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Bin Laden ‘Saddened by Incivility’ of Republican Convention

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-09-02) — A spokesman for Usama bin Laden today said the revered Muslim leader was “saddened by the incivility” of the speakers at this week’s Republican National Convention.

“We’re hearing a lot of anger and bitterness,” said the unnamed al Qaeda source. “Mr. bin Laden is chagrined at the provincial thinking and partisan spirit of Vice President Cheney, Senator Zell Miller and others. It makes one want to reach out and hug them and share with them the peace we have found in Allah.”

The reclusive philanthropist, who has raised millions of dollars for Muslim causes worldwide, plans to watch tonight’s speech by President George Bush.

Mr. bin Laden is said to hold out hope that “President Bush will strike a more conciliatory, sensitive tone and paint a picture of global harmony based on our shared values.”

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  • 1 Funmurphys: the Blog // Sep 2, 2004 at 1:48 pm

    Thursday Link Fest

    Happy Birthday Brad! And good luck with your classes. Tim takes on Quixtar, again. Go Tim, go! Next destination, Barsoom (according to one of my alter egos). Iím also a big fan of the Pellucidar novels. I have to admit,…