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September 28, 2006

Pelosi Slams Clinton Failure to Protect Detainees

(2006-09-28) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, today criticized former President Bill Clinton for what she called “his failure to connect the dots and do more to protect terrorist detainee rights before 9/11.”

Rep. Pelosi’s remarks came in the wake of Congressional passage of new terrorist detainee legislation that would enable U.S. troops and intelligence officers to aggressively question suspected terrorists, and would provide for trial by military tribunal for enemy combatants.

“None of this needed to happen,” said a visibly shaken Rep. Pelosi, “In the years before 9/11, the Clinton administration utterly neglected the opportunity to push legislation that would have prevented the horror of secret CIA detention facilities and the desperate inconvenience of Guantanamo Bay.”

The presumptive House Majority Leader said that since 9/11, cultural insensitivity has fueled a disregard for the Constitution that makes terrorist detainees among the most vulnerable members of society.

“People have become so obsessed with not being blown up,” she said, “that they’re willing to deny Constitutional rights to a foreign person just because he happens to belong to a group that has sworn to destroy America.”

Mrs. Pelosi suggested the nation has “lost its moral compass,” and should remember the Golden Rule which says, “do not unto others until others have already done unto you and you can prove it in court.”

She also paraphrased the Bible in saying, “If your enemy saws off your head, turn to him also the other head, unless you don’t have a second head, in which case, offer him an arm and a leg.”

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44 Comments | Post Your Comment

  1. God Bless America!

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 28, 2006 @ 1:22 pm

  2. I’m wondering if Pelosi is angling to include an amendment to the al Qaeda Bill of Rights which guarantees illegal enemy combatants a virgin of their choice, one cigar and a pizza with anchovies once they become detainees?

    Another great example of a true progressive Democrat reaching out the hand of friendship to misunderstood Muslim freedom fighters. I bet al Qaeda will treat captured American soldiers with far more respect now.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 28, 2006 @ 1:40 pm

  3. Sen. Pelosi’s other interpretation was if someone slits your neck, there’s a good chance you’ll end up with raised eyebrows…

    Comment by tomg — September 28, 2006 @ 1:48 pm

  4. From Power Line referring to this AP story~~Ex-terrorists of the best kind:
    “The National Intelligence Estimate concluded that to the extent terrorist insurgents leave Iraq carrying the taint of defeat, it will slow the momentum of the jihad movement. If AP’s report is reliable, there’s good reason to believe that 4,000 such terrorist insurgents have left the Iraqi theatre with extreme taint.”


    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 28, 2006 @ 1:54 pm

  5. I am not ashamed to admit I’m obsessed with not being blown up. Come to think of it, I don’t relish being beheaded either! So, all we have to do is be nicer to the bad guys and they’ll be nicer to us?! Who knew?! Gosh! The Repuglicans make everything so much more complicated!! The Dhimmi way is way easier!

    Comment by upnorthlurkin — September 28, 2006 @ 2:01 pm

  6. Thanx Jameson and C.A.T for the Prague tips. I’m aware of the pickpockets over there. That’s why I have a chain wallet that says “BAD MOTHER______” on it.

    Comment by J. Cougar Melancholy — September 28, 2006 @ 2:03 pm

  7. Let’s hope the “presumptive House Majority Leader ” is, indeed, presumptuous in assuming that she will be swaggering, kicking our skulls out of her way, slapping her jack-boots with her riding crop and barking orders in Arabic anytime soon.

    Seriously, I can’t help but wonder, sometimes, if these LLL have not already in their hearts (just in case) converted to Islam and are not positioning themselves for later recognition for possible obsequious roles in the future Islamic regime they are working so hard to facilitate.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 28, 2006 @ 2:19 pm

  8. Just heard Ted Orcaquiddick Kennedy bloviating about “terorrist rights”.

    So, if the al Qaeda Bill of Rights passes, would Ted Kennedy be in ex post facto violation of its no waterboarding provision for what happened at Chappaquiddick? Oh the irony of it all.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 28, 2006 @ 2:34 pm

  9. What Pelosi needs to consider is that Clintron tried. He really, really tried.

    Comment by Shelly — September 28, 2006 @ 3:05 pm

  10. Darthmeister re# 2…….funny…..

    The sentence about the pizza and cigar has a familiar ring to it.

    Seriously funny.(I laughed my er….head-off?)
    I am in wholehearted agreement with UpNorth and want to stay in one piece in one place.

