Will there be riots in the Arab street?

  • 67 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 6:52 pm

    Doing My Part To [annoy] The Religious Right
    and I’m gone just like the republicans chance of controlling the world.

  • 68 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:27 pm

    I’m back and I see that The Great Santini’s. [deleted] Has been deleted. Actually, my version is much cleaner than his [deleted]. Hypocrite.

  • 69 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    Doing My Part [deleted] On The Religious Right and protect FREE SPEECH.

  • 70 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:31 pm

    Edit this post.

  • 71 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:32 pm


  • 72 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:33 pm


  • 73 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:38 pm

    Let the children see how to shame “dims” into submission, but don’t ever say [deleted]

  • 74 egospeak // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:38 pm

    re #35 previous thread

    Ahhhhh… nevermind.

    re #37 previous thread

    You are very kind.

    re #39 & 41 previous thread

    I appreciate your love of semantics. I have a couple of questions. Inquiring minds want to know.
    1. Do we sin because we are sinners, or are we sinners because we sin?
    2. How can we be “born” into sin if it is the “result” of evil? What evil have we committed at birth?
    3. Do you believe that hating your brother is evil, but not sinful? Jesus compared it to being guilty of murder.
    4. Is looking at a woman to lust after her evil or sinful?
    After all lusting is not the same thing as having sex with her, is it? According to the Lord they are the same thing. “You have committed adultry with her in your heart.” That is surely a sin, isn’t it?

    My only point in all this is that whether we call it evil or sin, in the end, it is pretty much a distinction without much of a difference. Either way we’re going to hell,
    except for our faith in Christs’ atoning work on the cross.

    I greatly appreciate your posts and look forward to your future comments.


  • 75 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:39 pm

    Scott Ott is lame-stream media.

  • 76 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:40 pm

    The Great Santini is a dirty old man got deleted. Not voting for Scott Ott.

  • 77 boberinagain // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:42 pm

    Good to see things never change, this site is as tolerant as ever.
    Me? I’m back to work, pretty good gig, thanks to all that offerred support during the mini “crisis” even though we agree on very little when it comes to George and his decision to get us so actively involved in Middle East politics.
    As dumb an idea today (likely more so) than it was when we began. We are no safer and we have more than doubled the # of Americans killed (re:9/11) for little if any gain.
    Love you guys just the same!

  • 78 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:43 pm

    I think I’ll stick around for this Republican Media presentation of how to Get ‘R Dun. Scott Ott is cutting and running and shredding docs and [deleted]

  • 79 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:43 pm


    I smell a ranbutan. Resorting to argumentum ad absurdum again, eh troll?

    I see Decisionfaker forgot to take its lithium. I’m surprised they let him out of the sanitarium so soon given the psychotic episodes its presently having. Or it might just be the DemDonk kool-aidâ„¢ its been swilling. Better find some professional help.

  • 80 egospeak // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:44 pm


    Good one Scott. How do you keep coming up with these gems? You are truly warped!! Don’t misunderstand, I mean that in the best way.


  • 81 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:44 pm

    #46 lest ye forget

  • 82 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:46 pm


    Did your mother sniff glue while she was pregnant with you?

  • 83 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:47 pm

    I’ll keep you busy Scott.

  • 84 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:49 pm

    #46 FOREVER

  • 85 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:51 pm


  • 86 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:52 pm

    Come on Darth on Golf,
    Tell us how you really feel. Let it all out.

  • 87 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:52 pm

    Hmmmmm, looks like Decisionfaker is suffering from an advanced form of kool-aid induced dementia. Or it might be the ozone its been huffing.

  • 88 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:53 pm


  • 89 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:54 pm


  • 90 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:55 pm

    Whats wrong Hanky? Am I taking up the bandwidth you normally do and thus your unusually short posts?

  • 91 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:55 pm

    C’mon, Decisionfaker, don’t take it out on us just because you were an unwanted pregnancy.

  • 92 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:56 pm

    #46 to the power of infinity

  • 93 conserve-a-tip // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:57 pm

    Beerme: re #56
    leap no-no
    one panel
    pale noon

  • 94 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:58 pm


  • 95 Scott Ott // Oct 24, 2006 at 7:59 pm

    [Editor's Note: We welcome our new readers, and their incisive, family-friendly commentary. Our vast editorial staff uses the delete key sparingly, and never to squelch points of view from any political or theological perspective. In other words, he who engages in civil discourse will find an open forum here. Thank you for reading, commenting, and periodically clicking the PayPal 'Donate' button. ScrappleFace readers are among the brightest, friendliest and most eagerly desired by advertisers.]

