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GOP Appeals to NJ Dems to Bring Back Torch

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2002-10-07) — After losing their Supreme Court challenge to the candidacy of former Senator Frank Lautenberg, New Jersey Republicans have decided to take their case directly to rank-and-file Democrats.
In a series of broadcast ads, the GOP urges Democrats to call on their party leaders to nominate a more entertaining candidate than the septuagenarian Lautenberg.
Here’s the text of the ads:
“New Jersey Democrats admit it: You love controversy. You love sleaze. You love slick grifters like Robert “The Torch” Torricelli. But the state Democrat party is out of touch with what you want. They’ve nominated Frank Lautenberg — an inoffensive, almost dignified man from ancient history. New Jersey Democrats you don’t want Ward Cleaver in the Senate. You want Tony Soprano. Call your Democrat party office today and demand they put The Torch back on the ballot. (Paid for by Forrester for Senate).”

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