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Kim Triggers Nuke, Pelosi Calls on Hastert to Quit

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 194 Comments

(2006-10-09) — In the wake of the weekend detonation of North Korea’s first atomic bomb, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, called for the resignation of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL.

“It’s important that lawmakers keep the main thing the main thing,” said Rep. Pelosi. “We can’t get so distracted by debates about North Korea’s sovereignty that we forget that Dennis Hastert is still on the loose, indirectly endangering America’s children.”

The timing of the atomic bomb test raises questions, she said, about when President George Bush first knew of former Rep. Mark Foley’s lurid instant message chats with teenage boys in the Congressional page program.

The California lawmaker said the North Korean nuclear test was “a natural result of George Bush’s failure to sit down with Kim Jong-Il and work out their differences. In effect, Bush pushed the button.”

“By failing to negotiate with President Kim,” she said, “Bush virtually assured a pre-election nuclear detonation that would knock the Foley scandal out of the headlines just in time for the Congressional elections. Reporters should be asking how Bush knew that the Foley scandal would break now?”

Mrs. Pelosi said the timing was “beyond coincidence, and has all the earmarks of another cynical Republican ploy to distract people with trivial national security issues so that they don’t hear our progressive Democrat plan to improve America by getting Hastert to quit.”

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Tags: Global News · Politics · U.S. News

194 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Dryden // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:15 pm

    That Karl Rove is all over the place. Did Novak actually leak the Foley IMs?

  • 2 Scott Ott // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:21 pm

    Kim Triggers Nuke, Pelosi Calls on Hastert to Quit

    by Scott Ott(2006-10-09) — In the wake of the weekend detonation of North Korea’s first atomic bomb, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, called for the resignation of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL.“It’s important that lawmakers keep …

  • 3 Old War Dogs // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:30 pm

    Bill’s Bites — 2006.10.09

    The webmaster’s blog-within-a-blog.Continuously updated, newest items at the top. The Blog Of War, Blackfive’s new Best From the MilBlogs book,is now available for free download to enlisted military personnel. Destitute Dog — Please read this and he…

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:48 pm

    The Democrats sure do say some weird stuff.

    If I have to crawl through broken glass and poisonous scorpions and venomous snakes and sand spurs and flames and land mines and nuclear waste and rabid rhodesian ridgebacks and raw sewage and tainted spinach all the way to the voting booth next month, I will.

    The prospects of a Democrat leadership of the USA are far more frightening than any of that.

  • 5 gafisher // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:49 pm

    >> “…ploy to distract…”

    Sadly, any bright shiny object is liable to distract Pelosi’s fringe of Congress from the work they should be doing.

  • 6 Darthmeister // Oct 9, 2006 at 4:58 pm

    If Bu$Hitler hadn’t used the Rovian Mind Control Rays to get Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright to sign off on giving Kim Jong Il and the NoKos aid, food, oil and a nuclear reactor back in 1994, none of this would have happened.

    Here’s a CRS Report to Congress and the Congressional Record on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions from June 1994 … for what they are worth now. **spit**

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 5:31 pm

    RE: #6~~

    A-yup. Now they (Pelosi/Reid) want to investigate President Bush for what Ill has done-how sick is that…..

    Now that I’ve read this analysis, it seems we would have to instaneously annihilate virtually all of NoKo in order to thwart the threat of Ill.

    I say, “Do it.”

  • 8 onlineanalyst // Oct 9, 2006 at 5:44 pm

    The general public calls on Pelosi to tighten her mask. After all, Halloween is around the bend… and so is she.

    Gee, I thought that we had covered all of the good stuff on this topic at the end of the last thread. But, nay, the Ott pen tops us all.

    Dryden: Actually, it was Richard Armitage, Joe Wilson (and his super-spy wife FlameOut) and Colin Powell who leaked the IMs.

  • 9 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 5:50 pm

    HA HA HA!


  • 10 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 9, 2006 at 6:27 pm

    Pelosi is one of those people that actually makes my skin crawl when I see her. I get angry when I think how much she has screwed up California and made a mockery of what used to be a fine and vicarious state. Aww, nevermind it’s full of nuts and flakes - it’s California for gosh sake - ,me being the biggest nutjob. Seriously though I am going to have a field day with anything she touches from now on. She will incur my medical diagnosis. I’m back…….. consider yourself on the road to recovery.

  • 11 egospeak // Oct 9, 2006 at 6:30 pm

    Why is it that no matter what happens in the world the dumbocrat response is for some Republican to resign? Even though it is a parody, and a great one at that, one can almost see Nancy Pelosi or Chuckie Schumer or Carl Levin or… well pick almost any democrat saying that. Well done, Scott! I guess in the dumbocrat/liberal/socialist dare I say anti- American world everything boils down to two things:
    1. Some Republican must resign.
    2. Blast that George Bush and his evil rasputin Karl Rove!

  • 12 camojack // Oct 9, 2006 at 6:39 pm

    Must be Ill Kim’s “October Surprise”…

  • 13 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 9, 2006 at 6:45 pm

    Will delay comment until such time my head reappears.

    Dragging back to the couch

  • 14 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 9, 2006 at 6:47 pm

    I know there was a simpler time when all we had to worry about was men from Mars.


  • 15 egospeak // Oct 9, 2006 at 7:04 pm

    re #10 Forgive me for misspeaking. I meant to say that it boils down to three things. I forgot:
    #3 “Bush lied! Bush lied! Bush lied!” Waaaaahhahahah

  • 16 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 7:18 pm




  • 17 conserve-a-tip // Oct 9, 2006 at 7:20 pm

    Not to worry all. Unlax. Scott has proved once again that all will be fine since the Dems have recognized that Bush is god and Rove is the archangel, Michael. GW would have to be, in order to be in control of everything that the Dems say he is. All will be fine because he has it all in his hands and he sees the big picture.

    Actually, the dirty little secret is that God (the real one) does see the big picture and it is going to be fine no matter what. Bush knows that, but somehow it slipped beneath the liberals’ radar.

  • 18 RedPepper // Oct 9, 2006 at 7:35 pm

    Four more WEEKS of this crap ?

    [deleted!{expunged!(erased!)!}!]!*!?!(sob …)!

  • 19 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 7:51 pm

    Four weeks and one day.

  • 20 myword // Oct 9, 2006 at 8:14 pm

    Drip, Drip, Drip. What was that! We’ll probably know Friday, just in time for the weekend talk shows.

    I’m not paranoid, just on guard with George Soros trying to buy the presidency. He has to buy it, as he can’t be legally elected. Can’t wait to find out who his puppet will be.

    His hedge fund has destabalized the currencies of several countries. Go here to find out more:

    Anyone taking bets on Rovarian cunning versus Soro’s money?

    The UN agreed unanimously in 30 minutes that “something” has to be done about Noko. That had to be a real forehead slapping, light bulb blinking moment for them. President Bush was about six years ahead of them. Remember the collective gasp of horror when the axis of evil was referenced. Some people are just slow. Those rose-colored glasses should carry a warning label.

    Bush hurt Dear Leader’s feelings. Now look what’s happened.

    “Lil Kim says NoKo should be congratulated on the nuclear test. Wait ’til he finds out, a-hem, luxury items are on the sanctions list. He may get testy again.

    Developing story………

  • 21 Hawkeye // Oct 9, 2006 at 8:27 pm

    North Korea = NoKo = NK = NukeKook

    Did I get that right?


  • 22 Hawkeye // Oct 9, 2006 at 8:29 pm

    The Dems say we should sit down with Lil Kim one-on-one because Clinton did it… and we all know how that one worked out, eh?


  • 23 Darthmeister // Oct 9, 2006 at 8:53 pm


    When all other arguments fail … it’s America’s fault.

    You see, if it wasn’t for America the native Indians would still be living in absolute harmony with nature despite a 100 million of them living in disease, poverty, having an average life expectancy of less than forty years, and crapping up all the waterways (which was the biggest reason many large Indian tribes were nomadic, they would literally foul the land and water sources). And if it wasn’t for America all those black slaves would have stayed in Africa as … slaves of other black tribes. And if it wasn’t for America we wouldn’t have Bush and peace and harmony would reign throughout the world. And if we didn’t have America we (or some version of us) would have the pleasure of living as dhimmies in the new Eurabia in the next twenty or thirty years … or we could be living under the Third Reich. Yeah, America is simply the Great Satan. Our Islamic overlords has America righteously pegged and the liberals couldn’t agree more.

  • 24 conserve-a-tip // Oct 9, 2006 at 9:28 pm

    Darthmeister - are you being sarcastic? :-)

    Heh. Did you hear the accidental taping of Kim Jung (mentally) Il’s singing when he pushed the button? I think that it was broadcast over Radio Free Europe by accident:

    Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me.
    I’m gonna nuke some weerrrrmmms.
    Big, fat, juicy ones.
    Itty, bitty, skinny ones.
    Snivelin’, grovelin’ U.N. worms.

    Boom goes the first one.
    Boom goes the second one.
    See how the U.N. skwweeerrrrrmms.
    Big, fat, French ones.
    Itty, bitty Chinese ones.
    Inefficient U.N. worms.

    Up jumps the first one.
    Up jumps the second one.
    Of’ring resolutions as a berrrrrrmmm.
    Towel headed Arab ones.
    Cucaracha Spanish ones.
    Ineffectual U.N. worms.

    I think that he made some people mad. Y’think?

  • 25 onlineanalyst // Oct 9, 2006 at 9:28 pm

    Twenty to 30 years for the new Eurabia, you say, Darthmeister? Why, the Islamonutsies are rioting in their little Parisian conclaves and in the suburbs of London as we speak. Yet there is a news blackout on each of the events even though high numbers of the Paris police are being attacked per week.

    What do Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have to say about Bush’s failure to address these problems? Perhaps our international ambassador Jacques Kerrie can ride to the rescue! His continental touch surely would bring harmony and pacifist nuance.

    Confirm Bolton ASAP. America needs him more than ever.

  • 26 onlineanalyst // Oct 9, 2006 at 9:41 pm

    Here’s the ticket to putting L’il Kim on notice with some Dummycrapic leadership: Dingy Harry can cast his steely-eyed squint. Nancy Paloser can pop her eyes in contrast. Howeird Dean can summon up his infamous howl. Levin, Schumer, Biden etal can appear on Meet the Press and say, “Nyah, nyah, L’il Kim. Your mother wears army boots.” The Tedster is still working on his strategy to be announced after last call.

