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Alito Will ‘Keep an Open Mind’ About Schumer

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 1 Comment · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-01-11) — Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito told reporters today that despite Sen. Charles Schumer’s hostile questioning in yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, the federal appeals court judge would “keep an open mind” about the New York lawmaker.

The remark reflected the same approach that Judge Alito told the committee he would take toward any abortion cases that might come before him as a Supreme Court justice.

“Despite the precedent of Sen. Schumer’s disparaging questions yesterday, and his implication that my testimony is dishonest,” Judge Alito said, “I will treat him as if the slate is clean and evaluate his performance today on its merits.”

The judge declined an invitation to characterize the senator’s long history of hostile questioning to Republican nominees as “super-precedent” or “super-duper precedent.”

“Any sort of categorization like that with regard to Sen. Schumer reminds me of the size of the disposable diapers in the supermarket,” Judge Alito said.

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  • 1 basil's blog // Jan 11, 2006 at 1:02 pm

    Picnic 01-11-2006

    Items I found while perusing my blogroll.

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