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Stewart to Host Oscars, Rumsfeld to Give GOP Response

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 2 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-01-05) — Just hours after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences named Comedy Channel news anchor Jon Stewart to host this year’s Academy Awards show, the White House announced that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has been tapped to deliver the GOP response.

The Oscars Rebuttal Show, part of ABC-TV’s commitment to fairness, will attempt to refute and debunk the anti-Bush administration remarks that naturally flow from Mr. Stewart and his colleagues as they give little golden statues to people who make up stories and who pretend to be other people.

The White House expects to receive equal time for Mr. Rumsfeld to present the Bush administration perspective, raising concerns about the septuagenarian’s life expectancy and stamina. Insiders say that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be waiting in the wings as Mr. Rumsfeld’s understudy.

Mr. Stewart, host of The Daily Show, a parody news program, is perhaps best known for telling CNN’s Tucker Carlson: “I’m not going to be your monkey,” when Mr. Carlson challenged Mr. Stewart to be funny on Crossfire.

A spokesman for the Academy, in announcing the emcee deal today, said, “Now, we know whose monkey Jon Stewart is.”

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Preaching Politics // Jan 5, 2006 at 11:38 pm

    Hey Murtha! CHOOSE A SIDE! — Roundup 1/5/05

    *Yet another reason NOT to watch the Oscars this year.
    Jon Stewart is the host. What a perfect choice for a night when all of clueless Hollywood will be slavering over garbage like Brokeback Mountain and Syriana.

    **Updated — Scrappleface says Ru…

  • 2 Ed // Jan 6, 2006 at 2:58 am

    Take That, You Red Staters!

    Hollywood’s 2005 box office woes has its new year’s hangover. According to the L.A. Times, Jon Stewart will be hosting the Oscars this year, to ensure that the show is even more politicized than last year’s, and probably with similar…

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