  • 27 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 9:42 pm

    does anyone know why i am not able to submit comments? apparently i’m on a spam watch? why? lol?

  • 28 egospeak // Oct 9, 2006 at 9:43 pm


    That does seem to be the liberal fall back line.
    I guess the definition of “America’s fault” is anything conservative, Bible believing Republicans and their ilk do, or for that matter, anything not done by a liberal.

    While I generally consider it a compliment to be called the epitome of evil and something just short of the devil’s spawn by self righteous liberals, occasionally I look back with fondness to those old days when conservatives were considered a minor fringe group to be ignored and correct thinking Republicans knew their place in political society. Fortunately those moments pass quickly.

  • 29 onlineanalyst // Oct 9, 2006 at 10:14 pm

    Time out: Mark Levin makes too much sense re why we must retain our Republican reps in the House:

    Like JL3rd, I will walk on glass and overcome any obstacle to vote for the Republicans on the slate come November. How any Pennsylvanian could consider replacing a solid leader in the Senate like Santorum with the untested Casey, Jr. is beyond credibility.

  • 30 Darthmeister // Oct 9, 2006 at 10:29 pm

    Lower standards help U.S. Army increase recruits
    They must be letting more liberals in.

    U.N. weighs sanctions against N. Korea
    **crickets chirping**

    VIDEO: Ted Turner Says He Couldn’t Pick Sides In War On Terror…
    I guess it would take something approximating a brain to pick a side.

    Web Sites Remove Video Mocking Muhammad…
    But freedom of speech still exists because sites mocking Jesus Christ remain up!

    Democrats Assail Bush’s N. Korea Policy…
    …but still have no policy of their own except appeasement.

    Gore to star in first political ad since leaving office; proposition supports taxing ‘Big Oil’…
    …until gasoline reaches $5/gallon when he will then blame the Bu$Hitler/Exxon/Wal-Mart/RoveHimmler regime and the Michellin Man.

  • 31 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 10:32 pm

    santorum is a great american! i also read the mark levin article! genius! lol! pelosi is in league with the aclu who defend child molestors. the president must get rid of the aclu, they don’t belong in this country!!

  • 32 R.A.M. // Oct 9, 2006 at 10:54 pm

    The main lib talking point is STILL that Bush has failed, and thereby CAUSED this test to happen, by not talking to the North Koreans.

    We all know how effective that was when MADelyn Notso-Bright made goo goo eyes at Lil Kim back in the early 90’s!

    I seem to remember Jiminy “Sometimes you feel like a nut—-” Carter doing some talking with them too.

    Jiminy wanted to give Lil Kim the Panama Canal, but it was given away during a previous yard sale.

  • 33 R.A.M. // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:03 pm

    Hawkeye: Sorry, I just went back and read comments for the first time. Those are my thoughts too.

    Makes you wonder how libs can even debate when they know the same things, but try to act ignorant!

    I know——-it is NOT an act!

    maf54: No you are not being blocked—-even though you should be as, EVERYONE HERE knows you are a lib troll.

    Why else would you be using Foley’s IM name? Are we supposed to believe you are Foley? :lol:

    Maybe Scott wants to see how far you will go in your little childish farce, as it is something ONLY the likes of everstink/clone libs/ nuts would think humorous.

  • 34 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:11 pm

    i’m sorry. i’m not sure what i said to offend you. i wish to correct your impression that i am, as you say, a lib troll. i thought i was just participating. sorry.
    i did opt to use foley’s name only because i think that he is being railroaded by the msm and the libs/soros. again sorry. it was the first thing i thought of when i registered.

  • 35 immigrant // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:12 pm

    Without disparaging Larry Kudlow’s plea to keep our dear old Republicans in their cushy seats, who wants to bet on a long lame horse?
    This is a party with a well deserved reputation of excelling in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, a party without the guts to defend it’s members from scurillous attacks (see recent cancellation of D. Hastert’s appearance on the campaign trail by one of it’s spineless members).
    Let’s just hang out the white flag and defeat the Dems with love and kindness!
    Chto delat ?

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:13 pm

    RE: #30~~

    You mean like this?

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:16 pm

    RE: #32~~



  • 38 myword // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:16 pm


    I don’t want to be unkind, but at this site we use capital letters at the beginning of sentences. Otherwise it feels like a teenage chat room.

  • 39 onlineanalyst // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:30 pm

    Here is an excerpt from an intriguing PBS “Frontline” interview with a NoKo defector:

    “What is Kim Jong Il’s ambition?

    “Firstly he wants to have nuclear weapons. My complaint is that the United States gives North Korea time to work on developing weapon programs. Kim Jong Il doesn’t care that people are starving and poor. He spent almost all the money on nuclear weapons.

    “That’s why I’m here. I defected to speak out about the starvation. I left my family, friends, and comrades in North Korea. I don’t think that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are human beings. He’s working only for his own ambitions, only for himself. If he had a sense of humanity, he wouldn’t be this kind of leader.

    A new administration in Washington is taking a tougher line in North Korea. Do you think is it proper?

    “I think that Bush knows how to treat Kim Jong Il. Don’t trust Kim Jong Il, never, ever. What Kim Jong Il is doing is producing nuclear weapons to kill people in the world, and providing expertise in nuclear weapon development to countries which are anti-American.

    “He kills our people, arrests people who are against his administration. He produces drugs. It’s a national industry. He kidnaps other people from South Korea, or other democratic countries. He is doing all sorts of bad things, like the devil. Do not trust him, never, ever.”

    I pulled this cut from a freerepublic post of the whole interview, which links to the PBS site. The original must be getting some heavy traffic, but you may have success reading from

    We are indeed living in interesting times.

  • 40 maf54 // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:34 pm

    hi guys.
    i feel like i’m ruffling feathers but i don’t mean to. if someone want to tell me how to change my user name, i gladly will. please help me fit in so i can contribute. we need to band together during these perilous times.

  • 41 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    I’m confused:

    “Mexico may seek UN intervention in US border fence dispute.”

    What dispute?

    Is there a zoning problem? Some code violation? An aesthetic issue?
    Is it because we’ll be using English-speaking American citizens for labor?

    The UN has jurisdiction over our building plans!?!

  • 42 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:48 pm

    You know, this, this, there are a lot of things about this war that disturb me, and one of them is, uh, one of them is the attitude that, you know, that was well-expressed by our president. He said it very clearly, he said “Either you’re with us, or you’re against us.” And, I had a problem with that because I really hadn’t made my mind up yet. You know, what if you haven’t made your mind up.~~Ted Turner

  • 43 Jericho // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:53 pm

    That hunchback Persian bear sinks its hook just a tad
    deeper into the Northern neighbors mouth.

    Read the article on the Russian (Chechen) Muslims now in Sidon, Lebanon.

    Tick tock, tick tock, time is short.

  • 44 RedPepper // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:54 pm

    Hi JL3! You’re up late …

  • 45 RedPepper // Oct 9, 2006 at 11:58 pm

    Hello Jericho …

    Jeez, where’s the rest of the crew? Where are neverblink, Thomas Clown and Hairy Slime?

  • 46 Jericho // Oct 10, 2006 at 12:33 am

    An email a-round on a politically correct Noah’s ark results unpoetically in the end of a career.

    Now regarding Miss Mrs.? Ms.? Madam? Grams? Congressman? Pelosi and the Dhimmis are we now supposed to be in favor of pedophiles (gays?) (tops?) (toms?) (doms?) (daddies?) serving as scoutmasters or agin it? And what about pink gays? bottoms? subs? Can trannies serve? Post-op? Pre-op? And then there are the Dammerites? Gaseys? Isane Clown Possys? Juggaloes? Cannibals? Hillsiders? Do they get to serve? Should we be in favor of that? Maybe we should just elect us some new elites and let them tell us what to do? That could be a dhimmi ad — Can I get me some new elites here?

    The pc/mc latest has me all confused-ed.

  • 47 Jericho // Oct 10, 2006 at 12:37 am

    Thomas Clowne may have been recalled to the abyss. Don’t know about neverthink or the hairy fairy. Hoping they got saved and are logging onto Free Republic as we speak.

  • 48 Jericho // Oct 10, 2006 at 12:43 am

    Mexico need not worry James. Our Republican Congressman sans testicles voted to give Our first Hispanic President the option of building a fence or using other high tech means of securing (or not securing) the border.

    And thus Nambla Pelosi thinks she will be Speaker.

    Support your local sheriff.

  • 49 Jericho // Oct 10, 2006 at 12:50 am

    George W. Bush - Our first hispanic President
    Bill Clinton - Our first black President
    George H. W. Bush - Our first female President
    Jimmy Carter - Our first enuch President
    Harold Ford - Our greatest atheletic President (Gotta cut the guy a break - he is near death.)
    Richard Nixon - Our first psychotic President
    Lyndon Johnson - Our first felonious President

    And Ronald Reagan - Our last American President

  • 50 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:00 am

    Chicago flirts with record cold later this week…
    Dang that global warming!

    Nuclear test condemned, UN ponders action…
    … and ponders, and ponders, and ponders …

    Woman: Saddam Guards Buried People Alive…
    Enough of a reason for Clinton to go into the Balkans (despite reports being mostly hoaxes), but not enough reason for Bush to go into Iraq (despite reports of mass graves being real).

    Lawmaker Saw Foley Messages In 2000…
    See, it’s Hastert’s fault even though he never saw messages.

    USATODAYGALLUP POLL: Dem candidates open large lead in congressional races…
    Of course this isn’t a poll of likely voters or even registered voters. Probably represents 1006 “adults” still taking medicinal marijuana for Alzheimers. It will be an interesting election.

  • 51 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:00 am

    …pushin’ on through.

  • 52 egospeak // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:05 am

    re #40

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Of course it would be helpful to have one first.

  • 53 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:28 am


    We’re in the midst of a thunderous downpour-doesn’t happen very often around here.


  • 54 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:35 am


    Turn that umbrella upside down and get pennies from heaven-though in fact pennies are rather useless. We been in an Indian summer mode the last few days but I have been unable to fully enjoy it as the cold turkey from steroids through my bod has me flat on my back. I was able to get out and sit in the sun a bit though. Now we have a cold wind a comin’-maybe frost-maybe snow.

    Good morning.

    I just bought a rare item at an auction, a picture of a live dog running the streets of North Korea. Of course the photo didn’t have enough room to show two or three hundred starving little people chasing it.

