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September 29, 2002

U.S. Focus on Iraq Distracts from Meat Inspection

(2002-09-29) — Several Democrat members of Congress will present a resolution this week declaring that the Bush administration’s focus on Iraq distracts the U.S. government from the key issue of national security — namely, meat inspection.
“The risk of illness or death from meat-borne pathogens is astronomical,” said a Congressional aide. “Trichinosis, salmonella, E. coli and other deadly agents must be stopped, yet the Bush administration is focused exclusively on Iraq…which doesn’t even export meat to the U.S..”
Congressional Democrats are reportedly “chagrined that the White House has no concern for protecting Americans where they live, eat and shop.”
“There’s no way we can fight a two-front war,” said the aide. “We must decide whether it’s going to be Saddam, or sirloin.”

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