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Entries from July 2006

Mel Gibson Previews New ‘Dead Language’ Film

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-07-29) — Police in Malibu, California, got a rare treat this week when they encountered Passion of the Christ producer-director Mel Gibson as he prepared for his next ‘dead language’ film.


Tags: Law · Media/Journalism · U.S. News

Dems ‘New Direction’ Sharp Break with Past Policies

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2006-07-28) — For the second month in a row, Democrats released their visionary plan to take Congress back in 2006 and win the White House in 2008. The ‘New Direction for America‘ represents a sharp break with the party’s past, according to strategists who requested that their party affiliation remain confidential.


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Bush Finally Speaks Out on Israeli Aggression

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2007-07-27) — In an effort to halt his slide in global popularity polls, President George Bush today finally spoke out on Israeli aggression in the current battle against Hezbollah along its border with Lebanon.


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Hillary: ‘American Dream’ Plan Spells Dem Victory

by Scott Ott · 1 Comment

(2006-07-25) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, the presumptive 2008 Democrat presidential nominee, yesterday retooled her husband’s successful campaign slogan — ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’ — as she released the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC) strategy to win the next two national elections.


Tags: Politics · U.S. News

Bush Sends Kerry to Solve Israel-Hezbollah War

by Scott Ott · 10 Comments

(2006-07-24) — After learning that the battle between Israel and Hezbollah could have been prevented if Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, had been the U.S. Commander in Chief, President George Bush today dispatched Sen. Kerry to the war-torn region to “get this thing solved.”


Tags: Global News · Politics

Apple Braces for Launch of Windows ME2Pod

by Scott Ott · 5 Comments

(2006-07-22) — Apple Computer executives scrambled yesterday to put the best spin on devastating news that arch rival Microsoft will soon launch a competitor to the iPod, tentatively dubbed Windows ME2Pod.


Tags: Technology

Bush Veto Kills Hopes for Lawmaker Spinal Cure

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-07-20) — President George Bush yesterday vetoed legislation that would have provided more taxpayer funding for embryonic stem cell research that is virtually guaranteed to cure cancer, make the lame walk, the blind see and, many believe, could heal a spinal malady that disproportionately afflicts lawmakers.


Tags: Medicine · Politics