  • 55 Maggie // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:37 am

    Good Morning everybody,

    Just readinig thru all of the comments.Great job Scrapplers.

    Ms Right Wing
    Hope you are feeling better this morning.You are loved and thought about and prayed for.

    maf54…Other Scrapplers may not agree with me but I say stand your ground.Scott Ott is the only one to decide if you stay or go, but make your comments within his guidelines.If you truely mean well,time will tell.
    Maybe “maf54″ is an unwise choice of names for this blog,but you have the right to post.

  • 56 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:42 am

    RE: #51~~
    Ms RightWing, Ink~~

    I haven’t said so, but I would like you to know that my heart goes out to you, that I appreciate your inspirational strength of character and that you are in my prayers.

  • 57 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:13 am

    “We may have Iran in the Security Council by the end of this week as well, so it could be very busy,” Bolton said in an interview on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning.

    I don’t get it.

  • 58 red satellites // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:25 am

    Good morning Scrapplers!…

    Harry and Kerry want us to have a one on one with Kim Jung He’s So IL. Hmmmm…that worked so well with Dhimmi, NotSoBright, and Billy Bob…..

    Have a great day all.

  • 59 Scott Ott // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:31 am

    This is a test.

    Thank you.

  • 60 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:31 am

    With various lamestream media polls ballyhooing Democrats lead among adult Americans, a lead that was supposedly increased because of the Foleygate scandal, embedded in the ABC-Washington Post poll on the second page of the article was this little caveat:

    A salience test puts the Foley matter in perspective: Eighty-three percent of registered voters call Iraq very important to their vote; 78 percent say the same of terrorism; 77 percent the economy; 71 percent health care; 65 percent ethics in general. By contrast, just 18 percent give that kind of importance to the Foley situation.

    Though some voters don’t believe the war in Iraq is going well, 51% now believe Iraq is another front on the war on terrorism, up from the low 40s. It can be argued that in Iraq America won the war against Saddam’s regime in three weeks, the war against al Qaeda terrorists earlier this years and now the war against sectarian violence must be won before Bush leaves office or some DemDonk president will cut-and-run and throw the whole region into chaos.

    I trust Americans will exercise some brains this November and realize this nation can’t afford Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as majority leaders who haven’t a single idea between them on how to run Congress for the American people or how to support POTUS in the War on Terrorism. They’ve already stated their willingness to plunge this country into further chaos and divisiveness by engaging in an ill-advised partisan attempt to impeach Bush.

  • 61 conserve-a-tip // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:32 am

    Guys, guys. Maf54 is one of the good guys…so to speak. I’ve been reading his posts and you have him mixed up with someone else. Sorry Maf54 for the mixup. Keep on posting.

  • 62 Inoperable Terran » Aha // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:32 am

    […] Scott Ott questions Kim Jong-Il’s timing. Posted by Ian S. in […]

  • 63 conserve-a-tip // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:38 am

    James, I saw the interview. He meant that they might be pulling Iran before the security council by the end of the week, to deal with them as well. Thus, a very busy week indeed.

  • 64 red satellites // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:53 am

    If Harry Reid and John Kerry jumped off the Golden Gate bridge- together….wouldn’t that be…Harry Kerry?

  • 65 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:54 am

    RE: #60~~

    Thanks. I should have known, I had one eye on the interview but the rest of me was looking out the window.

    In my (much) younger days in Columbus, I grew to literally hate cloudy or rainy (or snowy) days. One of my favorite sayings was that the State Color was Gray.

    Nowadays, though, it’s all different. This morning, I couldn’t wait for it to get light enough to pop open the umbrella and stand, smiling, in the middle of the back yard.

  • 66 onlineanalyst // Oct 10, 2006 at 10:48 am

    Somewhere in my browsings, I read that L’il Kim’s ’splosions are a temper tantrum meant to keep South Korea’s candidate from securing Kofi Annan’s seat at the UN. From all appearances he SoKo leader would be a great counterweight of influence to the emerging events in the Pacific Rim.

    Harry-Kerry? Good one, R-S!

    Kerry wants to go unilateral with NoKo? Whatever happened to the irrelevant 2004 candidate’s regard for nuanced world opinion? Did he trade his lucky hat for a cowboy hat?

    Li’l Kim wants to engage one-on-one. (Are Kerry and Li’l Kim engaged in a bad-hair contest in obtuseness?) Bush is wise to use the six-party talks with NoKo just as he is correct in handling the Iran through the UN.

    Pelosi learned her down-and-dirty politics at her daddy’s knee. The mere thought of her gaining ascendancy in the House makes the need for a backyard bomb shelter more necessary than ever.

    Vote Republican. Spread the word.

  • 67 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 10, 2006 at 10:58 am

    Thanks to those above who have wished well. I rarely complain more than a line or two about my life-mostly I try to laugh but this past week has been awfully trying and the doctors are only throwing bombs into my care.

    Today, I have moved about more than I could possibly imagine in the past week. My mind is scrambled eggs and all I can do is sleep all day because a little movement is too much. My previous doctor took away all my home care except 3 hours a week so I am falling deeper and deeper into a mess.

    I see another doctor, who, I hope will understand MS a bit better and restore my help. So, as of right now, the harder I try the worse off I become. Keep praying, since when you are down it is hard to pray for oneself.

    Complaint mode off.

  • 68 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:16 am


    AP - New York

    A new Zogby/New York Times polls shows a broadening support for Democrats in the upcoming election. After canvassing nearly 4,975 Muslim fundamentalists and jihadists around the world, there appears to be a groundswell of support for various Democratic candidates at the national level.

    Here are some responses to important questions which face not only Americans but also those other global citizens who appear to wish to see American policy take another direction:

    Do you plan to vote?
    Yes - 1% No - 1%
    Vote with an AK-47 - 98%

    Are you happy with the way President Bush is conducting the war on terrorism?
    Yes - 1% No - 99%

    What party would you be most likely to vote for if you were an American?
    Republican - 0% Democrat - 98% Other - 2%

    In your estimation, do Christians exercise too much influence in American politics?
    Yes - 98% No - 0% Don’t know - 2%

    Rate the importance of the following issues in your part of the world:

    Destroy Israel and Zionist pigs/apes - 99%
    Establish a global Islamic caliphate - 95%
    Change western law to allow the beheading of infidels when they disrespect Muslims - 84%
    Establish a dhimmie tribute - 81%
    Destroy Great Satan America - 79%
    Kill all the white devils - 66%
    Make the Muslim slave trade illegal - 52%
    Support new laws favorable to bestiality - 38%
    Give homosexuals more rights - 0%
    Expand the rights of women - 0%

  • 69 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:18 am

    Morning, Scrapplefolks!

    Hang in there, Ms. RightWing!

  • 70 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:21 am

    lol! thanks so much for the kind words. i’ll keep trucking along. rotflmao!

    of all my months reading this site, you seem to be the most insightful poster. (no offense to all you other scrapplers! lol!). your comments are always backed up too! kudos! lol!

  • 71 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 12:28 pm

    Tired of today’s depressing headlines?

    Today (Tuesday 10 October 2006) is the anniversary of the Battle of Poitiers, also known as the Battle of Tours, considered by many historians to be “the decisive turning point” that marked “the high tide of the Muslim advance into Europe.”

    (Much) more here.

  • 72 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 1:30 pm

    Democrat operatives had to spring Mark Foley story earlier than they wanted.

    What does this say about the DemDonk’s willingness to engage in cynical blame games where the real facts don’t warrant it and engage in the politics of personal destruction in hopes of gaining seats by hook or by crook?

  • 73 Libby Gone // Oct 10, 2006 at 1:37 pm

    Jeeze 53+ years of UN intervention in the Korean pennisula and we have ……..
    Thank libs for the UN.

  • 74 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 1:49 pm

    RE: #69~~

    It says that they are more fearful of confronting the real issues than they are of humiliating themselves.

  • 75 Preston // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:05 pm

    RE #58

    Conserve-a-tip: maf54 is troll. He is slightly sneakier than most, but still a troll. Look at the websites where he chooses to link his username to. He changes them often. He is mostly posting over-the-top messages to incite ridicule.

    As to his freedom to post, that freedom is granted by Scott. I personally think he should be at least disciplined for the website his username links to in his last post at #67. It has some sick content.

  • 76 GnuCarSmell // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:11 pm

    Now that there are no more dogs or cats, an environmental disaster looms as the bark on trees and the lichens on rocks become part of the North Korea diet. Nasty Pelosi will shortly explain how this is Bush’s fault.

  • 77 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:13 pm

    i read the article at the spectator. facinating. i always suspected that the dims were behind this. now we have proof. the foley thing was just an attempt to distract the public from the important issues with salactitous stories.
    wasn’t the spectator the one that broke the lewinsky deal?
    i can feel the tide turning. the dims will go down.

  • 78 Preston // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:17 pm

    He also purposely messes with your name in his replies, not in an insulting way, just the way a disrespectful passive-aggressive child would do who is too cowardly to show full rebellion.
    Examples include: Darthmister, conservatip, Jason Lewis the Third. This typically a sign of an inattentive speller but combined with the ALL CAPS for a few posts, the over-the-top attitude at times, and the link from his last post, it shows a definite pattern of trollishness.

  • 79 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:19 pm

    i just read your post. boy, i guess my sense of humor is not appreciated on this site. i only linked to that to show the stupidness of the left. it is an obvious moonbat site that shows the idiocy of the left. same with my login. i’ve changed my website to something more acceptable. sorry.

  • 80 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:24 pm

    again. i’m sorry. how can i prove who i am? i was chastised when i wrote in capital letters and now am being chastised when i have mispellings. its time for unitiy, not time to backbite. lets band together.

  • 81 Godfrey // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:27 pm

    Preston re: #75 - At least he pretended to figure out that his CAPS LOCK was stuck. That’s an improvement of sorts.

  • 82 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:31 pm

    #72 Preston: Thank you for pointing that out : not something I normally check.

    What was that old chestnut from my youth? Oh yeah :

    You never get a second chance to make a (good) first impression.

  • 83 Godfrey // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:46 pm

    Wait a second…who is this Preston fellow anyway?? Never seen him before. Is this troll doubling up and arguing with himself?

  • 84 Godfrey // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:48 pm

    I’ve taken my Trifluoperazine now. Never mind.

  • 85 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:56 pm

    Hi Godfrey. I have another history post (Battle of Tours) for you - this one is from WND. Enjoy. (Everyone else, too …)

  • 86 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 2:58 pm

    Ah. Link didn’t work. Hold on …

    Try that.

