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March 11, 2006

Milosevic Death Won’t Slow War Crimes Trial

(2006-03-11) — The sudden death of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic in a United Nations prison today won’t keep “the butcher of the Balkans” off the witness stand nor slow the proceedings in his genocide trial, according to an unnamed spokesman at the Hague.

“If he thinks that he can slow down this court by dying, he’s gravely mistaken,” said the anonymous source. “There’s nothing that can retard our administration of justice, nor reduce the credibility of this global institution.”

Mr. Milosovic, imprisoned at the Hague five years ago, faces a variety of war crimes charges, including the genocide of more than 8,000 Muslims during his bloody decade ruling Yugoslavia.

The court spokesman said that after an autopsy, Mr. Milosevic would now undergo another round of psychiatric examinations to determine his continuing fitness to stand trial.

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3 Comments | Post Your Comment

  1. Slobo Assumes Cell Temperature

    Slobodan Milosevic assumed the temperature of his cell today. He was 64. He was on trial for crimes against humanity for his role in a host of atrocities committed during his rule in the former Yugoslavia, the same country that brought us the Yugo. H…

    Trackback by Oblogatory Anecdotes — March 11, 2006 @ 10:24 pm

  2. THIS JUST IN! (From Scrappleface)

    From investigative reporter Scott Ott:

    Milosevic Death Won’t Slow War Crimes Trial
    by Scott Ott

    (2006-03-11) — The sudden death of former Yugoslav leade…

    Trackback by The Moderate Voice — March 16, 2006 @ 11:40 pm

  3. […] The good news is that Charles Taylor has been captured. The bad news is that the U.N. plans to try him. He’ll have time to convert to Islam or die writing his memoirs if the past is any guide. I’d prefer summary execution to that. Turn him over to the Kajamors as far as I am concerned. […]

    Pingback by Pros and Cons » Good news anbd bad news. — March 29, 2006 @ 8:18 am

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