    Comment by Maggie — September 28, 2006 @ 3:21 pm

  11. How quickly we forget! Not only did Bubba utterly fail to protect the rights of terrorists being detained by the U.S., he did nothing to prevent us from abusing terrorists by handing them over to other countries!

    Barely 4 weeks has elapsed since this atrocity was made public: Tortured screams ring out as Iraqis take over Abu Ghraib ! I quote :

    “The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors.”

    Why doesn’t Bubba follow the shining example of ex-president Jimmy Carter? Where’s John McCain when you need him? O my G-d what a [!] nightmare !?!

    Comment by RedPepper — September 28, 2006 @ 3:35 pm

  12. Republican wit is enough to make you cry. But it’s never been more unappreciated. Even the right wing Dennis Miller, ostensible comic with a gratuitous, solemn cracker barrel, can’t find work. And Scarborough Country’s ratings have all but disappeared. Is conservatism, amd all its lurid, selfish charms, no longer a laughing matter?

    Comment by Thomas Crown — September 28, 2006 @ 3:42 pm

  13. Huh?

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 28, 2006 @ 4:27 pm

  14. Darth #8 -

    You might also recall Teddy ‘The Human Dirigible’ Kennedy grilling Alberto Gonzales last year about ‘water torture’, apparently oblivious to the irony (and much else, it seems). It was too rich. Gonzales deserved confirmation just for being able to keep a straight face.

    Comment by GnuCarSmell — September 28, 2006 @ 4:34 pm

  15. San Fran Nan and her party of hysterics find facts a “desperate inconvenience,” too. Perhaps one day they will determine what is good for the country by not relying on the NYT for their Dowdified versions of reality.

    JL3rd: LOL I thought that your description of the jackbooted matron kicking skulls out of the way and snapping her riding crop on her thighs while barking orders in Arabic created a striking word picture of Madame Hillary, the “gal who stands by her man”.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — September 28, 2006 @ 4:44 pm

  16. Muslims across the Middle East see the United States as “foreigners (who) have come here … to establish some kind of colony,”
    Per the SF Chronicle at
    I mean, if it weren’t for mistreatment of prisoners that might lead to reciprocal mistreament of Americans, my wife would have us living in Syria in a heartbeat! Well that, and concern I’d be out burka-chasing till 2:00 AM.

    Comment by tomg — September 28, 2006 @ 4:45 pm

  17. Whoops - and here’s an lose “t” I dropped from 16

    Comment by tomg — September 28, 2006 @ 4:48 pm

  18. diggin deeper, an “o” from 17. Time to crawl away.

    Comment by tomg — September 28, 2006 @ 4:50 pm

  19. BTW Arlen Specter is the poster boy in The Hague for World Court interpretation of our American Constitution. No wonder he is such a hit with the Dhimmicrats.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — September 28, 2006 @ 4:53 pm

  20. The day that I hear Pelosi express outrage over jihadists’ and terrorists’ loss of a “moral compass” in their treatment of fellow Muslim (and otherwise) civilians and coalition forces is the day that whatever passes her lips is not just used-up air. Right now, she and her fellow travelers are pointed to true “N” for nada.

    Nan and Harry can embrace each other while crooning “I’ll Be with You at Cherry-Picking Time”. Their reasoning skills are the pits.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — September 28, 2006 @ 5:07 pm

  21. Pelosi has not ruled the practice known as Boogie Boarding for detainees.
    “Being so close to paradise in cuba should be torture if freedom fighters are forbidden from surfing.” -Pelosi

    Comment by syslob — September 28, 2006 @ 5:13 pm

  22. Is it me, or do you think this display of Democratic strength in national security, six weeks before the election, is almost too good to be true?

    Comment by Shelly — September 28, 2006 @ 5:45 pm

  23. Shelly, (re #22)
    It is almost too good to be true.Hope they don’t go nuts and lose their heads.Heehee

    Comment by Maggie — September 28, 2006 @ 6:16 pm

  24. Shoot, we ain’t had none o’ them song parodies in thet good ol’, down-home, country-western style fer a coon’s age. So hyar goes….
    [Inspiration hat-tip to Shelly (# 9). Thank yuh kindly.]

    ♪ ♪ ♪ BUBBA TRIED ♪ ♪ ♪

    [Tune: “Mama Tried”; music, lyrics, and performed by Merle Haggard; © 2006, Santini Serenades]

    Bubba done-throwed a conniption
    Held a Fox News™ diss-quisition
    A snarlin’, snappin’ whing-ding, circuits fried
    “Why dintcha git bin Laden?”
    Bubba, surly an’ downtrodden
    Belched forth his plaintive bleat, “At least Ah tried!”