  • 87 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:07 pm

    maf54 is a troll. Look at the links to his moniker. The constant “lol”s, the all uppercase and now the all lowercase mantra, and the over-the-top panderings are earmarks that something isn’t right with maf54… it’s more left.

    If he/she/it wants to keep posting here, there’s not much we can do but humor the poor thing given the total lack of self-respect he/she/it seems to be demonstrating in its calculated understated sarcasm. Any newbie that feels compelled to solicitously “cheerleads” other Scrapplers immediately raises my red flag. Real conservatives aren’t unabashed brown-nosers like that - I know plenty of herd-mentality liberals who are.

  • 88 Maggie // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:15 pm

    In my post #52, I said “time would tell”.
    Mf54….it didn’t take long now,did it?

    OK Troll Busters(and you know who you are)…..hit him hard and hit him often.

  • 89 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:16 pm

    darthmeister: again, i’m sorry about the links on my name. i thought that you all had a sense of humor. apparently not. lol! i don’t mean to ‘cheerlead’ either, but i do strongly believe that we, as conservatives, need to band together instead of being deviseive. and that starts here.

    i’m sorry that i’m not assimulating well here. what can i do darthmiester? i’m darned if i disagree and i’m darned if a agree.

  • 90 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:18 pm

    maggie. i really appreciated your kind words earlier. i feel like lincoln chaffee. i’m unwanted.

  • 91 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:18 pm

    #84 Darthmeister: Ever see the film, Aliens ?

    [a facehugger trapped in a stasis tube tries unsuccessfully to attack Burke]
    Hicks: Looks like love at first sight to me. Oh, he likes you, Burke!

  • 92 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:43 pm

    The way the LLL/MSM are telling it these days, Iraq, Iran and North Korea were fine, upstanding members of the world community until President Bush omnipotently changed all that by savaging them with the “Axis of Evil” designation thereby driving their benign, obsequious leaders mad.

  • 93 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:51 pm

    Ms RightWing,

    Please take care of yourself.My thoughts, prayers and wellwishes are with you. I have never seen a storm that doesn’t weather itself out.

    Peace .

  • 94 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 10, 2006 at 3:53 pm

    Thats funny stuff Darth…Kudos.

    If you want to see the “Worlds Worst Limousine Ride” click on my name.

  • 95 R.A.M. // Oct 10, 2006 at 4:42 pm

    Dr. Stuhl #91:

    I thought maybe those were the 3 guys the police were seeking that ruffed up the Indiana Pacers!

    The story is here:

  • 96 Godfrey // Oct 10, 2006 at 5:13 pm

    “..instead of being deviseive.”

    Wow. The troll speaks French too…

    Très pathétique.

    RedPepper re: #82 - Definitely know of Tours, having studied it in school. Another key reason Muslims mourn the loss of that battle is that it marked a resurgence in Christianity which ultimately led to the Crusades, where a lot of Muslims were slaughtered.

    You’d think they would have learned their lesson the first time around! But it seems we may need to give them a refresher course…

    I was surprised to find that Wikipedia has a very extensive and well-written analysis of the battle.

  • 97 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 10, 2006 at 5:23 pm

    Now doesn’t this beat all. America, who are we anymore??????

  • 98 RedPepper // Oct 10, 2006 at 5:46 pm

    **Breaking News** Right Here In River City … (Albany NY)

    ALBANY — A federal court jury this afternoon found the leader of a Central Avenue mosque guilty of 10 of 30 terrorism-related counts against him and his co-defendant guilty on all 27 counts he faced.

  • 99 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:23 pm

    dear scrapplers,
    i’m confused. why does everyone automatically assume that i don’t have good intentions in posting on this site? has everyone become so jaded that they automatically assume the worst? just so you know, i’ve appreciated the humor and insight on this site for the past couple of months and thought that my humor and insight would be appreciated, but i guess not. you all have formed a tight clique and i think thats wonderful, but you should really think twice about being so mean to newcomers. mr. ott deserves better. fellow conservatives deserve better. i deserve better.

    again, i apologize for my unconventional use of grammer and spelling. i’ll figure out the proper protecal and then perhaps post again. if anyone can tell me how i can change my login, i’d appreciate it. i thought that it was funny at the time. i guess i was wrong.

  • 100 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:26 pm


    Ouch. Could you imagine the hurt that would be spread by zelots like those. Religion of Peace? Sorry I just don’t buy it… I know I am generalizing , but come-on give me some proof otherwise. Even the moderates don’t speak out against this kind of pathetic hate with alarming frequency do they? If they do it isn’t loud enough. Shame..shame shame. Just like the Muslim cab drivers that refuse to pick up people in their cabs. They need a hard slap of “reality” and learn to get along.

  • 101 everthink // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:45 pm

    Did you all know that Kim Jong-il has a brother? His name is Mentally Il, but they just call him Henry.


  • 102 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:45 pm


    I think you would have to contact Scott to get a new login.

    As for intentions - there have been quite a few people who pop in ocassionally and don’t represent well. It tends to make people pouncy. You may have got caught in the backwash. It really isn’t any different than if I went to less conservative sites. It would be nice if we all did get along a little better. Maybe something would actually get done in the world. Okay - except the French. [See what I mean] ;) [It is hard not to poke a festering boil.]

    There is a tendency to label conservatives as backwatered, swamp living, misinformed and ill-humoured cretans. That is not true. I have found that many conservatives including myself have developed great sense’s of humor - mainly because of those things. Today, for example I had a mudsnicket slither between my toes and it was so hysterically funny that I hit the parking brake and my trailer almost rolled off it’s blocks.

    Later that day…..

    BTW - I think your website is pretty funny. You must think Scrappleface is also or you wouldn’t be here. In the end I guess it is respect that is the issue [Except the French].

    Poking is okay just not in the eye….


  • 103 Beerme // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:54 pm

    everthink has a brother, too. He’s maf54. But Scrapplers just call him troll.

  • 104 everthink // Oct 10, 2006 at 7:59 pm

    Are we going to invade North Korea? They have WMD you know. They might sell them to al-Qaeda because they need money. They don’t like our president much!

    What are we going to do about Iran? They don’t like our president much either!

    Is Dr. Strangelove ready to make his move?

    Just asking the braintrust,


  • 105 maf54 // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:06 pm

    thank you for you kind words. i’ve enjoyed your photoshopping too! rotflmao!

    sorry. but i’m not going to be pushed around by you. you can call me whatever little name you want-it only shows your jealousy. your like a schoolyard bully who is threatened by any newcomers. that is your issue, not mine.

    to all other scrapplers:
    thanks for your kind words of encouragement. i apprecaite it.

  • 106 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:09 pm

    So, not only has neverthink come up with an alter ego but he also has managed to hijack Stuhl’s handle. Quite a feat for someone whose downstream family tree includes something which slimed its way out of some primordial ooze. Which means there is a better than even chance that neverthink is Kim Jong Mentally Il’s love child.

  • 107 everthink // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:09 pm


    He how are your Lions doing? If you think they’ve got you down, just wait for the Repugs to finish their season!


    Dope, I’m am not maf54, or anyone else you have suggested!

    Hey dude, your number here is dwindling, whasup wit dat?

  • 108 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:13 pm

    Say, Scrapplers, about eight months to a year ago there was a troll who wrote in all lower case and continually misspelled words. It wasn’t Commenter was it?

  • 109 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:21 pm

    AP and Reuters are both reporting that Japan detected another NoKo nuclear test. SoKo says it didn’t notice anything.

    Seismic data available here.

  • 110 everthink // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:23 pm

    State of Denial

    Pages 49–52: On July 10, 2001, George Tenet and his top terrorism expert, Cofer Black, visited Condi Rice and warned that a major terrorist attack was coming. “It’s my sixth sense, but I feel it coming,” said Tenet. “This could be the big one.” They felt like the then-national security adviser blew them off.

  • 111 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:33 pm

    Arizona 9/11 memorial designers wanted to commemorate hijackers
    But we support the troops! Don’t question our patriotism!

    Muslim protesters hurl petrol bombs at Danish mission in Iran
    Another fine example of the “Religion of Peace” in action. This is how young fundamentalist debate foreign policy.

    The producer of “Scary Movie” has made a hilariously true commercial criticizing the Democrats’ foreign policy snafus. See the video here.

  • 112 ref // Oct 10, 2006 at 8:46 pm

    Dr. HS

    Your “limo ride” picture may make my wallpaper.

    BTW, Helen Thomas IS LBJ. Look at the photos. They’re like twins, man.

  • 113 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 9:26 pm

    From the New York Daily News:

    The 9/11 commission also found that Black told Rice in May that the seriousness of the Al Qaeda threat was a 7 on a scale of 10.

    Still, Woodward’s claim that Rice gave Tenet the brushoff was denied by a source close to Tenet, who said, “She understood the gravity of it and was concerned.”

    Woodward also claimed Andrew Card was seeking the ouster of Donald Rumsfeld. Mr. Card has vehemently denied having or expressing such sentiments. Mr. Card would carry his hit-by-a-bus notebook which lists of potential replacements for senior White House staff members and top cabinet officials. Card: “It’s not inaccurate to say that we talked about Rumsfeld …there was no campaign, and I didn’t go out and solicit others to back any view about getting rid of anyone.”

    Once again Woodward lied.

    Woodward also claimed Gen. Abazaid Alleged Sec. Rumsfeld “Doesn’t fave any credibility anymore” in his book State Of Denial. However, Gen. Abizaid’s Spokesman said Gen. Abizaid denies saying this, and in fact “General Abizaid has nothing but the greatest respect for Mr. Rumsfeld.” (David E. Sanger, “White House Disputes Book’s Account Of Rifts On Iraq,” The New York Times, 9/30/06)

    Woodward is found to be a liar again. Leave it neverthink to drink Woodward’s kool-aid.

    There’s more.

  • 114 everthink // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:09 pm

    Hank you are sad,

    Woodward also claimed Andrew Card was seeking the ouster of Donald Rumsfeld.
    Comment by Darthmeister — October 10, 2006 @ 9:26 pm

    “Card on Friday did not dispute that he had talked about a Rumsfeld resignation with the president but said it was his job to discuss a wide range of possible replacements, including his own. He denied talking to Mrs. Bush about the subject.” CNN

  • 115 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:29 pm

    “Seeking the ouster” and discussing various hypothetical scenarios (which was his job) are two quite different things.

