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Entries from March 2007

Bill Hits Hillary's Fundraising Goal, Earns Pink Cadillac

by Scott Ott · 32 Comments

(2007-03-31) — As Democrat strategists marvel at how eagerly former President Bill Clinton has leaped into raising money for wife Hillary’s presidential bid, a campaign insider today revealed that Sen. Clinton has established a series of incentives to reward her husband’s success.
As a result of hitting his goals in the month of March, Mr. Clinton [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Rudy’s Ex-Wives Demand Cabinet Visitation Rights

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2007-03-30) — Upon hearing that Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani would permit his wife to sit in on White House cabinet meetings, attorneys for the former New York mayor’s two previous wives immediately filed suit demanding separate but equal cabinet visitation rights.
In a prerecorded TV interview with Barbara Walters scheduled to air Friday night, Mr. [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Saudi King Slams U.S. Occupation as 'Medieval Relic'

by Scott Ott · 31 Comments

(2007-03-30) — Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, addressing an Arab summit in Riyadh yesterday, called the U.S. occupation of Iraq “illegitimate…a relic of medieval times when unelected monarchs ruled their vassals by decree.”
“How is the U.S. occupation of Iraq any different from feudalism?” King Abdullah asked rhetorically. “The Iraqi people did not elect George Bush. He [...]


Tags: Global News

Sampson Nearly Suggests Rove Almost Did Something

by Scott Ott · 12 Comments

(2007-03-30) — During seven hours of questioning before a senate panel yesterday D. Kyle Sampson, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, nearly suggested that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove almost did something that could, under the right series of circumstances, be perceived by marginally-informed outsiders as unethical.
The hearing [...]


Tags: Law · Politics · U.S. News

British Hostage Admits She Was Invading Iran

by Scott Ott · 42 Comments

(2007-03-29) — Faye Turney, one of 15 British sailors and marines held hostage by Iran, confessed today that her group had not accidentally strayed into Iranian waters, as she had previously admitted, but were actually mounting an invasion of the Islamic Republic.
“On direct orders from Prime Minister Tony Blair,” said Ms. Turney, “my mates and [...]


Tags: Global News

Democrat Bill Creates National Redeployment Holiday

by Scott Ott · 44 Comments

(2007-03-29) — Another little-heralded provision of the Iraq pull-out timeline bill would create a national holiday marking what Democrats said could be the “the greatest U.S. military achievement of the 21st century so far.”
Redeployment Day, the Monday after March 15 each year, will celebrate “the courage of Congressional leaders who answered their country’s call to [...]


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Democrat Iraq Bill Brings 'Green Zones' to the Homeland

by Scott Ott · 8 Comments

(2007-03-29) — A little-known provision of the $124 billion Iraq redeployment time-line bill, passed by Congress this week, would bring the 'Green Zone' concept home to major American cities as U.S. troops pull out of Iraq.
The idea for setting up heavily-fortified security perimeters in New York, Washington D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Houston and [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics · U.S. News