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Dean Lands Endorsement of Sock Puppet

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2004-02-07) — Despite enduring a painful series of presidential primary poundings from Sen. John F. Kerry, former Democrat frontrunner Howard Dean today celebrated two recent successes — a windfall of cash from supporters hoping for a Dean win in Wisconsin, and a major endorsement from the former Sock Puppet.

The Sock Puppet, who has earned his living doing endorsements and writing since the collapse of, is scheduled to appear with Mr. Dean in Sheboygan on Monday to announce his support.

“I know what it’s like to spend millions on a brilliant cyber-strategy,” said Mr. Puppet, “I think Howard Dean is someone we can all relate to. Although I’m sure people will remember the Sock Puppet long after they’ve forgetten old what’s-his-name from Vermont.”

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