    Card has explained this himself in various interviews.

    Card explicitly denies “seeking the ouster” of Rumsfeld.

  • 116 Maggie // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:42 pm

    Darth re 105…..wasn’t that Howie?

  • 117 Darthmeister // Oct 10, 2006 at 11:49 pm

    neverthink, you are even more pathetic.

    Here’s is Andrew Card’s own words from actual interview transcript:

    O’REILLY: He (Woodward) makes it very clear that you wanted Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of Defense, removed.

    CARD: I wanted the president to have the benefit of a healthy debate as to whether or not Secretary Rumsfeld should be changed or not changed — in the context of change that the president said he wanted throughout his administration, especially in the national security team. And it started right after the November 2004 election, when the president told me he wanted to enter a second term with a lot of change.

    And I sat with the president and talked about every single senior White House staff position and every single member of the cabinet.

    O’REILLY: OK, but that’s not the impression the book gives. The impression the book gives is that you wanted Rumsfeld to be out, Laura Bush wanted Rumsfeld to be out, but Dick Cheney didn’t. And Cheney won. Is that an accurate representation?

    CARD: Not from my perspective, it is not.

    O’REILLY: OK. That’s all we need, that’s why.

    CARD: Laura Bush never said to me that she wanted to have Secretary Rumsfeld removed. Never. She would talk about people who were helping the president. And I would listen to her, because we both cared deeply about the president, but no one cares more than Laura Bush.

    O’REILLY: OK, and I don’t want to get into the micro of this. I just want to get a broad interpretation, your interpretation, because I do have to talk to Mr. Woodward tomorrow. And I’m going to say here’s what Andy Card said. And you know…

    CARD: Well, I can understand why he might have a perception that he does. But it’s the wrong perception. And his perception may reflect his own bias.

    No kidding.

    Busted again, neverthink just like you to believe Woodward’s and now CNN’s spin and lies. BTW, did CNN ever interview Andrew Card to get his true sentiments? Typical lamestream media baloney. I’m waiting to see you slime your way out of this.

  • 118 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:00 am

    Yeah, Howie. Thanks Maggie. Man, these trolls change names like traffic lights change color.

    BTW, neverthink, you fell right into my trap you dumb little troll. Out of a sense of fairness I tried to warn you about there being more but you stepped right in it. I knew you would go down that path to Kool-aid Lake. Give a troll enough rope and he’ll hang him/her/itself.

    And JL3rd gets an A+ for correctly identifying the important nuance of what Andrew Card’s duties were as a presidential advisor. Unfortunately Woodward is just another lying opportunist who injects his biases into a book which is suppose to document what really happened in the Bush White House. Typical liberal hack. Nothing like getting paid good money for telling lies to energize the Democratic base, eh?

  • 119 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:00 am

    I know scrapple has become link heaven as of late but this is a kinda-must-read. You will laugh or cry

    For those that may have read it earlier-I apologise, kind of, sort of, nah.

  • 120 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:10 am

    And I can already see those little wheels spinning in the darkened labyrinths of your overworked mind. In the first paragraph of your link CNN perfectly encapsulates the lie Woodward was trying to communicate and what Bush-hating liberals wanted to believe:

    Former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card twice sought to persuade President Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the second time with the support of first lady Laura Bush, Bob Woodward writes in a new book on the Bush administration’s Iraq war policy.

  • 121 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:17 am

    Ms RightWing, The Great Santini or some other talented Scrappler can rework the Bing Crosby song, “Don’t Fence Me In”. The new title could be, “Don’t Fence Me Out.”

    Lyrics to first stanza:

    Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
    Don’t fence me in.
    Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
    Don’t fence me in.
    Let me be by myself in the evenin’ breeze,
    And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees,
    Send me off forever but I ask you please…

    …dah, dah, dah, dee, dee,dee …whatever else you want.

  • 122 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:06 am

    Dr. Stuhl, re: #99: What in the heck is a mudsnicket???? That just sounds like a really enjoyable creature…not.

    Everdrunk: I have to know. You say that they had a “gut feeling” about something big coming. OK. So what? What would you have had the president do? Initiate a wiretap system to monitor calls to and from anyone suspicious? Oh wait. No, y’all said that isn’t constitutional. OK. Arrest and detain as enemy combatants any Muslims who took flying lessons only concerned with takeoff and not landing or who were members of mosques known for inflamatory rhetoric? Oh wait a minute. No, y’all say that is unconstitutional. Ok. How about taking out the Taliban and going after Saddam so that the fight would be in Iraq and the Islamofascists would be too busy to do anything big in the US. Oh wait. He did that and y’all say he “lied so people died” and “it’s a war about oil”.

    I know! How about turning the US into a police state where nobody can come and go as they please, where everyone must have a photo ID approved by the government and anyone Muslim would have to leave the country. I say that is unconstitutional. Seems to me that GWB did exactly what you would have him to do prior to 9/11 - plain ol’ every day stuff because he ain’t God.

  • 123 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:12 am

    dear all,

    you are on the verge of making a person who genuinely believes that this website is a wonderful place leave. in addition, i have really enjoyed youre comments during the past few months when i have read the site. i am just disgusted that you all apparently prefer to call names and hurl insults rather than discuss the issues. again, i’m sorry if i expected too much.

  • 124 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:22 am

    maf54 - I have an idea…each of us has told something about ourselves, by way of introduction, on this site, in order to offer some working knowledge of each poster. Nothing too personal, mind you, but state location, interests, ect. Trolls don’t do that. They just troll. Y’know? I have only been participating for 10 or 11 months, but have felt like I have joined a family. I am one to always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, so how about it? Let us get to know the real you.

  • 125 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:49 am


    A mudsnicket is a worm. Well they were when I was a kid. They are red slimy and squishy but only if you stepped on them. :)

  • 126 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:57 am

    Ms Rightwing - Thanks for the link.

  • 127 onlineanalyst // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:10 am

    Re North Korea: The Democrats forget their history and rely on soundbites to try to sound relevant on foreign policy. Trust the Dems to remain ankle-biting second guessers. Our nation cannot afford to have this party of frivolity take the reins come November.

  • 128 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:30 am

    Good Morning all.

    Going to try and get into the shower this a.m. Not as bad as it sounds-I don’t stink, but standing below cascades of clean warm water would feel sooo good. I laid in bed last night and dreamed about getting up and baking bread so I must be getting better.

    I swore off doomsayers for the past week. I started watching a well known conservative’s show at night who did nothing more than talk about life coming to an end. Zeech, I worried about my own. I think what you eat before you go to bed will soon own you.

    Now, the radio is talking snow. How can you win!?

  • 129 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:44 am

    Ms Rightwing, Ink - good morning and I am hoping that your day is a good one, started with that long, warm shower!

    I take it that you watched ol’ Glenn last night. Yes, he has become rather obsessed with “the end of the world as we know it”…(heh, that would make a good song) and is thinking that President Tom, Chavez and Ahm-a-durn-nutjob are in this whole thing together. I would think that he is already affected by too many gamma rays, but our governor is sending us packets entitled, “Are you prepared for a disaster?” (and he’s a democrat) and our local radio stations have ads every so often telling us to go to some government website that will help us prepare for any disaster, including nuclear. (Personally, I would want to be a ground zero to meet my Father in Heaven.)

    I got an email today that lists Glenn’s Christmas Tour schedule and I really want to go, since he is coming to OK City. Hopefully, he won’t be a Scrooge and will keep it funny.

  • 130 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:52 am


    Darth, that would work if we could see the old movie short in the background with cows and cowgirls sung by Bing Crosby, Kate Smith and Roy Rogers all at the same time.

    The UN would really suck road apples if they tried to stop the wall. It is time to bomb Mexico first, then NKorea

    re 124 C-a-t

    I agree. I been laying around this old spot for many a year and have seen them come and go. We lost a bunch of good ones for what ever reason but we also seen a bunch of rascillions run out of town.

    We have a few around that are common disagree’rs, but they have told us about them and much like holidays with the relatives, you have kin you disagree with, but they are still kin.

    maf 54-We are pretty vocal here abouts. I get notes about my spelling from time to time, so spell right, use good form and say who you are. That is all I will say.

  • 131 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:20 am


    How about them Tigers? Red Wings? Pistons?
    I guess a Detroit fan can cope with one losing team. Ya can’t be perfect, can ya?

    Since I’m not a Repug, I can’t say that I will be too terribly upset about any losses in that camp this November. Republican politicians have only themselves to blame for the lackluster support their getting from their own supporters. That said, since I can’t vote for the pandering party (that’s the Democrats, in case you didn’t know), I’ll vote Republican in most cases.

    Question: Do you use the maf54 handle because Foley’s lifestyle reflects your own or is it just his good looks and fashion sense that appeals to you?

  • 132 red satellites // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:50 am

    Good morning Scrapplers…

    As I look out my 5th story office window…I see aliens scampering everywhere. My my my…any chance that 700 mile fence gets built in my lifetime?

  • 133 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:03 am

    conserve a tip,
    thanks for the suggestion. i am 52 years old and was born in durango colorado. i now live in the west. i am a freelance writer (lol) and a part time journalist. work isn’t as steady as i would like but i enjoy what i do. i’m willing to answer any questions you all have.

    again, i will not stoop to your level. i am willing to change my handel, but who’s to say that you won’t devote all of your time and energy to harassing me about the new one just like this one!

  • 134 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:06 am

    Are Americans and some Europeans waking up from their multi-cultural slumber?

    The New Duranty Times documents that concern about jihad and the Islamization of Europe is not just the province of the “right wing.”

    By Dan Bilefsky and Ian Fisher in the New York Times:

    BRUSSELS, Oct. 10 — Europe appears to be crossing an invisible line regarding its Muslim minorities: more people in the political mainstream are arguing that Islam cannot be reconciled with European values.

    “You saw what happened with the pope,” said Patrick Gonman, 43, the owner of Raga, a funky wine bar in downtown Antwerp, 25 miles from here. “He said Islam is an aggressive religion. And the next day they kill a nun somewhere and make his point.

    “Rationality is gone.”

    Mr. Gonman is hardly an extremist. In fact, he organized a protest last week in which 20 bars and restaurants closed on the night when a far-right party with an anti-Muslim message held a rally nearby.

    His worry is shared by centrists across Europe angry at terror attacks in the name of religion on a continent that has largely abandoned it, and disturbed that any criticism of Islam or Muslim immigration provokes threats of violence.