  • 96 Decisionmaker // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:04 pm

    I din’t see anything wrong with #96, did you delete that in “a spirit of fairness”?

  • 97 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:07 pm


  • 98 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:09 pm


    Ungrateful troll. You really do need to get that problem check out. Bush Derangement Syndrome only gets worse without professional treatment.

  • 99 Darthmeister // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:13 pm

    Hey, ‘faker, in case you haven’t notice, Scott is an equal opportunity deleter. It’s his site and he can do whatever he wants.

    Quit complaining and grow up. He’s far more tolerant than that moonbat Marcos over at DailyKos.

  • 100 deletethis // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:16 pm


  • 101 deletethis // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:18 pm


    Shame on Scott

  • 102 deletethis // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:20 pm

    Hey Darth,
    #99 and #100. Have you been taking English as a second language? You really are losing your touch grammatically.

  • 103 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 8:35 pm

    Yikes Stripes!

    You all have been busy.

    To go back to Rush “Hillbilly Heroin” Limbaugh for a second, this is from the Washington Post:

    [I]n an interview in Ladies Home Journal’s September edition, Fox said he was taking a medication that causes jerking, fidgeting and other abnormal involuntary movements, known as dyskinesia. Fox said he was taking another medication to lessen those side affects.

    An official of the National Parkinson Foundation said movements like those exhibited by Fox are the result of taking medication to treat the disease, which would otherwise result in rigidity.

    “When you see someone with those movements, it’s not because they have not taken medication but because they probably have taken medication for some time,” the official said. “If you don’t take the medication, then you freeze.”

  • 104 conserve-a-tip // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:09 pm

    Neapolitan, the following is from here

    “If anything, he says, he responds too well to the drug, which can cause dyskinesia - unlocking the rigidity and spasmodic tremors of Parkinson’s to the point that the body starts to writhe with excess fluidity. “Sometimes,” says Fox, “people with Parkinson’s will come up to me and say, ‘You’re taking too much medication.’ And I say, ‘Listen, if I’ve got to keep up with Larry King, I’ve got to take too much.’ I don’t have the luxury of having any kind of halting thing. I’m used to it, my family’s used to it, but in a high-stress situation I can’t afford it.”

    Fox writes about the “thrill ride” of going on and off the medication in riveting detail. When he’s off, he experiences the classic Parkinson’s symptoms of rigidity, shuffling, tremors and imbalance. “You wouldn’t recognize me when I’m off,” he says. And here’s how he describes it in the book: “I feel like I’m dangling from a coat hanger that has been surgically implanted under my skin in the muscles of my back, wedged between my shoulder blades. The sensation is not quite one of being suspended in the air; it’s more like being jacked up, with my toes scraping and kicking at the ground, straining for purchase.”

    So…it appears that he is admitting that he goes off the medication.

  • 105 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:33 pm

    I am not one to talk about someone who suffers from a horrid disease as Parkinson’s. My father died from the ravages of that horrid disease. In his last few years of life it was hard to see a big Swede like him wither away like he did.

    My mom, a short woman, worked 24/7 to care for him and she suffered a stroke earlier than his passing away, likely from all the stress.

    I too, as we all, have an incurable disease and I am taking chemo to try and slow down the progress. I can not think of anything worse than playing games with my MS for media attention. Nor could I see my father do such.

    MJF must have a mental disorder if what I have read is true. I have met a couple of Hollywood folks who have MS, Teri Garr and Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley. There are others I have not met like Annette Funicello (sp?). None of these have played games with their disease and shoot straight from the hip when it comes to discussing their problems.

    Rain Pryor, another person I have met, saw her dad, Richard, die from MS and other problems. A disease such as MS. MD Parkinson’s and others are bad, and we all would like to see a cure, but playing games will never be the answer.

  • 106 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:35 pm

    And just what has been going on this afternoon? Thank you Scott for sweeping the debris from our favorite spot to come and jaw fer a spell

  • 107 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 9:41 pm


    Now here is a decision where liberals will likely want to kill off those who likely no longer pay taxes. Taxes=Power.

    MINNESOTA EXPERTS: Healthiest should get flu vaccine first

    ST. PAUL (AP) - A state panel of experts recommends that if a pandemic flu outbreak hits Minnesota, the first flu shots should go to young and healthy heath care workers, leaving little or no vaccine initially for the state’s sick and elderly.