    Undisciplined Sixties child
    Lacks resolve, self-centered, snide
    Monica’s kneepads burnished Bubba’s lore
    Our President Narcissus
    He an’ his charmin’ missus
    Conducted talk-a-thons about th’ war

    Bubba done-showed his true charisma
    Spewin’ bile from his piehole
    Chimp Bush wuz paralyzed, but Bubba tried, Bubba tried!
    Bubba tried t’ off bin Laden, but he folded, was gunshy
    Time t’ blame somebody else, ‘cuz Bubba tried

    ‘Bout legacy he don’t joke
    So at Chris Wallace he croaked
    “Right-wing conspiracy!”, or so he screeched
    Bubba praised thet book by Clarke
    Cited it an’ jumped th’ shark
    Disgruntled Dick meets Bubba th’ Impeached

    Bubba’s turned 60, in denial
    Spoutin’ lies from his blowhole
    Wallace asked a simple question, Bubba lied, Bubba lied!
    Indecision crimped his vision, thet’s a fact he’s gotta hide
    Bubba won’t take blame, seeks refuge in his pride

    An’ now hyar comes Pelosi
    With wedgies in her hosey
    Choked up—detainee law ain’t dignified
    Provide ‘em habeas corpus
    Don’t dunk ‘em lahk a porpoise
    They’da had our Bill o’ Rights, had Bubba tried

    Jihadis bombed th’ World Trade Center
    Khobar Towers, an’ th’ Cole
    Eight years of lethargy, but Bubba tried, Bubba tried!
    Demos tout jihadis’ legal rights, true-blue, politicized
    But they won’t pull th’ trigger—suicide

    [Tag, to fade]
    Bubba’s claims about bin Laden stink lahk sulfur dioxide
    He done-spazzed out in th’ clutch…but Bubba tried
    Bubba tried…
    Dems petrified…
    Thoughts ossified….

    Comment by The Great Santini — September 28, 2006 @ 6:26 pm

  25. I’m just waiting to hear Pelosi, Kennedy or Dingy Harry refer to Bush as “the devil.” It’s the only thing separating their bloviating from what Hugo Chavez had to say at the UN podium. Keep up the “chatter” dhimmi losers! Buwahahahaha!

    Comment by da Bunny — September 28, 2006 @ 6:29 pm

    Santini, what a hoot! :lol: Clinton’s meltdown was one for the ages!

    Comment by da Bunny — September 28, 2006 @ 6:35 pm

  27. Lieberman Leads Lamont by 10 Points.

    Buwahahahahahahahahaha *gasp* hahahahahahaha!

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 28, 2006 @ 7:02 pm

  28. Mrs. Pelosi suggested the nation has “lost its moral compass…”

    Can’t lose something she never had.

    I liked the “*gasp*” you threw in there…good ‘un!

    Comment by camojack — September 28, 2006 @ 7:15 pm

  29. So where was Pelosi when America was dying from spinach poisoning?

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — September 28, 2006 @ 7:21 pm

  30. “The party of FDR and Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run.”

    These words from the man who couldn’t skedaddle fast enough when his country asked for him to fight in Vietnam. Then after bucking the line of privilige for soft safe time in the national guard, he ran away from that, too. Yet he brags that he, along with similarly sissified summer soldiers who give his administration its veneer of sinew, is, magically, steadfast now and the one to ‘protect merikuh.’

    No further attacks since 9/11, at least not yet yet, he says. But does anybody in his right mind think for a minute that if terrorists had wanted in recent years to infiltrate this country they couldn’t have crossed the Rio Grande with impunity?

    As every expert never tires of predicting, another attack will come someday and when it does, probably by a just few determined madmen, will 140,000 troops in Iraq be of any help? And since Bush believes that five years of relative domestic peace have been his doing, will he accept the blame if and when it ends.?

    Comment by Thomas Crown — September 28, 2006 @ 7:43 pm

  31. Going back to allegations as to what might have happened Four Decades Ago is a typical ad hominem tactic employed by those with nothing to say but, “Cut and run.”

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 28, 2006 @ 8:00 pm

  32. J. Cougar, I just got an email from my parents with all kinds of information if you are interested. If you are email me here

    Comment by conserve-a-tip — September 28, 2006 @ 9:38 pm

  33. Whoops. Well, that didn’t work. Just email me at

    Comment by conserve-a-tip — September 28, 2006 @ 9:45 pm

  34. And since Bush believes that five years of relative domestic peace have been his doing, will he accept the blame if and when it ends?