    For years those who raised their voices were mostly on the far right. Now those normally seen as moderates — ordinary people as well as politicians — are asking whether once unquestioned values of tolerance and multiculturalism should have limits.

    But remember, Bush equals Hitler for fighting Muslim radicalism and rogue states.

  • 135 Preston // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:17 am

    RE: 133
    Fair enough maf, I will concede that I may have jumped the gun. If I have, I apologize deeply, and I will not hassle you anymore.

    On another note, I haven’t really introduced myself either. I am 40 years old, born in Tulsa, OK (hi Conserve-a-tip) but now live in the Houston area. I work in the space industry. My politics are CONSERVATIVE (caps on purpose). I am a believer in the Libertarian ways, just wish the party would drop the stupid MJ legalization out of the platform so I end up voting Republican mostly. Anything else, feel free to ask.

  • 136 Preston // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:19 am

    Pushing it through!!

  • 137 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:25 am

    Another taxicab controversy!

    In her bright pink hat, Paula Hare has found herself waiting on her stoop a lot lately, for taxi cabs that never come.

    Not to avoid confusion, Paula even tells the taxi dispatcher she’s transgendered. But on three occasions when the taxi actually showed up, she says Muslim drivers have refused to give her a lift.

  • 138 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:33 am

    And another!

    Airport officials gave up Tuesday on a proposal to meant to ensure that travelers carrying liquor don’t get stranded at the curb by Muslim cabbies who refuse to transport alcohol.

  • 139 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:37 am

    maf54 - same age (sigh), neighboring state (Okie) and have a daughter (one of 4 kids) getting a masters in journalism at OU. Conservative through and through and usually vote Republican, but even they can get too liberal for my tastes!

  • 140 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:46 am

    lol. i have both a daughter (17) and a son (19). i rarely talk to my son anymore-mainly due to political differences and orientation. tragic. one of these days…. he lives in california (of course). thanks for sharing.

  • 141 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:26 pm


    As a hard working journalist (with credentials) I am appalled at your lack of proper spelling, capitalization and unwillingness to show for your educational training.

    Buckle up boy. Show your stuff. You are like an high jumper that crawls under the bar instead of going for the gold.

    Now if you said you were a sanitary engineer I would be more forgiving. Your copy editor must despise your articles. Zeech

  • 142 Bob_Dylan // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:31 pm

    Ain’t talkin’
    Just walkin’

  • 143 Dr. Harden Stuhl // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:32 pm



    Being a former limey and living in Europe most of my early years as you can imagine most of the family members on my mother’s side are Euro’s. Even the more liberal ones are getting highly upset with a lot of the hate bashing done around England from Muslims. I feel that there will be an implosion in places like Norway, Germany, France, England and the Former Slavic countries, etc, etc. Scary stuff. I hear about it everyday. Mostly what I am hearing now is “enough is enough” - they should be kicked out. Europe has never been good at assimilating. That is why everybody eventually leaves. Whether they want to or not.


    Never let politics come between you and family members. My father was a military commander. I have lived all over the world because of that. We didn’t talk for years without serious knockdown drag outs. You would think he would be the conservative. It happened the other way around. Admittingly he has come over to the “Dark side” more often as late. I think he is seeing the futility of his ways [Check out the video on my blog]. Seriously - politics aren’t worth estrangement. We learned to live together - we just keep our opinions to ourselves. I am glad we did. I almost lost him recently to severe heart problems. You never know when the Big Guy upstairs calls you home. Liberal or conservative. Don’t wish you would have said “I love you” one more time when there is no longer an opportunity. Sorry for the personal stuff but I saw a chink in your armor. Cheers.

    Now stop being so darn liberal…:)


  • 144 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:36 pm

    Bob was here and I missed him!

  • 145 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:38 pm

    ms. rightwing! lol!
    touche! i suppose i can blame my spelling on the fact that i don’t have spellcheck when i’m writing here. same goes for my capitalization. one of my favorite poets though is ee cummings. perhaps thats my inspiration! lol!

  • 146 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:44 pm

    thats a wonderful story and lesson. unfortunately it is my sons decision not to talk to me. he is a die hard liberal-gay marriage, appeaser, etc-and loathes my politics. it makes the scrapplers reaction to me seem like praise. we talk about 2 times a year. to tell you the truth, i don’t even know his phone number.

  • 147 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    The Washington Post’s stunning revelation that only 33 of the FBI’s 12,000 agents have even generously-defined minimal Arabic-none working on terrorism issues-is a symptom of a much broader problem within much of the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

  • 148 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    Ms RightWing, you stole my thunder re: maf54. I can’t imagine a writer being so terrible at spelling and never capitalizing. I write directly to the comment box, too, and I’ve had my share of typos and dropped words, but maf54 you’re way over the top.

  • 149 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 1:19 pm

    what can i say? lol! i try. i’ll be sure to hilite all the mistakes that you make from now on, philosophical or otherwise. lol!

  • 150 Effeminem // Oct 11, 2006 at 2:10 pm

    w00t, I mad it to the bottome of teh psots.

    phrack- 11 sec

    Ahem. What I find interesting about leftists satirising conservatives is the complete lack of understanding of why we say and do things. Pull together? We don’t pull together. If you go over to the DailyKos right now, you’ll find an ongoing witchhunt for anyone questioning the official candidates and platforms. Of course that’s not healthy for the party for the long term. On the other hand, I’m planning on voting for third parties and darn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. If I said that John McCain was too emotional, no one here would be concerned with my lack of partisanship.

    I tried to explain the flaw in the “sign of weakness” stereotype but I got bored, so the post will end now.

  • 151 myword // Oct 11, 2006 at 2:13 pm

    Fellow Scrappler,

    First accept my apologies for not having the skill of connecting links except this cumbersome manner.

    What I have included here is an astonishing series of 3 articles that ran in the LA Times on Mon, Tue, Wed of this week.

    They are about the current dire situation in Russia and what effect it will have on the future of the world. I found the well-thought out and researched articles riveting. A wonderful bit of journalism, which is all too uncommon today.

    Part I - A Vanishing Population,1,4681068,full.story?coll=la-headlines-world

    Part II - For The Sick, No Place to Turn,1,85440.story?page=5&cset=true&ctrack=1&coll=la-headlines-world

    Part III - The Future Looks a Lot More Diverse,0,2171059.story?page=1&coll=la-home-headlines

  • 152 myword // Oct 11, 2006 at 2:24 pm

    I know, I know. There’s more than one Scrappler out there. Let’s replace that with Fellow Scrapplers.

    My bad.

  • 153 The Great Santini // Oct 11, 2006 at 2:44 pm

    maf 54:

    In # 133, you said: “i [sic] am willing to change my handel [sic]… .”

    In that case, to quote Arnold the RINO in a famous role he played in his pre-Guvvinator days: “I’ll be Bach!”

    I suggest changing your handle to Handel, in honor of the great composer of symphonies and oratorios. That way, it won’t seem like you’re trying to be clever by ripping off the e-mail address of a notorious pervert and former member of Congress.

    A good-faith attempt to spell properly and to use proper writing style is always appreciated by readers, too. Glaring errors of spelling, syntax, and usage make the writer look silly and lead the reader to conclude that the writer has nothing much to say. Nobody’s perfect, but we all should give proper writing the good old college try.

  • 154 Maggie // Oct 11, 2006 at 2:56 pm

    54….yeah…..what Santini said.

  • 155 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 3:41 pm

    Good afternoon good buddies…just got back from a very informative luncheon for my state representative, hosted by Senator James Inhofe. I sat with a lady from England, who was 10 years old when Germany bombed London. Fascinating woman, but more on that in a minute.

    Darthmeister: I hate to burst your bubble regarding journalists, but the daughter is finding that she is excelling in everything simply because she can construct a sentence and she can spell and she is at the Masters level!!!!!!! Her projects sound like the writings of the journalists of yesteryear and she is appalled at the attrocities committed by her comrades. She sends me emails with ’slugs’ that have me rolling on the floor. Unfortunately, the lack of excellence is accepted as just fine and dandy.

    Now to the meeting. Senator Inhofe said so much that I can’t begin to go into it, but suffice it to say that the man is brilliant. He pointed out that he has been the voice in the wilderness, so to speak, on the scientific hocus pocus re. global warming and said that finally, on CNN the other night, his host, a huge Kyoto treaty proponent, admitted to him that the science was faulty and that the Kyoto treaty is not a solution, is dead in the water and shows that CO2 really isn’t the problem. He said that was a huuuggge step.

    Inhofe also pointed out that in August of 1998 he asked the then Clinton administration security analysts and experts how close N. Korea was to having the capabilities to deliver a nuclear or chemical weapon against the US. He was told that it would be between 7 and 10 years. Seven days later, N. Korea launched a rocket capable of a nuclear warhead at Alaska. He laughed and said that he was pretty sure that Alaska is part of the US and that N. Korea has had the capabilities for quite some time. He said that he isn’t the least bit worried about N. Korea…that it is just a red herring to take our focus off of Iran and China. I have been saying that for some time.

    The neatest part of the luncheon, though, was meeting this lady from England. She told me about being 10 years old and starving because the Germans had so demolished London. She said that she had never been so happy to see anyone as much as she was to see US soldiers, who, she remembered, came into town and would sit her and other children up on big boxes of cheese and she would reach into the boxes to break off pieces of cheese because she was so hungry and couldn’t wait to eat. She is now a naturalized citizen of the US and does not make much money, but she said that she gets so angry at Americans who complain about their lot in life when even the poorest have more then some of the more well to do in other countries. She is very conservative and really had a lot to say about the idiocy of the liberal mindset. She said that she has seen the results of that mindset being implemented and she could do without it, thank you very much. Loved her accent and she kept calling me “Ducky”. :-)

  • 156 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 4:10 pm

    Re #154: Good afternoon, c-a-t! If your daughter is a good speller she is already way ahead of the current generation! One of my amusements is noting the egregious spelling errors that are made by the e-peons at the TV networks who type in the stories that “crawl” along the bottom of the screen. Worse than the clerks at the local convenience store who can’t make change to save their lives …

  • 157 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 4:21 pm


    Very cool! Gives one a little perspective doesn’t it?

  • 158 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 4:29 pm


    Actually pretty easy to spot such shenanigans, eh? I thought perhaps the “pull together” was a pun, considering the Handel, but when I went back to check, it was “band together”. More’s the pity, as I could at least have appreciated the humor in that…

  • 159 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 4:29 pm

    RE: #s 141 & 143~~

    My purpose in impersonating Bob Dylan (although he has a far superior singing voice than I) was to demonstrate the incredible ease and swiftness with which I was able to switch my nom de plume.