  • 108 everthink // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:30 pm

    Ms RightWing, Ink

    Please consider reading “Lucky Man: A Memoir by Michael J. Fox.

    I have read it. Fox confesses to have been an abusive drunk, among other things. And in it he says: ‘If you were to rush in this room right now and announce that you’d struck a deal with God, Allah, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Bill Gates, whoever - in which the ten years since my diagnosis could be magically taken away, traded in for ten more years as the person I was before, I would, without a moments hesitation, tell you to take a hike.’


  • 109 Napoleon // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:48 pm

    Hate to say it Ms. Tightwink, but it sounds like you are using your MS for political purposes now.

    “I have MS and I choose to be bitter” is as much a political statement as Alex P. Keaton’s.

    By the way, I’m really impressed by all the famous people you’ve met. Way to name drop. You really met Squigly? Whoah. You are one lucky (albeit miserable) old bat.

  • 110 everthink // Oct 24, 2006 at 10:50 pm


    Fox may have faked the whole thing from the beginning.

    Maybe he’s planning a political career as a Liberal, with the endorsement Nancy Reagan.


  • 111 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:05 pm


    I listened to the clip. In many ways I agree with him. There was a time when I was a hot number in the world of Professional Storytellers (yes such a world exists). I had a chance to rub elbows with celebrities as a writer and likely, if I stayed in California, things would have opened up for me in great ways.


    My move to Ohio was a disaster in the making. Everything I did back west never made it in Ohio. Then I was diagnosed with MS two years into my restaurant business. Three thousand dollars worth of Chef School down the drain. Friends left because the healthy vibrant woman was a wheelchair bound person and it is, I guess hard to relate to a wheely.

    Do I cry in my misery. Normally no. Do I wish for the old days? Sometimes yes. But……….

    I understand reality. Not many around me do. Today, for the second time I was accused of being a racist by the government agency that owns the Bunker. People here are waiting to be offended in their miserable lives. Heck, all the stuff that is aimed at me has to penetrate the Teflon.

    I truly don’t know how MJF’s peres treat him. I know that every movie personality that has MS keeps it a secret as long as they can in fear of losing their chances to perform. Having a disease such as MS or Parkinson’s will change everything around you. Be prepared, but never stop laughing (and praying).

    I think Michael has a lot of charm. I hope he is well read in what he preaches on the Hill because there are two strong opinions on stem cell research.

  • 112 Cricket // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    You sound like you need a wedgie. Vigorously. What is wrong with you? Whining about ‘what is wrong with her’ won’t cut it. She just stated that there are those who have fatal illnesses that don’t mess around with their meds.

    Talk about name dropping: You call yourself Napoleon.
    After Bonaparte, the lion or the uber geek?

  • 113 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:15 pm


    “I have MS and I choose to be bitter” is as much a political statement as Alex P. Keaton’s.”

    I think not (to be bitter). If you read what I say, not what you think I said, then you can comment.

    Is scrappeling a political comment? I fear not. So far Hannity or Rush has not commented on my thoughts. Just you and a bunch others.

    Love ya :-) but ya got to get rid of the Napoleon complex. It isn’t becoming on you.

    As far as the name dropping, well, like I always used to say about my rich and famous neighbors back west. I don’t know much about them and they don’t know much about me. Even Steven

  • 114 Maggie // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:29 pm

    C.A.T. re #105
    As you know ,I have PD. On and Off have different meanings to one with this disease.
    Some days,when the stars are in alignment and the medication does what it is supposed to do,we say” the med is ON”.Then somedays for no aparent reason,the medication doesn’t do what it is supposed to do and we say “the med is OFF”.
    MJF may have very well meant that ,but I do know he purposly didn’t take his med before testifying in Congress.

  • 115 SGT USMC 1ea // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:48 pm

    Wow I see the libs crashing here are just as polite and incisive as ever. That is to say- not at all. At a glance you can tell where 98% of the hate and illogic come from.

    “Tu autem effugare, diabole/liger; appropinquabit enim judicium Dei.”

    I pray that all the Scrapplers are doing well. Special prayer out to you Ms RW.

    Deus est Semper Fidelis

  • 116 conserve-a-tip // Oct 24, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    Thanks Maggie, for the explanation. I listen to you and Ms Rightwing, Ink and people like Joni Erichson Tada and I hear women who have accepted their diseases and disabilities, have understood that there is life beyond those diseases and disabilities, and that while it would be wonderful to find cures, the most productive focus is on God and being of service. You are all an inspiration for us. Thank you.

