(2004-01-08) — U.S. President George Bush today proposed to “fully enfranchise” illegal aliens working in the United States by allowing them to vote even though they’re not citizens. Critics immediately denounced the move as a political ploy to lock up the Latino vote.
However, Mr. Bush said it’s just the next logical step following his proposal yesterday to grant working rights to people who came into the country illegally.
“Šste no es ning™n truco politico (This is not a political trick.),” said Mr. Bush during a casual walk through a Latino neighborhood in a Texas border town. “No estoy haciendo esto apenas para conseguir los votos de Latino. (I’m not doing this just to get Latino votes.)”
An unnamed senior administration official said that voting rights are important for illegal aliens since they have to pay sales tax and “America was created to combat the idea of taxation without representation.”
The official also said Mr. Bush is considering naming an illegal alien to head the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) during what Mr. Bush calls “mi segundo tÈrmino de la oficina” (my second term).
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1 PrestoPundit.com // Jan 8, 2004 at 11:48 pm
(Dallas) — U.S. President George Bush today proposed to “fully enfranchise” illegal aliens working in the United States by allowing…