  • 160 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 4:49 pm


    But you failed to remove the link to your name. Still fast and effective…if one doesn’t check those things. ET rarely makes a mistake in that regard but does leave syntactical clues and he is shamefully willing to post a new handle at near the same time as one of his infrequent appearances.

  • 161 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:06 pm

    RE: #159~~

    Yeah, I left the link there on purpose. I suspect the person for whom the demo was intended won’t “get it,” anyway. I wonder about myself sometimes.

    On another note~~

    This borders on hilarious.

  • 162 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:14 pm

    JL3: Speaking of Bob Dylan, one of my favorites from him, back in the day, was the line, “But to live outside the law you must be honest!” which is from the song “Absolutely Sweet Marie”, on the Blonde On Blonde” album.

    Takes some practice, learning how to act when calling the cops is not an option …

  • 163 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:20 pm

    Dang … I miss the Preview button, sometimes …

  • 164 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:27 pm

    Earth wobbles linked to mammal extinctions - study
    One good guess is as good as another … I guess.

    GOP Leaders Seek Probe of Sandy Berger for ‘Sneaking Classified Docs’
    Ha, ha, good luck! DemDonks will quash that faster than Wile E. Coyote blowing himself up with an ACME bomb making kit. Why wasn’t this done two years ago?

    University Instructor who doubts 9/11 compares Bush to Hitler…
    What the ….. moooooooonbat! Wrong on both counts. Ignoramus!

    Another Bu$Hitler/Rove plot to influence the November elections. They have OPEC wrapped around their pinkies.

    Rove raises $12M in the 2006 cycle…
    DemDonks: Can’t wait to see him frogged marched out of the White … oh wait, that was Armitage! Never mind.

  • 165 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:28 pm

    Now that’s funny JL3rd! Woodward the revisionist, who would have thunk it!

  • 166 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:31 pm

    hey scrapplers.
    i must admit, i did not see the link on how to change my handle (lol! sorry for the mispelling! lol!). but i can see that beerme is still fixated on me. i’d be flattered if it wasn’t so creepy. lol! well, its national coming out day, so i guess i’m not surprised to see him so active on the site! lol!
    thanks to all you others for your kind words of encouragemnet.

  • 167 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 5:53 pm

    How about,

    “It takes alot to laugh,
    it takes a train to cry.”

    “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”

    “Beauty walks a razor’s edge…”

    “Don’t follow leaders
    Watch the parkin’ meters”

    One of my favorites, from Time Out of Mind, “Standin’ in the Doorway”-”You left me standin’ in the doorway cryin’, blues flyin’ round my head”.

    Dylan is a genius, though sometimes I think he just makes it up as he goes along…

  • 168 R.A.M. // Oct 11, 2006 at 7:36 pm

    While I do NOT have maf54’s son’s phone number either, I DO have his number!

    I got it shortly after “it’s” first few posts.

    Word to the wise, stop playing with this troll. It is only here to distract from the discussion of how to keep the GOP majority.

    I hope MOST Republicans are smarter than the distractive libs, and stop believing that our party is bound to lose Nov 7th.

    Pretty cute that another troll shows up to play “good cop” after maf was ALREADY outed. And then everstinch chimes in.

    Kind of like a mini series!

    This is for the troll———————————-lol lol lol lol———————-and this———————————:lol:

  • 169 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 7:45 pm

    R.A.M. - I wish that all of you could have heard Senator Inhofe today. It was awesome. I came away totally invigorated and thrilled that this man is in the senate. He is so optimistic and focused and he really does see the big picture while the rest of us are getting snatches from this news organization and that news organization. He really sees the Foley deal backfiring on the Dems and said that it is just to keep the voter’s focus off of security. He is actually glad that the N. Koreans have shown their hand. He said that it only serves to remind us that this is different world.

  • 170 myword // Oct 11, 2006 at 7:46 pm

    Sign up for Remedial English class at the end of the comment section. (ahem, ahem)

    Ole `Hairy’ Reid has lined HIS pockets nicely. Politics is a good gig if you can get it. I missed how much. Is it 1 mil, or 3 mil.? I think he has Cunningham beat. Maybe even Jeffords depending on how many more stashes Jeffords has. His fridge was worth $90,000. Heaven only knows what’s in the foreign bank accounts.

    Lanny Davis tried to warn the Dems about making too much about Foley. Guess he knows where all the bones are buried.

  • 171 R.A.M. // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:12 pm

    Cat: On October10th, the Indianapolis Star put the North Korean nuke test on page 9. Here is a headline that trumped NK on that same day:

    “3 polls: Iraq, Foley weigh heavy on GOP
    One survey gives Dems in Congress 23-point lead, twice the Republicans’ advantage in ‘94″

    I certainly hope that the Republican VOTERS are not the defeatists that some of the Republican R.I.N.O.’s have been, that are talking doom and gloom on TV.

    Dims continue their attack on scum in our party, that they defend in theirs, and still use the, “Pay no attention to the man behine the curtain!”.

    I heard one girl Dim on FOX the other day, who couldn’t be much more than 21, use the cliche, “When you point a finger at us, there are three pointing back at you!”

    The amazing thing is, before AND after using this worn out gem, she continually blamed Bush and the GOP for EVERYTHING!

    How “stuck-on-stupid” is that? :lol:

  • 172 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:17 pm

    #166 Beerme: Heck, I could cite so many good Dylan lines I’d have to mortgage the house to pay Scott for the bandwidth abuse! Ever read any of the interviews?

    I posted the line I quoted earlier because IMHO different rules tend to apply when appeal to authority is not an easy option to use. In those circumstances, your word tends to be “your bond” as they used to say, and the last thing you want to do is get a “bad rep”.

    A similar example : Al Pacino’s line in Scarface.

    “I got two things in this world ; my word and my cojonés. I don’t break either of ‘em for anybody.”


  • 173 CatManToo // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:32 pm

    I can’t believe what I am seeing here. I see all of you criticizing a person for taking a humuros monicker (maf54). This person has been quite congenial in all respects from what I have seen.

    I was a contributing member of this site since nearly the beginning. I’ve been away for a while, and I’ve come back to see (to Scott’s credit) a much neater and more organized site. However, Scott’s tongue-in-cheek humor is still just as great as ever.

    But to see you calling someone like maf54 a troll, and to correct him on his grammer, spelling, etc. is beyond the pale. Shame on you all. You are in your own little clique and the fun that was had by all is now gone. And you take it upon yourselves to “police” the other users.

    If you want to see a real “troll” in action, go back to a time in the past where someone named Ranbutan really ravaged this site.

    Save the policing for the Ranbutan’s of the world.

    I know that Dr. Harden Stuhl knows of him… We all had to deal with him. But the clinical criticism most of you make in the spirit of decent, conservatives is sickening.

    Lighten up and leave maf54 alone. He is only trying to contribute and enjoy Scott’s humor like everyone else.

  • 174 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:51 pm

    Am I missing something?

  • 175 CatManToo // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:57 pm

    Re: 173:

    My apologies to you and anyone else that stays on topic with good humor. I was refering to others who spent a lot of time dissing someone who is merely trying to participate.

  • 176 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 8:58 pm

    wow. what can i say! your post was more elaquent that i could ever hope to be. thank you so much.
    i guess i made the wrong impression by choosing my name and linking to some stupid dim sights, but i don’t think that i deserved the scorn.
    thanks again. you are so kind.

  • 177 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2006 at 9:15 pm

    I wonder how long it will be before Charlie Sheen and the rest of the moonbat crowd make a public statement that it wasn’t just Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle’s private aircraft which slammed into the NYC high-rise apartments but rather this suspicious event was timed with the Bu$Hitler junta’s demolition efforts designed to distract attention from the Foley scandal?

    This is a real shocker. No doubt Rove is busy trying to cover up what really happened.

  • 178 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 9:48 pm

    Here is maf54’s first post:

    What I find repugnant is the fact that the Dims are willing to use the Foley scandal to make a power grab.

    I agree with Rep. Patrick McHenry. Pelosi and Emmanuel ought to submit to a lie detector test to see who knew what and when. I also thing that some of the blame lies with the pages. They should have known better. I know it sounds crazy but I think Foley is being misunderstood in this whole bruhaha. Also…lay off Hastert already–he’s a decent man and a great wrestling coach.

    Anyhow, this is my first scrappleface post. I’ve been an lurker for a while but this Foley thing has me irked.

    Comment by maf54 — October 7, 2006 @ 11:14 pm

    He later linked his handle to a website indicating the open seat that Foley vacated.

    Judge for yourselves. If you or any others want to blindly be toyed with, be my guest. I really don’t mind. I’ve said my bit.

  • 179 Beerme // Oct 11, 2006 at 9:49 pm


  • 180 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:30 pm

    i have my theories about you too. i think its unfair of you to grab a snippet of my post and hold it out as emblematic of my entire philosphy.
    i wrote that because i had just heard that foley had had ‘relations’ with someone who is over the age of consent. and for the dims to be making hay over something that is apparently ‘legal’ is hypocriticle. anyhow, my explanation sounds silly now, especially in light of everything that has happened since. sorry. i will censor myself in the future. i’m just not sure why you have such a vendeta against me.
    by for now.

  • 181 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:33 pm

    I wasn’t going to weigh in on this “maf54″ issue because I wasn’t sure that, being a relatively new poster on this blog, it would be appropriate. However, considering that after I was quick to welcome (perhaps a bit impulsively) a new poster to the “family,” I felt as if I had been “taken in.” I did not even notice the insidious screen name, I simply saw someone who claimed to be of a mind with those of us here who take moral and political issues seriously-who feel that the future of our country is at stake.

    I felt “taken in” because what immediately followed were the deliberately provocative posts from “maf54″ that implied that homosexuality is acceptable in that Foley did nothing wrong (is “misunderstood”-was “railroaded”-”blame lies with pages”). Another outrageous and irrelevant post from “maf54″ falsely stated that 12 years-old is the age of consent in Washington, D.C.-this is a rhetorical device that, personally, I find insulting. There was also the attention-getting tactic of screaming by using all caps, followed by using no caps at all-and this while using a modified version of the degenerate’s screen name-and repeating, “What have I done? What have I done? Why’s everybody picking on me!?!” Also, there was the link attached to the signature of “maf54″ that, properly, drew attention and called their motivations into question (the links associated with our signatures are generally understood to reflect our views/beliefs).

