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General Confesses Belief in ‘Survival of Fittest’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-10-26) — The public relations nightmare continues for the U.S. Department of Defense with the discovery of a recording of a top Pentagon official who allegedly believes that the war against terror is about “Darwinian survival of the fittest” and that Muslim terrorists are “less fit.”
The unnamed Army general can be heard on audiotape telling a group of scientists, “We must pass on our genes, and cull the weak and the defective from the species. Terrorists threaten our DNA legacy by killing indiscriminately which plays havoc with natural selection. That’s why we’re superior to them, and we must survive at their expense. If we allow them to live, the whole Darwinian scheme will collapse, as the best and brightest fall under the sword of the mentally derelict.”
This revelation comes in the wake of the scandal surrounding General William “Jerry” Boykin who has told church groups that he believes the war against terror is about good versus evil, that the real enemy is Satan and that the god of a particular Somali warlord was an “idol”. Pentagon public relations staffers are still trying to figure out why Gen. Boykin, an adherent to the Christian faith, doesn’t believe that there are other real gods who are all equal to Jesus Christ.
“Monotheists really need to be more pluralistic in their theology,” said one Pentagon PR assistant. “It’s okay to believe that Jesus is the only way, but you don’t have to be so narrow minded about it. Why can’t Islam and all the other religions be other only ways?”

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