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NY State GOP Close Naming Hillary Opponent

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-03-03) — After months of frustration and failure, the New York Republican State Committee may soon name a candidate to oppose Democrat Sen. Hillary Clinton, and perhaps more importantly, to weaken her before her anticipated 2008 White House run.

After the collapse of former county district attorney Jeanine Pirro’s campaign in December, the state party courted at least six potential nominees but failed to find one with the character, ideology and national fundraising potential to defeat the popular, if brittle, junior senator and former First Lady.

An unnamed source familiar with state party leadership said the new presumptive Republican senate nominee is strong on defense and national security, favors abortion for other women, and has a national profile that draws big donor checks from Maine to California.

The source, who requested anonymity so he could “float a trial balloon without political repercussions,” said the 11th-hour dark horse candidate has “demonstrated expertise in developing national healthcare policy, and can weather tough storms without cracking.”

“She stood by her husband when he was accused of lying about his marital infidelity and nearly lost his job,” the source said. “And she withstood scurrilous accusations about her own involvement in a failed-but-profitable land deal, several unusually lucrative short-term investments and some missing billing records from her law firm. She’s a trooper.”

The potential GOP candidate’s husband recovered from his own moral crisis, and in retrirement has become an international statesman, in-demand speaker and tireless crusader for restoring the legacy of a former U.S. president.

“The new candidate’s name is one that’s already on everybody’s lips,” the source said, “Among women, she’s second only to Oprah Winfrey in electability. And if we can get her to switch party affiliation — to file as a Republican — it’ll be like her name is the only one on the ballot in November.”

A spokesman for the New York Republican State Committee refused to comment, but expressed confidence that his party would nominate a senate candidate who is “virtually as conservative as Mrs. Clinton.”

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