    Now, for two solid days, there is the whining, the accusations, the misrepresentations and the judgemental critiques of the character those who were either offended by, dared to correct mistatements of fact by or simply chose to disagree with “maf54″-ad hominem attacks are certainly not welcome by me and I don’t appreciate seeing them used against others.

    Now, my inspiration for this post: Interestingly and for some mysterious reason, there are screen names, allegedly from the distant past, materializing to chide those who have been offended by patently offensive behavior and aren’t afraid to confront it.

    Finally, if this person really wanted to get out from under the negative connotations of their attention-seeking screen name, as they claimed, they surely would; if this person honestly wanted to be something other than a juvenile distraction, they surely would.

    There. It’s off my chest.

    Now, let’s get on with life.

  • 182 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:44 pm

    I don’t care, I like Donald Rumsfeld.

  • 183 maf54 // Oct 11, 2006 at 10:58 pm

    i guess i should be flattered that you spent so much time dissecting my posts. i guess you all should ask yourselfs if your posts would withstand such scrutiny. a couple of things though.

    if i was really a troll would i deliberately use such an inflamitory screenname and then pretend not to be one? really.

    my ‘whining’ -as you say-is in response to what i saw as unjustified attacks. to me, it didn’t make sense and was not in character with the humor of the site. in my months of lurking, i’ve seen insightful political comments and humor and kindness. i watched as you gave ms.rightwing words of encouragement, possomtrot too. same with that gentleman who had a heartattack-i forgot his

    now for everthink: by the way. i am not him nor have i ever talked to him or in any way affiliated with him. i don’t care for him. i swear on the bible.

    i have nothing to do with the people coming to my defense. it is appreciated but unsolisitated.

    the allcaps issue is so bogus. i generally type that way as it helps me see what i am typing. i stopped doing it after my posts kept being rejected as spam. i don’t use the left shift key because it is broken on my computer. it only works about 1/2 the time.

    i am inclined to change my screenname but i’m convinced that i’d just have to fight this battle all over again.

    i don’t knoww why i care. this site has lost its luster. for the record, i really appreciate scott otts humor. i just wish some of you shared it. it seems to me that you all are a bunch of bitter paranoids. i hope i am wrong.

  • 184 conserve-a-tip // Oct 11, 2006 at 11:48 pm

    James and Beerme: I am going to weigh in here. I have to agree with Catmantoo…seeing as how my nickname on here is C-A-T. :-)

    I want you guys to think about one thing. Writing is always more difficult to discern then talking because there is no voice inflection, no feedback and no facial expression…and so writing is pretty cut and dried. After hearing Maf54’s description of his life and family, I can totally understand his viewpoint of the Foley issue. His son is gay. He isn’t happy about it, but it is the way it is and as any Christian knows, you love the sinner, not the sin.

    I personally think that Foley has been railroaded as well. And by that, I mean that he was dealing with a kid 18 yrs old and legal and the Dems have this way of making accusations that they know are not true, but will stick because they know that the public grabs those accusations and holds onto them even in the face of the truth actually coming out differently. Foley was wrong in his moral actions, in my book, simply because he is living a homosexual lifestyle, but if you take Barney Frank and Studds and Kennedy, etc., then he was railroaded. There is nothing illegal about being a homosexual and having relationships between adults. I am glad that he is out of the senate because we don’t need that kind of person in the Republican party, but being a homosexual and sending gross messages between consenting adults is not a reason to leave IF you go by the Dems standards. Fortunately, the Republican party holds their members to a higher standard.

    The long and the short of it is that I feel, after reading Maf54’s posts, that they have been misunderstood and meanings that weren’t there have been read into them. I say, let’s see what he has to say. At least he hasn’t showered us with the sarcasm and venom of Everdrunk. And now maybe we can get on with the humor that is so richly fed by the Democrats’ actions and words.

    Good night all.

  • 185 Godfrey // Oct 12, 2006 at 1:54 am

    If any Scrapplers find out the name of the guy who was in the airplane with Cory Lidle please share it. It’s important to me.


  • 186 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 12, 2006 at 2:58 am

    First off, this isn’t by any means my first rodeo.

    Secondly, when a person prefaces a statement with, “I think,” or, “I feel,” they are not expressing sarcasm, irony or satire; they are expressing their opinion.

    I stand by my post above, #180, because this is what I got as a response to my welcome to “maf54″ that day in post #101 of the previous thread:

    “Thanks Jason Lewis the 3rd!!

    I’m excited to be here!

    I also think that “Foleygate” (LOL!) will backfire! I personally think that Foley did nothing wrong. So what if he emailed someone who is over 18. Right? C’mon dimocrats: you’re getting desperate! The GOP is the party of morals and less government!!! We are the party of Christ the King!

    Amen.” (emphasis mine)

    I’m not nearly lame enough as to “misunderstand” that, in the above quoted statement, a) homosexual behavior is condoned and b) the facts of the case are intentionally skewed to promote that agenda (followed by a feeble, insulting attempt to enlist me in his cause with, “Right?”).

    ‘Nuff said.

  • 187 Fred Sinclair // Oct 12, 2006 at 5:53 am

    As it happens I’m not perfect. Perfected, yes - perfect - no. I do make mistakes.
    I try and limit them to 2 per year and since I already have one earlier this year -
    - this one fills my quota. (my bad #2)

    Until recently I have considered the Islamic Terrorists to be “The Enemy”. They are not.
    nor The Liberal Left Media
    nor ” ” ” Professors
    nor ” ” ” Teachers
    nor ” ” ” Hollywoodites
    nor ” ” ” Politicians
    (not even the Democrats)
    at their best (or worst) they are nothing more than a hammer, saw, screwdriver, wrench
    and pliers in a toolbox. SATANS TOOLBOX!!!

    Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Eph. 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    “SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES” That pretty well suns up a lot of the liberal left. Unaware that they are nothing more than tools in the devils toolbox.
    Isa. 5:20 covers all the rest of his toolbox:
    “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness
    for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and
    sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And
    prudent in their own sight! ”

    Abortion and homosexuality are “good” While the 10 Commandments are “evil” that just ’bout says it all. Inspired by The Holy Spirit - Isaiah & Paul had the message.

  • 188 Beerme // Oct 12, 2006 at 6:54 am

    Well, I will say that this has been interesting. Having a couple of posters from the scrapplefamily of a couple of years ago come out in favor of an obvious troll. I didn’t think the maf54 character was all that clever. Hhhmm? And the CatManToo handle was linked to a picture frame site. The mention of Ranbutan, who wasn’t always a troll but was severely misguided (neocons! Joooos!) does complicate things.
    Think I’ll just watch as this plays out.

    maf54, thanks for the entertainment, anyway…

  • 189 Fred Sinclair // Oct 12, 2006 at 7:46 am

    One of the latest “smear” ads on TV run by The Committee To Re-Elect Governor Jennifer Granholm. (D. MI)

    “George W. Bush - Dick DeVos see any difference? If you like what George W, Bush is doing, you’ll love Dick DeVos! One and the same!

    WOW Even Dick Devos does not have enough money to buy a compliment like that!

    Fred Sinclair, Heirborn Ranger

  • 190 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 12, 2006 at 8:01 am

    Good Morning all

    I made it through another night so that is the first bit of good news. Just doing life one day at a time and I need to get back to the cafe because the UFO story fell flat on the dining room floor.

    One hundred stories by Christmas, geesh, I should have included all the Broken Back stories then perhaps I would make it.

    I will throw this in on #54. He is the first and only one to print everything like two kids on instant messaging, i.e., lower case. What is next r u ok 2 day.

    He knows it is annoying to others but refuses to change. I too, will wait out his teenage style and see how he handles new posts. Time always tells.

    I hunted down Hairy Lime and proved him to be a fraud but I will leave this alone. I generally do not get in to personal destruction on Scott’s blog but others have been abused to the point they left (Colorado Kitty Kat for one)

    So buckle up young man and fix your caps lock.

  • 191 maf54 // Oct 12, 2006 at 10:56 am

    i have never been subject to such scrutiny. ms right wing, i hope you feel better but i cannot fix my caps lock until i get a little more money. these things aren’t cheap. lol! i have nothing else to say.

    scott ott,
    you are a genius. your website is the funniest thing on the web. however, it appears that the people you have attracted are turning away newbies. i think its a shame.

  • 192 CatManToo // Oct 12, 2006 at 8:22 pm

    Re: #190: Hello Ms. Right Wing. I remember you from back then. And, I remember Hairy Lime, although I don’t remember his first name being spelled that way. I thought it was the regular Harry spelling.

    Hope you are well.

    I also remember Colorado Kitty Kat as being one of my favorite posters. She brought this place to life. I never got to know her personally, but there was a hilarious thread once that Scott pulled because we got way too far off topic.

    Then there was the Destitute Cleaning Lady that was absolutely brilliant. We had lots of fun, but honestly, we did go off topic too much. But it was usually late at night and there wouldn’t be many more posts to the topic anyway, so I think Scott cut us some slack sometimes.

    Bye and it was nice seeing your name again (you’ve added the ‘Ink’ I see)

  • 193 everthink // Oct 12, 2006 at 10:12 pm


    I can understand why you don’t like me; but have you considered Hank (aka Darth and Dumb Meister)? Maybe you could exchange IMs and stuff. I bet you have alot in common besides the Republicken Party.


  • 194 R.A.M. // Oct 13, 2006 at 10:50 am

    Don’t let the trolls “lol” you to sleep. :lol:

    catmantoo: Funny—-I do NOT remember you, and I posyed under at least two other names before RAM, UNOME was one of them. If you were here before, why the long absence and then come back ONLY to defend a troll? Quite frankly, when I can make a troll/lib sick or disgusted, (you said it was sickening), I feel I am doing my job! :lol:

    CAT: I have been here for several years and have seen MANY trolls. This one seems to have learned from previous troll failures, but is NOT that smart!

    I am not going to waste anymore time on “it” or others than cannot see through “it’s” obvious charade.

    I can only guess what “it’s” motive is, -maybe to act at being a Republican, only to laugh at those he/she/it fooled should Dim’s win on election day.

    Do as you will, but when a bunch of new screennames show up and play both sides of ANOTHER new poster, and do not address anything else, (the ISSUES, Scott’s topic), that to me says it all.

    Look at everstink’s reply above. Does that seem typical of him/her/it?

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