    And I bet you can’t wait for that day. And I bet partisan reprobates like you can’t wait to blame Bush or the American government when terrorists get lucky and murder Americans again, right Crown? There aren’t words despicable enough to describe gloating miscreants like you.

    And you’re going down that deadend street about Bush’s service record, eh? Your own words reveal you to be little more than a filthy liar who gets his “facts” from left-wing blogs and highly biased lamestream media accounts. I’m tired of pedantic frauds like you who think they are such gift repositories of TRUTH (whatever that may be from day to day in liberal la la land).

    Don’t you get tired of being wrong most of the time, Crown? You’re little more than a brain-dead hack regurgitating the same old media pap which has been proven wrong time and time again. Can’t afford to get off message can you? I bet you really thought CBS was on to something when they produced those fraudulent TANG memos, right?

    That’s the problem with people like you, you set up your kangaroo courts and convict people on the basis of highly partisan “evidence” that would otherwise be laughed out of a real court.

    The real truth about George W. Bush’s honorable service to this country can be found here and here. His former ANG commander, Colonel Ed Morrisey, verified George W. Bush’s claim that he had volunteered to Vietnam but was told he didn’t have enough flight hours.

    BTW, flying the F-102 Delta Dagger in defense of American airspace in the late 1960s was a very, very, very dangerous way to serve your country.

    Isn’t it amazing how people like you just can’t handle the truth? Same ol’ lies, same ol’ talking points. And you lie to yourselves about being “people of peace” when all you are are divisive lying hacks. I bet you’ll still be spewing the same ol’ swill in 2008. But I have news for you my ignorant friend, George W. won’t be running for president in 2008.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 28, 2006 @ 9:53 pm

  35. Darth, you are just too good. Bravo.

    Comment by conserve-a-tip — September 28, 2006 @ 10:57 pm

  36. For those of you interested, speaking of Moonbat reactions, here is a speech that our wonderful Senator Inhofe gave to the Senate on Monday regarding Global Warming and then here is his response to CNN after they decided to take him down about his speech. If nothing else, we have one feisty senator. Bless him!

    Comment by conserve-a-tip — September 28, 2006 @ 11:09 pm

  37. OK, that’s weird..that first link came up to an article on the fertility gap from last night….sorry. This is really the link
    It is really good.

    Comment by conserve-a-tip — September 28, 2006 @ 11:16 pm

  38. I’m getting to the point where I have more respect for the terrorists than I do MOST “left coast” dimocrats.

    At least the terrorists are honest enough to admit that destroying America is their primary objective!

    Comment by R.A.M. — September 29, 2006 @ 6:21 am

  39. Where were Pelosi and Clinton when Senator Allen’s opponent (sorry—can’t remember his name), was terrorizing the black people in Watts all those years ago?

    BTW, —-at least when Senator Allen said “macaca” he wasn’t pointing a gun at the guy!


    Comment by R.A.M. — September 29, 2006 @ 6:28 am

  40. Good Morning Scrapplers,
    Where is everyone? I’ve had trouble logging on to SF this morning, but thought it was my server.

    I was born and raised in Virginia and worked in all the Allen campaigns.Never did we hear of any of these accusations being lobbed at him. Gov. Allen was one of the most successful in Va history .He was a tough on crime and tax governor and said what he meant and meant what he said.He will make a great president.The Dims know that he is a real threat in 08.

    Comment by Maggie — September 29, 2006 @ 9:28 am

  41. ummmmmm,

    testing 1 2 3

    Comment by beekabok1 — September 29, 2006 @ 9:35 am

  42. Santini,

    I loved that one! Of course, I loved the original version by Merle Haggard, too, so that made it easier to singalong. Fine job, oh serenader!

    Comment by Beerme — September 29, 2006 @ 6:32 pm

  43. da Bunny & Beerme:

    Ah shore had me som fun with that’n. An’ thanks. Beer, podnah…pour me a don’t even have t’ be cold!


    Comment by The Great Santini — September 29, 2006 @ 8:46 pm

  44. First I just love the blog. It is first on my blogroll. I just got a phone that I can run mp3 on I just download the podcast and take it with me. I get a lift form it on my commute. thanks for the podcasts.Allan37

    Comment by allan37 — October 5, 2006 @ 2:18 pm

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