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$5,200: ScrappleFace Readers Keep Giving
as Tsunami Death Toll Climbs Past 100,000

by Scott Ott · No Comments


As of 8:45 p.m., December 29, ScrappleFace readers had used a PayPal link to contribute $5,200, up $2,119 from earlier in the day, to disaster relief for the victims of the earthquake/tsunami in South Asia. This total doesn’t count contributions mailed by check, or made by credit card through aid agency sites.

NEW TOTAL: As of 2 p.m., December 30, PayPal contributions through the Bible Fellowship Church Board of Missions reached $7,700.

UPDATE: Just received a note from a ScrappleFace reader who said she had just mailed a check for $1,000 to SBC Disaster Relief. (Box 6767, Richmond, VA 23233). Note to self…sometimes God still works through snailmail. [8:15 a.m., 12/30/2004]

UPDATE II: In recent minutes, two ScrappleFace readers have reported direct-to-agency contributions totaling $150 more, including one to Samaritan’s Purse. There are likely many more. Soli Deo Gloria. [9:04 a.m., 12/30/2004]

With the death toll now placed above 100,000, please join millions of Americans in showing the love of Christ to the survivors:

PayPal contributions, collected by the Bible Fellowship Church Board of Missions, will go to an effective evangelical Christian disaster relief agency like Samaritan’s Purse or Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. This PayPal button was set up for the convenience of people who don’t want to use credit card or check to make direct payments to these agencies. More information, including a snail mail address for checks, is available here.

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 HobbsOnline // Dec 30, 2004 at 9:25 am

    Tsunami: Death Toll Hits 100,000

    The tsunami death toll in southeast Asia has topped 100,000. Scott Ott at ScrappleFace comments, “with the death toll now placed above 100,000, please join millions of Americans in showing the love of Christ to the survivors.” Donations to the…

  • 2 Pejmanesque // Dec 31, 2004 at 12:44 am


    Please do what you can to donate towards disaster relief. See the links contained in this post and see also here. Relatedly, see this post by my wonderful and stalwart friend, Emily Jones. Many thanks….

  • 3 Pejmanesque // Jan 1, 2005 at 12:54 am


    I am going to continue to leave you with some links through which you can help out the victims of the natural disasters in Asia. Be sure to check the links found in this post and check this link and…

  • 4 Pejmanesque // Jan 2, 2005 at 11:01 pm


    Once again, I want to direct people to links in order to contribute to disaster relief in southeast Asia. You can find the links at this post and you should also see here, here, here (this is an ad at…

  • 5 Pejmanesque // Jan 3, 2005 at 11:17 pm


    Once again, please give what you can for disaster relief in southeast Asia. You can find links at this post, and you can also go here, here, here (ad at the sidebar) and here. If you wish, you can also…