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GOP Congress Moves National Election Date to March

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 208 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-10-15) — With polls showing that Republicans could lose their majority in Congress in November, the GOP-controlled House and Senate yesterday voted to move the national date for Congressional elections to March 15, 2007.

“The November date, we felt, was setting an unreasonable timeline,” said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL. “With elections in March, we’ll have time to get out the Republican message of small government, lean budgets, strong borders, and aggressive action against terrorists and governments who harbor them.”

Rep. Hastert said it would also give the Republicans time to actually reduce the size and influence of the federal government, cut the budget and to secure the borders.

“It’s always nice to have something to show behind your talking points,” Rep. Hastert said. “It would provide a clear contrast with the Democrats.”

Asked if the unprecedented measure might raise Constitutional issues, Mr. Hastert said, “Hey, we’re the majority. We can do whatever we want. We passed the Medicare prescription drug bill, didn’t we?”

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208 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Scott Ott // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:09 am

    GOP Congress Moves National Election Date to March

    by Scott Ott(2006-10-15) — With polls showing that Republicans could lose their majority in Congress in November, the GOP-controlled House and Senate yesterday voted to move the national date for Congressional elections to March 15, 2007.”The…

  • 2 SeaDog // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:15 am

    And what makes them think they can keep their collective noses clean until March? The Demdonks might like this idea. It will give them time to dig up more scandals. It’s getting so that the party with the disadvantage is the one with the most recent scandal!

  • 3 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:18 am

    I can’t stop laughing! Oh my gosh, gotta warn people who may be drinking their morning tea! (Or coffee.)

    Now I need a new keyboard. Just the Headline was enough. Awsome Mr. Ott!

  • 4 gafisher // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:33 am

    Rove-ing election days? Now who do you suppose thought THAT up?

  • 5 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:55 am

    Well, we have waited for a lo-o-o-o-o-ng time to learn what the Dems’ plan is. What difference will a few more months make?

    Then again, a postponement of the election to the Ides of March would contribute to Nancy Pelosi’s “lean and hungry look” enough so that she will just blow away.

    I say: Focus on what has been accomplished by the GOP in spite of the obstructionism of the opposition. It is easier to persuade fellow-Republicans to act in the interests of the nation than it will be to influence the Dems, a party dedicated to higher taxes, even more entitlement programs, combatting terrorism through legal channels, open borders and support for illegals, etc.

    Let’s stop beating up on the GOP for not meeting every expectation that we had for the party. The opposition is doing a fine enough job as it is. Our efforts should be on highlighting the strengths of a good economy with opportunities of prosperity and the liberty to pursue our own happiness without Big Government’s interference in redistributing our income. We have terrific justices in our courts; we need even more. John Bolton is an effective leader in an ineffective UN. We have programs and legislation (with teeth) in place to pursue terrorists and their sponsors. (I’m sure that you all could add more.)

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 8:36 am

    Scott has certainly hit on a couple of vibrant nuances today and cleverly transposed the essences of the two (major) political parties.

    The WaPo article “White House Upbeat About GOP Prospects”, cited above, sounds bipolar or something as it first begins with the eye-catcher that there is “…..widespread panic in the Republican establishment about the coming midterm elections…..” then says, “Some Republicans on Capitol Hill are bracing for losses of 25 House seats or more.” Then, referencing Foleygate, it says, “…..many Republicans panicked…..” (emphases mine)

    Nevertheless, I contend that, if there is to be any at all, the “panic” should be among the electorate that there is even a remote chance of a Democrat-controlled Capitol Hill.

  • 7 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2006 at 8:55 am

    I hope maybe perhaps Governor Taft (Oh-R) will wake up and say he is sorry for the state of the state before March. I think he put Ohio right in the lap of the Democrats. Looking back at his whole time in Ohio he can find nothing to brag on except rotten politics.

    He is from the Country Club Repubs and can leave, head to the golf course and feel no pain for his mess.

  • 8 nylecoj // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:17 am

    “It’s always nice to have something to show behind your talking points,”

    Great line Scott!

  • 9 upnorthlurkin // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:36 am

    Actually, I’d love to see elections moved to say, April 16. Or at least have them coincide with the dates quarterly (tax) payments are due. I really hate those dates! Good Sunday Morning Scrapplers!!

  • 10 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:38 am

    I’ve read a few leftard pieces bracing the country that just such an occurrence is very possible, enroute to cancelled elections and the continuance of KIng W’s reign. Now that’s just paranoid!

    On the other topic-Republican failures-I must say very strenuously that the performance of this congress and this president has been disappointing. With a mandate from the people, a 66% approval rating and a Republican congress, you’d think the prez could have passed real medicare reform, rather than teaming up with Teddy for Republican-lite legislation.

    All that said-the Dems would be much, much worse. I’m just tired of settling for the least dangerous of two candidates or parties.

  • 11 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:48 am


  • 12 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:57 am

    Well, two tries and no post. Hope this works.

    Some of our leftard friends are already cautioning the country to be prepared for a postponement of elections “for national security purposes”, and a possible coup, this fall. I read one account calling for armed insurrection should this occur.

    Republicans in general have been pathetic. Democrats would be dangerous…

  • 13 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:59 am


  • 14 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:06 am

    Scott - Ouch :wink:

    James re #6 - Get ready - that little article was to prepare the Democrats for “they rigged the election! Voters were disenfranchised! Rove lied. Voters cried! What did they know and when did they know it? They were just too smug..they knew something.”

    Upnorthlurkin re #9 - Actually April 1st would be more appropriate.

    And to the rest of you, good morning on this glorious Lord’s Day. The rain is coming down in a steady downpour and all is right with the world here in Okie land. Bless Him for this rain!

  • 15 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:12 am

    Google ads on this page include two (2) for Jennifer Granholm, one for “Anti-Bush stickers”, and one for “Why Mommy is a Democrat”.

    Maybe Google moving their headquarters to Ann Arbor was appropriate, hhmmm?

  • 16 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:13 am


  • 17 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:57 am

    That UN resolution is an extremely tasteless joke.
    An “embargo”. Right.
    And, so, now I suppose Russia (might as well go back to calling it USSR, if you ask me) and China are going to kick back and watch the USA do the inspections.

    If it’s going to be all up to us, I say a total blockade of NoKo is in order.

    I know, their northern border is China. I say carpet-bomb that border non-stop until freakin’ doomsday or until we slice the planet in half, whichever comes first-gimme a job in that bomb factory. Heck, why wait for somebody else to start Armageddon…..

    We must not forget that we are STILL AT WAR with NoKo. I say go for total VICTORY!!!!!

    And I went up there, I said, “Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL.” And I started jumpin up and down yelling, “KILL, KILL,” and he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, “KILL, KILL.” And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, “You’re our boy.”~~Arlo Guthrie-1966

  • 18 egospeak // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:14 am


    I love, “you can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant”.

    Republicans certainly proved that, as the majority, they could do anything they wanted to do. They passed McCain-Feingold right. No… like, 1st Amendment question there. Didn’t they get rid of the Depts of Commerce and Education. They made the tax cuts permanent, repealed the Death tax forever. Passed legislation requiring a supermajority to raise taxes. Passed term limits. I.m not dreaming am I? Ooops.

  • 19 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:25 am

    You can get anything you want at Ms RightWing’s Restaurant. Ooops, JamesonLewis3rd, now you got me all messed up, I closed down that hash joint in 2001.

    Now all I do is make cyber flap jacks. sigh

  • 20 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:35 am

    Yeah, but Ms Rightwing, Ink, those cyper flapjacks are sure good with your cyber maple syrup. The only thing that could improve them would be a helping of virtual Tennessee Pride Country Sausage (It’s the bessstt part of the meal!)

  • 21 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:37 am

    An AP headline reads, “Enforcing N. Korea sanctions looks tough”.
    Ya, think!?!

  • 22 MargeinMI // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:39 am

    MMMMMMMMMMMMM, flapjacks!

    Morning all!

  • 23 MargeinMI // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:42 am

    Also, WOOHOO TIGERS!!!!!!! Tied game, two outs, bottom of the 9th……and a 3 run homer!!! WOW! SWEEEEEEEEEP!

    This state needs something to be happy about. Here’s hoping they go all the way!

  • 24 upnorthlurkin // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:50 am

    Speaking of the much missed Cassandra (I guess it was the previous thread) don’t miss her brilliant essay and JarHeadDad’s comment here It’s a tear jerker. Thanks to Blackfive for the link.

  • 25 upnorthlurkin // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:51 am

    Mmmmm hmmmmm?

  • 26 MargeinMI // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:51 am

    Whoops, found some more: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Godfrey, I too, think Bono’s plan is a good one. I’ll be trying to buy ‘red’ also. (Do you think his choice of color will slow lib participation? ;) ) Oprah also does much good with her Angel Network. I guess it just tees me that with what she’s worth, she could do moooooooore!

    Hank, I think I’ll give you another nic: Wordmeister! You’re eloquence and clear writing are always a joy here.

    c-a-t, Let your smile be your umbrella. We’ve got some sunshine today. My #1 priority is to go into the crawlspace of hell to turn off my hose water before we get another hard freeze. YUCK!

  • 27 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:55 am

    I’ll raise a fork to that Marge. You got my vote for our co-depressed rust belt neighbor. Heck, the Browns aren’t going to make us root-root-rah, nor could the Indians.

    Since my Mn. Twinkies died at the hands of the Tiger, I will back second best.

    Amen on the Tennessee Pride. Better than Bob Evans, although to my friends who are distant readers from the Buckeye-Bob Evans is a great place for biscuits and gravy.

    Say, just what is going on with food. Must be a better topic than the failure of Repubs to be Repubs.

  • 28 MargeinMI // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:33 pm

    upnorth, Thanks for sharing that excellent link and for the tissue warning. I ‘get it’. Wish more did.

    Gosh I’m hungry!

  • 29 Stop The ACLU // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:33 pm

    Sunday Funnies

    Doug Ross plays a game of Presidential Jeopardy
    Ace gets an office linebacker!
    Wuzzadem takes a look at Cindy Sheehan’s noble peace prize nominee announcement and reports that Murtha is tired of Irey threatening to debate him on the issues.

  • 30 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:37 pm

    Guys, gals: Why are you all singing the blues or giving them any hope at all?

    Run, don’t walk, to your nearest Republican headquarters and get out the vote. Otherwise, you will surely not get anything you want in a Dem-controlled Congress.

    Not only is Nancy Pelosi insipid, she is downright dangerous for the direction of this country. Kerry is becoming more and more emboldened. Harry Reid should be grilled under hot lights for his land-deal shenanigans. (Check out captainsquartersblog for details on that brouhaha. The Lamestream is not shining a light on his personal enrichment through crony lobbyists and family.)

    Or else start socking away enough money to pay for the increase in taxes that the Dems promise. If there is any money left over, either buy a burqa or dig out a bomb shelter.

  • 31 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:50 pm

    Tennessee Pride is my current fave, but I remember a sausage my Dad used to get, that advertised itself as “whole hog” sausage. Can’t remember the brand, though. That was some good stuff! Sometimes I’ll mix up a roll of the “hot” sausage and the regular and make biscuits and gravy (my wife makes the gravy ’cause I’m gravy-challenged). I prefer homemade biscuits like my Granny used to make, with a fork-swipe of bacon grease on top to brown ‘em, but store-bought will do in a pinch.

