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Edwards Explains Patting Heads of Handicapped People

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-02-24) — Democrat presidential candidate John Edwards attempted to assauge the concerns of disability rights activists who claimed he “patted” the heads of some people in wheelchairs during a campaign rally in Rochester, New York, today.

“I meant no disrespect by patting the heads of the handicapped,” said Mr. Edwards. “I wish I could pat all of my supporters that way, but it’s harder to reach the heads of people who are standing up. I really see the heads of wheelchair-bound folks as representative of all the voter heads I would love to pat. I hope my standing supporters get some vicarious thrill from seeing me pat these low-altitude heads.”

Mr. Edwards said head patting was common in the textile mill town where he grew up.

“I have looked into the eyes of a mill worker who just lost his job,” he said. “And when I saw that desperate look, I would pat him on the head…you know, if he was sitting down, or in a wheelchair, or if I was on a platform above him. The head patting seemed to make us both feel better about him losing his job.”

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