  • 117 beekabok1 // Oct 25, 2006 at 1:11 am

    I really enjoy the satire that Scott brings us daily and, for the most part, the comments keep with the spirit of this site. We all try to put a smile on each others face and, thereby, make each of our lifes a little brighter.

    The “Family” of regulars here that are truly fans of Scotts’ work all seem to really care about each other. It is wonderful that almost all commenters seem to be sincere in their belief in Jesus and all that it means to be Christians.

    There are however, those that seem to enjoy “stirring the pot”. I am confused as to their purpose here. While I wouldn’t dream of saying that they don’t belong here, I do wonder if they really think that their opinions are going to change the minds of the regulars. They are, of course, welcome to try and, perhaps, they may succeed. I believe that if they think about it, they would realize that it is probably not going to happen. I mean what would make them (or anyone) believe that they can succeed when they clearly could never be swayed from their own views?

    Anyway, to my point:
    While I do enjoy the bantering back and forth, and find the comments and the links supplied, very informing, I really start to get a frown and wrinkle in my brow when I see (and admittedly, occasionally participate in) the name calling that goes on here sometimes.

    I understand that we all have strong feelings and can get very defensive when people attack our beliefs. However, I think that if we all think back to our high school debate teams, we can perhaps, try to be a little more respectful of the opinions that differ from our own.

    On a more practical note, I invite all of those who think that the GOP is on it’s way out of power, to post again after the election and either they can say “told you so” or “……….” depending on the outcome. My own feelings are that we are in a damn fine country and are all very privileged to be here.

    Please respond.

    Goodnight all, and thanks for listening.

  • 118 R.A.M. // Oct 25, 2006 at 2:06 am

    I don’t get it??????????????

    The libs believe Fox because he has started shaking like Janet Reno and Robert KKK Byrd?

    I thought their old favorite line was “FOX” was such a liar?


    What Jim Talent’s campaign needs is an average “run of the mill” person with the same disease to do a commercial saying something like,

    “You don’t know me, because I’m not a millionaire like Michael J. Fox, but I have the same disease, but agree with Jim Talent, in that I want stem cell research.

    That is ALL of it that does NOT use the unproven kind that destroys human life.

    I want to be cured but am not SELFISH enough to want to kill another human life, when the MOST progress has been already done with the other stem cells that are not embrionic.

    If we use embreos, how long until it will be OK to clone humans to harvest their organs to be sold to the highest bidder?”

    OK, I could add to this, but you get the idea.

    With the money most libs have, there would be a BIG clone market for harvested hearts and brains.

    Those are also two things the trolls here are sorely lacking too!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • 119 conserve-a-tip // Oct 25, 2006 at 2:46 am

    Beek, we are definitely in a fine country and we are definitely priviledged to be here.

    It is sad, to me, that so many in this country are so ignorant of its history. Take the political culture of today. To hear the Democrats tell it, this is the most partisan time in this country’s history and it is all because of the Republicans. “There is no civility.” Well, I do wish that everyone would read the book, “Off The Record, The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman.” It is spooky how the political climate today is a carbon copy of back then. It is as if George Bush is the reincarnation of Harry Truman and the congress is a repeat of the mid 40’s and 50’s. I have actually been able to predict some things that have happened just because I know how they happened before. It is totally eerie.

    First, let me state that the Democrat party of today is not really the Democrat party. In 1948, a party called the Progressives broke away from the Democrats and formed their own party, nominating Henry Wallace. Wallace had been FDR’s vice president in 1940, but Wallace was a liberal’s liberal and butted heads with the president and every other individual with an ounce of conservatism, including Churchill in England. He was a real peach. FDR cleaned his clock and chose Harry Truman to be his Vice Presidential candidate the next go-round. Isn’t it interesting to think how things might have turned out otherwise? Eventually, the Democrats took on the name and mantra of the Progressives and that is the party of today.

    From Wikipedia:
    Truman had fired him [Wallace] as Secretary of Commerce in 1946 when he went public to oppose Truman’s firm stand against the Soviet Union. Wallace’s 1948 platform opposed the Cold War, the Marshall Plan and big business. He also campaigned to end discrimination against blacks and women, backed a minimum wage and called for the elimination of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
    Sen. Glen H. Taylor of Idaho, a country music star, was given the second spot.