    BTW, I actually like bacon gravy better than sausage gravy. Is that normal? I miss Granny’s breakfasts on the farm with ham, chicken, mixed pickles, eggs, gravy and biscuits and just about anything else you could think of on the table. Mmmmmm-hhhmmm!

  • 32 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:59 pm


    Let’s not forget the “culture of corruption” aspects of John Murtha’s career. He’s been gettin’ a free pass for far too long.

    Sadly, it is almost a sure bet that the Dems will take the House this election. I sure hope it isn’t because conservatives vote their displeasure, because that would be cutting your nose off to spite your face…

    Oh, and “mixed pickles” was a simple type of pickled corn and other veggies, canned by my Grandma. I never kept the recipe, but I remember it was made by adding the ingredients with salt and letting the pickling take place naturally, kinda like sauerkraut or kimchi. mmmm-mmm good!

  • 33 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 1:12 pm

    I’d like to add, if I may:

    Fresh-picked tomatoes.

  • 34 maf54 // Oct 15, 2006 at 1:16 pm

    morning all!
    slightly ot, but regarding noko. why does the administration believe that sanctions are going to work against the most isolated regime in the world. the two most enduring regimes, cuba and noko, have also been the most embargoed. they ought to withdraw from the un charter and bomb the nokos back to the food age. lol! that will at least solve the refugee problem that china is worried about.!

    this post, scott, is hilarious. the dims will find something to complain about. if i were you though, i wouldn’t fret, rove and bush are confident going into this election. they haven’t steered me wrong yet. ok, off to watch football.

  • 35 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 1:22 pm


    One of the saddest things about Fall is the end of tomato season :(

  • 36 Darthmeister // Oct 15, 2006 at 2:09 pm

    Actually, I think April 1st would be a more appropriate election date given how the cowardly Republicans and RINOs have conducted themselves the last two and three years as the majority party.

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 2:12 pm

    Maybe yesterday would be a good date, then we could move on to impeachment and stuff.

  • 38 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 2:31 pm

    OK, y’all…it will be breakfast for supper tonight. You have made me so hungry for biscuits and gravy and grits and tomatoes and sausage and eggs that I am going to fix an old family Sunday night favorite - breakfast.

    Beerme: could that have been Wampler’s or Rudy’s? Rudy’s was the “package with the dinner bell” and Wampler’s was “made from the whole hog.” Growing up in East Tennessee made me a sausage officianado. Of course we can’t forget Granny Loomis Country Sausage, “I was handed down generation ta generation ta me! Graaanny Loomis!” :-)

  • 39 RedPepper // Oct 15, 2006 at 2:58 pm

    #14 c-a-t & #36 Darth: I’m with you folks, April Fool’s Day is definitely a better choice than the Ides of March!

    Then again, All Soul’s Day could be good. Don’t Mexicans call it “The Day of the Dead”?

    Has a certain ring to it …

  • 40 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 4:04 pm


    I don’t remember the brand, just the tag “whole hog sausage”. Might be one of those.

    East Tennessee? Anywhere near Bristol? My father’s family is from near there. Nice country.

  • 41 The Great Santini // Oct 15, 2006 at 4:05 pm

    In view of the overall GOP domestic track record since 1994, moving the midterms to March, 2007, would only give this group more time and opportuny to step on their collective schwantzes. The Gang Who Can’t Shoot Straight, by any other name….

    Remember the “Contract with America”? Which of its terms has the GOP House majority actually kept? If the Mild Bunch loses its majorities in Congress in November, the causes will be its abandonment of the Contract’s message and its desertion of its base for The Dark Side of incumbency, pork, and an even more bloated federal government.

    Since the alternative is immeasurably worse, and since my country is in peril from cynical and remorseless enemies. outside and within—and the GOP has generally supported my country’s defense against such enemies—I’m sticking with them in 2006.

    But when you have to vote for Party A because Party B is so much worse, Party A is outa gas.

  • 42 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 4:24 pm


    You are entirely correct, sir. I try to keep hopeful by noting that there are a number of good congressmen that haven’t forgotten the Contract with America, and are bravely fighting to reduce pork, earmarks and government in general. Shadegg, Coburn, Flake and others are trying hard to rally the moral minority, but largely in vain

  • 43 A Secular Franciscan Life - Weblog of a Member of the Secular Franciscan Order in Montana » Rove-ing Election Days? // Oct 15, 2006 at 4:52 pm

    [...] Rove-ing Election Days? By Randy With fear in Republican circles increasing over possible losses in the November elections the GOP lead Congress has passed legislation moving the elections to March 2007. “The November date, we felt, was setting an unreasonable timeline,” said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL. “With elections in March, we’ll have time to get out the Republican message of small government, lean budgets, strong borders, and aggressive action against terrorists and governments who harbor them.” [...]

  • 44 maf54 // Oct 15, 2006 at 5:10 pm

    i’m with you. there are a few bad apples that has betrayed the contract with america. the vast majority have not. unfortunately, as my favorite senator likes to say, washington dc is 17 square miles of logic free zone. lol! in reality, while some (ney, etc) have used their power for their own personal gain, others are working to shrink government and defend us from those who would like to see our country fail.
    the democrats still have no plan. their plan is that they are not republicans. that is not a plan. perhaps if the gop loses in november (i don’t think they will, but just supposeing…) then the public will see with their own eyes how horrible the dims are. this will be good going into the important 2008 election.

  • 45 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 5:21 pm

    Beerme: Actually, in West Knoxville which is pretty far south of Bristol. I went to high school in Farragut, Tennessee on the far west side of Knoxville, and graduated from a college in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Yes, it is God’s country.

    Santini, this was in our paper yesterday referring to our illustrious senator.

    Coburn is the man who, when running for representative, campaigned on term limits and actually limited his own term even though his attempt at the same for his cohorts failed. He stepped down after his third term and went back to private practice. But then he couldn’t stand what he was seeing, anymore, with the spending in D.C. and so he ran for Senator. Now he is getting the proverbial “spanking” from fellow members of the Senate for doing the right thing. Shameful.

  • 46 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 6:39 pm

    C-A-T: I think that it was you singing the praises of Inhofe, for questioning the validity of the global-warming doomsayers. Deb Saunders has a great column about his being considered an “apostate” by the offended Earth-worshiping Greenies. The comments afterward are good, too.

    Right-o about Murtha holding his office for too long while playing with some questionable practices of taking care of family. While he has brought industry through government contracts to an economically depressed area, caused by the steel mills shutting down, some of his methods smack of nepotism. Diana Irey is giving him a great run for his money. She is a tiny ball of fire and quite knowledgable. Murtha is reluctant to debate with her.

    Late last week, I had the privilege of meeting Sen. Jim DeMint from S. Carolina at a breakfast meeting at our local GOP headquarters. He was stumping on behalf of Rick Santorum, who is not getting a fair shake in our blue state with its Dem-biased media. Santorum is the real deal in terms of conservative values, and he is a real leader. In fact, DeMint told us that it was Santorum who persuaded Bush to drop the issue of any amnesty for illegals, that the fence and border security are uppermost issues for our citizens. Even our governor, “Fast Eddie” Rendell, thinks that Santorum is better as a senator than Casey, Jr., Rendell’s Lt. Gov., would be. If we lose Santorum because every voter wants to “clean house” of the incumbents, the loss to conservatism will be great.

    Well, while you folks spent the day conjuring up terrific “eats,” I went to one of our local autumn festivals to indulge in them. The air may have been brisk and a little nipply, but the sun was shining.

  • 47 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 6:40 pm

    For crying out loud: I forgot to close the link. Duh!

  • 48 Darthmeister // Oct 15, 2006 at 6:41 pm

    The BBC is biased? Say it ain’t so!

    BBC is going to court to try and block a report which documents its blatant anti-Israel bias.

    Too bad there aren’t reports of the same nature that we can bash over CBS/NBC/ABC/NPR/CNN/MSNBC/NYT’s collective heads for their palpable anti-conservative bias. The report probably wouldn’t even get reported by the lamestream media!

  • 49 camojack // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:08 pm

    I couldn’t withstand even one extra day of the campaign propaganda from both sides of the aisle, via land (mail) and air (telephone).

  • 50 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:17 pm

    Jaafar al-Mussawi, chief prosecutor in the trial of Saddam Hussein , said Sunday that court proceedings will not resume Monday as scheduled.

    The Iraqi High Tribunal is instead expected to announce the date the verdict against Hussein and his co-defendants will be delivered on crimes against humanity charges arising from the killing of villagers at the town of Dujail.

  • 51 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:45 pm

    Onlineanalyst: Thank you so much for that link. That was an amazing opinion piece.

  • 52 maf54 // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:54 pm

    onlineanalyst: i echo cat’s sediments-great link. also i enjoyed the color scheme of your post. you look very becoming in blue! lol! you need an isp locator!

  • 53 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 8:09 pm

    Thanks, liger. (What a maroon.)

  • 54 The Great Santini // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:08 pm


    The vignette in your link (# 45) perfectly encapsulates the cluelessness of the TEP (the Tin-Eared Party).

    Democrats by nature hog down someone else’s taxes and send the boodle to their states to “bring home the bacon” to benefit their consituents—and to get reelected by those on the take, who appreciate and expect the thievery. That’s what the New Deal and the Great Society were all about.

    The majority of the (R) majority talks the talk of reducing the size of the federal leviathan by cutting spending, but when the chips are down, they choke. They get to D.C. and “go native”, walking the walk of Democrats, i.e., spending profligately and expecting thereby to be reelected.

    Voters who elected them not do that wonder why they should vote again for a (R) who lies to them about what he’s going to do and then produces results indistinguishable from those produced by a (D). Such voters don’t vote (D); they just stay home, alienated from a political elite which refuses to listen.

    When Lt. Col. George A. Custer’s body was recovered from the field after the Battle of the Little Big Horn, the burial detail noticed an awl had been driven into his ear. Sioux tradition held that the awl was used in that manner so Custer would listen the next time he was warned not to despoil lands sacred to the Sioux.

    A similar fate could befall numerous TEP politicians this election day. If so, it will be their fault; they didn’t listen.

  • 55 R.A.M. // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:12 pm

    I wonder why the Dimocrats think they will retake both the House and Senate in November.

    Didn’t they say the Republicans STOLE the last two or three elections?

    If they really think that happened, what would keep us evil Republicans from stealing this one also?

    Or—-just maybe they really do not believe the BS they constantly spout?

    How about answering that questions lib trolls?

  • 56 The Great Santini // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:16 pm


    This tune’s for you.

    ♪ ♪ ♪
    Blue, powder blue,
    Her post’s blue as it can be
    But it’s hip-hooray for OLA
    For her link’s sagacity (Da-dum-dum, da-dum-dum)
    ♪ ♪ ♪


  • 57 maf54 // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:26 pm

    santini is right. washington dc is a corrupting environment. they ought to move the capital city to somewhere in the heartland (kansas maybe?) and see if they’re shenanigans will work there. something tells me one or two of the dimocrats might be found missing scalp and perhaps an awl in they’re ear! lol! not that we’d miss them! lol!

    regarding this election. i think people ought to stop whining about loosing and get out the vote. it is within our grasp!

