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Entries from May 2008

UK Murders Spur Ban on Knives, Cricket Bats

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2008-05-31) — A rash of 11 recent stabbing murders in London has spurred the British Parliament this week to take up debate on a bill to extend its strict gun control laws to also ban knives and other deadly weapons such as rope and cricket bats.
The legislation would ban “switchblades, Leatherman Tools, buck knives, mutton [...]


Tags: Global News · Law

Scott McClellan Caught Up in New Deceptive Culture

by Scott Ott · 27 Comments

(2008-05-30) — Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan today admitted that his book “What Happened” is filled with un-truths, half-truths and misguided statements because he “got caught up in another culture of deception.”
“When I left the White House,” said Mr. McClellan, “I hoped to escape the world of deceit where even good people convince [...]


Tags: Business  · Culture · Media/Journalism · Politics

Second Memoir in a Week Rocks White House

by Scott Ott · 37 Comments

(2008-05-29) — A new tell-all book by President George W. Bush’s most faithful companion and confidante during his White House years reveals a picture of the president potentially even more damaging than the one in former Press Secretary Scott McClellan’s new memoir, What Happened.
According to a pre-release copy of “Down Boy: Inside the Bush Culture [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · U.S. News

McClellan: Publisher Using Me Unwittingly to Sell Books

by Scott Ott · 42 Comments

(2008-05-28) — Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, who claims in a new book that Bush administration officials used him to promote the president’s policies and to defend top officials, today said he suspects he’s being used unwittingly by his publisher to pass along information “just to sell books.”
“I’m afraid I’ve become the innocent [...]


Tags: Business  · Media/Journalism · Politics · U.S. News

Iran Making 'Wireless Atomic Energy' Not Nuke Missiles

by Scott Ott · 39 Comments

(2008-05-27) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in response to an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report accusing his government of withholding information about its nuclear program, today suggested that Iran may be pioneering development of “wireless atomic energy” that could “ultimately end dependence on oil” in some countries.
The IAEA report alleges that Iran has refused [...]


Tags: Global News

Hillary Lists Non-Assassination Reasons to Keep Running

by Scott Ott · 24 Comments

(2008-05-26) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, in a further attempt to distance herself from her recent remarks about Robert F. Kennedy’s White House bid, released a list of other circumstances that provide the rationale for her staying in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination.

Handed to reporters aboard her campaign’s flagship Toyota Prius, the list of [...]


Tags: Politics

We Left Our Youth on the Beach

by Scott Ott · 7 Comments

Scott Ott, editor of, also writes columns at Below is an excerpt of his latest, and a link to read more.
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A World War II veteran, closer now to 90 years than 80, told me he once had a dream that he died and [...]


Tags: Non-Satire