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Congress to Scrap NSA, Create ‘Transparent’ Spy Agency

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 1 Comment · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-05-12) — Concerned that the National Security Agency (NSA) may have violated the civil liberties of Americans by analyzing records of millions of phone calls to detect patterns that might indicate terrorist activity, a bipartisan coalition in Congress today will unveil legislation to scrap the NSA and replace it with a more ‘transparent’ spy agency.

According to language in the measure, the new intelligence unit, dubbed Open-Source Intelligence (OSI), will “harness the power of the internet to protect the right of the American people to know how their spy dollar is spent.”

“There’s nothing like sunshine to ensure accountability,” said an unnamed Congressional aide who spoke in exchange for a lobster dinner, a fine chianti and a $12 Macanudo cigar. “Just because the enemy is among us, using our telecommunications infrastructure to plot the next major attack, doesn’t mean the government can sneak around doing secret stuff simply to save a few thousand, or million, lives. We have rights.”

Under the terms of the bill, the OSI website will include a list of all covert agents, with photos, home addresses, email links and IM screennames. As the OSI gathers data, it will be accessible in real-time through the website to “premium subscribers,” but even non-members will be able to view the aggregated data, and listen to brief, sample clips of legally intercepted phone calls.”

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 All Things Beautiful // May 12, 2006 at 11:50 am

    Re-Hash Of An Old Story

    Well excuse me for not being over-excited about a re-hash of an old story, the timing of which stinks to high heaven. AhemNo sooner had the man who ran the National Security Agency for years been nominated to head the CIA than USA Today rushed out deta…

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