  • 58 R.A.M. // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:48 pm

    You all have probably heard that ex Representative Gerry E. Studds went to his just dessert this weekend,

    I wonder if he was “done in” by the radical right, or Bush? Will the talk shows now have to stop talking about this pervert because he is now dead? I’m sure libs like Pelosi will “try” that talking point!

    Read the article and see what Gerry’s “husband” has to say about him.

    I really got a chuckle out of his comment that, “He gave people of his generation, or my generation, of future generations, the courage to do whatever they wanted to do,” said Hara, 49.

    WOW! Dims called that “perversion” with Foley, with Studds it is “courage”!

    My bet is Studds is REALLY feeling that “global warming” right now!

    How fitting he was 69.

    P.S. I pray the dog he was walking got away! :lol:

  • 59 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:03 pm

    Well, dag nabbit all this talk about pork forced me to go to a restaurant that once was a barn. Ironically it is called the barn.

    It was a bit of a drive, but on a beautiful sun shinny day like today it was worth it. Anyways I had a full rack of BBQ ribs with no quilt feelings, though the bones are more food than Kimmies people have.

    Also bought a 1/2 bushel of apples, some cider and a few pairs of underwear. The underwear, excuse me, came from Walmart, of which I also feel no pains of guilt from shopping there.

    Now, in the comfort of my own home I will also relish the apple pie me and my friends bought at the orchard…………….later

  • 60 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:04 pm

    And why do they call underwear pairs when it is but one article of clothing?

  • 61 Godfrey // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:25 pm

    Scott: today’s post was absolutely brilliant. I wish the entire GOP leadership could read it; they need the occasional elbow in their collective ribcage.

    R.A.M. How fitting he was 69.

    It’s very difficult to make me gag. Congratulations. :-/

  • 62 R.A.M. // Oct 15, 2006 at 10:41 pm

    I just found out my PC is smarter than House Dimocrats.

    When I minimized the window that had the Studds obit, the article titled, “Gay ex Congressman —”, became, “Gay ex Con—-” which is what he SHOULD have been years ago!

  • 63 maf54 // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:00 pm

    have you all seen the david kuo character who just wrote a book-tempting faith? gosh, i guess it just takes a election to get these fools to come out of the wood work.
    i just saw him on 60 minutes. yes, i’m ashamed that i watch it.
    sometimes you have to watch the lib msm in order to find out what they are up to. lol!

  • 64 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:22 pm

    Justice Antonin Scalia on Sunday defended some of his Supreme Court opinions, arguing that nothing in the Constitution supports abortion rights and the use of race in school admissions.

    Scalia, a leading conservative voice on the high court, sparred in a one-hour televised debate with American Civil Liberties Union president Nadine Strossen. He said unelected judges have no place deciding politically charged questions when the Constitution is silent on those issues.

  • 65 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:52 pm

    I think that I have the solution to what Inhofe said on Wednesday, is the problem with those who become “Washingtonized”. Since we have all of the technology necessary to handle ANY kind of situation, I think that congressmen should be sent to the “home office” situation just like many companies are doing to their employees. My husband is one of those employees. He conference calls, studies, and receives and places orders right here.

    Just think of it. The hallowed halls of Congress would only be used for special occassions, would be open to the public for tours and would be the viewing spot for deceased officials.

    And the benefits? Wellllll….let’s see:
    1. They would be close to their constituents and would feel, first hand the heartbeat of their state.
    2. They would have more time to research and get real facts on issues and would still have a staff (provided locally I might add) to help in that job, because they wouldn’t have to suffer through all those social events.
    3. They would have to vote, via laptop, and so every vote would be traceable and have the potential of being public record…in other words, accountable.
    4. Lobbyists would have to work their tails off and spend tons of money to be able to meet personally with every congressman. Otherwise, they would have to email them or put in phone calls or conference calls and congressmen could actually tune them out.
    5. And finally, they would be with their families and not so susceptible to the corrupting influence of centralized power and prostitutes!! :-)

    I think that I will propose that to Senators Inhofe and Coburn, who actually do stay in our state most of the time. Think it will fly????? Stay tuned for SB101-AOK: The Stay-At-Home Congressman Bill.

  • 66 conserve-a-tip // Oct 15, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    Pardon me…reread that and that is ‘occasions’.

  • 67 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 12:34 am

    Sen. John Kerry says he deserves a second chance if he decides to take another crack at becoming president.

    The Massachusetts Democrat, who lost to President Bush in 2004, said it is a basic principle that “Americans give people a second chance. And if you learn something and prove you’ve learned something, maybe even more so. Now, I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. We’ll make that decision down the road.”
    Hmm, still flip-flopping like a fish out of water, I see.

  • 68 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 12:56 am

    Vandals broke into three mink farms in northwestern Spain and freed more than 15,000 of the prized, furry animals, officials said Sunday.

    The vicious creatures then proceeded to terrorize the surrounding countryside, leaving a trail of bloodshed in their wake. Residents were warned to remain indoors, seclude their pets and block all vents and chimneys. Bans against the use of firearms within city limits were waived for the duration of the crisis.

    I made up the second paragraph.

  • 69 Effeminem // Oct 16, 2006 at 1:23 am

    C-A-T, #65, that is actually a good idea. I would run on that platform, if I had nothing better to do than run for office.

    maf54, lol! you are too funny today, i hope that all the contorted double entendre was on purpose. btw what are you wearing? lol

  • 70 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 2:04 am

    Effeminem: hehe…funny, but please: ixnay on the ollfeedingtray.

    Funny you should pop up: I was just about to recommend a great article to any Scrapplers who want a quick break from the Republicans vs. Democrats rat race. Here is an article in which the always-articulate Nick Gillespie talks about why so many libertarians vote Republican instead of Democrat…and why, in spite of recent efforts by some leftists to woo libertarians to their side, that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. One of the best things about Nick’s articles is his great ability to link to relevant and/or amusing material.

    Beerme, you’ll want to pour a nice lager for this one.

  • 71 Cassandra // Oct 16, 2006 at 4:36 am

    Senator John Kerry says he deserves another chance if he decides to take another crack at becoming President

    The heck with March 15th. They should have postponed the election until April Fool’s Day.

  • 72 Beerme // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:15 am


    Thanks for the link. Gillespie answers the latest Kos Koolaid with aplomb. Libertarians should come to the Democrat Party where they’ll be welcome, indeed! I don’t always agree with Gillespie but he is articulate and generally creative.

    Of course, I’ve been a Reason subscriber for at least ten years, so I am pretty familiar with Nick’s writing.

  • 73 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:19 am

    It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.

    - President John F. Kennedy, Oct. 22, 1962

    Interesting Op-Ed from last Friday.

  • 74 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:36 am

    Morning all-good. I am recuperating from all that pork I ate yesterday. There was enough pork there to keep W Va in the red for another three years.

    Our Govy wanna be, Ted Strickland, it has been discovered, voted present on a bill for allowing child/adult studies on sexual relationships, showing such could prove beneficial.

    It is the best kept secret in Ohio-but not now, everyone who reads Scrapple shall know.

    I don’t know Scott’s numbers (there much better than mine! ) but every journey starts with one step.

  • 75 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:48 am

    Here’s some interesting background on that Muslim Taxi Cab discrimination deal we were talking about the other day.

  • 76 red satellites // Oct 16, 2006 at 9:24 am

    Good morning Scrapplers!

    I wonder if Al Gore will be giving the eulogies for the 3 people who died in Buffalo last week during the snowstorm?


  • 77 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 9:43 am


    Didn’t you mean, lieger? That’s been my guess, too.

    red satellites,

    Dang that global warming! Now the shameless environmentalist whackos have taken to talking generically about “climate change”, that way they can incorporate any scenario which runs contrary to their theory of “man-made global warming.” But I got news for the moonbats, THE CLIMATE ALWAYS CHANGES!

    What with the global warming on Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune’s moon Triton, and Mars there’s something else going on since there aren’t SUVs on any of these other solar bodies. Hmmmmm, must be a combination of factors INCLUDING INCREASED SOLAR OUTPUT. Doh!

  • 78 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:16 am

    Darth: You are correct. The mixed-breed intruder has been in my radar for some time. And MsRW, Ink and others are right in inferring that our least-favorite troll is just a kid, albeit with techno skills. His hit-and-run “thinking” is shallow and his verbal skills are deficient ones typical in his age group. Some of his manipulations are downright sociopathic. His limitation (besides an enabling all-forgiving mom) is that he doesn’t recognize that some of us have well-placed friends in upper Echelons (and the little weenie knows what that means).

  • 79 myword // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:37 am

    Good morning Scrapplers from the soggy State of Texas.

    A friend called me at 6 am to tell me she has water in her house. Since I was awake I decided to go out on the deck and check the canal as it was almost to the top yesterday. To my surprise I see the boat floating out of the boathouse. I was able to catch and secure it.

    The water is a few feet up in the yard and one of the palm trees has toppled over and other palms have water lapping at their base. Don’t know if they’ll survive with it being salt water.

    More rain coming. It’s been raining since Wed here.
    Our house is on pilings so we’re about 10 feet off the ground. No worries here.

    So, how is your Monday morning?

    Regarding the 15,000 mink some eco-terrorist released - I read they will die because they don’t know how to hunt for food. Never underestimate the ignorance of ET’s. This is the same mind-set that doesn’t think twice
    about killing unborn babies but agonize over minks in cages.

    Here’s a list to keep handy when sifting through the left’s talking points of the day.


    1. Ad hominem (meaning “against the person”) - attacks the person and not the issue

    2. Appeal to emotions - manipulates peoples’s emotions in order to get their attention away from an important issue

    3. Bandwagon - creates the impression that everybody is doing it and so should you

    4. False dilemma - limits the possible choices to avoid consideration of another choice

    5. Appeal to the people - uses the views of the majority as a persuasive device

    6. Scare tactic - creates fear in people as evidence to support a claim

    7. False cause - wrongly assumes a cause and effect relationship

    8. Hasty generalization (or jumping to conclusions) - draws a conclusion about a population based on a small sample

    9. Red herring - presents an irrelevant topic to divert attention away from the original issue

    10. Traditional wisdom - uses the logic that the way things used to be is better than they are now, ignoring any problems of the past.

    Peas out.

  • 80 conserve-a-tip // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:57 am

    Godfrey, another link on libertarian voting that will absolutely give you a stitch in your side is here and a wonderful article on the Nazis of the left is here .

  • 81 Shelly // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:01 am

    I agree that there have been disappointments in the GOP. While a few RINO’s are hopeless, there are many who aren’t, not to mention a lot of Senators who heard from they’re constituents and returned to DC to vote for a fence, and its funding. The public is not going to let politicians off the hook on this one.

    That being said, not voting for the GOP based on these disappointments is like choosing to eat poison for dinner because filet mignon is unavailable.

