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Entries from August 2008

RNC 2008: Yankees-Red Sox Capitalism 101

by Scott Ott · 14 Comments

ScrappleFace editor-in-chief Scott Ott interviews “a guy named Tom” in the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport who explains the difference between conservatives and liberals in economic terms with the classic Yankees-Red Sox analogy.
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
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Tags: Conventions · Politics

Audio: Prepare for ScrappleFace RNC 2008 Coverage

by Scott Ott · 15 Comments

This is a test of the ability of the vast recorditorial staff at ScrappleFace to bring you audio from the floor and the streets during the Republican National Convention from August 31-September 5. What follows is a test of the ScrappleFace broadcast system. Prepare to experience sound quality like you have not heard since [...]


Tags: Audiocast · Conventions · Politics

Buy Scott Ott Book: The New Media Frontier

by Scott Ott · 19 Comments

In an effort to ride the coattails of ScrappleFace Editor-in-Chief Scott Ott’s international fame, the editors of “The New Media Frontier: Blogging, Vlogging and Podcasting for Christ”, asked Mr. Ott to write a chapter.
While his duties overseeing the vast editorial staff at ScrappleFace, not to mention presiding over the ScrappleFace Enterprise Institute and the [...]


Tags: Non-Satire

Obama: McCain Puts Sarah Palin in 2nd Place

by Scott Ott · 68 Comments

(2008-08-29) — Sen. Barack Obama today slammed his Republic opponent John McCain as “a sexist who sees women as subordinate to men and who intentionally puts them in his shadow,” just minutes after Sen. McCain announced he had selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
“What could be more denigrating to women?” Sen. Obama [...]


Tags: Conventions · Politics

After Obama Speech, McCain Asks Terms of Peace

by Scott Ott · 45 Comments

(2008-08-29) — The morning after Sen. Barack Obama’s historic acceptance speech as the Democrat nominee for president, his Republican rival today petitioned for terms of peace.

“I plead for mercy from my clearly-superior opponent,” Sen. McCain said. “In his speech last night, Sen. Obama accomplished more than I have in my military service and Senate career [...]


Tags: Conventions · Politics

Obama: DNC Tent Big Enough for Pro-Hillary Voters

by Scott Ott · 178 Comments

(2008-08-25) — As unified Democrats unite together under one roof in Denver this week, Sen. Barack Obama reminded his united party that “our Democrat tent is big enough for all kinds of people — big enough for those who are pro-choice and pro-life, big enough for those who are pro-Obama and pro-Hillary.”
“Democrats are all about [...]


Tags: Conventions · Politics

Spurned Hillary Mulls 3rd-Party White House Bid

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

(2008-08-24) — Stung by the fact that Sen. Barack Obama neither considered her as running mate nor sought her advice on whom to choose, Sen. Hillary Clinton may take a page from Teddy Roosevelt’s playbook, and head up a third-party ticket to “teach that kid a lesson.”
In 1912 Mr. Roosevelt rejected a corrupt Republican [...]


Tags: Politics