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September 30, 2002

‘Let Me Post Bin Laden’s Bond,’ Says Bonior in New Book

(2002-09-23) — In his new book, With a Trusting Heart, Rep. David Bonior, D-Mich., reports his response to President Bush in late September 2001 when the chief executive asked him ‘What can I do for you?’
“When you catch this guy, Bin Laden,” Bonior said with tears in his eyes, “I would like to be the one to post his bond.”
Bonior’s book will compete in stores and on with Rudy Giuliani’s new release Leadership. Giuliani reports a similar incident with Bush, in which the former New York mayor said, “If you catch this guy, Bin Laden, I would like to be the one to execute him.”
Bonior’s work is part memoir, part management advice, part chronicle of his lifelong devotion to believing people regardless of their history of deception and betrayal.

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