  • 82 Shelly // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:03 am

    Or to have poison for dessert because Ms. RW’s WFCCC aren’t available. :-)

  • 83 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:09 am

    The coconuts are falling off the trees in Hawaii. The Richter scale toppled off at 6.6 which was about the same as the Northridge earthquake that chased many out of California in 1965. I was finishing my J degree at Northridge Cal at the time so I was stuck in the land of fruity nuts until ‘98.

    I wonder how many are packing up their grass skirts today? And to think Camojack almost had me convinced to buy property there! Heck, most of it just fell into the calm, lipid pools about the Pacific coast

  • 84 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:12 am

    g’morning all,

    rainy day out here at the homestead! i’ve enjoyed reading all of the posts. lol! hilarious! i appreciate all of your concern regarding my supposed identity as a troll. i think that’s funny too! i’m not sure what i can do to make you think otherwise.

    myword: you ought to add another common fallacie. one that many of you here are guilty of: falsly accusing newbies of being a troll so you don’t have to respond to their posts. i understand why godfrey doesn’t like me: i questioned the competence of his flying buddy because he crashed into a high rise. but i’m not sure what you others have against me.

  • 85 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:12 am


    Supplies were purchased yesterday for a new season of WFCCC’s. The world is now a better place.

  • 86 Shelly // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:18 am

    Mark Steyn weighs in on the election and is, as usual, quite amusing.,CST-EDT-steyn15.article

    RE: 85, a sigh of relief.

  • 87 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 12:27 pm

    Hamas threatens Israel with ‘unforgettable lesson’…
    Another denomination of the “religion of peace” speaks its mind about love and forgiveness.

    REPORT: Portions of United States will become more prone to power failures…
    And the Moon will one day impact the Earth. This is election season isn’t it?

    Alleged Duke Victim’s Kin Calls 60 MINUTES Segment ‘Intimidation’…
    Truth does have a way of intimidating liars and family members of liars.

    I guess Hollyweird finally got the message from the DemDonk Party to … “keep your big mouths shut!”

  • 88 myword // Oct 16, 2006 at 12:44 pm

    RE #86 - Shelly

    Another good article by Mark Steyn.

    He alludes to his new book, out this week. I have it and have read it. It is a stunner and an eye-opener. I highly recommend it to all my fellow conservatives. It is extremely readable as Mark Steyn bares the magnitude of the Islamist threat and the Liberals nancy-pants response , (worldwide,) in his inimitable way.

    On the news this a.m., in Britain a worker at Heathrow Airport has been put on unpaid leave because she is wearing a necklace with a cross on it. Her point is the Muslims and Sikhs are able to wear religious symbols, Christians are not. It proves Mark Steyn’s point of how the Liberal contingents of society are eager to throw Christians under the bus in the name of appeasement. He’s especially astute at pointing out the “fallacies” of leftist thinking. What they don’t understand is, once the Muslim majority is in control, they’re next. Somehow, I don’t think the Dixie Chicks or Babs Streisand stage act will be a appealing in a burqa. I know, I know. What act?

    Anyhow, I highly recommend “America Alone.” I told my brother about it. He went to his local library. He’s fourth on the list and the book isn’t in yet.

    I’m now reading Vince Flynn’s “Act of Treason”. Time to get back to it.

    Hurray. The tides going out. At least my dock is above water but it’s starting to rain again. Good day to stay in and read.

  • 89 Maggie // Oct 16, 2006 at 1:18 pm

    myword re#79,

    …..but what does “truth to power mean”?

  • 90 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 1:35 pm

    CAT: Wow…Matt Labash is a remarkable writer. I might just “Vote Kinky” if I was a Texan, if only to pep up the evening news for a few years. As it is I’m going to vote for a movie star whose campaign commercials need English subtitles, which is almost as good.

    myword: I don’t think the Dixie Chicks or Babs Streisand stage act will be a appealing in a burqa…

    I heartily disagree. Sometimes burkas are an improvement.

  • 91 upnorthlurkin // Oct 16, 2006 at 2:05 pm

    Bwahahahahaha, Godfrey! I heartily agree. A burka on Babs would be an improvement. She could continue to do “farewell tours” for eternity. Actually, if you put a burka on her or the DitzyChits it would make listening to their music easier. As long as the burka muffled their stupid comments a concert might be bearable again. Nah! Knowing their politics, I refuse to contribute anything to their coffers!

  • 92 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 2:10 pm

    I’ve just heard about a New York Times survey which shows 61% of Americans consider themselves to be conservative or very conservative. 34% of Americans consider themselves to be liberal. If someone has a link to this (it might come online this PM) I would much appreciate it.

    And if that is true (and I don’t have any reason to believe it isn’t), then maybe these dimbulb Republicans running around wringing their hands about “losing the House and maybe the Senate to the Democrats” ought to rephrase their lament in a more positive light like:

    1) If conservatives come out and vote like the patriotic Americans they are, Democrats will continue to be a powerless party of whiners.

    2) If conservatives come out and vote in 2006 and 2008 in the numbers we know are out there, conservative “originalists” can continue changing the complexion of the Supreme Court in the next six or eight years.

    3) If conservatives stay home and pout instead of voting like patriotic Americans should, then Nancy Pelosi might end up as House leader, the Democrats would become even more obstructionist, and more liberal activists would find their way onto federal courts and SCOTUS.

    4) And if conservatives allow themselves to believe the lies and disinformation put out by the liberal media and not vote, that’s the only way liberals can win and America will be further divided by the Democrat trying to ram impeachment down the throats of the American people and calling for highly-partisan witch hunts against influential Republicans and conservatives as political payback for the last six years.


  • 93 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 2:37 pm


    genius post. i’ve been preaching this for weeks. the consevative faithful need to get out and vote. btw, i thought it ironic that you would quote a nyt survey (ahhh, hello? lib msm?). genius.

    also, see myword’s post # 79. i think you worked in everyone of those common fallacies! lol! (scare tactic, bandwagon, generalization, ad hominems, etc…). in any case, that is great bit of satire!

  • 94 conserve-a-tip // Oct 16, 2006 at 3:47 pm

    Thanks Darthmeister for that rallying cry. I called our election board last Wednesday to have an absentee ballot application form sent to the #2 son in Western Oklahoma at school. It has to be returned the first of this week. Guess what? They didn’t send it. Hmmm. Need I add the tidbit of info that the election board is appointed by our democrat governor and state senator? The son is registered Republican. I hope that I am wrong, but I am getting suspicious. If he hasn’t received it by this afternoon, I am raising Cain.

  • 95 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 4:01 pm

    Hank: can’t find the NYT link, although I’d be interested in seeing such a survey.

    If it’s worded in terms of “conservative” and “liberal”, however, I’m not sure it’s of much value. Over the last decade or so the word “liberal” has taken on some extremist overtones (thanks in part to the most vocal among the liberals being, well, the extremists) so I’m not sure it’s a fairly worded question. You might as well ask “do you consider yourself a conservative or a satanist?”

    I’d be more interested in seeing a survey of stances on actual issues…seems like that’d be more accurate.

  • 96 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 4:31 pm

    now, the msm is attacking rep. curt weldon. the dirty tricks of the libs knows no bounds. you can read about it on drudge.

    ohhh. this makes me so angry.

  • 97 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Oct 16, 2006 at 5:24 pm

    This is awsome! They are really cracking down on those who assist terrorists and whatnot. Look at what the judge gave this person -;_ylt=AnMLpMImOoUJmyfuBpuVVpCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ-

    Those guys at NYT, etc. must be quakin’ in thier boots!


  • 98 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Oct 16, 2006 at 5:26 pm

    Oops… sorry about that…

    I guess I should read up on those link things… now the screen scrolls sideways…

  • 99 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:08 pm

    What’s interesting, Godfrey, is Bill Clinton’s political triangulation by now claiming the Democratic Party is the party of liberals and conservatives! Buwhahahaha! I just love how liberals lie.

    There is a polling theory out there which will be tested this November which suggests the media polls are way biased for the following reasons (we’ve discussed some of these before):

    1) First and foremost, real conservatives are avoiding answering polling questions (I have) because of polling overload and not wanting to aid and abet the liberal media.

    2) People lie to pollsters. Also, there is a psychological phenomenon whereby someone who is a staunch conservative or a liberal will answer the questions in a more generic manner, not wanting to appear like an extremist even with the knowledge they are in essence an anonymous participant.

    3) A significant number of average American conservatives and Republicans can only be reached on cell phones, pollsters only use landline phone outreach. Certainly Democrats use cellphones, but it could be the case that poor and lower middle-class Democrats will be over-represented because they are more available to pollsters. Also, no doubt liberals in general believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and so they are far more willing to be inconvenienced by a phone poll any time of the day.

    4) Pollsters still underestimate number of conservatives vs. liberals (as noted in previous post). Polls are not put together from actual random raw phone calls, but rather the pollster assume a certain percentage of the “random” phone calls should consist of so many conservatives (Republicans) , “moderates” (swing voters), or liberals (Democrats). So pollsters essentially throw out a certain number of phone respondents because the pollsters might feel there are too many “moderates” or too many liberals or even too many conservatives in the “random” sampling.

    5) The pollsters, particularly those commissioned by the lamestream media, don’t advertise how many other polls they’ve thrown in the trash can because the results didn’t match up with their “reality”.

    5) Poll questions are often way too biased or poorly worded to produce any meaningful data. For example (we’ve talked about this before) if a pollster were to ask me if I supported how President Bush was handling the Iraqi war I would have to honestly answer: “No … I think our armed forces should have been allowed to be more aggressive in dealing with sectarian violence the way it should have been allowed to be more aggressive in dealing with the earlier al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq. But I still support President Bush because he seems to be taking the Islamofascist threat seriously whereas Democrats don’t.”

    Of course, the pollster would simply take my “No” and run with it saying, “See, see, Bush is losing the support of average Americans in this illegal and immoral war! Of course they doesn’t even come close to accurately describing my opinion. ‘Nuff said.

  • 100 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:08 pm

    …pushin’ on through.

  • 101 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:11 pm

    After ten rounds of voting, it’s Guatemala 110 - Venezuela 77. The vote will continue tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.

    (It was tied after the sixth round)

  • 102 egospeak // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:30 pm

    Re #101

    Well at least they aren’t wasting valuable time voting on anything important. Not that it would matter.

    BTW, if it goes to 15 rounds can it be considered a technical knockout in favor of Guatemala? Or do they win on points. buuwhahahahahahahah!!

  • 103 myword // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:31 pm

    Godfrey, I did a personal survey on the issues of my own. Half my family is Democrat, half is Republican.
    When I query the Democrats about Republican issues,
    without designating them as such, they all agree on the
    Republican viewpoint. I tease them that they’re closet Republicans. They vehemently deny that and say they would never vote for a Republican in a million years.
    It’s baffling and irrational

    I see the correct spelling of burka now. I couldn’t for the life of me think of it when I was writing my former post.

    Okay, I give. I have to agree burkas would be a big improvement for both the D.C.’s and Babs.

    I’m standing in my corner. Let me know when I can come out.

  • 104 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:33 pm


    I’d like to know where you get your info on polling practices. I am aware that biased questions are sometimes asked but I’ve never heard of reputable pollsters throwing out results until they get what their client wants. Reputable meaning Zogby (a Democrat but nonetheless usually correct) Pew, etc.

