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May 24, 2006

Hillary to Tap Big Oil to Fund Alternative Energy

(2006-05-24) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, campaigning for nothing but reelection to the Senate, this week unveiled a national energy policy that calls for taxing the windfall profits of large oil companies in order to fund alternative energy sources that will eliminate America’s dependence on oil.

“The key to my strategy is to double or triple our consumption of oil for the next 20-to-50 years, thereby producing huge windfall profits that Congress can tax,” said Sen. Clinton. “Then we give the money to universities to develop energy sources that will put the oil industry out of business.”

The senator, who is running only for the Senate, called on all Americans to “take that extra unnecessary trip in the SUV, and consider buying a gas-guzzling car for each member of the family. It’s the only way we’ll have sufficient research dollars to cut our dependence on oil.”

A marketing firm working with Mrs. Clinton has developed a TV ad campaign around the slogan: ‘Let’s Burn Big Oil’

The junior Senator from New York said she got the idea from the war on tobacco, which funds health initiatives with taxes on cigarettes and lawsuit judgment awards against manufacturers.

Once the goal is accomplished, Sen. Clinton said Congress could raise taxes on “Big Soy, Big Shale and Big Hydrogen to recover our investment in their success.”

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    Pingback by Southern Appeal » Perhaps you missed the coverage of Senator Clinton’s energy speech — May 25, 2006 @ 8:59 am

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