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Entries from September 2007

‘Darth’ Cheney to Hillary: ‘I Am Your Father’

by Scott Ott · 80 Comments

(2007-09-20) — Vice President Dick Cheney, responding to Sen. Hillary Clinton’s reference to him as “Darth Vader,” this morning addressed the Democrat presidential hopeful saying: “Hillary, I am your father.”
“Before I turned to what you call ‘the dark side’,” Mr. Cheney explained, “I was once like you, Sen. Clinton. I had hopes and dreams that […]

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Tags: Politics

Ahmadinejad to Visit Ground Zero, Or Vice Versa

by Scott Ott · 48 Comments

(2007-09-19) — President George Bush today said he would consider “alternative means” to accommodate a request by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit ‘Ground Zero‘, the former site of the World Trade Center towers, during his trip to the United Nations next week.
“You know the old expression,” Mr. Bush said. “If Mahmoud can’t come to […]

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Tags: Global News

Kerry Recovers After Tasered Student Rescue

by Scott Ott · 31 Comments

(2007-09-19) — Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, today says he believes that he has fully recovered from any injuries he may have sustained during his attempted rescue of a University of Florida student who was Tasered by police during the senator’s speech at the school earlier this week.
Although the former presidential candidate’s initial statements indicated he […]

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Tags: Education · Politics

New Lack of Evidence Boosts Certainty of Darwinism

by Scott Ott · 75 Comments

(2007-09-18) — Recent discoveries indicating no direct line of descent from ape-like creatures to modern man have further bolstered anthropologists’ belief that Darwin’s theory of descent-with-modification by natural selection must certainly account for the rise of Homo sapiens.
New research on a pair of recently-unearthed African skulls shows that Homo habilis and Homo erectus most likely […]

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Tags: Science

Smiley Emoticon at 25: Still at Home with Parenthesis

by Scott Ott · 15 Comments

(2007-09-18) — Although the world marks his 25th birthday this week, Smiley Emoticon, the famed herald of humor, may find it hard to celebrate.
Still at home with parenthesis, recuperating from an undisclosed colon procedure, the once-dashing Mr. Emoticon has seen his career overtaken by younger, more graphic comic figures.
“People used to depend […]

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Tags: Culture

Kerry Says Tasered Student ‘Seared’ in His Memory

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

(2007-09-18) — Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, said today that a University of Florida student who was Tasered after cursing police while resisting arrest during a Kerry speech is “seared…seared in my memory.”
Florida student Andrew Meyer, 21, drew police attention during a Q&A session by vigorously filibustering Sen. Kerry, verbally attacking him for his failure to […]

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Tags: Law · Politics

Civil Rights Risk: U.S. Eavesdrops on Chinese, Russian Spies

by Scott Ott · 16 Comments

(2007-09-18) — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) today raised the specter of a new wave of civil rights abuses by the U.S. intelligence community, which the ACLU accused of eavesdropping on the private communications of Chinese and Russian spies.
The charge comes after national intelligence director Mike McConnell revealed that espionage activity by China and […]

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Tags: Global News

Hillary Promises: No New Health Bureaucracy, Just New Bureaucrats

by Scott Ott · 12 Comments

(2007-09-18) — Under the broad outlines of her new universal health care proposal, Sen. Hillary Clinton today reassured Americans that her plan calls for “no new bureaucracy,” just new bureaucrats.
“Read my lips: No new bureaucracy,” said Sen. Clinton to a cheering crowd of uninsured part-time Wal-Mart employees at a union organizing rally for undocumented […]

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Tags: Business · Medicine · Politics

Hillary Plan Mandates Coverage, Abortion, Euthanasia

by Scott Ott · 35 Comments

(2007-09-17) — After a disastrous foray into health policy-making during her years as First Lady, Sen. Hillary Clinton has learned from her mistakes, and today will unveil a universal health care plan that avoids the complexity of her earlier effort.
At the heart of the Democrat presidential candidate’s new “American Health Choices Plan” are three simple […]

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Tags: Medicine · Politics · U.S. News

Tutu: Poverty Makes Muslims Hate Jews, Explode

by Scott Ott · 14 Comments

(2007-09-17) — Nobel laureate Bishop Desmond Tutu told CNN this week that the disparity between rich and poor causes terrorism, and that “unless the problem of poverty, or the problem of wealth, is solved, poor men will continue to hate Jews, strap bombs to their bellies and yearn to indiscriminately slaughter others while shouting […]

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Tags: Global News · Theology