    I certainly agree that polls are imperfect. But generally they reflect the outcome in advance (though not always, as we’ve seen recently). They have a very good reason for not fudging the results: self-preservation.

    For this reason I’m pretty much resigned to the Democrats gaining their 15-25 seats and taking the House next month. The way things look right now I’d be very surprised if it turned out otherwise.

  • 105 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:41 pm

    Burqa (also burka or burqua).

    Take your pick, it’s still a big, cloth bag.

  • 106 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:42 pm

    myword: says “burka” but then it says “Also, bourkha, burkha, burga.” Another dictionary ( gives the spelling you used…”burqa”.

    In other words you could probably spell it “e-l-v-i-s” and still get full credit.

  • 107 egospeak // Oct 16, 2006 at 6:52 pm

    Re #99

    Your 6th point and the followup commentary remind me of court scenes where a witness is considered hostile and is told to limit their answer to yes or no. Inevitably they are then asked questions not unlike your example.

    It’s no wonder polls are so often wrong. What is really scary is that after the pollsters and the media carry their water, the Dems push the polls as the gospel. If the results turn out differently, (see exit polls 2004) the Dems immediately begin whining that the Repubs stole the election.

    I’m confident that if the Dems/Libs/Socialists had their way we wouldn’t bother with that mess that we call voting. We’d simply declare a winner based on the polls. Ya think???

  • 108 myword // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    Thanks, guys, on the spelling of burka, burqa, bourkha or whatever. You warm a lady’s heart with your kindness.

  • 109 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    what really insenses me is the fact that the libs are out to get an honest lawmaker with trumped up charges in order to influence the election in november. do you think its a coincidence that they have decided to go after rep. weldon now-22 days out from the election? and that tv cameras were there to capture the action of the agents taking boxes from his daughters residence. it reminds me of jackbooted thugs invading someones residence. deblorable!

  • 110 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    I’m not that certain that Zogby is impartial. Here is the latest re the defunct Air America. It is “resurrecting” the “progressive” message, and Zogby will be one of the features of programming. More here:

    From its CEO: “It is with great excitement and optimism that I announce today the formation of a new progressive talk radio network. Myself along with my partners, Anita and Sheldon Drobny; the original cofounders of the Air America Radio Network, want to be the first to tell all you “truth seekers” that the original truth seeker himself Mike Malloy will be born again live on the public airwaves. The planned second coming (barring any apocalypse) is scheduled for October 30, 2006.”

    Myself want to tell you? Where do these people learn their usage? This blooper from a CEO?

    He goes on: “Also joining our team will be internationally renowned pollster John Zogby, President and CEO of Zogby International. John will be co-hosting a weekly one hour show, “The Pulse of the Nation” where John polls particular hot button issues from politics and pop culture to the War in Iraq and stem cell research. Each program will include expert guests and audience participation. At the end of each show John will reveal the secret results of the poll and each listener will then know whether or not they have their finger on ‘The Pulse of the Nation’!”

  • 111 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:30 pm

    Just my view, Godfrey. A gut feeling. Media outlets can commission a poll but they are under no obligation to publish it or report it and I doubt Zogby would call them on it - you know, client confidentiality. In fact, the media often feels obligated to simply ignore their own polls if it doesn’t fit into their left-wing media template.

    These links may not directly answer your question butthis and this and the Election 2004 exit polling debacle do obliquely bear on this issue.

    And even the media is not really convinced of the efficacy of their own media polls when the New York Times and CBS and NBC ignore their own polls by spinning the news in a completely opposite direction!

  • 112 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:51 pm

    i think that the polls are a tool for the lamestream media to influence opinion. have you ever heard of push polling? thats what abcnbccnncbsnyt do. they ask, for example, do you approve of the way the president is handling iraq, yes or no? and this suggests to the respondents that there is a problem in iraq! its crazy. before hearing the question, they might have not had any problem, but now they feel obligated to cast a vote! craziness!

  • 113 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:51 pm

    IMO The people who show up at the polls are the ones who will determine the direction of the Congress and the country, not the ones taking part in polls.

    Tony Blankley observed in a recent column that an “opposition party that aspires to replace the existing majority” had better be able to do some heavy lifting. He notes that “rarely in the annals of American politics has an opposition party been less well prepared for governance than thoday’s congressional Democratic (sic) party.”

    He claims that the party has “no credible leaders,” that there “remains a vicious struggle between Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer.” Murtha is caught in this tug-of-war.

    The divisions between the two factions are “both personal and substantive. They cannot find “reasonable agreement on the war on terror (including their views of civil liberties for terrorists), the Iraq War, tax policy, border policy… ” The list of disagreements is lengthier, but you can check out the article for more.

    Even Howard Dean and Rahm Emmanuel are at odds in mighty vocal ways.

    A party that cannot govern itself and determine its agenda is not fit to govern a nation. Good grief; they cannot even agree on a rallying slogan.

    Check out what Blankley says here if you haven’t already read his column.

  • 114 conserve-a-tip // Oct 16, 2006 at 7:52 pm

    Darthmeister: All you have to look at is the exit polls from the last presidential election. People actually lied to the pollsters as they left the voting booths and skewed the exit polls to the point that the pollsters were salivating over Kerry’s “win”. It turned out to all be a hoax. Either that, or the pollsters lied. Either way, the polls aren’t worth the paper on which they are reported.

  • 115 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:00 pm

    It’s bad enough that they gave Lynne Stewart a mere 28 months for her treason, but they’ve let her out on her own recognizance pending the appeal, which could take a year, to boot.

  • 116 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:18 pm

    John Kerry, sending out feelers for another run at the presidency, is still not ready for prime time, much less “reporting for duty.” Does he ever listen to himself… or has he put himself to sleep before he hears his own inconsistencies? Now, Ralph Waldo Emerson warned that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” but one would have to agree that the inconsistencies of Kerry the Fool are evidence of no guiding principles. He lives by polls and the vagaries of the 24-hour news cycle.

  • 117 Godfrey // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:21 pm

    OLA: I’m not saying that Zogby is impartial. I’m only saying that he has a LOT to lose if it comes to light that he has skewed his results, so he sticks to the methodology and is careful not to allow his political thinking to color his results…and jeopardize his career.

    See myword’s post #79, point 7. Until Zogby proves otherwise I’m willing to assume the link between his political affiliation and his poll results is correlational, not causal. There are too many smart people watching on both sides for him to get away with much.

    Regarding Blankley’s column (#113)…well, I think he’s dead-on. The role of Democrats at this point is mostly as “spoiler” to Republican gains. As a libertarian I can’t say I’d mind that all too much under normal circumstances…except for the whole Islamic Tidal Wave of Death For Infidels thing.

    If I had my druthers this election would end with a very (very!) slim Republican margin in both the House and the Senate. Enough to give the Republicans a much-needed slap in the face. Unfortunately I don’t believe that will be the case; I see a blue House in our near future.

    Hank: I thought you meant the polling agencies skewed their own results. I have no problem believing that certain media outlets would do so.

    Occasionally you find a “joint” poll between news agencies that are polar opposites…like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal…the results of which I have always felt more comfortable accepting.

    CAT: As for the 2004 election, that is exactly why I included the parenthetical “though not always” in my above post! :-)

  • 118 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:44 pm

    JL3rd: Did you know that Lynne Stewart’s defense fund received a substantial amount of money from George Soros’s Open Society?

    Stewart’s nominal sentence is an affront to American justice and to the American people jeopardized by her client’s role in terroristic acts.

    Maybe she should serve her sentence with terrorist detainees. Given her frightening appearance, the detainees might be more willing to share their intelligence with interrogators.

    In their bid to attract “values voters,” the Dems have adopted a new slogan: “The Common Good”. The nebulous term, however, has yet to be defined any more specifically.

    Do you smell collectivism in that term? After all, we cannot forget Madame Hillary’s promise:

    “Many of you are well enough off that … the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” -Hillary Rodham Clinton, 6/28/04

  • 119 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:48 pm

    Back online. A power outage killed my Road Runner and I couldn’t get a reboot to take me out of of my loathsome world into the WWW, but alas here I am.

    Re: somewhere above. Somebody talked about Babs in a Burka, gee that sounds like a special from Bed Bath and Beyond-Bed in a Bag. Well anyhow having her running about in a Burka around Halloween just maybe enough to scare the Snickers out of any kid.

  • 120 Beerme // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:51 pm

    In any event, a win by Democrats in November will help deny a win by Democrats in 2008. In my view that is even more important. I do believe Dems will take near the total seats in the House necessary to win it. But it may not be the disaster people think…

    Two years of Pelosi, Conyers, Murtha, et. al. and the country will be begging for a Republican president!

  • 121 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:51 pm

    all i can say is god help all of us if wwe are submitted to two years of a democratically controled congress! can you imagine? flag burning taught in our public indoctrination schools, how to be a homosexual, removing god from the pledge of alliegence. not to mention the mess of foriegn policy that the party of appeasers will make of things.
    check out malkin for more on this.

  • 122 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    thats exactly what i said about 100 posts earlier! great minds think alike, i guess! lol!
    glad to have you aboard!

  • 123 onlineanalyst // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    I hear what you are saying about Zogby and ethics, Godfrey. I am just skeptical about who the responding samples are and how the questions are phrased.

    My own experience in answering a telephone poll was that none of the choices offered for response represented my actual opinion. Those limitations of choice can skew the results, leading to a misinterpretation of consensus.

    Ultimately, the only poll that counts is the one made in the voting booth.

  • 124 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 8:55 pm

    “The Common Good”


    Shades of Lenin, Marx and Mao.



  • 125 nylecoj // Oct 16, 2006 at 9:00 pm

    c-a-t re#65,
    It would also have the added benefit of keeping the Government scattered in case of a terrorist event.

  • 126 conserve-a-tip // Oct 16, 2006 at 9:51 pm

    Nylecoj - exactly. I found out today, much to my surprise, that all or our US Senators and Congressmen come home every weekend. I knew that Inhofe and Colburn did, but did not realize that the rest did as well. They don’t want to be a part of the Washington culture. Interesting.

    Well, guys…I have to share a good election story with you. You’d think that Oklahoma politics would have changed over the last 100 years (our centennial is next year) but it hasn’t. In our town, we have a Republican incumbent running for reelection to State Representative against a Democrat lawyer from the same town. The incumbent is young, with two young children, is a college life minister, is squeaky clean and kind as can be, has been very careful in his research and his votes and answers every email and phonecall from constituents. His opponent, just today, had the sky fall on him. It was revealed today that the Bar Association is investigating action against him because he has been having an affair with one of his clients whom he is representing in a divorce case. The opposing attorney has asked that he be removed from the case. But that isn’t the worst of it. Evidently, his little honey found a list, in his home, of other female clients with whom he is also having relations and the list had them rated according to how good they were…ahem, you know….Anyway, evidently this lady was second from the bottom and she didn’t take too kindly to that fact. Ever heard that saying, “Hell hath no fury….?” Well, she broke into his house and put lightbulbs full of gasoline in his light sockets in hopes that he would turn one on and blow up the place. I have to ask, “How does one get gasoline into a lightbulb???” She is singing like a bird. Needless to say, he can kiss his political aspirations goodbye. Couldn’t happen to a nicer shark - er - lawyer!

