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Entries from March 2008

Hillary Clinton Quits White House Race, Endorses Prozac

by Scott Ott · 46 Comments

(2008-03-31) — Ending weeks of speculation, Sen. Hillary Clinton today pulled out of the race for the Democrat presidential nomination, and announced she would endorse Prozac, a prescription drug used to combat depression and obsessive compulsive disorder among other conditions.
The New York senator, who launched her White House bid claiming that she didn’t want to [...]


Tags: Politics

Obama to Disown Pastor If Hillary Dumps Bill

by Scott Ott · 107 Comments

(2008-03-27) — Sen. Barack Obama, the Democrat presidential front runner, today reiterated his intention to stand by his controversial pastor despite his presidential rival’s remarks that she would have left the church where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright preached racially-charged, anti-American messages.
“I could no more disown my hateful, racist, self-aggrandizing, crazy uncle of a pastor,” said [...]


Tags: Politics

Gov. Paterson Admits to Dope, Coke, Grassy Knoll Shots

by Scott Ott · 72 Comments

(2008-03-25) — New York Gov. David Paterson, who replaced disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer this month, today added to his previous revelations of marital infidelity, and marijuana and cocaine use, by claiming that he has also sniffed glue, tagged subway cars with graffiti, bet on dog fights, driven with his seatbelt unbuckled while talking on [...]


Tags: Law · Politics

CDC: Abstinence Prevents Some News Conferences

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2008-03-25) — In a week when 76 Democrat lawmakers sent a letter to a House panel urging an end to federal funding for abstinence-education programs, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that abstinence not only prevents pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases, but it can also radically reduce abortions and some types [...]


Tags: Medicine · Politics · U.S. News

Hillary Defends Against 'Swiftboating' on Bosnia

by Scott Ott · 27 Comments

(2008-03-25) — After a CBS News video appeared on YouTube contradicting former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s account of her 1996 landing in Bosnia “under sniper fire”, a spokesman for Sen. Clinton’s presidential campaign said unnamed critics were trying to “swiftboat” her “in a fashion reminiscent of what they did to John Kerry in 2004.” [Click [...]


Tags: Politics · Video

Rev. Wright Apologizes to Rich, White 'Jesus Killers'

by Scott Ott · 93 Comments

(2008-03-21) — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, today attempted to quell the furor over his racially-charged preaching by apologizing to “rich, white people”, whom he had blamed for killing Jesus, and noting that “if Jesus was a poor, black man, then so was his betrayer, Judas Iscariot, as well as the poor, black Jewish mob that [...]


Tags: Politics · Theology

NY Times to Break Non-Racial Story about Obama

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2008-03-21) — Unnamed sources at The New York Times said today that the paper is about to break what could be its first major story about Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama that has nothing to do with race or racism.
If true, an expert at the Columbia School of Journalism said, the Times would be [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics