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Kansas Evolution Ruling Chases Jobs Away

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-11-09) — A coalition of major corporations based in Kansas today announced they would close their operations in the state and move to places where high schools can still teach “that old time evolution” without challenge from alternative theories like intelligent design.

The decision came in the wake of the Kansas Board of Education’s 6-4 vote to approve science standards that introduce questions and challenges to the theory of evolution.

According to an unnamed spokesman for the corporate coalition, the businesses plan to relocate to communities in states “where faith in evolution helps to build strong families and produces workers who know the value of slow, undirected change over vast spans of time.”

“The last thing our companies need is a wave of employees who use logic to question orthodoxy and demand proof for dogmatic assertions,” the spokesman said. “Kansas employers are saying, ‘Give me that old time evolution. It was good enough for our mothers and it’s good enough for me’.”

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Tags: Education · Science

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