  • 127 maf54 // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:01 pm

    ha ha ha. that’s great c-a-t. typical lawyer. two can play the dirty tricks game, i guess. lol.

  • 128 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:17 pm

    Power Line asks, “Who said French troops won’t do anything in Lebanon?”

  • 129 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:26 pm


    That’s exactly right, the only polls that count are those Americans go to vote on election day. And for the last three elections cycles what the lamestream media polls were predicting one or two month out from the elections rarely matched up with what actually happened in the voting booth. And isn’t it amazing that in each case the media polls erred, they always seem to err in favor of the DemDonks by casting them in a very favorable electoral light. What’s with that?

    Based on media polls the Donks swore they would win with Gore in 2000, win the mid-terms in 2002 and Kerry would win with over 300 electoral votes in 2004.

    Positive media spin, particularly bolstered by bogus polls, has been very beneficial to Democrats ever since Clinton won the first time around with only 43% of the popular vote. Evan Thomas, the Assistant Managing Editor of Newsweek noted with respect to John Kerry’s run for the presidency:

    There’s one other base here: the media. Let’s talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win. And I think they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards — I’m talking about the establishment media, not Fox, but — they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there’s going to be this glow about them that some, is going to be worth, collectively, the two of them, that’s going to be worth maybe 15 points.

    Other studies have shown that Kerry received far more positive media stories than George Bush by almost a factor of 2 to 1.

  • 130 Darthmeister // Oct 16, 2006 at 10:45 pm

    Hank: I thought you meant the polling agencies skewed their own results. I have no problem believing that certain media outlets would do so.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir here but what often happens is the media will get the polling results and then in their coverage focus on those questions/answers which most supports their liberal media template.

    Sometimes one only has to go to the “internals” (percentages of political affiliation, age, whether they are adults, likely voters or registered voters, etc.) of a poll or the questions themselves and see how the pollsters themselves may have produced a flawed product, but the biggest bugaboo is one often finds a headline like: Majority of American’s Fault Bush in Iraq War and then you have to read through three-quarters of the article to find out that 40% of Americans believe Bush is the anti-christ and has involved America in an illegal and immoral war, 20% believe Bush has been conducting a minimalist war and needs to be more aggressive in the War on Terror, and 40% believe Bush is doing it just right. The media reports this as 60% don’t support Bush in the War in Iraq and 40% do support him.

    As you know, how the question is framed is very, very important and it seems lately the pollsters have been doing a pretty lousy job of zeroing in on precisely what it is Americans really think. But my biggest complaint is how the media spin the poll results and how selective they are in “play up” certain polls while ignoring others. But maybe this false sense of security some of these bogus media polls might generate among the DemDonks may be a good thing in the long term since it might make them more complacent than they normally would be. But if the libs don’t take both the House and Senate this time around they have to ask themselves, how is it there are all these polls slamming Republicans and Bush yet they keep on winning? Duuuuuh!

    So I guess we’ll see in three weeks, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the Donks still have a few more October surprises up their sleeves.

  • 131 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 16, 2006 at 11:33 pm


    You know, sometimes when the MSM is citing a poll, singing the same old ultra-pessimistic ballad, I look at the numbers and ask myself, “What!?! Do they actually think they can convince people that black is white, that bad is good, that hate is love, that dumb is smart, that logic is illogical, that morality is immoral?”

    It’s controversy for its own sake-an approach that requires a mind numbed by some bizarre, perverse form of reverse egotism that considers self-mortification to be self-aggrandizement, even a source of pride, of superiority, of power. Outwardly, they grin with glee while, inwardly, they grimace in agony.

    They’re sick puppies.

  • 132 conserve-a-tip // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:06 am

    I saw a man on Hannity and Colmes the other night who really made me think. He had been a member of the SS under Hitler and he felt awful for it. He regretted everything that he did in Hitler’s name. But he said that as a child, when Hitler’s ideas were first being indoctrinated into him in school and elsewhere, he did not have the moral base on which to make any kind of critical decision of what was real and what was not. He bought it hook, line and sinker and by the time that he was a teen and ready to do whatever he was told, his parents were not able to guide him because he would have turned them in.

    They had not raised him with a sense of morality and when they saw the results, it was too late. It was such a sick situation and it made me wonder about our new generations and how we have removed any semblance of morality and faith from the schools and public squares. If parents and grandparents don’t step up to the plate now, the US will succumb to the Hillarys of the country with their communist “for the greater good” lies.

  • 133 Effeminem // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:08 am

    c-a-t, You get gas into a lightbulb by drilling a hole near the metal part and injecting the fuel with a syringe. Then, of course, you also have to cut the natural gas line to the stove so that the entire house goes up when the light is turned on.

    The problem is that gases are only flammable at certain temperature ranges, so they may not explode.

    Godfrey - I’m just trying ositivepay einforcementray on the olltray. It sounds like an idiot most of the time, but it made me laugh today. lol. That’s the first one ever.

  • 134 conserve-a-tip // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:30 am

    Effeminem - thanks…not that I really needed to know for any particular reason…I was just curious…which makes me wonder how you knew this bit of scary info! :-)

    What are you doing up so late? I couldn’t sleep and was driving the hubby, dog and cat crazy by tossing and turning. Must have something on my mind.

  • 135 Effeminem // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:48 am

    Well, I’m on Arizona time and I’m a night person. Though I’m about to go to bed. Early.

    How do you get the cat and the dog to sleep in the same bed? : 0

  • 136 conserve-a-tip // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:59 am

    Well, the dog goes to sleep first. And I mean, limp dishrag asleep. She hits the sack and there is no waking her up. She is a little miniature long-haired dachshund. After the lights are off, here comes the cat, looking to curl up under my chin or on my face. It never fails. I am always the intended victim. I push him off and he finally goes to the end of the bed. It isn’t until about 4 am that they both wake up and decide that it is time to play, at which time they tumble all over the bed and on top of us, sending the hubby in a snit and ending up with a trip outside for the dog to do her thing. Then we all get back into bed and the cat takes off to more exciting adventures while the rest of us go back to sleep. Same thing every night. I am crazy, right?

  • 137 conserve-a-tip // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:04 am

    Well, g’night. I am finally winding down. I read the thing about the Muslims getting a second warning to get out of Dodge…literally…and decided that I might as well go to bed.

  • 138 camojack // Oct 17, 2006 at 5:16 am

    And to think Camojack almost had me convinced to buy property there! Heck, most of it just fell into the calm, lipid pools about the Pacific coast
    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — October 16, 2006 @ 11:09 am

    Uh-huh, he did indeed…and stands by every word. Earthquakes and hurricanes are a given over there, which is reflected in the building codes. As are the mighty Formosan termites. A 6.7 magnitude ‘quake, and nobody even got hurt. Yup, they build for that stuff over there…

    Here are a couple things my “peeps” over there said:

    “I wish the [censored] media wouldn’t sensationalize everything, they just got a lot of people’s friends and families on the mainland worried for no reason.”

    “We experienced the most dramatic quake in recent history…a real shaker!!! [It] lasted for a minute was the report. Not much damage on this side but heard that there was some…nearer the epicenter. We have broken glass from falling off the shelves but no structural damage.”

  • 139 MargeinMI // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:10 am

    Arrrrgh, widescreen~

    Eff- Just a little factoid: Natural gas ignites at a 5%-15% gas to air ratio. Just takes a little spark (lightswitch, stove pilot, etc.).

    c-a-t, Keep ‘em high and dry!

    WFCCC in production? Whew! There is good in this world after all! ;o)

    Morning all!

  • 140 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:44 am

    Just an observation about maf-troll. He/she/it perfectly reflects the collectivist/hive mentality of the left-wing. Even in its attempt to patronize our viewpoints he/she/it betrayed itself with its liberal hive mentality. No self-respecting conservative would ever be the kind of sounding-wall/yes-man that maf-troll is. That’s why many conservatives here immediately picked up on maf-troll’s collectivist personality. It couldn’t help itself in coming off the way it did because such a creature can’t deny its own nature even if it tried, living as it has in the debauched echo chamber of liberalism.

    I’ve gotten to where I will scan the names of the posters first and when I see maf-troll I simply ignored its affected blatherings. That way I don’t have to be bored to death by its patronizing platitudes which are merely designed to get us to directly interact with him/her/it. Tying a steak around its neck wouldn’t get me to play with it. I wonder if it is getting paid by Soros to be a thorn in our flesh or if it merely delights in being provocative?

  • 141 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:44 am


  • 142 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:49 am

    Good morning all from wet NE Ohio

    I wonder if Moslem’s are allowed to eat chocolate? I bet you can hide a lot of them under a burka. Hmmm, sounds like a deal to me.


    I realize that earthquakes are part of life over there. As a matter of fact, if it was not for a volcano there would be no Hawaii. I just wonder where you go when you are a newbie and you have to change your undies every time there is an aftershock :-)

    Hard to pack up the minivan and head back east.


    Welcome number 300 millionth American. Need a ticket back to Mexico?????

  • 143 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:51 am

    er, hide a lot of WFCCC’s under them

  • 144 camojack // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:11 am

    I realize that earthquakes are part of life over there. As a matter of fact, if it was not for a volcano there would be no Hawaii. I just wonder where you go when you are a newbie and you have to change your undies every time there is an aftershock :-)
    Hard to pack up the minivan and head back east.
    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — October 17, 2006 @ 8:49 am

    You can always go down to the black sand beaches. :cool:

    As for packing up a minivan and going East, there are ships. I had ‘em put my van on one upon gettin’ outen der military when I was stationed there…

  • 145 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:20 am

    Like what we’ve been saying here, the truth about Mohammed.

    It’s been five years since 9/11 and the DemDonks and their barking moonbats still don’t get it.

  • 146 Maggie // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:34 am

    Ms Right Wing…..#142 (((rats))) you beat me to it.
    I was just wondering what gift to give to the 300 millionth baby and now I know,a one way ticket to Mexico.

    Da Bears came out to PLAY!

    Man o man o man!!!! What a game!!!!
    Congratulations to all of the Chicago Bears fans in Scrappledom.

  • 147 red satellites // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:35 am

    Yep…300 million…Buenos Dios! supposedly right here in CASA DEL Los Angeles.

  • 148 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:19 am

    Is there going to be a 300 million baby march in Los Washington?

    Better keep it under my hat, maybe I will write a blog on this most upsetting development.

  • 149 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:29 am

    Sorry Maggie.

    You have to get up pretty early to beat my sluggish brain. Gee, wonder how I thought of that so early. Must have been those burritos I had for supper.

    All I can say the only thing worse that could have happened was have a French baby get caught crawling across the border. Of course if it was French baby it would have gotten scared and turned around and crawled away at hyper speed.

  • 150 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:34 am

    Gee, about the only people I haven’t insulted this morning are blonds and since I have not looked in the mirror yet that opportunity has yet to come.

    Still at the rate chemo has taken my hair away I will have to be a skin head

  • 151 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:35 am

    Of course Scott started it all by talking about the Polls.

    I think I shall go busy myself.

  • 152 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:16 am


    great psychological profile! you realy have a talent! lol! if you think that i am simply an echo of others in order to curry favor, need i remind you of my unpopular (but ultimately correct) opinion regarding flying in new york? i believe that its a national security issue, others-like you and godfry-think that its no big deal.

    the truth is much less interesting than what you suggest! i’m just a dyed in the wool conservative who was never aware that he’d receive such a skeptical reception here at scrappleface. i think that this website is likely a microcosm of what is wrong with the gop these days-internal bickering and lack of congeniality. anyhow, i am not going to rollover. i have conservative credentials and don’t need to be accused as a troll.

  • 153 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:18 am

    ms right wing

    hilarious post regarding the rise of the population! send them back to mexico! rotflmao!

  • 154 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:36 am

    Actually, it was the utterly disgusting, inconsiderate, disparaging assumption that the man had flown into the building intentionally coupled with the defense (and self-identification with) a predatory degenerate while blaming his prey that identified you as a slimy troll. Not to mention the lies, of course.

    But, what the hey, who needs facts.

    Just throw out as many bigoted, insulting, false stereotypes at those to whom you wish to endear yourself (as a superior) as you can think of, it’s where your kind excel.

  • 155 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:48 am


    never did i suggest that he did flew into the building on purpose. i challenge you to find me saying that! i merely said he had no business flying where he was flying! i think it was a lack of experience and a lack of restrictions that contributed to the tragedy.

    regarding my handle, i’m not sure how many times i have to explain myself. i am not blaming the victims of the foley scandal. it appears from the news that they were over the age of consent. where’s the scandal? why haven’t we heard more about the scandal lately? because there is no scandal!

    i appreaciate your concern though, jameson. i don’t have too much use for your ad hominems. it shows your lack of intellect. unfortunatly.

  • 156 da Bunny // Oct 17, 2006 at 12:43 pm

    This will be my first vote as a Southern California resident…should be interesting. I’ll be voting “NO” on Prop. 87, despite the combined efforts of algore’s and Slick Willie’s TV ads touting the punishment of “big oil.”

  • 157 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 12:56 pm

    Click HERE for the post I was referring to, “Journalist”.

    Everything I said in #154 above is factual, none of it is ad hominem (unlike 99% of your posts).

  • 158 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 12:57 pm


  • 159 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:04 pm


    thanks for doing the research. please identify where i said he intentionally flew into the building. it is a fact that he did fly into a building, isn’t it?

    again, i do not appreciate the ad hominems (”slimy troll”). please, only discuss the facts. it relfects poorly on you.

  • 160 RedPepper // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:11 pm

    #157 JL3: You can lead a horse(’s *%%) to water, but you can’t make it think

  • 161 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:11 pm

    Excellent commentary at the AmericanThinker about the real fascists among us.

    Of course this would apply to lying faux conservatives like maf-troll/lieger who’s nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Filthy gutless lying troll hiding behind a false persona.

  • 162 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:17 pm


    the ad hominems betray your otherwise informative posts. where does the jealousy come from?

  • 163 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:30 pm


    So let me get this straight, a licensed pilot with an instructor flies his aircraft in a legal air corridor and when he has an accident some slimy, self-righteous ignorant troll claims out of thin air that the pilot “had no business flying where he was flying.” Buwahahahahahaha … maf-troll truly is a mentally defective.

    And then to add insult to injury the troll then engages in semantics by claiming his ongoing argument turned on the “fact” that he never claimed the pilot Lidle intentionally flew into the building, even though the same brain-dead troll had previously compared the actions of Lidle to what happened on 9/11 where 19 Muslim fanatics did intentionally fly jetliners into buildings! Amazing mental gymnastics, even for a troll.

    So our resident lunatic troll first compared apples-with-oranges and then when held to his own standards of comparison by other Scrapplers who see the folly of his self-serving argument, then subsequently whines he never claimed Lidle intentionally flew his aircraft into the building. What unmitigated, lying hubris on the part of said filthy troll. Give it up lieger.

    Whenever there is an air accident the FAA, sometimes at the request of the NTSA, will usually declare a flight moratorium around more sensitive urban accident sites until the agencies can sort through new regulations and procedures that can make for safer flight in the region. This in no way validates the troll’s ignorant arguments because it’s a sure bet with the various sight-seeing and tour aircraft which operate in the region the FAA will eventually open that air corridor with new altitude and VFR rules in place. I’ve heard nothing from any official that Lidle was flying illegally in an area along the river he shouldn’t have been as a licensed pilot. It was an accident, a terrible, unfortunate accident.

  • 164 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:33 pm

    RE: #160~~

    Argh. I know. It’s just that, well, it was either vent or stick hot needles in my eyes.

    By the way, Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water and make it drink.

    On another note:

    “…..the ACLU took out a full page advertisement in today’s Washington Post, calling itself ‘the most conservative organization in America.’”

    Talk about deluded!

  • 165 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:36 pm

    RE: #163~~


  • 166 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:42 pm

    Prepare to laugh:

    Katie Couric just saw her ratings.

  • 167 Godfrey // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    da Bunny: welcome to the PRC! Yes, do vote no on 87…and all the other props while you’re at it. We have quite enough bureaucracy, thanks.

    I always view the default vote as “no” unless I’m presented with a very strong argument for voting yes.

    JL3: what did it for me with the troll was when, after I’d expressed frustration with the news butchering my friend Tyler Stanger’s name, it referred to him as “Strangler”.

    This is beyond the act of a mere troll; it is the act of a deplorable, pathetic human being lashing out in a misguided hatred for someone it perceives as differently-minded. If it lost someone it cared about it would realize that political differences are never deep enough to warrant such behavior. I hope, of course, that it never has to experience a person it cares about being mocked the very day after that person’s death. I hope it grows up to the extent that it never behaves that way again. Such behavior is inexusable.

    At any rate, people, please don’t give it any more free press. Every time you mention it, its eyes light up and it smiles, its perverse need for attention momentarily sated. Now I’ll take my own advice.

    By the way: if any Scrapplers are interested there are some pictures of Tyler on this simple memorial website his family put up. The most poignant are the ones of him with his brand new daughter Ashlund, who will never really know her father except in pictures such as these. The airplane, which we call “three-romeo-uniform” (a plane is generally referred to by last three digits of its tail number) is Tyler’s, which I’ve been flying for the last few years. It’s a great plane. He bought it cheap and, being a certified mechanic, fixed it up himself. It’s 30 years old (older than Tyler) with a brand new engine and fully modern avionics.

    Some of the scenic vistas…Crater Lake, Lake Powel etc. strike me as symbolic of Tyler’s life. He saw a lot of this sort of scenery from his seat in 3RU, either with his wife Stephanie, who flew with him often, or with his students. He also worked with police in Pomona, the next city over, on narcotics recon, following drug dealers from the air.

    Although he never served in the military he looked like a Marine, a straight-laced mixture of humor, excitement and utter seriousness about his craft. He loved his family, he loved his airplanes and he loved life in general. It’s a shame to see a person of such goodness and vitality die so young, a person who meant so much to so many.

    But sometimes that’s just the way things go.

  • 168 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 1:58 pm

    I love it when somebody writes down my very own thoughts from a distance.

  • 169 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:02 pm

    RE: #168~~

    I messed up on the link, I guess.

  • 170 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:05 pm

    RE: #167~~

    Thanks for sharing.

  • 171 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:06 pm

    Thanks, Godfrey, I’ll definitely check it out. It’s become personal to me now.

    BTW, does anyone else see the moonbat insanity of a troll who has probably operated under several different handles at this site, who has affected a faux personality strictly for the reason of provoking people, and then subsequently whining about ad hominem attacks? Buwhahahahahahaha … how can anyone engage in a “ad hominem attack” against a false persona? What, a troll commands respect?

    It’s one thing to innocently post under a nom de plume, we all do that, but its quite another for someone to use the anonymity of a nom de plume to destructively troll under false pretenses and then demand immunity from ad hominem attacks. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.

  • 172 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:11 pm

    Now you’ve gone and done it, Godfrey, I’m all misty-eyed. I’ll check the site out more later tonight and I’d like to contribute to the memorial fund.

    Thank you for the opportunity to remember your friend.

  • 173 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:12 pm

    …pushin’ on thru.

  • 174 Godfrey // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:49 pm

    Hank re: #172 - no, thank you for your desire to contribute. His kids have lost so much…and they’re too young to really know it yet.

    There are some very tough years ahead for Tyler’s widow.

  • 175 da Bunny // Oct 17, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    Godfrey, thanks for the welcome to the PRC! Got my voter’s registration card and already know where to cast my vote, so I’m rarin’ to go come Election Day! And, yeah, “no” will by my choice on the many “props” contained in our 14 page ballot. [rolling eyes] I didn’t realize until a few days ago that you were also a PRC resident. Let’s see…it’s you, me, Santini, red satellites, and who else on board for the CA conservative vote? Just remember…”you Cruz, you lose!” :lol:

  • 176 Godfrey // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:08 pm

    da Bunny: you may take to listening to KFI if you haven’t already (640am - Rush, Hannity, Dr. Laura, and two of the most “powerful” hosts in the state, John and Ken (who were at the forefront in the recall of Governor Gray Davis).

    Anyway, they have nothing nice to say about Cruz . They call him “Bustamecha” after his early political affiliation with the group “MEChA” and they cut him no slack whatsoever. They are even-handed, though…they don’t cut the Republicans or Arnold any slack either.

    Not sure why you came, but…welcome, comrade!

  • 177 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:09 pm

    It seems to me, if NoKo keeps throwing around the word “war,” they’re liable to get some.

    They don’t seem to understand that they’ll get pulverized and never see the whites of our eyes-or even a single boot on their ground. (I presume-who knows-I’m just thinking what I would do)

    I hope they have a good stockpile of industrial-size squeegees.

  • 178 RedPepper // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:24 pm

    Can it possibly be true? Are the Brits actually starting to acknowledge they might have a problem?

    At long last, the debate on Islamism as politics, not Islam as religion, is out in the open. Two weeks ago, Jack Straw might have felt he was taking a risk when publishing his now notorious article on the Muslim veil. However, he was pushing at an open door. From across the political spectrum there is now common consent that the old multicultural emperor, before whom generation of politicians have made obeisance, is now a pitiful, naked sight.

  • 179 upnorthlurkin // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:33 pm

    da Bunny, I think CalGirl is right there with you too! I envy you all your weather but how do you stand all the crazies?! (no offense to any crazies reading….)

  • 180 upnorthlurkin // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:45 pm

    Godfrey, thanks for sharing the memorial site for Tyler. What a terrible loss.

  • 181 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 3:52 pm

    dedicated scrapplers:

    a couple of things. i see that this troll thing has really taken hold, butressed by the darths contention that i am hiding behind my handle. i would certainly be willing to provide information that would make my true identity known however i’m not sure that this would stop the attacks. email me. i’ll send you a picture.

    also, regarding your friend, godfrey. i too checked out the site. it truly is moving. i feel for his wife and daughter. the fact remains he was too young and too inexperienced to be instructing someone in that corridor. i feel that the faa-although a bloated bureaucracy-has vindicated me on this one.

    contrary to popular belief, i am not looking for attention, just comradery.

  • 182 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 4:03 pm

    Donna Moss (on Josh Lyman’s giving her a bouquet of flowers, celebrating the incorrect “anniversary”): This is his way. He’s just gonna snark me every April. Prince of passive-aggressive behavior…

    Sam Seaborn: What does ’snark’ mean?

    Donna: I don’t know, but he’s doing it

  • 183 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 4:19 pm

    Reuters Cameraman Remanded for Inciting Rock Attacks…
    Whaaaaat? He did it for a photo-op? Say it ain’t so!

    September 2006 U.S. temperature 0.7 degrees BELOW 20th century average…
    See, more proof of global warming.

    Must not be a blessed one or she’d burst into flames.

    Clinton Recants Earlier Claim She Was Named After Sir Edmund Hillary…
    You mean Hillary lied? What’s this world coming to?

    GOP Maintains Cash Edge, Despite Democratic Fundraising Surge…
    Hmmmm, Soros must be cranking it up.

  • 184 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 4:21 pm

    Israel threatens massive Gaza ground assault…
    And Israel will be condemned for actually targetting terrorists and those who wholeheartedly support them.

  • 185 Possumtrot // Oct 17, 2006 at 5:06 pm

    Liger is always looking for attention. (#181) You fool no one. I also look for attention at United Possums International.

    There are too many words there about God and nukes. I miss deleting Liger’s profanity from the UPI site, but since I tipped my hand about the ability to trace URLs, United Possums International remains clean and family-friendly.

    Go ahead, read it and reap.

  • 186 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 5:14 pm


    rep. don sherwood, from the great commonwealth of pennsylvania (my former homestate!) is in the fight of his life. talk about dirty tricks, his opponent has been slinging lies and half-truths in these final weeks leading up to the election. help him get elected and defeat the liar he is running against. we don’t need anymore liars in washington! lol!

  • 187 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 17, 2006 at 5:42 pm


    For those who want to listen to my ol’ left coast you can catch KFI at

    or KABC at

  • 188 RedPepper // Oct 17, 2006 at 5:52 pm

    In case you missed it: the NY Post has an excerpt from Mark Steyn’s just-released book today.

    The column is titled A Dark Globalism.

  • 189 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 6:42 pm

    After 22 rounds of voting, US-backed Guatemala had won 21 rounds against rival Venezuela but had failed to attract the necessary two-thirds majority to secure a seat on the United Nations’ most powerful decision-making body.

    The nail-biting excitement is to continue Thursday.

  • 190 onlineanalyst // Oct 17, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    The Dems are counting on angry Republicans/a> not to show up at the polls or to vote 3rd party. Will the Dems have egg all over their faces if they count their chickens before the eggs are hatched? Let us be sure that that is so.

    Voting against the Dems is the only means of defying the pollsters’ predictions. Staying at home or voting 3rd party is what the Dems want discouraged Republican conservatives to do.

  • 191 onlineanalyst // Oct 17, 2006 at 7:31 pm

    See what happens (again!) when I get fired up? I look even prettier in red. D’oh!

  • 192 The Great Santini // Oct 17, 2006 at 7:35 pm

    Welcome to the People’s Republic of Kelly-for-nee-ya, where every harebrained socialist scheme, no matter how asinine, will be accepted, extolled, and implemented by the progressyve elite and shoved down the throats of the hoi-polloi!

    Comrade Wife/Supreme Dictator-for-Life and I are dining out tonight at The Gulag, our favorite proletarian commune-style co-op restaurant, located in the trendy Le Mall Stalin in the PRC’s northern soviet. It’s to die for, especially the food.

    First, you get a complimentary Molotov cocktail, served en flambe….Pretty hot stuff. With that we’re having The Gulag’s featured appetizer, Pickle-Nose Sheehan, an eclectic mix of overripe prunes, dessicated cucumbers, and political bromides. When you bite into them, they whine, emit a noxious gas, and spout unintelligible nonsense, after which you visit the People’s Vomitorium. Tres chic!

    We’ll continue with Caeser’s Salad de Venezuela, a lively mixture of Caracas kumquats, Brokeback Mountain Sheep Dip, Lenin lettuce, Trotsky tomatoes, and croutons du decomposed granite,
    seasoned with Hugo Chavez Sulpher salad dressing. Eat your heart out, Noam Chomp-sky!

    Between dinner courses, The Gulag regales diners with political reeducation lectures by Gavin Newsome, San Fran Nan, Jimmy Carter, Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte, and other socialist luminaries. If you have insomnia, these Budsâ„¢ are for you! The official name of this scintillating lecture series is “Socialism: the Failed and the Feckless”, but we prefer its more colloquial name, “The Banana Boat Song”.

    The Gulag boasts many fine entrees, but tonight we’re trying the crown jewel of NoKo cuisine, Stink-pao Skunk, named in honor of Maximum Leader Kim Jong-Il, aka Little Dong, his adopted Native American name. This delicious skunk dish is also called Kim Freud-Jung because it’s served in a nutcase, by waiters wearing polyester Mao suits, Cokeâ„¢-bottle glasses, and badly poofed hair with a garnish of Kelly-for-nee-ya fruits and nuts—collectivized farming at its finest!

    After the entree, you can dance to the music of Che & the Fidelistas, who have a post-mortem lifetime gig at The Gulag. They specialize in hot Latin and Lake of Fire rhythms, including the latest Gulag dance craze honoring Little Dong, the nukey-boom-boom [shamelessly ripped off from IMAOâ„¢]. Hey, it beats the Socialist Shuffle.

    For dessert, we’re having Yellow Cake du Treason Canary Kerriere. This treat commemorates the unseemly and contrived manner in which Jean Fraude left Viet Nam after obtaining 3 coveted Coeurs des Purples there, the course of his political service since then, and his Botoxâ„¢ed skin luster. You knew he served in Viet Nam, right?

    We’ll conclude our evening at The Gulag with hot Colombian Cofe du Kofi, brewed in Iraqi sweet crude from Colombian drug cartel coca leaves. Whoa, what a trip, man. Mrs. Olsen says the beans have been traded for oil futures and laundered in Swiss banks, so they’re the richest kind!

    Au revoir, comrades, et bon appetit from the PRC!

  • 193 Beerme // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:05 pm

    Harry Lime never dined so well, Santini, mon ami!

    Top it off with one of Ahhnold’s “stogies” and I’m right there with ya, man!

  • 194 onlineanalyst // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:20 pm

    Gr8t One: Thank you for diverting attention from my boo-boo with your description of a nuit extraordinaire in the liberal land of appeasement. One correction though: the featured appetizer is missing “some of its parts,” these being supposedly buried under a bush somewhere in Crawford by the mother who has made grieving into a cottage industry.

    After reading of your plaisirs de haute cuisine, I almost forgot how funny P.J. O’Rourke is, too.

    O’Rourke, in disgust with the Republicans, sarcastically considers working on behalf of the Democrats. He observes, however, that the choice presents equal difficulties:

    “There is also the problem of issues for the Democrats to run on. You’re going to elect Democrats to control government spending? And you’re going to marry Angelina Jolie for her brains. The privacy issue-government spying on U.S. citizens-isn’t going to work. True, NSA has been collecting all our telephone information, but anyone who’s answered the phone during dinner knows that every telemarketer on earth has that information already. Illegal immigration? When the Democrats were in charge, the illegal immigrants were from al Qaeda. And as for Iraq, the best the Democrats have been able to do is make the high school sex promise: ‘I’ll pull out in time, honest.’”

    Like Santini, O’Rourke asks lol

  • 195 onlineanalyst // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:22 pm

    O’Rourke asks “What’s That Smell?” .

  • 196 maf54 // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:42 pm


    great stuff. it does seem however you are not much of an online analyst. you are showing your lack of online skills. first an entire post in blue, then all in italics? you better be careful, this crowd will turn on you quick! lol!

  • 197 onlineanalyst // Oct 17, 2006 at 8:45 pm

    I’m losing my touch (or my mind). I promise you that I closed off those italics. And the O’Rourke link is this one. I don’t know why it didn’t “catch”. lol

  • 198 nylecoj // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:26 pm

    Re #192 and as soon as those schemes haven proven their ‘worth’ in CA my fellow Washingtonians suck them up.
    I am here watching the political season in WA state with the question made popular not so long ago, and currently on everyone’s mind…….how many recounts does a dem have to have before she ‘wins’.
    Hmm reminds me of a song.

  • 199 nylecoj // Oct 17, 2006 at 9:31 pm

    BTW, I think that Maria Cantwell may be having a run for her money, we’ve got a Green and a left leaning Libertarian running to help her share the votes, and as a good capitalist should, the Libertarian managed to buy his way in to the televised debate. This is the first time in a long time, if ever, a third party has been involved. I am going home now to watch.

  • 200 everthink // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:00 pm

    Re: 124

    “The Common Good”


    Shades of Lenin, Marx and Mao.



    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — October 16, 2006 @ 8:55 pm

    Like in Commonwealth?

    8 entries found for commonwealth.
    To select an entry, click on it.

    Main Entry: com·mon·wealth
    Pronunciation: -”welth also -”weltth
    Function: noun
    1 archaic : COMMONWEAL 2
    2 : a nation, state, or other political unit: as a : one founded on law and united by compact or tacit agreement of the people for the common good b : one in which supreme authority is vested in the people c : REPUBLIC
    3 capitalized a : the English state from the death of Charles I in 1649 to the Restoration in 1660 b : PROTECTORATE 1b
    4 : a state of the U.S. — used officially of Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia
    5 capitalized : a federal union of constituent states — used officially of Australia
    6 often capitalized : an association of self-governing autonomous states more or less loosely associated in a common allegiance (as to the British crown)
    7 often capitalized : a political unit having local autonomy but voluntarily united with the U.S. — used officially of Puerto Rico and of the Northern Mariana Islands.


  • 201 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 17, 2006 at 10:17 pm

    No, not “like in Commonwealth.”

  • 202 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:06 pm

    The Great Santini,

    Watch that cabbage … commie cabbage is the worst! Advice from those living in the gulag of the People’s Republic of Illinois.


  • 203 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    Excellent video of an interview with Brit columnist Mark Steyn about the problem with the NoKos and the doom of Europe to global Islamofascism. In the process he makes Alan Colmes look like a moron … okay, a barking moonbat.

  • 204 Darthmeister // Oct 17, 2006 at 11:57 pm


  • 205 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 18, 2006 at 12:54 am

    Gee Santini, let me grab my cheap Republican cloth coat and head for my nearest NoKo Cafe. I think there is one behind the animal rescue building. I wonder if they serve PETA Chips.

    Just be careful of the chili dogs. Oooouuuueeee!

  • 206 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 18, 2006 at 8:36 am

    What? Nobody awake today. geesh, while you all were sleeping Hillary was crawling about the streets, highways and byways. Better wake up and keep on your toes

  • 207 ferd // Oct 18, 2006 at 10:08 am

    Tell all your Democrat friends about the new election day. This would be the Republicans November surprise.

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