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Islam Launches ‘Responsibility’ PR Campaign

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-11-10) — In an effort to “make lemonade from lemons”, an international coalition of Islamic sects today announced it would launch a sophisticated new public relations campaign to burnish the religion’s image by capitalizing on the popular association of Islam with “responsibility.”

The move comes in the wake of riots by Muslim youth in France and major bombings by Muslim suicide bombers in Jordan and Iraq.

“Our research shows that people associate Mormons with family, Buddhists and Hindus with non-violence and Muslims with responsibility,” said an unnamed spokesman for Federated Islamic Religious Entities. “When major news breaks around the world, it’s usually accompanied by claims of responsibility from a Muslim group.”

The coalition will launch a $50 million advertising and PR campaign, funded by anonymous donors in a variety of Arab states, built on the slogan: “We’re Muslims and We’re Responsible.”

It will also sponsor “spectacular events” that generate interest in Islam and strengthen the association with responsibility.

“We’re trying to get the most bang from our PR buck,” the anonymous spokesman added, “We want to own the word ‘responsible’ in the consumer’s mind.”

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