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Sharon Offers Talks on Suicide Bombing Quota

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-01-15) — Facing criticism for his move to cut contacts with the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the latest suicide attack which killed six Israelis, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today softened his rhetoric and called on newly-elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to join him in negotiations to set “appropriate limits” on suicide bombings.

Mr. Sharon even put an opening proposal on the table for a Suicide Attack Protocol which would limit Palestinian terror groups to a monthly quota of one bus explosion in a crowded marketplace and two border checkpoint bombings while negotiations continue to establish a peaceful Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel.

“We want to be good neighbors,” said Mr. Sharon, “so we need to continue to strengthen Mr. Abbas’ hand in dealing with the terror groups who helped to elect him. We understand that going ‘cold turkey’ on terrorism would be tough for these groups so, as a confidence-building measure in our negotiations, we’re proposing reasonable limits on Israeli civilian death and dismemberment.”

Mr. Abbas, who was sworn-in today as president of the Palestinian Authority, said he would “consider Mr. Sharon’s proposal after asking WWYD — What Would Yassir Do?”

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  • 1 Friends of Micronesia // Jan 18, 2005 at 11:15 am

    Who says Sharon won’t compromise

    Scott Ott at Scrappleface is “reporting” that: “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today softened his rhetoric and called on newly-elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to join him in negotiations to set “appropriate limits” on suicide bombings…”We wa…