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Entries from June 2006

Bush Sets Aside Supreme Court Tribunal Ruling

by Scott Ott · 1 Comment

(2006-06-30) — Just a day after the Supreme Court issued a stinging rebuke to the Bush administration over its use of military tribunals for terror suspects, President George Bush announced today that he had set aside the high court’s decision.


Tags: Law · U.S. News

D.C. Metro to Get Spanish Signs, New Train to Mexico

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-06-25) — Officials at the Washington D.C. Metrorail system plan to meet the needs of a growing number of undocumented commuters by installing Spanish-language signs that would direct monolingual aliens to board a new one-way train to Mexico City.


Tags: Culture · U.S. News

NY Times Program Expands Executive Editor Authority

by Scott Ott · 6 Comments

(2006-06-24) — A secret New York Times program for fighting ‘the war on the war on terror’ represents a “radical expansion of executive editor authority” according to a legal analyst who studied the parameters of the “intel sifting and sharing program” that the Times uses to disseminate U.S. national security information to international terror groups.


Tags: U.S. News

New York Times Secretly Sifting CIA Data

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2006-06-23) — Under a secret program launched in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks, which killed 3,000 people on American soil, The New York Times gained access to private information from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and disseminated it periodically on paper and electronically to al Qaeda and other terror organizations.


Tags: U.S. News

Gates to Focus on Charity, Apple Cures AIDS

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2006-06-16) — Just a day after Microsoft founder Bill Gates said he would begin stepping back from day-to-day operations at the software giant to focus on his philanthropic work, Apple CEO Steve Jobs told a spellbound crowd that he had developed the cure for AIDS, and expects to ship the cure for cancer in the fourth quarter of 2006.


Tags: Audiocast · Technology

Kennedy: Vote Shows 93 Senators Out of Mainstream

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2006-06-15) — After the Senate voted 93-6 today against setting a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq, Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy held a news conference to announce that his 93 colleagues are “clearly out of the mainstream of American opinion.”


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Rove Cleared, Zarqawi Dead, GOP Doomed

by Scott Ott · 12 Comments

(2006-06-13) — Republican electoral prospects in November appeared bleaker than ever this week after U.S. forces allowed al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to die in their custody and President George Bush’s close friend and adviser Karl Rove fanned the flames of conspiracy theories by preventing a special prosecutor from charging him with any wrongdoing in the CIA leak investigation.


Tags: Audiocast · Politics · U.S. News