    The Democrat party was split, then, because also, a group of ultra conservatives who Truman dubbed the “Dixiecrats” were threatening to leave the party as well. Robert KKK Byrd was one those illustrious Democrats. So Truman, coming up on the convention for his second term wasn’t even sure he was going to be renominated by his own party! Welllll, a group decided to nominate Dwight Eisenhower as the candidate. Now Eisenhower had never voted and he didn’t know if he was a Democrat or Republican!

    Truman wrote: Arrive at White House at 10:30 E.D.S.T and meet with Democratic Convention strategy board. Everything in order. Jim Roosevelt, Jake Arvey, A.D.A. and Frank Hague are for Eisenhower. Doublecrossers all. But they’ll get nowhere - a doubledealer never does.

    The President went to the convention and there was such a fight the he did not get to finally accept the nomination until 2 am, after the radio networks’ prime time. Bush thinks he has problems!

    Of course, that was the infamous year that the Washington Post, ever living up to its inability to get anything right, announced Dewey the winner. Truman considered the Washington Post, as well as most newspapers, to be a Republican paper and called the press the “Sabotage Press”. But the Post did place a banner across its building that said, MR. PRESIDENT, WE ARE READY TO EAT CROW WHENEVER YOU ARE READY TO SERVE IT. Oh were they to be as magnanimous today.

    On April 16, 1950 Truman wrote: I am not a candidate for nomination by the Democratic Convention…In my opinion eight years as President is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity. There is a lure in power. It can get into a man’s blood just as gambling and lust for money have been known to do. This is a Republic. The greatest in the history of the world. I want this country to continue as a Republic. Cincinnatus and Washington pointed the way. When Rome forgot Cincinnatus its downfall began. When we forget the examples of such men as Washington, Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, all of whom could have had a continuation in the office, then will we start down the road to dictatorship and ruin. Bush has said the same things.

    Finally, I would like to post an entry in Truman’s diary dated February 18, 1952. Please read it because it is awesome:
    The President’s Duties.
    1. By the Constitution, he is the Executive of the Government.
    2. By the Constitution, he is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
    3. By the Constitution, he is the responsible head of Foreign Policy and with the help of his Secretary of State implements Foreign Policy.
    4. He is the leader of his Party, makes and carries out the Party Platform as best he can.
    5. He is the Social Head of the State. He entertains visiting Heads of State.
    6. He is the No. 1 public relations man of the Government. He spends a lot of time persuading people to do what they should do without persuasion.
    7. He has more duties and powers than a Roman Emperor, a Gen., a Hitler or a Mussolini; but he never uses those powers or prerogatives, because he is a democrat (with a little d) and because he believes in the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. But first he believes in the XXth Chapter of Exodus, the Vth Chapter of Deuteronomy, and the V, VI, & VIIth chapters of the gospel according to St. Mathew.
    8. He should be a Cincinnatus, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, a Cato, Washington, Jefferson and Jackson all in one. I fear that there is no such man. But if we have one who tries to do what is right because it is right, the greatest Republic in the history of the world will survive.

    Truman, today, would be considered a Republican. A week from Tuesday, go vote and then read this book!!!

  • 120 Hawkeye // Oct 25, 2006 at 1:01 pm

    “since the Democrats so often cut the class, it was inevitable they’d drop the course.”

    Great one-liner Scott! Hee-hee-hee


  • 121 Hawkeye // Oct 25, 2006 at 1:11 pm

    C-A-T, #120… GREAT post!

    (:D) Regards…

  • 122 Godfrey // Oct 25, 2006 at 7:30 pm

    Beek: we can perhaps, try to be a little more respectful of the opinions that differ from our own.

    I agree. Attack the ideas, not the people.

  • 123 Pros and Cons » Are we about to invade Iran? // Oct 27, 2006 at 3:09 pm

    [...] They’re certainly giving us a lot of provocation (timed for our election I might add, look at the second item down, and unfortunately it seems to be working over here). I sympathize with Al-Maliki’s predicament, but as they say in my daughter’s class, “tough nuggies”. We’ll do what we want until he or another Iraqi government asks us to leave. I suspect he’s well aware of that. The level of cooperation between US and Iraqi forces depends on the shared interests of both. To the extent that the political leadership’s interests diverge from ours, we’ll do what we think best, and collateral damage to the government’s comfort may just be what they have to bear. That damage is mostly to support from some of Iran’s pawns in Iraq, namely the Sadrists. (The Badrists and even Dawans have hitched their wagon to the American Horse and are pulling the reigns ever tighter. I wonder how that makes Tehran feel?) [...]

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