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Entries from May 2005

De Villepin Unveils Revised E.U. Constitution

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-31) — Just hours after French President Jacques Chirac appointed him prime minister, former Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin (who is a man), unveiled his plan to rally the French people behind a revised version of the European Union constitution, which French voters rejected this weekend.
Mr. de Villepin, who won the hearts and minds of [...]


Tags: Global News

U.S. Blamed for Koran Harm in WTC Collapse

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-27) — Muslims in Pakistan and Afghanistan rioted today in response to new reports that copies of the Koran were desecrated when two American buildings collapsed after being struck by American airplanes in September of 2001.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) revealed that fragments of the burned and soiled Korans were discovered in the ruins [...]


Tags: Global News

McCain Offers iPod to Dems Who Vote for Bolton

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-27) — As Democrats celebrated the new civility in the Senate by launching a friendly filibuster against John Bolton’s nomination as U.N. Ambassador, Sen. John McCain, M-AZ, worked late into the night to strike a deal with his 13 colleagues in the bipartisan progressive coalition (BPC), offering a free iPod Shuffle to any Democrat who [...]


Tags: Politics

McCain Deal Confirms Bolton, Rejects Mustache

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-26) — Senator John McCain, M-AZ, today announced an 11th hour compromise which could lead to a vote approving John Bolton as United Nations Ambassador, but rejecting his prodigious mustache.
The Arizona maverick, a 2008 presidential hopeful, said the compromise should make Mr. Bolton less intimidating and therefore more palatable to his Democrat colleagues.
“Our bipartisan progressive [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Pentagon Recalls Koran-Flushing Toilet

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-26) — In response to appeals from consumer advocate Ralph Nader, the Pentagon today recalled thousands of military toilets because they may be powerful enough to flush a copy of the Koran.
“If that toilet generates enough force to take down a book of several hundred pages,” said Mr. Nader, “then it poses a clear and [...]


Tags: U.S. News

New McCain Deal Protects Democrat Electoral Rights

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-25) — Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, who earlier this week brokered a deal over judicial nominees to protect the rights of Democrats in the Senate, today announced a compromise with DNC Chairman Howard Dean which would effectively give Democrats the White House for three of the next five presidential terms.
“The purpose of elections is to [...]


Tags: Politics

Deal Preserves Constitutional Superduper Majority

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-05-24) — A bipartisan group of 14 moderate Senators last night struck a deal to preserve the Constitutional requirement of a ’superduper majority’ for confirmation of judicial appointees by ensuring that any future nominee must meet the approval of 87 percent of the Senate.
As part of the deal, three of President Bush’s nominees will receive [...]


Tags: Politics