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Kerry to Reenact Medal Tossing Protest

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-04-26) — Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry today announced he would reenact for TV cameras the historic moment when he tossed his own Vietnam war medals over the White House fence.

To add realism to the dramatization, Mr. Kerry plans to use the actual medals he received for his service in Vietnam, rather than replicas.

“I’ve carefully stored my medals all these years,” said Mr. Kerry. “I was waiting for the right moment to bring them out and show America how I actually tossed them over the White House fence to demonstrate my disgust with an administration that sent me overseas to commit war crimes. Therefore, I’m proud of my service in Vietnam, which helped to make me into the leader I am today…and the next president of the United States.”

The medal tossing scene will be part of an ABC-TV news special, sponsored by Anheuser-Busch, called “Real American Heroes.” The segment on Sen. Kerry is called “Mister Patriotic War Protestor.”

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