Obama’s ‘Best-Looking’ Quip Sparks Historic Dialogue

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President Obama starts historic national conversationPresident Obama starts historic national conversation about “the often magnificent beauty of some of America’s most accomplished professional women.”

President Obama’s recently-revealed opinion that California’s Kamala Harris is the “best-looking attorney general” has sparked an “important and long-avoided national dialogue that history will view as a great advance for women’s rights,” according to a White House spokesman. The incident is reminiscent of how the president used the ‘bully pulpit’ to start national conversations on race, and on homosexual marriage.

“It was not an off-the-cuff remark,” said spokesman Jay Carney. “The president’s words were straight from the TelePrompTer, and therefore, straight from his heart. He felt that this was the moment to break the unspoken national embargo on noticing the beauty of successful women.”

Carney said attractive, but powerful women have devoted countless hours and thousands of dollars to enhance their physical appearance, “only to be met with awkward silence when their attributes clearly call for a verbal response. The president believes it’s time to bring gorgeous influential women out of the shadows to be openly admired by awe-struck men.”

However, off the record, White House insiders acknowledge that Vice President Biden “forced Obama to ‘come out’ for physical compliments” before the president was ready, with Biden’s own frequent spontaneous remarks on female allure.

“The president’s views on speaking up when he’s enthralled by a successful woman’s appearance have been evolving,” said one unnamed source. “But Biden pushed the timeline for his public revelation.”

The president reportedly hopes that his groundbreaking comments will “help America get past this embarrassing chapter in our history of discrimination, and will finally put powerful, influential women on equal footing with working-class women whose efforts at beautification often meet with enthusiastic approbation from male associates.”

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7 Responses to “Obama’s ‘Best-Looking’ Quip Sparks Historic Dialogue”

  1. mindknumbed kid says:

    I’m figuring that since the First lady announced her “single mom” status it means that the President is allowed to start dating. The Obama’s realize that their new residence has plenty of space for them all plus maybe a live in for each of them. It seems as though this platform of “change” is constantly evolving and “family” is the next idea that will be redefined. That goodness that ABC aired that episode of Wife Swap with Gina Loudon as it opens up the culture to a new and less Bible “thump” oriented era.

  2. camojack says:

    Obama doesn’t discriminate; he likes gays, er, guys too.

  3. mzk says:

    Of course, on the serious side, what we are dealing with here is blackmail.

    If you support killing babies, then you can say what you like about women (not to mention killing (Ted Kennedy), rape and molestation (Bill Clinton, the one-man war on women)).

    If you are for affirmative action, you will be given a pass on racial remarks.

  4. Hawkeye says:

    “The president’s words were straight from the TelePrompTer, and therefore, straight from his heart.”

    Great line Scott! I love it.

    (:D) Best regards…

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